Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 623: Stormy

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Tiandi replied: "It is because Guiren Mountain hides the terrible and dangerous danger, so I will hide those good things here, so I can be foolproof! Haha!"

"Since there is an unforeseen danger in Guiren Mountain, how dare you hide the treasure here?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Don't be afraid! Although it is said to be hidden danger, but the great disciples of Heaven Emperor had sealed many places of Guiren Mountain at that time. Therefore, in general, Guiren Mountain is still relatively safe."

Ning Xiaochuan and Tiandishan communicated with each other with heart and soul.

Therefore, in Xiao Dao's opinion, Ning Xiaochuan stopped suddenly, and then he was motionless, as if he had been fixed by a person!

"Grandpa said, Guiren Mountain is very evil. Sure enough, the villain Ning has already been evil before he entered the mountain. Such a good opportunity, isn't it open?"

The little radish wanted to escape lightly, and after walking more than ten steps, he found that he was tied to a dragon rope.

So she turned back.

Climbing carefully to Ning Xiaochuan's wrist, intending to untie the dragon's cord, but she just started, but found that Ning Xiaochuan was staring at her.

Ning Xiaochuan is "live" again!

Xiao Radish's heart jumped, his hands stopped immediately, and he smiled stiffly, "Hey! Are you awake?"

"What are you doing?" Ning Xiaochuan said a little badly.

"No ... nothing! I saw that the rope was loose, and I tied it a little tighter." The radish turned around immediately, spit out his small tongue against Ning Xiaochuan with his back, and jumped into it, stepping Going forward with the leaves.

"I won't go into the mountain today!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Ah! Why not go into the mountain?"

Xiao radish's heart was anxious. Did Mr. Ning have found something wrong? It's over, it's over, Ning's mind is so deep, it must have been discovered, this time it's really over! He must peel me, he must eat me as a radish!

Ning Xiaochuan has learned from the Heavenly Emperor Blade that in the early morning, it is the best time to enter Guiren Mountain and the least danger is encountered. At night, don't enter Guiren Mountain, or even heaven and earth will die.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan planned to stay overnight outside the mountain first, and waited into the mountain early tomorrow morning.

At this moment, it was noon, the sun was hot and the weather was hot.

Ning Xiaochuan sat under a big tree and began to comprehend the Book of Heaven and Earth.

The practice of "Tiandi Jing" is only the third step to the level of the heavenly ladder, and even the "Budo style body" has not been cultivated, so Ning Xiaochuan spends more time.

The six-armed tyrannosaurus and the five-headed mystic beast in the mysterious beast book were all arranged by Ning Xiaochuan to look for mysterious medicine and natural treasures.

There are many precious high-class mysterious herbs in the world of Dengtian, which are hard to find elsewhere. Ascending the world, it only opened once in a hundred years. After entering this time, there may not be a chance to get in in the future. You can collect more mysterious medicine, and naturally you cannot waste this opportunity.

Besides, Ning Xiaochuan has just reached the realm of Da Yang Xin Shi and needs a lot of mysterious medicine to upgrade the grade of Xuan Shui!

"Sister Ning, You Ning, you know how to bully a little girl. I am so cute, so cute, so cute ... Ah! Crazy! If you see Grandpa, I will definitely let Grandpa make you follow me The same size, how else do you bully me? "

The small radish sat on the root of a tree that emerged from the dirt, biting his teeth and scolding Ning Xiaochuan.

Suddenly, a cold murderous gas swept over and almost blown her out. Immediately, she grasped the root of the tree with both hands and looked up.

I do not know when, three people actually appeared in front.

All three wore blue military robes, two men and one woman, carrying ancient swords, exuding an unusually strong breath.

Ning Xiaochuan also stopped practicing at this moment, opened his eyes, looked at the three people in front, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "Members of the Sword Sect?"

All three are sword repairers, and they wear uniform martial arts robes and carry a uniform eight-pin Xuanqi-level war sword, which is the hallmark of the Sword Sect.

"Burning sword sect, Lie Yunlong." A strong man said rudely.

"Fen Jianzong, Xie Yihan," said a young woman of medium build.

"Burning sword sect, Yun Ji," said a young man who looked quite chic.

They are the top masters of the young generation of the Burning Sect. They have the fifth step of the cultivation of the ladder, and they carry the spirit of martial arts with every move.

In particular, the man named Yun Ji felt very dangerous. He was definitely not an ordinary fifth step ladder warrior and he was very strong.

Ning Xiaochuan has already felt the murderousness of them, and he is not shocked: "The Sword Emperor paid so much attention to me and dispatched three masters of the fifth step ladder, only to kill a mind trainer in the third step ladder. Wouldn't it be too trivial? "

Yun Ji held a folding fan in his hand, which was quite romantic and laughed: "Ning Xiaochuan, Xiu hasn't experienced anything to reach our realm? The more you experience, the more you should understand a truth, ten million Don't despise any enemy. Once you are determined to kill someone, you must go all out. If you have the highest realm of respect, then we will send the ninth most powerful person to kill you. You With the ninth most important realm, we will send someone on the fifth step to kill you. "

"Like you, those who have the third step to repair the ladder should have sent the existence of heaven and human to kill you in order to achieve the lore. However, Brother Dongfang is still on the way, only let us Do it for you! "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said: "This should be the case. If you kill a person with the highest priority and only send the person with the second highest priority to kill, then what is the killing? It is simply sent to a sparring Master. "

Ning Xiaochuan noticed the folding fan in Yun Ji's hand, which is a fan only for members of Wanjian Palace, and also a symbol of Wanjian Palace members.

How could he have one in his hand?

It seems that members of Wanjian Palace have been killed by them.

Yun Ji took the folding fan out and used it, telling Ning Xiaochuan blatantly that the members of your Wanjian Palace were just our prey.

"Well! However, under normal circumstances, a mind trainer in the third step ladder encounters a warrior in the fourth step ladder, that is the end of death!" Yun Ji laughed.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Yeah! What's more, you are still three sword repairs in the fifth step of the ladder, even if you meet ordinary people, you can fight one another."

"You're wrong, it's not just three sword repairs on the fifth step ladder." There was a long howling in the woods.

Another master came.

Not long after, four more people arrived, wearing gorgeous robes, riding four heads and nine grades of mysterious beasts, and sealed Ning Xiaochuan in all four directions.

Two men and two women, the men are very handsome, the women are particularly beautiful.

They have an aristocratic temperament on their bodies, and their eyes are extraordinarily arrogant, and they consider themselves superior. To them, Ning Xiaochuan is like a maggot!

Ning Xiaochuan knew one of the women and met her.

She is friends with Lu Ren and Jin Wuxu, who are obviously from Wang Sunfu.

"The members of Wang Sunfu actually arrived." Ning Xiaochuan was still calm, without the slightest confusion.

A man sitting on the back of a white-scale bi-winged cow hummed coldly, "You have won so many treasures in our Wang Sun Mansion, and thought that if you gave all the treasures to the dancing fairy, would you be able to survive?"

Ning Xiaochuan was also more lazy and said, "Which other people, since they have arrived, haven't shown up yet?"

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Sure enough, after Ning Xiaochuan's words fell, three more masters of the younger generation came out. They came from different forces and did not stand together.

Ning Xiaochuan has never seen these three men, and has no impression at all, but can feel that their strength is not weaker than that of Wang Sunfu and Fenjianzong.

Xiao Radish was stunned, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, what did you do that hurts you? Why did you offend so many people?"

Ning Xiaochuan was also very helpless. He had already been low-key, but he still caused countless enemies, and all parties would kill him.

He didn't dare to imagine that if his talent was fully exposed, he would probably become the enemy of the world.

Many people are jealous of rich people, but rich people are the easiest to be kidnapped.

Many people envy geniuses, but geniuses are the easiest to be jealous.

At this moment, there are already ten young generation of top masters trapping Ning Xiaochuan, and the minimum step is the fourth step.

You know, they are not ordinary monks. They are talented young overlords. One can fight several monks in the same realm.

In other words, their fighting power is comparable to dozens of monks in the fifth step ladder.

Such a strong lineup, if they cooperate with each other, is enough to join forces to kill Heaven.

Among them are two monks, who laid out the imprisonment array and imprisoned the surrounding space. Ning Xiaochuan would not be allowed to escape.

Ning Xiaochuan still sat under the tree and said, "I'm curious about a problem. The world is so huge. How did you know my whereabouts? And, you found me at the same time. Even if you want to kill me, let me Do you understand? "

Yun Ji closed the fan and laughed: "Ning Xiaochuan, your whereabouts have been exposed two days ago, Brother Dongfang has let go, and anyone who can take your first class can get a nine-pin mystery. Moreover, we already know that you have been ranked among the top three, so no one will let you out of the heavens alive. "

"Dongfang Sheng? I have such a big hatred with him?" Ning Xiaochuan felt a little inexplicable.

Besides, he didn't have any intersection with Dongfang Sheng, how did he know his whereabouts?

Ning Xiaochuan always felt that there was another person's shadow behind Dongfang Sheng, if it was not Luo Wu, it was Nie Lanxin.

Only Luo Wu remembered his mark of martial arts soul and could sense his position.

Moreover, others have already found Ning Xiaochuan, but Luo Wu has not appeared for a long time. This is quite abnormal!

However, the probability that Luo Wu wants to harm Ning Xiaochuan is not large, but Nie Lanxin is more likely.

The ghost of Queen Wanyin's last generation has always been with Ning Xiaochuan. For Nie Lanxin, this is a huge threat that will make her sleepless.

She can feel the breath of ghosts and naturally can find the position of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan probably already knew what was going on. Looking at the younger generation of masters, he said lightly: "I only have one head. I wonder who is interested in getting it?"

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