Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 618: Ascend the world

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Dongfang Sheng stood up for the fourth time!

Among the candidates in this session, perception is ranked fourth.

The big men of all major forces were shocked again, causing a lot of uproar, and many people did not know Dongfang Sheng.

Before the Tianmen exam, there was no news about him at all?

"This man is wearing a blue military robe and carrying an ancient sword. This is the costume of the disciple of the Sword Sect!" Said an old man.

The eyes of the Sixth Sect Master of Wanjian Palace sank slightly, and said, "I did not expect that Fenjian Sect still hid such a powerful Tianjiao, no wonder the wooden Sovereign would be so confident!"

Mu Zongzhu laughed: "Actually, we burned sword sects at the same time to find two geniuses that are rare for 8000 years. They are twins, but born twin wizards. My brother is Dongfangbi and my brother is Dongfangsheng. If they join forces , The combat power can be multiplied several times, I am afraid that even the Crown Prince is not their opponent. "

Mu Zong's face became cold and said, "It's just a pity that his talent is high and he is jealous. When the Eastern Wall was hit by the retreat and killed by the killer, a generation of heroes fell down. Hum! It's abominable. If I were to find the employer who bought the murderer, I would have broken it into pieces. "

Mu Zongzhu's eyes glanced at several big men in Wan Jianzong and Wang Sunfu, and they felt that the two were the most suspect.

Needless to say, the Wanjian Palace fought the Sword Sect for thousands of years. The two sides are rivals, and it is entirely possible to buy murder.

As for Wang Sunfu's suspicion, Dongfangbi and Dongfangsheng once teamed up with the Emperor Prince in secret.

In that battle, the Eastern Wall and the Eastern Victory had not yet broken into the realm of heaven and humanity, naturally they were defeated in the hands of the emperor.

However, once their brother breaks through the heaven and earth, the emperor may not be able to defeat them, and may even be defeated in the hands of their brother.

Therefore, it is entirely possible that the emperor could see them as a threat and buy one out of them.

As long as their two brothers die, it will be difficult to become a climate.

There was no threat to the emperor.

Even if the emperor does not buy the murderer himself, the high-level officials of the Wang Sun House will buy the killer at a high price for the sake of insurance, helping the emperor clear all obstacles on the road!

Therefore, both Wanjian Palace and Wang Sunfu are suspected.

Fortunately, Dongfang Sheng survived. With his rare talent for eight thousand years, his future achievements may not be lost to the crown prince and the emperor.

That's why the Burning Sect is so confident!

"This time, we burn the sword sect, we still want to overwhelm your Wanjian Palace. Alas! Dongfang Sheng's understanding is ranked fourth, which is the best proof, and still completely surpasses Luo Wu." Mu Zongzhu sneered.

The master of the Sixth Palace only snorted and laughed, "Is that right? Then you need to see clearly, but we have two geniuses in Wanjian Palace who don't need the East to win?"

Mu Zong's face changed slightly, and he looked toward the direction of Tianmen. Sure enough, Luo Luo and Ning Xiaochuan stood up at the same time. It was just a few breaths slower than Dongfang Sheng.

"Wanjian Palace actually had two top ten perceptions, which is amazing!" Said a woman wearing a white robe, with white skin and elegant temperament.

She is the Princess Huanhua of the Tianshu Grand Empire and the half-sister of the Emperor Prince. She took the Tianmen exam a hundred years ago and achieved the fifth-best grade.

Now, Princess Huanhua is the high-ranking of Wang Sunfu's mansion. The repair is unfathomable, but she still looks like a 28-year-old girl, giving a feeling of grace and luxury!

Mu Zong's face was also not good-looking, saying: "The young man standing next to Luo Wu is the talented mind master disciple received by Master Mu Lan! Sure enough, the martial arts understanding can even compete with the top talents who specialize in cultivation. . "

"Master Mulan's disciple!" The eyes of Princess Huanhua and the big men of all the forces lit up, stared at Ning Xiaochuan, and looked at the young man carefully.

Perception can actually be ranked in the top ten, and it is indeed called a genius mind trainer who is hard to come by for many years.

Really has the talent of young Shennong!

Many people have moved their minds to attract Ning Xiaochuan. Not only is Master Mu Lan's only disciple, but also his future achievements are not trivial.

If Ning Xiaochuan really becomes a Shennong, he can help people change their lives and rise back to life, and many big men will surely ask him.

Below the Tianmen, seven people stood up one after another, namely: Nie Lanxin, Dongfang Sheng, Luo Wu, Ning Xiaochuan, Li Tian, ​​Jinling, and Zi Hanyan.

When Zi Hanyan stood up, he caused a lot of sensation. Because, she is also a disciple of Wanjian Palace.

In the top ten perceptions, Wanjian Palace occupied three people, and Wang Sunfu also occupied three people.

Of course, it is not excluded that there are still people who hide their understanding.

They may have already penetrated the law of imprisonment above the heavenly gate, but they still pretend to be enlightened, and do not want to be in the limelight too early and be warned. Hide your strength first, wait until the back suddenly burst out, and reach a blockbuster effect!

The time for the seven of them to understand the law of imprisonment was similar, and the biggest gap was not more than a quarter of an hour, which was unprecedented!

Nie Lanxin glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, thinking of what Nie Lanzhi had said to her, with an intriguing look in her eyes, she laughed: "Brother Ning, long time no see?"

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly, not expecting that Nie Lanxin took the initiative to say hello to him, completely beyond his expectation.

Suddenly, he thought of what Nie Lanzhi had said to him. Did she really like me deep inside?

As soon as this idea appeared, Ning Xiaochuan immediately shook his head and glanced at Nie Lanxin, saying, "Lan Xianzi, it's really been a long time since I've been here! During the Tianmen exam, why not discuss it?"

"That's what I meant. I haven't seen you for a long time, but I miss you so much. It's just that the beauty around you is like a cloud, I'm afraid I've forgotten my acquaintance!" .

Luo Wu once discussed with Nie Lanxin. Naturally, she knew that Nie Lanxin was powerful and talented, but she did not expect that Nie Lanxin and Ning Xiaochuan had the same old knowledge.

Zi Hanyan's heart was also very surprised. The dialogue between Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Lanxin just hidden mystery, it seems that the relationship is extraordinary.

Dongfang Sheng's heart is even more unpleasant. Previously, when he saw Nie Lanxin, he felt admired like he saw a fairy descending from him, so he greeted her, but Nie Lanxin was cold to him, without a word. return.

At this moment, Nie Lanxin took the initiative to speak with Ning Xiaochuan, and was rather ambiguous.

He naturally became hostile to Ning Xiaochuan, but the hostility was hidden in his heart and did not show up.

"The lord said that Ning Xiaochuan is likely to have been ranked as the top three, and asked me to find a chance to remove him during the Tianmen exam. I thought this boy was nothing great, but he did not expect his beauty. Blessed is not shallow First of all, to show love to the dancing fairy, high-end and the old fairy, this is to want to catch the two fairy of the Tiandi Mountain? Oh! Unfortunately, there is Yan. Blessing, but no life enjoyment. "Oriental Sheng's heart secretly resolved that Ning Xiaochuan must be eliminated.

Dongfang Sheng originally only had a good opinion of Nie Lanxin, but after the emergence of Ning Xiaochuan's variable, he instead aroused his possessiveness and decided to obtain Nie Lanxin.

Zi Hanyan did not like Nie Lanxin and said, "We still enter Tianmen soon. The Tianmen exam has just begun, and the real confrontation is next!"

Luo Wu nodded and said, "I have taken down the martial arts marks of the two of you. After entering Tianmen, I will find you as quickly as possible."

After saying this, Luo Wu stepped into the light door first and disappeared into the white light.

Subsequently, Ning Xiaochuan, Zi Hanyan, Nie Lanxin, Dongfang Sheng, Li Tian, ​​and Jinling also all entered Tianmen.

Ning Xiaochuan stepped into the white light door, and felt that the entire space began to spin in a spiral, a force of terror was pulling his body, as if to drag him into the bottomless abyss!

Originally, Zi Hanyan and Ning Xiaochuan were very close, but under the pull of that force, the two flew out in two different directions.

When Ning Xiaochuan stepped out of the white light gate, he was already standing on a black ground, looking at it, empty and boundless, all he saw was dense towering ancient trees, forming a vast and wild world. !!

A fierce hurricane blew, with a primitive and ancient atmosphere, almost blowing Ning Xiaochuan out.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced behind him, the light gate had disappeared.

Behind it, there is also a vast forest, covered with ancient coniferous pines, like an endless forest of seas!

Ning Xiaochuan sent out his mind, but found that his mind was severely suppressed, and he could only cover the area within 100 meters.

Farther away, the mind became blurred.

Under such circumstances, the mind is not yet ready for the naked eye.

"With the intensity of my mind being suppressed to this extent, other monks are likely to be suppressed even more." Ning Xiaochuan looked around and did not find the traces of purple smoke and Luowu, even Wuhun The breath of the mark is very weak, and can only lock the approximate position.

"They should have been teleported to a place far away from me, at least thousands of miles away. It seems that the sky-bound world is very wide and the territory is infinite, far beyond my expectations!"

Ning Xiaochuan is not in a hurry to set off right away, because he now has a problem!

No one told him in which direction was the other end of Tianmen?

For him, four directions, east, south, west, and north, are possible, and they may even be at the center of the ascending world.

"Well! Entering Tianmen, the test is perception. Looking for the other end of Tianmen, the test should be the wisdom of the candidate, it is indeed the" Tianmen Examination ", each ability is so strict. Those who can pass the Tianmen Examination Definitely all geniuses. "

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