Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 692: Demon Gathering

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"Guiyuan Dan" belongs to human-level Dan and is of great value, which is equivalent to several thousand-year-old psychic medicines.

The "monster blood" of the Zhongjingtian realm is also a rare treasure in human civilization, which can enhance the monk's flesh and physical strength.

"Earth crystal" is the crystallization of the earth. It needs to be bred in the veins of the earth for thousands of years before it can condense and form. It is extremely precious.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan will simultaneously use these three types of Baodan spirits to impact the third realm of heaven and man-Gao Jingtian.

He took the lead in taking Guiyuan Dan.


The human-level dan exploded, and the anger breathed out, permeating the whole body, enclosing the tens of meters of space around Ning Xiaochuan's body into a layer of dan cloud and fog.

Ning Xiaochuan's bones, flesh, and internal organs madly absorbed elixir and injected it into Tao Yuan.

Daoyuan Daoyuan and Tiandi Daoyuan are like two lakes. They absorb a ray of elixir and grow stronger, emitting a dazzling light.

Ning Xiaochuan's realm is only one line away from Gao Jingtian. As long as the 180th rule is born in Dao Yuan, transformation can occur and the third realm of heaven and humanity can be promoted.

The heavens and the heavens are ninth, one hurdle.

After all, he just reached the peak of Zhongjingtian, and he did not have absolute confidence to hit Gaojingtian.

Many monks, staying at the pinnacle of Zhongjingtian all their lives, cannot break through the trance and reach Gaojingtian.

The blood of the monster in the middle realm and the realm of the realm has been refined into the "blood spirit" by Ning Xiaochuan. It is not bloody, but exudes a faint fragrance, like a syrup of syrup.

The spirit of the blood veins supplements Ning Xiaochuan's blood, and the skin turns crystal red, just like the flesh of the blood jade.

The rhombus-shaped crystal was suspended above the head, and the air of the earth kept flowing into Ning Xiaochuan's brows.

The six-armed tyrannosaurus stood beside Ning Xiaochuan, alerting to the surroundings, like a Taikoo Shenlong lying on a meteorite in the universe, and a pair of longan shot like two golden lanterns, emitting two kilometers of light.


Suddenly, there was a roar of beasts in the dark space.

A monster bird with blue wings soared over. Its body and feet were more than one hundred meters long, its wings covered the sky, its body was like an eagle, and its dragon-head covered with scales.

This is a dragon eagle, but a descendant of the true dragon, with thin dragon blood flowing inside.

It found Ning Xiaochuan practicing in the mountains, felt the blood emitted from Ning Xiaochuan, and flew towards Ning Xiaochuan.


The six-armed tyrannosaurus roared, and the meteorites and mountains trembled in the void.

It kept roaring, warning the dragon and eagle not to approach.

That dragon eagle is not afraid of the six-armed tyrannosaurus, because the six-armed tyrannosaurus is not a real dragon, but a "sub-dragon species", which cannot scare it at all.

The true dragon does not need to cultivate at all. As long as it is an adult, its combat power is comparable to that of a real person. Shi Yunbuyu is omnipotent.

However, all true dragons live in the vast ocean and deep ocean. On the land, there are almost no traces of true dragons.

The six-armed tyrannosaurus, dragon, flying dragon, earth dragon ... all belong to the sub-dragon species. They have survived thunderstorms and cultivated to the real world. They can also be transformed into true dragons.

The repair of that dragon eagle was horrible, exhaling like clouds, all feather scales were flying, flying to the top of the six-armed tyrannosaurus, hovering constantly, it seemed to dive down at any time.

The six-armed Tyrannosaurus was also angry, and with a long groan, he hugged a rocky mountain and smashed it towards the dragon-eagle above him.


The claws of the dragon eagle are very similar to the claws of a dragon, flowing with fire light, grabbing towards the void, and the mountain of stones was broken apart at a distance of more than eighty meters away from it, and turned into a sky stone powder.

"Protection of human beings, there is a dead end." Long Ying uttered a voice in his mouth, with great momentum.

It is the great demon of the dragon-eagle family. It possesses the fourth realm of Heaven and Human Realm, which is comparable to "Xuantian Zun". Even if there are six-armed tyrannosaurus guarding Ning Xiaochuan, it will take Ning Xiaochuan's life.

The rise of mankind is too fast. In ancient times, mankind was still very weak. However, in the last time of the gods, mankind has risen strongly, opened up territories, established ancient civilizations, and continued to grow. The annexation originally belonged to the major The territory of the monster race makes the major monster races feel taboo.

Therefore, all the major monster races all united to suppress humanity, thus blocking the pace of human expansion.

After the Fengshen era, it was the era of war between human races and demons, which was called the "disaster ancient era".

In the ancient times of catastrophe, all races of human beings and monsters and races fought in a row, blood flowed into rivers, and bones became mountains, which lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. In the end, mankind failed to win because of its weak strength. The ancient civilizations that were established were slaughtered by the demons and races, countless monks died, and countless heroes became bones.

In the era of feudal gods, mankind rose.

In the ancient times of catastrophe, humanity declined.

The hatred of human beings and monsters of various races also accumulated in that era, and eventually turned into a deadly enemy. The hatred is deep like the sea and cannot be compatible.

The six-armed tyrannosaurus refined the nine-flower agar, and gained the connotation of the Xuanshoujian. The physique changed greatly, and it was soared.

Fighting in the void, they uttered the sound of dragons, spit out flames, and burned more than a dozen huge meteorites into magma.

Dragon Eagle's gifted magic power is "Qing Lihuo", which is a kind of mysterious fire. Its power is huge. If it fights on the ground, it will be enough to make the square miles into scorched earth.

The six-armed Tyrannosaurus spit out "Dragon Fire", and only the Dragons can practice.

Although the dragon eagle is a descendant of the true dragon, after all, it is not a dragon family and cannot cultivate dragon fire.

Two kinds of horrible flames attacked each other, igniting the dark void and being noticed by many monsters, they rushed in this direction.

Although Ning Xiaochuan was hitting the realm, he could also see the demon clouds flying from a distance, no less than ten giant monsters flying over, making a series of howling noises.

The six-armed Tyrannosaurus must not be able to resist it. Ning Xiaochuan called his teeth and took two of them under Yuandan.


Two Guiyuandans exploded in their bodies, releasing a large amount of qi, rushing to Daoyuan in the heart of the eyebrow and the magic sword, smashing into the high sky.

"Some human came to this space and he must be killed."

"This space hides the secrets of our demon holy kingdom. Humans must never be passed on to kill him."


The mysterious beasts and monsters came from all directions, and there were many, flying towards the mountain where Ning Xiaochuan was sitting.

The six-armed tyrannosaurus rushed up and tore a monster that had cultivated a demon element to life, blood splattered, and half of the mountain was dyed red.

It pulled out a fist-sized light ball from the demon corpse, swallowed it, and promoted its cultivation.

That light group is the "Demon Yuan".

The dragon eagle, who possesses the mysterious sky, dives down towards Ning Xiaochuan, and spit out a blue flame.


Ning Xiaochuan flew ten war swords in his body, inserted in ten directions, forming a guardian sword array, turning into a layer of sword air mask, covering him in the center.

Qing Lihuo was blocked by the sword array, but the mountains under Ning Xiaochuan were incinerated, and the stones were burned.

However, under Qing Lihuo's incineration, the defense of the sword array became weaker and weaker. Eventually, the flame entered the sword array and fell on Ning Xiaochuan.

A layer of cyan halo appeared on the surface of Ning Xiaochuan's skin, forming a shadow of a cloak.

Aoki Tenki!

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan trembled, his eyes were cold, his fingers were pointing towards the sky, a blood-red sword light flew from his fingertips, the sword gas soared, and penetrated the left wing of the dragon eagle, leaving a huge blood cave. .

The dragon eagle was a little surprised, and clearly felt the rapid swelling power in Ning Xiaochuan's body, and immediately spit out a cyan ancient sword from his mouth, turning it into a cyan sword light, piercing Ning Xiaochuan's head.

The cyan ancient sword is extremely powerful and can be compared to half an extreme weapon. If you use the Qinglihuo to conceive for thousands of years, you may become a true Supreme!

Ning Xiaochuan slaps on the ground with one palm, and the ten ancient swords originally inserted on the ground immediately flew up and turned into a sacred sword array.

The ten-handed swords are combined into one, and their power is comparable to that of a genuine lower-end supreme weapon, which gives Zhenfei the cyan ancient sword from the dragon eagle.

Dragon Eagle was wounded by the sword gas cut by Ning Xiaochuan, recovered the ancient blue sword, and immediately retreated.

"Where to go?"

Ning Xiaochuan chased up, his legs bent, and with this strength, he jumped more than ten miles away, chopped out the ten swords again, leaving ten **** holes in the body of the dragon and eagle.

A monster from the holy fish family attacked Ning Xiaochuan and wanted to unite the dragon and eagle to block Ning Xiaochuan.

"Ning Xiaochuan, your death is here!" The monster with fish scales roared, pierced a trident ancient halberd, and three destructive forces flew out.

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the magic sword, stepped on the colorful rainbow, strode forward, and chopped out the annihilation of the sword of the world, "噗", the head of the monster with a fish-scale body was cut off.

The whole body of demon blood was absorbed by the magic sword, and poured into the extinct Daoyuan in the sword body.


After refining the demon blood, Ning Xiaochuan finally broke through the last layer of barriers, and the 1,800 rules of annihilation were born in the genocide.

The vitality in the void, like a tide, rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan, and finally broke out and repaired a rapid climb.

Driven by the rules of extinction, Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrows emerged in white glory, and the eighteenth earth rule was born in the heavens and earth.

Break through the "high realm" and reach the third realm of heaven and human.

He was all wrapped in Xia Guang, the eyebrows of Tianzun appeared, and a white beam of light flew out of the eyebrows. He drove the dragon and eagle out again, covered his blood, and his wings were broken.

After Ning Xiaochuan reached Gao Jingtian, Xiu was greatly increased, fearless, killed in the demon cloud, and fought against six monsters at the same time.

After a long while, all six monsters were beheaded, and the corpses floated in the void, and the blood broke down into a cloud of blood.


Suddenly, a huge claw protruded out of the void, sharp as a sword, and full of enchantment, and struck Ning Xiaochuan's head.

It was a very terrifying force, like the sky collapsing. It was definitely not an attack that ordinary monsters could launch.

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