Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 711: real world

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"how is this possible?"

Jin Wuzhen looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a suspicion and said, "All the coffins in which the heavens and men are buried are all forged with special black iron, and the lines on the coffins are engraved with lines. It is impossible to see the scene inside the coffin. How do you judge that the tomb is empty? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "My martial arts heart is different from you. You can see things you can't see. The coffins of the returnees are indeed empty coffins."

Jin Wuzhen glanced at Jinling and said, "Sister, do you believe him?"

Jinling pressed his fingers on the temple, a pair of pupils became cyan, and the eyes turned golden, exerting the power of the "golden golden eyes".

Her eyes contained the blood of God.

The eyes are divine eyes.

She put away her supernatural powers, her face changed, and said, "There are no bones in the coffin!"

"How can this happen?" Jin Wuzhen could not believe Ning Xiaochuan's words, but he would certainly believe Jinling's words, saying, "Someone sneaked into the celestial tomb forest and stole the bones of Yegui people?"

Jinling's face kept changing, saying: "It's possible, after all, the power of the formation method only guards the tombs of the Jin ancestors, but not the tombs of sinners. Even if someone comes here, stealing the bodies of Yegui people is very It's normal. "

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "If you steal the bones of the returnee, why not steal the bones of other heavenly people?"

Ning Xiaochuan walked two steps forward, came to a black boulder, pointed to the black boulder below, and said, "Look, right next to the grave of the Yegui people, there is a sky in the realm of" God Realm ". The grave of His Holiness. The body of His Holiness is also a priceless treasure? But this grave is still intact! "

Jinling showed a solemn look, and said, "What do you mean? Do you suspect that the Yegui people climbed out of the grave by themselves and walked away by themselves?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It is not impossible."

Jin Wusong was so frightened that it would be a terrible thing if a nine-day demon-level demon didn't really die and escaped from the grave.

One thousand years ago, Yegui people were buried in the tomb. If he hadn't died, where did he go this millennium?

Why have you never heard of him?

"I'm going to sue the tomb guardians of the Jin clan immediately!" Jin Wuyi understood the seriousness of the situation and immediately flew towards the holy mountain.

In addition to guarding the gray robe old man of the celestial tomb forest, the ancestral tombs of the three ancient clan, there are also strong men of the clan left to guard the ancestors for the ancestors, but they all stay in the array of real people, standing outside the holy mountain, basically Can't see them.

The gold tomb-keeper is a sinful old man who has been living on the holy mountain and guarding the tombs of his ancestors as atonement.

Not long after Jin Wuzhen left, a cold wind blew from a distance.

The cold in the wind condenses into a knife shape. Thousands of knife shadows rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan and others along with the cold wind.

The wind sounds like a ghost is roaring!

"Be careful!"

Ning Xiaochuan immediately propped up Yunxia's vitality, forming a huge spherical vitality hood, enclosing everyone in Yunxia.

Those knife-chill winds hit Yunxia Guiyuan's vitality, and they immediately shattered into a plume of black smoke.

After the cold wind blew, Ning Xiaochuan retracted Yunxia's strength and looked into the darkness. Shen said: "From the Jiutian Pavilion, you will find that you are following, Tantu Jizo, you have not yet appeared ?"

How powerful Ning Xiaochuan's mind was, and he had long noticed that Tantu Jizo and another master were behind him, but it was only because Ning Xiaochuan was desperate to find the fire of silence, so he ignored them.


In the darkness, a scream screamed!

A gray body fell from the sky, fell in front of Ning Xiaochuan and others, and hit the ground.

The old man in the gray robe, with a three-foot-long black ancient gun, twitched twice, and died unwillingly.

The blood in his body flowed into the ancient gun and was absorbed by the black ancient gun.

This old man in gray robe is the tomb guardian of the Heavenly Man Tomb Forest, but a master of the peak of the mysterious sky, but was crucified by a black ancient gun, and the blood in his body was sucked dry.




Tantu Jizo rode on a wild lion and beast, and traveled from a distance, stepping down the graves of heaven and earth, and a bunch of ghost fires flew from the grave, floating in the night sky, forming an extremely strange picture.


Tantu Jizo pulled out the black ancient gun inserted in the heart of the old man in the gray robe, and smiled, and said: "A gravekeeper, dare to stop the pace of this seat. This is the end of the blind! Your Highness, what do you say? "

Standing at the back of Ning Xiaochuan Yun Yun, seeing Tantu Jizo, he was extremely frightened, and his body was shaking.

The betrayal of Jizo, has never ended well.

Tanto Jizo came here in person, and Ning Xiaochuan could not shelter her. She knew she was dead!

"Don't be afraid! Since I promise to save your life, I will never let you die in the hands of Tanto Jizo." Ning Xiaochuan seemed very calm, and was not afraid of the arrival of Tanto Jizo.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you are so confident! Really think that you can protect her with your cultivation?" Tan Tuo Ji Zang smiled coldly, staring like electricity, staring at Yun Yan, bursting into a cry: "Yun Yun, you He betrayed the King of the Tibetan Plateau, committing a heinous crime, and quickly knelt before him. "

Hundreds of thousands of regular atmospheres in Tantu ’s body were sprayed out of his mouth at the same time, as the roar of a lion shook Yunqi with seven holes of blood, his body was soft, and he fell to the ground,

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes sank, condensing his vitality to his throat, and exhibiting the innate magical power of "Tian Lei Hong Zhong".

A large purple clock more than 20 meters high spewed out of his mouth, kept spinning, making a "buzzing" loud sound, just like a sky thunder, counter-shocking the "lion golden roar wave" in the Tantu possession. go back.

The wild lion and monster hiding under Tan Tuodi was attacked by the sound waves emitted by Ning Xiaochuan. He shook back continuously, his internal organs were broken, and his mouth was bleeding. At last, "Boom" fell to the ground.

Tantu Jizo exuded a black brilliance all over his body, flying upside down, falling on a stone monument, staring at the savage lion and beast that fell to the ground and dying, snorting coldly: "What is not useful!"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Danduo Jizo, not only you come to the heavenly tomb forest! What other masters, do not appear immediately?"

The voice of a feminine and beautiful woman resounded in the grave forest, seeming extraordinarily ethereal:

"Reading as usual,

My heart breathed illusion.

Looking at all the laws,

No false or true.

Ning donor, life is just a dream, there is no truth, since you have already walked through Red Dust, why bother to love Red Dust? Let the poor Nepalese take you out of this unreal world and into that real world! "

A young woman in a red robe came from the grave forest, her body was wrapped in imaginary smoke and dust, but she just sketched a beautiful and beautiful shadow, which made people think infinitely.

In her hand, she pinched a golden bead, exuding a dazzling light from the Buddha, like a pinch of a buddha, lighting up the path previously walked.

"Bouzhu Jizo!" Yun Yan was even more frightened, but did not expect that two Jizo adults actually came.

When Ning Xiaochuan looked at the Orb Jizo, he could only see an aesthetic illusion, like a portrait of a **** and Buddha on the wall of the temple, full of sacred breath.

However, Qiqiao Shenmo's heart felt that this orb's possession was more dangerous than Tantu's possession, not as sacred as she looked.

"Excuse Jizo, where is the real world?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Baozhu Jizo raised his head slightly, and under the hood, his white chin was exposed, and his red lips were open and closed, saying, "The real world is in my hands!"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the bead in Baozhu's possession, his eyes suddenly flinched, and he saw that more than 6,000 Sanskrit words flowed over the golden bead the size of a fist.

Every Sanskrit is the soul of a man.

The spirits of more than 6,000 men are chanting the scriptures, and the sound of overlapping Buddhas is heard.

Ning Xiaochuan naturally did not know what scripture they were reading. If the monk Tangan was there, he should know.

Orbaz said: "They are all reading the Penitent Scriptures. They are all guilty, some are greedy, some are selfish, some are hypocritical, and they are all lusts. Now, when they enter the real world, they can be considered Kind of remorse. "

Ning Xiaochuan snorted coldly, and said, "To extract the soul of a living person and make it into a supreme device, why not speak so noblely?"

Ning Xiaochuan himself will also use the magic sword to absorb the blood of other monks and improve his cultivation. This is the magic way, Ning Xiaochuan never found himself a sound reason, and never thought he was a good person!

I am a demon, how can you help me?

"Why so much nonsense with that kid, get rid of him now."

Tan Tu Jizo snorted, soared, and shot at Ning Xiaochuan.

Master Xuanji said that he could not kill Ning Xiaochuan, and Tan Tuo Ji Zang's heart naturally dissatisfied. He wanted to kill Ning Xiaochuan himself to prove himself.

Cultivation with the fifth realm of "Heaven and Heaven" of Tianren cannot kill a young monk in Gaojingtian?


Ning Xiaochuan summoned the ten-handed mystic war sword, condensing the "Zhenshen sword array", arranged together, the ten swords rushed at the same time, and chopped towards the Tantu Jizo.

"Hmm ..."

Tantu Jizo was forced to take ten steps back, leaving ten sword marks on his armor.

The armor on his body, through the blessing of the mysterious lord, can resist the full blow of the monk of the kingdom of heaven.

The ten-handed, nine-pin Xuanqi-level war sword just left ten sword marks on the armor, and did not break the armor.

"Good boy, it is indeed the spirit son of Tiandi Mountain. The combat power is far beyond the monks in the same realm. It can actually compete with this seat. Is it really against the sky?"

Tanto Jizo inserted a black ancient gun on the ground, slap his palms on the ground, and yelled in his mouth.

The ground is covered with a layer of black awns.

The whole earth was exposed by him, just like the heavens and the earth were turned upside down. The earth, weighing tens of kilograms, was crushed down towards Ning Xiaochuan, and he wanted to bury Ning Xiaochuan alive.

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