Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 706: Jizo King

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The Tianmeng Demon Emperor and the town tower are enough to make the whole North. The monks of Xinjiang are terrified, and even the major holy soils will be destroyed.

However, the sky fell, and his own tall man stood.

With Ning Xiaochuan ’s cultivation, you do n’t have to think about dealing with the Heavenly Demon Emperor, or the demon emperor and demon of the major demon clan, as long as you can improve your cultivation and protect your friends and relatives around you, it is enough. !!

Do as much as you have the ability to do.

Must find the fire of silence immediately!

Ning Xiaochuan said: "You have also been to Tianshu Imperial City for a long time. How much do you know about the Jin people?"


There was a smile on the corner of Yue Mingsong's mouth, saying: "Yes, the world is about to usher in a calamity, and indeed we should find a big tree to rely on. After all, the Jin people are one of the three ancient tribes of the Tianshu Empire. The big tree is still very strong. "

He felt that Ning Xiaochuan wanted to take refuge in the Jin people and get the protection of the Jin people in order to cope with the coming calamity.

He added: "However, the Jin people are not monolithic, and there are many branches and power struggles inside. In fact, there are many Jin people who do not agree with your marriage with the Jin lady, Jinling! Marriage into the royal family and becoming a princess will benefit the Jin people even more. "

"One more thing, you have to be careful."

"The first day you killed the Li tribe, Li Zhonglou. One of the great figures of the Li tribe has let go, even if you are the spirit son of Tiandi Mountain, you must kill someone to make a life."

Ning Xiaochuan is not afraid of the Li people.

Although the Li base camp is also in Tianshu Imperial City, as long as Ning Xiaochuan does not actively reveal his identity, the Li can't help him.

The key question is how to get the news of the fire of silence from the Jin people without revealing their identity?

Who can Ning Xiaochuan trust in the Jin ethnic group?

"It's really not easy to get the fire of silence!" Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

Yue Mingsong said: "If you really want to go to the Jin nationality, you can find someone first, that person can be trusted."


"Your little sister-in-law!"

"My little sister-in-law?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Yue Mingsong said: "Jinling doesn't have a close brother, but also an inner disciple of Tiandi Mountain, Jin Wuyi, haven't you met yet?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It turned out you were talking about him!"

"Yes! He is now in Tianshu Imperial City." Yue Mingsong laughed.



As Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong talked in the Taoist temple, a group of mysterious monks quietly entered Yunjing Mountain and rushed towards Tiandi Mountain Dojo.

A man covered with black scale armor, riding on the back of a wild lion and monster, carrying an ancient gun with a length of three feet, looking at the Taoist temple in the distance, a cold evil voice was heard in his mouth, saying: "Cloud Alas, the Taoist temple in front is really the secret Taoist temple of Tiandi Mountain in Tianshu Emperor City? "

A enchanting woman, wearing a black robe, but exposing a large area of ​​snow-white skin, her legs are extra slender, kneeling on the ground, saying: "Back to the Tantu Jizo, all forces in Tianshu Emperor City are distributed Under our control, that Taoist temple is indeed one of the secret Taoist temples of Tiandi Mountain, and there is nothing wrong with it. "

The man riding on the back of the wild lion and beast became extremely cold-eyed, saying: "The great change of the Tianshu Empire is about to happen. Before the great change comes, we must plunder more training resources in order to cope with what will happen next. The catastrophe happened. "

"If you want to plunder the cultivation resources in Tianshu Emperor City, you must not let Tiandi Mountain come in, let alone the old guys in the Holy Land."

"The Emperor Jizo has ordered that the disciples and dojos of Tiandi Mountain in the Tianshu Emperor City should be cleared first, so that the Tianshu Emperor City can be completely isolated from the Holy Land."

The enchanting woman said: "According to the information, there is a core disciple of Tiandi Mountain in that Taoist concept, and he has probably reached the realm of Heavenly Man."

"Anyway! A young core disciple, not afraid, I will kill him with my own hands," said Tanto Jizo.


Taoism, inside the secret room.

Ning Xiaochuan was about to leave Yue Mingsong and went to find Jin Wusong.

Suddenly, his face changed slightly and he said, "So strong **** smell!"


Yue Mingsong broke the door of the secret room and rushed out, but found that all the disciples in the entire Taoist temple were killed, and the ground was full of corpses.


Between heaven and earth, vigor vibrates.

Three meters away from Yue Mingsong, ripples appeared, and a thick murderous rushed out of it.

A monk wearing black armor, holding a blood-red wide-backed sword, rushed out of the ripples, and slashed to Yue Mingsong.

Yue Mingsong slaps his back, shoots out behind him, shoots a large purple electric fire, and flies out the monk wearing a black armor, all burnt and lying on the ground, howling.

Yue Mingsong seemed to be light and light, and he bounced lightly, and said lightly, "Dare you dare to kill with Azure View, your courage is too great!"

A sound of footsteps sounded!

More than a dozen martial arts monks wearing black armor rushed into the Taoist Temple, breaking through all the formations in the Taoist Temple, defending them in more than ten directions, and enclosing Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong in the center.

They had a cold and evil atmosphere on them, and they were very murderous, obviously not ordinary killers.

With a black veil, Yun Yan turned into a gloomy light, fell to the top of the Taoist gate, held a sword with flashing Wuguang, and sneered and stared at Yue Mingsong, saying, "You are the core disciple of Tiandi Mountain? "

Yue Mingsong said: "I know that my son is the core disciple of Tiandi Mountain. He has a high status and a distinguished status. He dare to kill here, do not want to live?"

"Hehe! I really think Tiandi Mountain is great? In the near future, Tiandi Mountain may also be wiped out and become a dead place. A core disciple, why do n’t we dare to kill?" Yun Yan's smile is very charming, and the laughter can make Uneasy.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes narrowed, the other party seemed to know that the human race was coming, so he was so brazen.

Sure enough, the demons' army has not been killed before, and the interior of the tribe has been chaotic!

Yue Mingsong looked at the enchanting woman standing above, and said, "Look at your chest is not big, but the tone is not small. Tiandi Mountain is a sacred earth inherited for thousands of years. Do you say that it will be destroyed?"

Yun Yan's mouth gave a cold laugh, "Whether you believe it or not, Tiandi Mountain will indeed be destroyed, and the Tianshu Empire will become a wasteland. All human beings on this land will die, only believe Only those of the King of the Tibetan Plateau can survive in the dark. "

"You are the core disciple of Tiandi Mountain, which means that you are also a rare talent. If you are willing to surrender to the" Tibetan King Sect, "then you can also be a lucky person alive in the calamity."

Yue Mingsong was a little surprised, and said, "It turns out that you are the King of Jizo! What is your identity? Are you eligible to recruit me? I am the core disciple of the Holy Land and a brilliant young talent!"

Yunji said: "I am the ambassador of Yunji under the seat of the Tanzo Jizo. If you are willing to join the Jizo king, Tantu Jizo will naturally accept you as an apprentice. At that time, you will be in the Jizo king. Will not be inferior to that of Tiandi Mountain. "

Yue Mingsong laughed: "There is always a benefit to joining the Jizo Kings! For example, send me a beautiful beauty, if I can give you you, I can consider joining the Jizo Kings."

Yun Zheng sneered, and said, "Give shame to your face, I really think that the core disciples of Tiandi Mountain are great. . "

Yundi has reached the level of heaven and human, and has a high status in Jizo King.

In her opinion, Yue Mingsong has just worshiped in Tiandi Mountain, and it is impossible to reach heaven and human realm.

"Since the Tibetan King Zong is so insincere, I don't think so! Brother Ning, let's go." Yue Mingsong said he was leaving.

"I still want to go!" Yun Yan said, "give me both of them!"

The dozen or so monks in black armor shot at the same time and attacked Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong.


At this moment, a red shadow flew by, and a red flame was spit out from his mouth, and immediately lit the dozen or so monks wearing black armor, like a giant fire lantern.


"Help ..."

After a while, the dozen or so martial art monks were all burned to ashes without any bones left.

Xiao Hong had two small pigtails on her head, sitting on the wall with a grinning sound in her mouth, as if burning more than a dozen human powerhouses was not a big deal!

Yun Zheng was startled. He had never seen such a terrible flame. He even burned more than a dozen powerful men to the ashes in a moment. If the flame had fallen on her, could she resist it?

Yue Mingsong was shocked after seeing Xiao Hong spit out the flames, and immediately retreated to the distance, for fear of being caught in the dragon fire again.

After the dragon fire burned more than a dozen monks, Yue Mingsong jumped out again, exhaling a long breath, and staring upwards, saying: "Yun Yun, you saw it too, my little niece is very powerful You cannot be her opponent. "

"My son sees your body is very good, and it shouldn't be a long way to go. If you are willing to obey your son and serve as his servant, my son will decide to spare you."

"Huh!" Yun Yan snorted coldly, with an angry look in Mei Mei's eyes.


A monster roar sounded.

A man wearing black scale armor and holding a three-zhang ancient gun, flying from a distance riding a wild lion and a beast, stepping on a black magic cloud, with lightning flashing above his head, the momentum was extremely large.

The body of the lion and the beast is huge, and the four hoofs and iron hoofs trample a wooden building into a ruin and fall smoothly into the Taoist temple.

"Meet Lord Tanto Jizo!"

Yun Fei immediately flew down from above, kneeling under the lion and beast, saluting respectfully.

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