Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 716: Another dragon pup

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Refining and extinguishing the demon fire must be cautious and not be disturbed in any way. There is a danger that the demon fire will burn itself if you pay little attention.

"Xiao Hong, you have to be obedient! Don't run around, protect me." Ning Xiaochuan gently touched Xiao Hong's small head, and gave her the responsibility for her own safety.

Little Red blinked, blinked, and stretched out a small hand, saying: "Ning Xiaochuan, I want mysterious beasts!"

"Not big or small, I will call me Brother Xiaochuan in the future." Ning Xiaochuan tapped on Xiao Hong's head lightly.

Xiao Hong shook her head vigorously and said, "I'm older than you when it comes to age. Why don't you call me Little Red Sister?"

Ning Xiaochuan didn't want to quarrel with her, and said, "Well! Sister Xiaohong, what do you want Xuanshoujian to do?"

"Isn't there a mystic war pet you conquered in the Xuanshoujian? I plan to teach them some dragon clan secrets to make them more powerful." Xiao Hong said with a pair of small hands, serious.

"Yes! I hope you can really make them stronger." Ning Xiaochuan handed Xuanshou Jian to Xiao Hong, and then shook his head with a smile.

The six mysterious beasts in the mysterious beast book, six-armed tyrannosaurus, golden eagle, white-headed nine-claw eagle, unicorn ghost bat beast, two-headed stone beast, and Tai Sui beast, all have condensed demon elements after taking nine flower agar , To reach the realm of heaven and man, condensed out the body of the monster.

Among them, the six-armed tyrannosaurus and Taisui beast have reached the fourth realm of heaven and earth, the mysterious realm.

The golden eagle, the white-headed nine-claw eagle, the double-headed stone beast, and the unicorn ghost bat beast also all reached the second realm of heaven and man, Zhongjingtian.

With their strength, they can already stand alone and share the pressure for Ning Xiaochuan. If their combat power is further improved, Ning Xiaochuan's help will be even greater.

After Xiaohong got the Xuanshoujian, she was delighted and sat on the threshold. With a pair of white and tender hands, she kept rubbing the Xuanshoujian and released the six monsters inside, each of which was only half a meter high. , Cute.

She was having fun with the six little beasts, and she kept uttering "hehe" laughter.

Is she really trying to teach the six mysterious dragons?

Ning Xiaochuan summoned Yang Xin's true spirit, placed it in the center of the formation, the lid of the furnace was automatically opened, and a beam of light flew out of it.

A dark purple magic fire, suspended in the center of the beam of light, is only the size of a fist, shaped like a cloud, and is constantly changing, giving a strange feeling.

The fire of annihilation is very horrible. Ning Xiaochuan has made multiple layers of defense, Aoki sky suit, demon skin armor, defensive array, but still can feel the horrible flames and burn the skin.

"Fortunately, the monk Tangan has purified the breath left by the night returning to the Fire of Extinction. Otherwise, with my current practice, it will be more difficult to refine the Fire of Extinction."

Silent Demon Fire is one of the most critical three types of flames for practicing "Dead Demon Fire Road".

Once the extinguishing fire of fire is refined, Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation must advance by leaps and bounds.

"You must break through the mysterious sky!"

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the fire of the extinct fire and held it in his palm. Utilize the tactics of "The Extinction of the World" to absorb the fire of extinction and blend with the fire of extinction.

However, the fire of extinction is very active, like an untamed fierce horse, without any external force at all.


The Fire of Extinction turned into a dark purple fire dragon, and rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan's body, trying to counter-refine Ning Xiaochuan.

If it is backfired by the fire of silence, even a Supreme Master, it will definitely be burned to fly ash in an instant.

At the moment of crisis, Ning Xiaochuan immediately inspired the supreme body of the demon. Half of the body exudes white Shenghua and half of it emits black magic light. A powerful supreme power burst out of the body, opened his lips, Inhale and swallow the silenced fire into your mouth.

It's like swallowing a fire dragon!

"In this case, use my body as a furnace to refine the fire of silence."

Ning Xiaochuan has a firm will and a strong physique. His supreme power guards the flesh and blood body, and he recovers the extinct fire.

The two kinds of magic fires fight in the body, colliding with each other, flowing along the blood, to the heart, forming a big week.

Inside Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts heart palace, the "celestial heart bead" condensed from "Heaven and Earth Xuan Qi" kept spinning and absorbed the mystery between heaven and earth.

While refining the fire of extinction, he impacted the fourth realm of Heaven and Man.

Ning Xiaochuan's body became hotter and hotter, and a ray of magic flames flowed from the pores on his skin, making his body completely covered with magic fire.

I do not know how long it took, the fire of silence was finally refined by Ning Xiaochuan.


At the moment when the extinguishing demon fire was refined, Ning Xiaochuan's body made a noise, and the flame that originally wrapped the body returned into the body like a tide.

Will soon break through the mysterious sky!

Ning Xiaochuan immediately took out a blue gourd and swallowed a mouthful of nine flower agar.

With Jiuhua Qiongjiang's medicinal power, it provides vitality for the breakthrough of the realm, and strives to make the realm impact higher, rather than the simple early days of the mysterious realm!

The value of the fire of extinction must be fully utilized.

Based on the cultivation of heaven and human beings, taking a mouthful of Jiuhua Qiongjiang will drunk for three months.

However, Ning Xiaochuan used Jiuhua agar to break through the realm. Most of the medicine power was transformed into the rules of the earth and the rule of extinction. Another part of the liquor power was blocked by the Supreme Body.

Therefore, after Ning Xiaochuan took this mouthful of Jiuhua Qiongye, she only slept for three days.

Three days later, when Ning Xiaochuan woke up, Xiu Wei has fully reached the fourth realm of Heaven and Man, Xuanjingtian!

He immediately opened his mind and looked at the two Tao elements.

Among the annihilation rules, there are a total of 178,000 annihilation rules.

Among the heavens and earth, there are 62,000 earth rules.

"The annihilation of Daoyuan Yuan has reached the peak of Xuanjingtian, and the Tiandi Daoyuan has cultivated to the middle of Xuanjingtian."

Other monks broke through to Xuanjingtian, and there were only 18,000 rules in their bodies. However, Ning Xiaochuan directly hit the peak of Xuanjingtian, compared with the hard work of other monks for decades.

Ning Xiaochuan has such achievements, the biggest credit is still from the fire of silence.

Silent Demon Fire is one of the three main mysterious fires that practice the Demon Fire Path. Refining it, the rule of extinction among the elements of extinction will naturally increase dramatically, and it will be a normal thing to impact the peak of the mysterious sky.

Secondly, the medicinal power of Jiuhua Agar is really powerful.

If it were not for an amazing medicine like "Jiuhua Qiongye", Ning Xiaochuan would not have reached the pinnacle of Xuanjingtian just after breaking through the realm!

What's more, Ning Xiaochuan also found a surprise, "Tian Xuan Qi" was finally cultivated to the eleventh floor, and the speed of absorbing Xuan Qi reached 512 times.

The faster the absorption of mystery, the faster Ning Xiaochuan can condense the rules of the earth.

"Tian Di Xuan Qi" and "Tian Di Jing" have the same origin and complement each other.

"The extinct Daoyuan has reached the pinnacle of the mysterious sky. The next step is the cultivation of the Tiandi Daoyuan. If only a few crystals can be found!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Of course, ground crystals are rare treasures and cannot be found so easily.

Now that Xuanjingtian has been reached, it is impossible for Xiuwei to continue to climb rapidly!

Unless two types of mysterious fires are found: Golden Fire of Hell, Flame of Nirvana of the Phoenix.

These two kinds of mysterious fires are more difficult to find than ground crystals, and they can only rely on their own luck!


Ning Xiaochuan's arm waved gently, the fire of extinction flying out of the palm, and the formation was burned.

Out of the array, Ning Xiaochuan saw Xiao Hong and six beasts playing and chasing each other.


Xiao Hong spit out a flame, and the six beasts fled immediately, for fear of being caught by the flame.

However, how terrible the **** was to extinguish the dragon fire, and still burned the six little beasts to burnt black body, fleshy skin, and kept screaming and mourning.

However, when they were severely damaged, the Xuanshoujian would emit a white light, taking them back.

After a while, they emerged from the Xuanshoujian, and their injuries were healed.

Over the past three days, the six little beasts did not know how many times they had been burned by the gods to extinguish the dragon fire, but they have already formed a certain degree of resistance. They were burned once, only to make them slightly injured.

Burn them at least three times to force them to return to the Xuanshoujian. Use the power of the mysterious beast to help them heal.


Ning Xiaochuan seemed to see what was happening and felt clearly that the body of the six beasts gave birth to a faint breath of the dragon.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's exit, Xiao Hong also stopped and said to the six beasts, "Let's rest, too!"

Xiaohong bare a pair of little feet, holding her small breasts, carrying her hands on her back, and walked in front of Ning Xiaochuan. She said, "I feed them the dragon blood in my body every day, and I burn them with the dragon's fire to help them. They incorporate Shenlong blood into the flesh. "

"Their current physique is already close to that of ordinary cubs, and they will only become stronger in the future."

All six little beasts turned into humanoid shapes, walked in front of Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong, bowed down and worshiped, "See the master, see Her Royal Highness Dragon Girl."

The two-headed stone beast, after being transformed into a human form, is tall and covered with stone skin. It has great power to hold a mountain.

Jin Ye is extraordinarily charming and charming, with long golden hair, full and radiant, making her eyes feel hot and fragrant.

The six-armed tyrannosaurus has a human body, but it has six stout arms, covered with dragon scales.

The unicorn ghost bat monster and the white-headed nine-claw eagle are both old-fashioned winged creatures; the Tai Sui beast is a dwarf dwarf, but the head is very large, with small braids on its head.

"Their improvement has really improved a lot! Xiaohong, you continue to train them, and it will definitely be of great help to us in the future." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Xiaohongdao: "Ning Xiaochuan, I feel that there is a Shenlong cub in the Tianshu Grand Empire!"

"What?" Ning Xiaochuan said,

Although Xiaohong looks only three or four years old, she has a very serious feeling, saying: "Since another baby dragon appears, it must be accompanied by another fighting dragon. I can feel it now When it comes to it, it must have felt me. Our enemy is here! "

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