Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 646: The entrance of the three major cultivation secrets

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On the stairway to the world of Moxu Market, Ning Xiaochuan also encountered some disciples of the inner gate of Tiandi Mountain, all of whom were strong, or they rushed to the secret realm, or they came out of the realm.

However, they are all very old, most of them are over a hundred years old monks!

These inner disciples' cultivation is deep and deep, and using the cultivation to lock up their blood can delay aging. Even if he has practiced for more than a century, he looks very young. Like a young man in his twenties, he is full of energy and spirit, showing the style of the Holy Land.

According to Ning Xiaochuan's calculations, he walked more than 800 meters toward the ground. The space in front of him suddenly became wide and a 30-meter-high underground palace appeared.

The underground palace is quite large, with three-meter-thick carved dragon stone pillars standing on it, giving people a spectacular impression.

In front of the underground palace, three light gates are opened.

Each light door is only two meters high and can only allow one person to enter and exit. It is like a three-layer water curtain inlaid on the wall, which occasionally stirs ripples!

On the stone wall next to the three light gates, a line is engraved:

Psychic Market World!

World of Capricorn Market!

Waters World!

Three light gates lead to three different cultivation secrets.

The underground palace is guarded by two old men.

They are wearing robes, with gray hair and bright eyes. They are practicing some mysterious Taoism, and they look like a bit of fairy style.

Although they are both official disciples of Tiandi Mountain, Ning Xiaochuan can see that the cultivation of the two old men did not reach the level of heaven and earth.

Heaven and Human Realm are not so easy to break through. Even if they become disciples of Tiandi Mountain, many people will never reach Heaven and Human Reality throughout their lives. If they live less than two hundred years old, they will die old.

Why does Tiandi Mountain recruit disciples every 100 years?

It is because those inner disciples who can't break through the heavens and the earth will die after a hundred years. Fresh blood must be input to maintain the longevity of Tiandi Mountain.

Heaven and Human Realm is a very big threshold. Some arrogant lords practice to the fifth step of the Heaven Ladder in only 30 years. However, it is likely that he has been stuck in the fifth step of the ladder for his whole life and cannot progress.

This is all normal!

If you have high talent, you may not be able to become a human being, but the chance is greater than others.

Therefore, monks who can reach heaven and earth at a young age, such as Dongfang Sheng and Crown Prince, can be called kings of the younger generation.

Because their talents have far surpassed other talented talents.

The two old men guarding the underground palace are already over a hundred years old, but they have not reached the level of heaven and humanity, I am afraid that this life can only be stuck in the fifth step of the ladder! This is the cruelty of the road to cultivation!

Time is the greatest enemy.

In addition to the two veterans who guarded the secret, Ning Xiaochuan accidentally saw two acquaintances, Lu Ren and Lu Qingyuan.

They were also inside the underground palace.

When Ning Xiaochuan saw them, they also saw Ning Xiaochuan walking down the stairs, and both looked a little surprised.

Lu Qingyuan was chopped off an arm by Ning Xiaochuan. In his opinion, it was a shame and shame. When he saw Ning Xiaochuan appearing in this place, he was slightly surprised at first, and then there was a hint of killing in his eyes.

"Brother Lu, if you two enter the world of psychic meditation for one month to practice, you need to pay two million basalts, or two hundred points of merit." An old man who guarded the secret place saluted to Lu Qingyuan, and was very respectful to Lu Qingyuan .

Although both the old man and Lu Qingyuan became disciples of Tiandishan a hundred years ago, the gap between their current cultivation status is quite large, and their status and status cannot be compared.

One is still in the fifth step of the ladder, and the other has gone further and further on the path of heaven and man. One is still on the ground, the other is in the sky.

Lu Qingyuan gave a scornful glance at the old man, and nodded, and said, "Wang Su, we became disciples of Tiandi Mountain together. I did not expect that one hundred years later, you have not reached the level of heaven and humanity. With your qualification It is impossible to become a celestial being in a lifetime, so why continue to stay in Tiandi Mountain, it is better to go outside to enjoy decades of prosperity and prosperity, and enjoy old age. Tiandi Mountain is only suitable for the strong, only the strong can survive here! "

In the last sentence, Lu Qingyuan's voice was slightly raised, and it was intentionally told to Ning Xiaochuan.

"Well! This is not our genius mind trainer, Ning Xiaochuan, are you not yet an official disciple of Tiandi Mountain? I am afraid this is not the place you should come from!" Lu Ren said queerly.

Lu Ren suffered several losses in Ning Xiaochuan's hands several times, and his resentment against Ning Xiaochuan became deeper and deeper.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Master Lu, you can come here, why can't I?"

Lu Ren straightened his chest, stared at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "I came with my uncle. My uncle is a disciple of Tiandi Mountain, and may even become a core disciple in the future. What do you think? Also Can you compare with me? "

Ning Xiaochuan gave a slight glance to Landing Qingyuan, ticking his mouth, and said, "Why is your uncle so powerful that he was chopped off an arm? Didn't your uncle tell you how his arm was broken?"

Ning Xiaochuan was sure that Lu Qingyuan never told Lu Ren about such a shame.

Lu Ren sneered: "What do you know? My uncle's arm was contaminated with an unknown strange poison when he climbed into a forbidden space in the heavenly world. He had to cut his arm off as a last resort. Know what a strong man cuts his wrists? Know what is a decisive decision? With my uncle's practice, who can cut off his arm except himself? "

"It's admirable for a strong man to cut his wrists," Ning Xiaochuan laughed.

Lu Qingyuan's mouth twitched slightly and was very annoyed. He wanted to pinch Ning Xiaochuan to death, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, do you know that this is the place of cultivation of Tiandi Mountain? You are not an inner disciple of Tiandi Mountain. Is this where you should be? "

"I'm not qualified, but I don't know if it is qualified?" Ning Xiaochuan took out a white token and handed it to the two old men who guarded the underground palace.

After seeing the "core disciple" mark on the holy earth order, the two elders changed their faces and immediately respected Ning Xiaochuan, holding the holy earth order in both hands and returning it to Ning Xiaochuan, "Naturally qualified, naturally qualified ! "

Lu Qingyuan also saw the "core disciple" mark on the white token, and his brows frowned slightly. Was it that one of the palace masters of Wanjian Palace gave his holy earth order to Ning Xiaochuan?

There are only two core disciples in the Wanjian Palace. The Sixth Palace Master and the Seventh Palace Master are both very powerful figures, much stronger than Lu Qingyuan.

Although Lu Qingyuan was very tall, he was still an insider disciple, and there was no small gap from the core disciples.

"I'm going to practice for a month at the Moxu Market. How can I open the channel to the world of the Moxu Market?" Ning Xiaochuan put away the holy earth order and ignored Lu Qingyuan and Lu Ren.

"Cultivating a month in the world of Mogao Market requires paying one million pieces of black stone, or one hundred points of merit," said one of the old men.

It's really expensive!

One month of cultivation requires paying one million pieces of black stone.

If you practice for one year, wouldn't you have to pay 12 million black stones?

Ning Xiaochuan's family is not as good as those of his family members. Naturally, he still feels very distressed. He thought to himself that he did not know how to obtain the meritorious value. If he had time, he would have to earn some.

In Tiandi Mountain, there is no merit value, no training resources, no martial arts, no access to the holy earth, and it can be said that it is difficult to move.

The so-called "meritorious value" is your contribution to Tiandi Mountain. The more contributions you make, the more meritorious values ​​you can redeem and enjoy more rights.

In a word, there is no free lunch in the world. How much can you pay for it?

Tiandi Mountain does not support idlers.

Ning Xiaochuan handed over a million pieces of black stone and entered the light gate of the Moju Market.

A ripple appeared on the light gate, and then Ning Xiaochuan disappeared.

Lu Qingyuan looked at Ning Xiaochuan, who walked into the world of Moxun Market, eyes narrowed, and said coldly, "We also go to Moxun World!"

"Uncle, our purpose this time is not to go to the psychic market and help me to impact the Da Yang Xin Master's realm? When I become a Da Yang Xin Master, I will help my uncle to make the medicine that regenerates the broken arm." Lu Rendao.

Lu Qingyuan's eyes were deep and he said, "There are many opportunities for you to impact the big mind-raiser, but it is difficult to meet the opportunity to get rid of Ning Xiaochuan."

Lu Ren was also a wise man. He immediately understood what his uncle meant, and sneered, "Niece understands!"

Lu Qingyuan and Lu Ren temporarily changed their minds, followed Ning Xiaochuan immediately, and also went to the Moxu World.

In the underground palace, there were only those two old men.

The two old men looked at each other, shook their heads with a bitter smile, and one of them said, "That young man is dead!"

"No way! The power of the Lu clan is huge, and there are many powerful people. Offensive to them, almost no one can have a good end."

"However, the young man's origins also seem to be extraordinary. He actually held the holy earth order of the core disciples."

"So what? In the secret world of cultivation, a token of a core disciple can't scare Lu Qingyuan. Even if he dies in the world of Moyanxu, who dares to say that he must have been killed by Lu Qingyuan?"

"It ’s not that we can reconcile or continue to watch the mysterious channel and earn meritorious value. If we accumulate enough meritorious value, we can ask Dayangxin to make human-level Dan. Maybe there is still a chance to impact it in our lifetime. Heaven and earth. "

Ning Xiaochuan stepped into the light gate, as if he fell into a large river, and was impacted by a mighty torrent, rushing to the world of Mohan Market.

That torrent formed a cricket bridge, connecting the real world with the market world.

That torrent is one of the earth's veins in Tiandi Mountain. What flows is the earth's air that has been deposited for hundreds of millions of years. It is thick and mighty, and it will push Ning Xiaochuan to another distant world full of magic flames!

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