Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 654: Little Bright Hall

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"Later entered Tianmen, but first came out of Tianmen." Ning Xiaochuan suddenly had some interest in the maiden of light!

Ning Xiaochuan said: "However, only the young masters who entered the final were invited by the Bright Lady, and I did not receive the invitation!"

Yue Mingsong laughed: "Today's Tiandi Mountain, who doesn't know your name? Lan Xianzi comes to live with you every night. I don't know how many people get jealous. If you can take Lan Xianzi together, surely Everyone really wants to see this ... Ahem, the Lady of Light will certainly welcome you. "

Situ Jing said: "Don't listen to him talking, Brother Ning, everyone knows that if you don't participate in the core disciple selection, you will definitely become the core disciple. If you go there, absolutely no one will object."

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the Empress Wan Yin and said, "Will you go?"

Ning Xiaochuan originally thought that the Empress Dowager Wan Yin would definitely not go, but did not expect that the Empress Dowager Wan Wan actually agreed to go together to participate in the Daoist conference held by the Lady of Light.

"Haha! It's great that the fairy Lan is going! Then we will set off now. Sister Dancer and Brother Han are still waiting outside." Yue Mingsong laughed.

When I came to the gate of Wanjian Palace Dojo, I saw Luo Wu, Han Li, He Yuanyuan and so on.

Except for Zi Hanyan and Ning Xiner, who are practicing in retreat, the young talents who entered the finals of Wanjian Palace are all here.

The place where the virgins of light held the sermon meeting was on the huge square outside Tianmen.

This place has been surrounded by the Lady of Light, and only those who are invited can enter.

Above the square, a white jade shrine is suspended, carved with white jade to form walls, tiles, pillars, rockery, flowing with a spiritual spring, planted with all kinds of strange flowers and weeds, just like a fairy palace on earth!

There was no white jade shrine here before, and it suddenly appeared tonight, apparently the handwriting of the Holy Virgin.

"This is the" Little Guangming Temple "of the Holy Land of Light. It can be enlarged, reduced, and flying very fast. It is said that it can travel eighteen thousand miles a day." Yue Mingsong stared at the suspended white jade shrine and kept on Rubbing his hands, his eyes brightened. It's like a tengu watching the moon, and I really want to eat the moon.

The Daoist Assembly has begun. Standing on the ground and looking up, you can see that many young talents are gathered in the White Jade Shrine.

Two old men in white robes, standing under the White Jade Shrine, questioned the young monks who wanted to enter the Xiaoguangming Hall. Those who did not have invitations would be expelled.

Yue Mingsong, Luo Wu, Situ Jing, and others handed in the invitations. Only Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Lanxin did not have invitations, but were stopped by two white-robed old men.

"Sorry, only those who have invitations are eligible to enter the Xiaoguangming Hall!" One of the old men frowned slightly, treating Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Lanxin as ordinary disciples who wanted to mix into the Xiaoguangming Hall.

In fact, tonight there are indeed a lot of people who didn't reach the finals and want to sneak in, but all of them were stopped back.

"That being the case, let's forget it!" Ning Xiaochuan was also open-minded, and didn't have to go to the Dao Conference.


As soon as Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Lanxin went out, a white streamer flew from the Xiaoguangming Hall. If the streamer is fast, it is like a shooting star cuts through the sky. "Lan Xianzi, Mr. Ning, please stay away!"

The next moment, that streamer fell in front of Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Lanxin, and turned into a beautiful woman wrapped in white mang!

Her figure is graceful, her skin is crystal clear, her **** and hips are raised, but no one can see her true face, and she can only feel the holy breath emanating from her, like a fairy who does not eat the fireworks on earth. !!

Although her face was hidden in the mist, her eyes were soft and could purify people's hearts. Even just staring at it, the murderer's demon head can automatically put down the butcher knife.

"Meet the Virgin!" The two old men of the bright holy land bowed down quickly.

The hearts of both of them were a little shocked. Her Royal Highness actually came, just to invite the two young people in front of her. It seems that the two of them have just gone away! I wonder if Her Royal Highness will be punished?

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Her Royal Highness Bright, do you even know me?"

The bright lady smiled shallowly and said, "The young talent who is worthy of traveling with Lan Xianzi, and I have never met, except Ning Xiaochuan, a talented mind-raiser. I really can't think of a second person. Both of you It ’s my valued guest. It ’s my fault that I did n’t send the invitation to the two of you. Hope you two do n’t blame me? ”

Under the personal guidance of the Lady of Light, Ning Xiaochuan, Luo Wu, Wan Yin Cassiopeia, Yue Mingsong, Situ Jing and others also boarded the small Guangming Temple suspended in the air, which really attracted many people's attention.

The eyes of most of them fell on the maiden of light, Luo Wu, and the Queen of Sounds. They are all extraordinary geniuses among female monks. Yan is more beautiful than Hua Jiao, and any appearance will cause a great sensation, not to mention that the three of them travel together. It is like a fairy maid, and many geniuses are foolish. It's up!

After the Ning Xiaochuan and others were settled, the bright lady left and greeted other talented talents.

After Ning Xiaochuan sat down, he closed his eyes and used the Seven Magic Demon Heart Palace to sense. He really noticed a lot of heaven-human power in the Xiaoguangming Hall, each of which was extremely arrogant.

It seems that the vast majority of young talents in Tiandi Mountain are gathered in the small Guangming Hall. The face of the Bright Lady is not ordinary.

Ning Xiaochuan sensed a strong hostility, so he looked in the past, and saw Dongfang Sheng in the crowd.

Dongfang Sheng is staring at Ning Xiaochuan with vicious eyes. Last time, he was humiliated by Ning Xiaochuan in the public court. Now everyone still thinks that he is the beautiful eye of the fairy Orchid, and attacking the orchid fairy by shot is a complete loss .

He hadn't figured out what was going on at the time?

After returning, he thought carefully and finally understood.

It must be that Ning Xiaochuan's dog thief ingested a soul of Lan Xianzi to threaten Lan Xianzi!

The poor Lanxian can only succumb to Ning Xiaochuan's obscene power. She has to go to Ning Xiaochuan's residence every night. I don't know what kind of torture and torture of Ning Xiaochuan's villain. Alas.

He felt that he had seen through the true face of Ning Xiaochuan and had to expose Ning Xiaochuan's ugliness to the public.

Only in this way can he restore his reputation.

"Today is a conference held by the Lady of Light. I shouldn't have talked about some old things, but if I do n’t say one thing, I'm afraid everyone will never know the truth!" Dongfang Sheng used Tianwu's vitality, his voice Spread throughout the small hall of light.

The whole small hall of light is quiet, everyone's eyes are on Dongfang Sheng!

Dongfang Shengnai is one of the ten kings of the younger generation of Tiandi Mountain, and naturally everyone knows him.

Among them, some people smiled wryly, saying, "Brother Oriental, when you speak, you need to think carefully before you do! Lest you do that again ... haha!"

"Brother Dongfang, do you speak now, will anyone still believe?" Another laughed.

"I remember last time, Brother Dongfang seemed to say that Brother Ning killed Lan Xianzi, but what did the result look like? Anyway, I think the relationship between Lan Xianzi and Brother Ning is not good! Hey!"

Dongfangsheng's complexion is blue!

He was fed up with such a ridiculous day. Today, he must get his face back, and to dispel Ning Xiaochuan's reputation, it is best to be scrapped and repaired and expelled from Tiandi Mountain.

Dongfang Sheng stared at Ning Xiaochuan and said coldly, "Now I am going to say this. Ning Xiaochuan, you insidious villain, will not get out of me, and will do a good job for you. Speak out? "

Ning Xiaochuan sat in place, held up the white jade glass cup, drank a sip of Lingquan, and said lightly, "Brother Dongfang, I don't understand what you said."

"Don't understand? I can only tell you your secret, and let you become a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouts." Dongfang Sheng said.

Many people are laughing at Dongfang Sheng and feel that Dongfang Sheng is taking its own humiliation.

However, there are some people who show contemplative expressions. After all, Dongfang Sheng is one of the top ten kings of the younger generation, and it is not a fool. If he is not so sure, how dare he speak wildly in front of everyone? Among them are the Lady of Light, Crown Prince, and others.

Ning Xiaochuan was still calm, and said, "I'm not afraid of shadow obliques, then I would ask brother Dongfang to tell me, what secrets do I have?"

Dongfang Sheng walked towards Ning Xiaochuan step by step, full of confidence, and said, "Everyone wants to know that Lan Xianzi's injury has healed. Why do you go to Ning Xiaochuan's place every night? Everyone really thinks Ning Xiaochuan is treating Lan Xianzi In fact, Ning Xiaochuan was proficient in ghost raising and ingested a soul of Lan Xianzi to threaten Lan Xianzi. It was exactly this method that he used to make me ruined. "

After Dongfang Sheng said this, the Xiaoguangming Temple became quieter, and many people were shocked and looked at Ning Xiaochuan and Lanxianzi.

Dongfang Sheng is so eloquent, is it true?

Luo Wu's brow frowned slightly, Shen said, "Dongfang Sheng, do you know how serious the consequence of this sentence you said? You have affected not only the reputation of Lan Xianzi and Master Ning, but also Tiandi Mountain's reputation! "

Dongfang Sheng naturally also knows the seriousness of the situation, but still rhetorically said, "Sister Dancer, if I don't have full confidence, how can I be convinced?"

"Then if you really believe in women, who will bear the bad influence?" Luo Wu said.

Dongfang Sheng said: "Of course, I will bear it alone."

Luo Wu said: "Can you afford it?"

The impact of this incident, Luo Wu has been able to predict one or two. No matter what Dongfangsheng said is true or false, as long as these rumors and rumors spread, it will have a serious impact on the reputation of Tiandi Mountain!

Moreover, this matter cannot be blocked.

Because the sacred lady of the bright sacred earth and the three young masters of the ghost-raising family were all present, they naturally hoped to see such a scandal inside Tiandi Mountain!

Even the Crown Prince frowned, and felt that Dongfang Sheng was misplaced, and even if he was to deal with Ning Xiaochuan, he should not speak out in front of the family who raised the ghost and the bright holy land.

The emperor drank in a deep voice, just like the dragon shouting. "Dongfang wins. When speaking, please note the occasion and don't retreat!"

The prince of the emperor slammed Dongfang Shengzhen's face pale, and a "humming" sound echoed in his head. He almost fell asleep and fell to the ground.

It is also the top ten kings of the younger generation of Tiandishan, but the emperor ranked first, just slammed it, and almost knocked the East victory to the ground, showing the horrible cultivation strength!


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