Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 656: Baicaoyuan

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Shen of the Sixth Palace of Wanjian Palace said, "Yan Laogui, can you doubt Master Mulan's disciple?"


The old man in black robe smiled: "I just want to help you find the truth for Tiandi Mountain. I believe everyone present is also very interested in knowing the truth, right? Qin Yuedaoyou, what do you say?"

Qin Yuegong's eyes were sharp, and he sarcastically said, "I have great confidence in both Lan Xin and Ning Xiaochuan. Only such stupid people can believe this!"

"Actually, I do n’t believe it, but since the young king of Tiandi Mountain dare to tell it, if you do n’t check it out, it will have a great impact on your reputation of Tiandi Mountain. Would like to see the results! "Said the old man in black robes.

The Qin Yuegong Lord also frowned slightly, looked at the queen of Wanyin, and said, "This is our own business, and even if you want to check the truth, you do n’t need your ghost family to help. I will now check Lanxin If her soul is healthy, I will not let go of some people talking about it! "

"Alas! Even if you find out the clues, you will be covered up by the people in Tiandi Mountain." The old man in black robe laughed: "I think this is good! There is a magical name in the Holy Land of Light called 'Purification Light'" You can see through the human soul, purify it, and believe that the lady of light must have cultivated this kind of supernatural power. It is always okay for the lady of light to investigate the soul of Nie Lanxin? "

The master of the Qin Yue Palace also knows that if this matter is not understood, the family of raising ghosts and the bright sacred earth will definitely be publicized, which will have a great negative impact on the reputation of Tiandi Mountain.

"Lan Xin, what do you think?" Qin Yuegong said.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately voiced to Wan Yin Cassiopeiac and said, "Seniors, you still let them check! Lest this matter be publicized, it will not have much impact on me, but it will affect the reputation of seniors!"

The queen of Wanyin also showed a thoughtful look, and then glanced at everyone in the audience, "It's boring. If you want to check, check it!"

"Lan Fairy, offended!"

The bright maiden Shi Shiran came over, saluting slightly to the fairy queen, and she looked extraordinarily elegant and moving, without a touch of earthly temperament!

She opened a pair of star eyes and stared at the eyes of Wanyin Fairy. The soft brilliance emanated from her eyes, so that the entire small Guangming Hall was wrapped in white light. Everyone present could clearly feel their soul. It seems to be washed again.

The Sixth Palace Master of Wanjian Palace, the Qinyue Palace Master of the Demon Moon Palace, the Wood Sovereign of the Burning Sword Sect, and the Black Robe Elder of the Family of Ghosts, they all moved slightly, and their hearts were calculating how strong the Bright Lady is?

After a short while, the glory in the eyes of the bright maiden disappeared, and her face was a little surprised!

"How's it? Her Royal Highness the Light, can Nie Lanxin's soul be missing?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The Bright Lady took a long breath, shook her head, and said, "The Lan Xianzi's soul is not missing, but it is extremely powerful and really admirable."

This result has disappointed the old man in black robes who raised ghosts!

"Impossible! Impossible! Impossible ..." Dongfang Sheng could not accept the fact and shook his head vigorously.

"It's you! You must be making a ghost behind your back!"

He stared at Ning Xiaochuan with a grimace and stepped forward suddenly, crushing the jade under his feet.

Two red crimson flames appeared from the palms of both hands, and one claw hit Ning Xiaochuan's neck, which would unscrew Ning Xiaochuan's head.


Qin Yuegong took the palm of his hand to shoot it, and the speed was many times faster than Dongfang Sheng. The palm print hit the heart of Dongfang Sheng, and a crackling sound was heard.

Dongfang Sheng's body seems to be broken!

Dongfang Sheng spit a blood sword out of his mouth, flew back, fell to the ground, and never climbed again.

Mu Zong originally wanted to take a shot, but he was one step behind, and saw Dongfang Sheng being revoked by the Qin Yuegong master, and his heart was cold, "Qin Yue, you started too hard! He is a rare one for 8000 years. Genius, if you abolish his cultivation, it will be a huge loss to us.

"is it?"

Qin Yuegong said: "Dongfang Sheng's morals are too bad. We dare to murder in front of us. What good is a talent? This kind of person is not worthy of being a disciple of Tiandi Mountain! I will personally do this. Knowing His Holiness, I believe His Holiness will agree with me. "

"I think the master of Qin Yuegong is doing it right. Tiandi Mountain accepts disciples. It is not just about talents. Morality is also very important." The Sixth Master of Wanjian Palace said so calmly.

There is nothing he can do about Mu Zong. Today's things are really ridiculous. Even if he goes to the law enforcement lord, Dongfang Sheng will definitely be abolished and repaired, expelled from Tiandi Mountain, and may even be executed directly.

"Okay! We will slowly clear this account in the future!"

Mu Zong lifted Dongfang Sheng from the ground, like a dead dog, and quickly left Xiaoguangming Hall.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Dongfang Sheng, who was taken away by the suzerain, and shook his head gently.

Dongfang Sheng is actually not a big wicked person. The reason why he ended up now is only to blame himself for being stupid!

With his IQ, even if it is not planted in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan, it is absolutely impossible to live in Tiandi Mountain for a long time.

Later, the old man in black robe also left with Yan Wen. When he left, his face was quite ugly, just like everyone owed him money.

Ning Xiaochuan took out the holy earth order and handed it to the Qin Yuegong master, saying: "Thank you for the token of the palace master, now it belongs to the original master."

The master of Qin Yuegong took back the holy earth order, his face eased, and said, "Is Lanxin's wound cured? Is it possible to go to the Dojo of Wanjian Palace in the future?"

The Qin Yuegong Lord also felt that Nie Lanxin often went to Wanjian Palace Dojo, which easily caused rumors and rumors, and decided to bring Nie Lanxin back to Yaoyue Palace Dojo.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced slightly at the Empress Wanyin and said, "The injury of the Lanxian has been cured, so you don't need to come to the Dojo of the Wanjian Palace again."

Qin Yuegong nodded his head, greeted Ning Xiaochuan a few words, and then left with Wanyin Fairy!

After a good discussion meeting, everyone had no interest in the discussion, and left the Bright Lady.

Ning Xiaochuan naturally returned to the Wanjian Palace Dojo with the crowd. On the way, Yue Mingsong and Han Li and others scolded Dongfang Sheng again, and then returned to their respective residences.

What happened in Xiaoguangming Hall tonight caused a lot of vibration in Tiandi Mountain.

The first is that the practice shown by Nie Lanxin, actually, as soon as he waved his sleeves, he flew the three young masters of the ghost-raising family, which was beyond many people's expectations.

The influence of this incident has also become greater and greater due to the spread of many disciples. Nie Lanxin's status among the younger monks has become higher and higher, reaching the level of equality with the emperor and descendants of the emperor.

Ning Xiaochuan practiced all night in Mingjianchi, and he was very calm. He didn't affect his mood because of the victory of Dongfang!

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Susheng and Xie An came to Wanjian Palace Dojo to find him and sent the refined Guiyuandan materials.

In fact, the two of them have already collected the materials for refining Guidan Dan, but they only need to ask the Dao Yangxin Master to refining the elixir, and they have to pay a high meritorious value, so they have not been refining.

After finally meeting Ning Xiaochuan, willing to help them to refine human-level Dan, naturally ecstatic.

Therefore, the next morning, I gave all the materials to me, for fear of night long dreams.

Ning Xiaochuan inspected the materials sent by Wang Susheng and Xie An. Among them, there were also two psychic medicine-level "guiyuan fruits", which are worthless!

"You have prepared two materials!" Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

Wang Susheng said: "Yeah! No one is sure that they can produce human-grade Dan at one time, so we have prepared with two hands, so that the probability of Dan can be improved a lot!"

Xie Andao: "Brother Ning, these materials, but we spent decades to use up all our savings to collect them all. It's all up to you!"

Ning Xiaochuan put away those materials, and said, "Relax! I will do my best! You go back first, and after half a month, come to Wanjian Palace Dojo to take Dan."

"So Brother Lawning!"

After the two old roads thanked Ning Xiaochuan, they left the dojo of Wanjian Palace.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan had already planned to refine Guiyuan Dan. First, in order to improve his level of alchemy. Second, it can help Ning Xin'er and Zi Hanyan to improve their cultivation.

In addition, he can also take Guiyuandan himself to use the medicine power of Guiyuandan to impact the second realm of heaven and earth, Zhongtianjing.

If it is another big mind-raising master, one piece of material can only make up to three human-level dans, or even one human-level dan.

However, Ning Xiaochuan possesses the magical spirit of Qiqiao, and the Wuding Dingyin and Yangxin Zhending are able to make perfect use of the medicinal materials. Not only the rate of success is higher, but also the amount of refined elixir is larger.

Of course, human-level Dan is different from high-level Dan, and it will be more tedious and complicated to refine. The key is that human-level Dan contains the spirit of Dan.

Although Ning Xiaochuan has studied the finished Guiyuan Dan, but he has no Danfang or experience in refining human-level Dan, so he plans to go to Baicaoyuan first!

Yu Qianqian heard that Ning Xiaochuan was going to Baicaoyuan, and she was very fascinated, so Ning Xiaochuan brought her with her.

"In the entire North. Xinjiang, in addition to the legendary Valley of Divine Medicine, Tiandi Mountain and the bright sacred earth are the most powerful in raising the heart and refining the alchemy. And the most powerful mind-groomers in Tiandi Mountain are all gathered in the Baicao Garden. Said that the Baicao Garden is definitely the entire North. Xinjiang is one of the sacred places of the mind-giver. "Yu Qianqian consulted books and knew more about Baicao Garden than Ning Xiaochuan.

Yu Qianqian had bright brilliance in her eyes, and said, "The mentor who walked out of Baicao Garden will definitely be respected when he walks to a human civilization. He will become a guest at every gate. Ogawa, you said Can you get in? "

"You have a high level of talent in Yangxin Liandan, and you have become a senior heart-trainer at a young age. You must be eligible to enter the Baicao Garden." Ning Xiaochuan said.

A short while later, the two of them had already come outside the Baicao Garden.

The Baicao Garden is one of the most important spiritual lands in Tiandi Mountain. Naturally, strong people are guarded here and will not allow idle people to break in.

A burly fifteen-meter-tall man came out of the white mist, wearing a heavy black armor, holding a giant axe as wide as a door panel, and his voice was thick. Quickly retreat! "

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