Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 714: Bergamot

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This is an earth-shaking confrontation, beyond the ordinary people's cognition, a magical move at will has tremendous power.

Above the sky, a flaming fiery fire was burning, showing a dark purple color. The celestial tomb forest is an ancient **** soil, showing a dark red color.

The colors of heaven and earth are not normal, making people doubt that they are in the underworld.

Yeguiren and tomb elders are old-class antiques, and every time they make a shot, they will exude the power of maggots, making Baozhu Jizo, Ning Xiaochuan and others feel a sense of breathlessness.

Yeguiren's fingers pointed towards the inside, and the coffins buried in the **** soil broke out and flew out.

There are three hundred and six coffins, containing the bones of 360 heavenly men.

Guided by the power of the Yegui people, the bodies of 360 celestial beings flew out of the coffin, just as if they were celestial soldiers. They spit out 360 light beams into the body of Yegui people.

He is using the power of the dead to break the formation of the Jin ancestors on the periphery of the Holy Mountain.

Only by breaking the formation will there be a chance to kill the tomb guardian.


The arms of the tomb elder stretched out, and in the huge ancestral tomb behind him, a golden light flew out, condensing between his palms, forming a ball of light.

He used this to gather the will of the Jin ancestors through the power of the Jin ancestor tomb.

The power of the ancient ancestors of the Jin ethnic group merged with him, making his body golden, just like gold casting.

The golden ball of light between his palms was hit by him.

The golden sphere of light became larger and larger. Finally, the diameter of the sphere of light reached 500 meters, and it kept spinning, just like a golden planet flying through the sky.

Ning Xiaochuan and others stood under the sacred mountain, looked up and looked up, feeling that a planet outside the universe had fallen, blocking most of the sky in their field of vision.

That feeling was particularly shocking. Human magic can be so powerful?


A celestial body, falling from the sky, was like rain.

Even the returnees were hit hard, and they couldn't stop the will of the Jin ancestors.

The black robe on him was shattered, revealing a terrifying body!

It didn't look like a human body at all, like a rotten body, the whole body had been rotten, and there were even corpses squirming in his corpse.

An extremely horrible face with blood-red corpse hair on his head, blue-faced fangs, and his eyeballs had rotted and sunken into the eye sockets.

"Is this really a living person?"

Seeing Yegui's true body, even Ning Xiaochuan took a cold breath.

Jinling and Yunyan were even more frightened.

Just when Ye Guiren and the tomb guardian fight, a bare monk came to the edge of the celestial cemetery, staring at the burning cloud above the cemetery, saying: "Amitabha! Sin barrier! Sin barrier!"

Having said this, the monk walked straight into the heavenly cemetery.


The tomb elder shattered the Emperor's hammer and wanted to completely kill the night.

"Going home at night, you should have returned to the dust and buried in the earth, and today I will give you a ride when I am old." The old guardian said lightly.

The Emperor's Hammer has become as large as a mountain, smashing from the clouds, and before hitting the ground, it has depressed the ground.

The Emperor's Hammer is a medium-class supreme device. It is not a level at all with the lower-class supreme device, and it is too powerful.

Ye Guiren stopped the Emperor's Hammer with a hard blow, and his body cracked like cracks. However, a black magic gas erupted into his body, turning it into tiny iron chains, allowing the broken body to re-consolidate.

"Abominable! In the cemetery of heaven and earth, you can rely on the will of the ancient ancestors of the Jin people, so you can beat me. If you go outside, you may not be your opponent." Ye Guiren said coldly.

The tomb guardian said: "Don't you also rely on the corpses of many celestial bodies and ancient corpses to get such powerful power now?"

"Huh! You should also be proud. This seat is now going to the Jin clan, killing all the young and old of the clan. Haha!" Ye Guiren laughed wildly and turned into a magic cloud, flying in the direction of Tianshu Emperor City go with.

"You ..." The old guardian's heart was slightly startled, and he was about to go to the night to return.


Suddenly, a huge golden Buddha's handprint flew up to the sky, countless Buddhist texts beating on the handprint, sending out sacred Buddhist sounds, and dispersing the piece of magic cloud that wanted to fly out of the celestial graveyard.

Yegui people spit blood, fell from the sky, and fell to the ground fiercely.

He immediately stood up, stepped on the ground with his legs, clenched his teeth, held up the palms of his hands, and held up the golden bergamot.

However, he just held up for a moment and was crushed by the golden bergamot.

The golden bergamot prints turned into a plume of golden smoke and dust, and slowly dispersed.

On the ground, only a five-finger pit was left.

"Amitabha! Sinister barrier! Now that the old man is here, you cannot allow you to continue killing other monks." A monk with big sleeves fluttering out of the night, standing on the edge of the five-finger pit, extremely sacred and solemn, like a Buddha descending world.

He has a pair of compassionate eyes, his hands folded, and a golden Buddha light swirling around his head.

Turned out to be the soul of the night.

Jinling said in shock: "A very powerful Buddhist monk would return the night to the town and kill him with one hand. North. Is there such a strong person in Xinjiang?"

"It is really strong and numb. This monk has been pretending to be the best, but he wants to cheat money everywhere," Ning Xiaochuan cursed fiercely.

The body of the Yegui people, lying in the center of the five-finger pit, was decontaminated by the monk's scriptures.

However, the position of the heart of Yegui people is still burning with a magic fire that will never go out, just like a ghost lamp in the darkness!


Ning Xiaochuan turned into a colorful streamer and flew towards the corpse of Yegui, hoping to collect the "fire of silence" in Yegui.

However, when Ning Xiaochuan reached the body of the Yeguier and grabbed his hand, suddenly, a flower bloomed.

A person's shadow flashed!

"The flame of silence! It is the most evil flame in the world. It must be taken away, lest it be refined by other monks, and a great devil will be created!" The monk held a dark purple hand in his hand. Demon flame, sighed.

Ning Xiaochuan's hands have been grasped, but they have to withdraw, staring coldly at the big monk, saying: "Dangan monk, what the **** are you doing?"


The monk Tangan stared at Ning Xiaochuan in surprise, with a smile on his face, and said, "Amitabha! What a coincidence! Ning Xiaoshi, you are actually here, and the fate between us is not shallow."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Who the **** are you?"

"Amitabha! The poor monk is an honest man who piously practices Buddhism!" The monk Tangan folded his hands and stunned Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan was a little speechless and said, "Monk, since you don't want to say, I won't force you. But, as you said just now, the fate between us is deep, and now I want to discuss something with you!"

Monk Tangan squinted his eyes and said, "You want the fire of silence in the hands of the poor monk?"


The monk Tangan shook his head and said calmly: "This is an ominous fire. Anyone who refines this kind of flame will enter the magic path. In the end, the calamity will never be restored! The poor monk must not give it to you and let you return to the night. Footsteps. "

"Is there really no discussion?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The monk Tangan said: "There is absolutely no discussion on this matter. The poor monk will completely purify the 'Fire of Extinction' and let it disappear into the world, so that no more innocent people will die for him. Amitabha! Goodness! Goodness!"

"Thousands of ground stones!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Tangan monk's eyebrows jumped, hesitating for a moment, and said, "Ten thousand pieces of real-estate Xuanshi! One less is not enough."

"Ten thousand pieces of ground stones ... the price is too high, I don't have so many stones on my body!" Ning Xiaochuan gritted his teeth and wanted to kill the monk Tangan.

This monk is too hard!

"Amitabha! The flame of silence is a flame that will affect the mind of the monk. It should not exist in the world. The old lady must purify it for all beings in the world ..." The monk Tangan said solemnly.

"Ten thousand pieces of ground stones, I'll make them for him!" Jinling walked over, respectfully worshipping the monk Tangan.

She took out a Qian Qian cloth bag and handed it to the monk of Tangan.

The monk Tangan took the Qiankun bag and checked the quantity of black stones in it. Subsequently, he shoved the Qiankun sack into his arms, slightly twitching the corner of his mouth, revealing a knowing smile, "Amitabha! Everything in the world has destiny. The fate of Ning Shih and the Fire of Extinction is too deep to be separated. Obey God's will, and give the fire of silence to Ning Shi. "

"Slow!" Ning Xiaochuan said: "Monk, return the black stone to her. Even if I want to buy it, I will use my own black stone."

The monk Tangan showed a bitter color and said, "Don't do this! The poor monk has already accepted it, so why can't you take it out again? Besides, you can't take out 10,000 real estate basalts now!"

"I can't take out ten thousand pieces of ground stones, which shows that my fate with Silent Demon Fire is not enough. Today, I don't want it!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Xiaochuan does not want to owe others, especially women.

Jinling gritted his teeth, pinched a pair of powder fists, and stomped his feet, feeling that Ning Xiaochuan was too ignorant of current affairs.

The monk Tangan reluctantly returned the black stone to Jinling and sighed: "Well! The poor monk is not a money-loving person, it's all outside the body, it's all dung. If you promise to help The poor monk does one thing, and the poor monk can give you the fire of silence. "

"What's the matter?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The monk Tangan said: "Clean the portal for the poor monk and kill the evildoers."

"Why don't you go?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Tangan monk said: "Amitabha, the poor monk never kills."

"Who's the lie? If you don't return at night, you will be shot dead with one palm?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The monk Tangan faced bitterly, and said, "You're wrong! Ye Guiren died more than a thousand years ago. The poor monk is just exceeding his bones and letting his soul sleep completely!"

Ning Xiaochuan exhaled and said, "Okay! You must rely on your own strength to obtain the Fire of Extinction, and you must be more at ease. Monk, who is the underdog you want me to kill?"

"King of tibetan!" Said monk Tangan lightly.

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