Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 699: Town People Tower

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In the black ice, ninety-nine **** chains pass through the human supreme body, head, neck, spine, hands, legs, chest, all locked, the blood in the body seems to be drained, and the body is very dry. .

Although blocked by ice, it still gives a sad feeling.

It is conceivable how miserable this human supreme man was during his lifetime. However, he was imprisoned in the tower and died of blood.

The monk Tangan was well-informed, and based on the robes and accessories worn by that human supreme, he inferred his identity.

"He should be the third-generation emperor of the Kingdom of Zijin, Ziyu." The monk Tangan made such a judgment.

He sighed: "At that time, the Emperor Zijin created the" Zijin God Kingdom "and established a great human civilization to unify the entire North. Xinjiang, but the" Zijin God Kingdom "perished only after three generations. It really let People boo. "

"When the kingdom of Zijin was destroyed, the third-generation emperor also disappeared, and his whereabouts became a mystery."

"Some people say that he escaped and hid overseas, and will return in the future. Others said that he was besieged by the demons and died in the funeral of Shenshan, where he was buried with the Lord Zijin."

"But who would have expected that the third-generation emperor, who was once a mighty world, was imprisoned in an iron tower, and eventually died in the cold and darkness, turning into a dead bone. Life is so sad!"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the supreme human being who had been passed through the body by ninety-nine iron locks. His heart was extremely heavy, and he was panicked, feeling very depressed.

Even the supreme human beings cannot escape their doom. Other humans, from the perspective of the demon, are really like livestock and can be killed at will.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was difficult to calm, saying: "This tower has actually imprisoned so many strong human beings. The owner of the iron tower must be the strong one of the demons, and he will not be anonymous."

Tangan monk and Hua Qinglian both looked thoughtful.

Suddenly, the monk Tangan opened his eyes wide and exclaimed, "Is that the tower?"

"The master already knows the origin of this tower?" Hua Qinglian said.

The monk Tangan said: "It is said that when Zijin Emperor was alive, he had refined a 'Town Demon Tower', which was used to suppress the strong people of the major demon clan."

"In that era, when the‘ Town Demon Tower ’came out, it would absolutely scare the lords of the various monster clan to frighten their souls and flee everywhere. For the demon clan, the‘ town demon tower ’was a nightmare.”

"At that time, a mighty demon of the demons refined a 'town man tower' to avenge the tribe, a master who specifically suppresses the tribe, a strong man who imprisoned humans, and he was everywhere against the Zijin royal family."

"The great power of that demon clan is the first generation of Emperor Damenze's 'Dream Emperor'."

Ning Xiaochuan said calmly: "It is said that the Heavenly Demon Emperor once hard-wired the three moves of the Zijin Emperor. Although he was vomited by the Zijin Emperor, he escaped from the Zijin Emperor."

The monk Tangan nodded and said, "This legend is likely to be true. In that era, the only creature who dared to fight against the Zijin Emperor was the Heavenly Demon Emperor."

"According to the studies of those monks in later generations, they all think that the Heavenly Demon Emperor is also likely to be cultivated into a sub-god, and the destruction of the Kingdom of Zijin has a lot to do with it."

Hua Qinglian said: "If you say so, isn't the third emperor of the Purple God Kingdom imprisoned in the" Town of the Town "by the Heavenly Demon Emperor? But who was cut off by the" Town of the Town " Broke? "

"In that era, unless it was shot by Emperor Zijin himself, otherwise, no one could cut off the 'town man tower' controlled by the Heavenly Demon Emperor." Buddhist monk Tangan said: "Maybe, in Heavenly Dream When the demon emperor suppressed the third emperor, the 'town tower' had become a residual tower. "

"I can only infer that!" Hua Qinglian nodded.

Ning Xiaochuan still frowned, and said, "If this residual tower is really a" town man tower, "how could it be sealed under the holy kingdom of the monster tribe? What secrets are hidden here? What should be sealed? Qiang Sheng Are there any taboo things about the demon tribe? Where did the emperor go after revenge? "

Hua Qinglian's eyes narrowed towards the top of the iron tower, feeling a cold rushing towards herself, and said, "How do I feel that the Heavenly Demon Emperor is in this tower?"

As soon as this remark came out, Ning Xiaochuan's Qiqiao Shenmo's heart also gave rise to the same alertness.

In the town's tower, all the strong men were imprisoned, but the demon in the tower was far more popular.

This in itself is quite weird!

Where does the evil spirit in the town's tower come from?

Could it be true that Hua Qinglian said that the Heavenly Demon Emperor is in the tower?

None of them dare to speak!

It was terribly quiet, only the sound of the three of them breathing.

"It's been so long, even if the Heavenly Demon Emperor has really cultivated into a sub-god, it has already fallen and it is impossible to live to this day." Ning Xiaochuan said with some dignity.

Hua Qinglian also nodded and said: "The life of the second **** can not be eternal, we do not have to be afraid of the Emperor of the Heavenly Demon. However, the means left by the second **** is not trivial. Even if only a matrix is ​​left, it can also let us There is no place to die. "

"What else to say? Let's escape first and say, this place can't wait!" The monk Tangan didn't plan to continue climbing to the top of the tower and ran towards the lower part of the town's tower, preparing to escape from the town's tower.

However, he just ran down, but rushed back at a faster speed, and said, "It's over! Those big demon monsters have caught up, run away!"

After saying this, the monk Tangan rushed towards the ninth floor of the town tower first, as if a group of wild dogs chased him behind the buttocks, and the **** ran, faster than anyone else.


Below, a huge demon fire ball hit Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Qinglian.

Inside the fireball, the lightning was wrapped, and a "bang" muffled sound, just like the sky thunder exploded inside the fireball.

Ning Xiaochuan took a big palm print, the five fingers turned into the claws of a lightning beast, and crushed that fireball. The shards of flame fell onto the black ice and smashed into large pits!

A large demon with dorsal wings, transformed into a humanoid, with lightning flowing all over, rushing out of the deep passage.

It spit out a flame whip from its mouth, which was nine feet long, and was forged from the backbone of some kind of living creature. There were a total of 121 bone joints.


The long whip waved, making a sound of bone impact.

"This is the town's tower. Now that you have broken in, you are destined to be killed here." That big demon possesses the fourth realm of Heaven and Man, and his body is wrapped in countless lightning rules. Power is overwhelming, and sound is like thunder.

Hua Qinglian took a step forward and stretched out a slender arm.

Five white fingers slowly spread out, holding the big demon in his palm across a void.

That big demon's body became as big as a fist, just like a sparrow, struggling in the hands of Hua Qinglian.


When Hua Qinglian let go of her five fingers, the body of that big demon had shattered, her bones turned into powder, and she almost turned into a mud of blood!

What he just showed is "Qian Kun Zhang Yin Tian Di", which contains heaven and earth in the palm of his hand. Once the magical power comes out, he can pinch the demon.

Seems to be an understatement, but it contains extremely intelligent magical powers, which other monks cannot reach.

"Hurry up, more powerful monsters are coming up." After Hua Qinglian said this, she turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the ninth floor of the town's tower.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Ning Xiaochuan shot both palms at the same time, with the power of "World Extermination Fire" and "Earth Rules" respectively, and blasted the two great monsters.


A loud howling sounded, and the vibe was shaken.

A golden brilliance flew, enchanting, like a flood.

The situation was too urgent, and the true King of the Fish King was approaching. Ning Xiaochuan didn't even have the chance to collect the body of the big demon. He immediately pulled back and rushed to the ninth floor of the town tower.

After Ning Xiaochuan reached the ninth floor, the monk Tangan immediately touched out a volume of Buddhist scriptures from his arms and stuck it to the entrance of the passage to form a layer of Buddhist scriptures.


Thousands of golden Sanskrit texts were connected together and turned into a light curtain, blocking the power of those monsters on the eighth floor of the town's tower.

"Did you not say that the Buddhist scriptures sold to us are already the last three volumes?" Ning Xiaochuan stared at the monk Tangan.

The monk Tangan pointed his fingers at the sky and said with vigor: "The poor monk swears to heaven, this is definitely the last Buddhist scripture!"

Ning Xiaochuan looked into the monk's robe of Tangan. There was no other scripture, but he still didn't believe what he said. There is no truth in this monk's mouth!

The Holy Fish King summons the Supreme Vessel, awakens the power of the Spirit, and erupts the full power of the Supreme Vessel.


On the Buddhist scriptures, nine Sanskrit texts were broken and turned into nine golden golden smoke.

The strength of Buddhism enchantment weakened a little.

Hua Qinglian said: "The cultivation of the holy fish king has reached the seventh realm of the heavens and humans, the" God Realm Heaven ", and masters the Supreme Device, and will soon break the Buddhist scriptures. After it breaks the Buddhist scriptures, Nothing can stop it. "

Dangan monk said, "What now?"

Ning Xiaochuan looked towards the ninth floor of the town's tower. There were no human prisoners on the entire ninth floor, but it was shrouded in a layer of turquoise mist, and the spirit was more vigorous and deadly, which seemed to hide a huge danger.

"You can only go up, there is no second way."

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the magic sword, holding the magic sword in one hand, holding the fire of extinction in one hand, and walking into the turquoise fog.

The monk Tangan followed behind Ning Xiaochuan, holding a string of beads in his left hand, holding a diamond pestle in his right hand, and carefully looking around.

Hua Qinglian walked to the back, with a circle of white sacred aura floating behind him, his reflection was extremely holy, his skin was like jade wax, and no evil spirit could reach his body.

"Da da!"

There was a sound of footsteps in the ground, in the mist.

Moreover, there was the sound of a chain collision.

The sound was very clear and passed into the ears of the three at the same time. The three stopped at almost the same time, held their breath, and the hairs on their bodies stood up.

The town's tower has been sealed for many years, so how can there be footsteps? Definitely not monsters, they were still blocked by the Buddhist enchantment, so they didn't catch up so quickly.


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