Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 754: Three Great Jizos

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Ning Xiaochuan stared deeply at Jizo, saying, "You are too deserving of yourself. You don't need me to take a shot myself. A war pet can take your life. Jizo, if you die here today Don't blame me, just blame yourself for being too greedy! "

"Six-armed Tyrannosaurus!"

Ning Xiaochuan broke into a mysterious beast book a Tianwu vitality, communicated with his heart the six-armed tyrannosaurus in the beast book, and called out the six-armed tyrannosaurus.


A dragon murmur rang through the valley.

The six-armed tyrannosaurus flew from the mysterious beast book, just like a steel hill. The scales of the dragon were harder than the iron skin, and they were powerful and explosive. With a roar in his mouth, he rushed up.

Six arms were waving at the same time, and six dragon claws took turns to shoot at the holding ground.

Feeling the strong dragon spirit on the six-armed tyrannosaurus, he was slightly surprised by holding the ground, immediately stepped on the nine-step body, flashed nine times in a row, and avoided the claws of the six-armed tyrannosaurus.

She never thought that Ning Xiaochuan actually conquered a six-armed tyrannosaurus as a pet.

This is a dragon!

Moreover, the repair of the six-armed tyrannosaurus has reached a quite powerful level, and they must have a high status in the dragon family. How easy is it to conquer?

The six-armed tyrannosaurus, known as the most powerful dragon family, is very powerful, and every bone in its body contains devastating power.


The dragon's claws waved down, leaving a paw print of dozens of meters in size on the stone wall of the river valley.

The repair of the six-armed tyrannosaurus is ranked first among the six monsters in the mysterious beast book. Not only is the physical strength strong, but the defense is amazing.

While holding Jizo and fighting with the six-armed tyrannosaurus, Ning Xiaochuan slowly closed his eyes, released his mental strength, and searched in all directions. Do you want to find out if there is any other strong chaser?

As soon as the mind radiated 800 meters away, they noticed the breath of the two monks.

Sure enough, at the bottom of the river valley, there are two other masters hidden.

The two masters ’practice seems to be a little stronger than the practice of holding the ground. Although it is very well hidden, how can it escape the investigation of Ning Xiaochuan's mind.

"It must be the other two Jizos of the Jizo King, because I don't know my true strength, so I didn't dare to rush, just let the Jizo first come out to test my falsehood."

Jizo's three Jizos actually arrived at the same time, which did cause a lot of pressure on Ning Xiaochuan.

"No ... why are there other powerhouses?"

Ning Xiaochuan discovered the third breath, which was also hidden at the bottom of the river valley.

The owner of that breath is better hidden than the two possessions of the Emperor Jizo, and is almost completely integrated with the environment at the bottom of the river valley.

The man's cultivation is also more powerful, and the hidden secret technique is very clever. He almost concealed Ning Xiaochuan's mind!

"Is it the mysterious king? No, if the mysterious king has arrived, his cultivation is not necessary to hide in the shadows."

"Who is the owner of that first breath? To what extent is Xiuwei?"

Ning Xiaochuan originally intended to join Xiaohong and the six monsters and directly kill the three Jizo kings to the town. Although the membership fee was a bit tricky, Ning Xiaochuan believed that he had that strength.

However, after discovering that there was another more powerful monk in the dark, Ning Xiaochuan decided to change his strategy!

Ning Xiaochuan closed her eyes again and mobilized the power of the Seven Magical Demon Heart.

Blood quips and heart quips run around the heart at a rapid speed, making the seven qi demon's demon heart's seven qi become extremely bright, like seven circular haloes enveloping the heart.

The seven minds condensed into seven human shadows exactly like Ning Xiaochuan, sitting in the center of the Qiqiao of the heart.

"Wow! Wow!"

Among them, two human beings flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's body silently.

As if the soul was out of touch, the two people were heart-shaped and flew towards the hidden position of the two Tibetan possessions of Jizo King.

"Ning Xiaochuan is indeed the spirit son of Tiandi Mountain. Not only has a Shenlong cub, but also conquered a six-armed tyrannosaurus! If his cultivation has been fully recovered, even if the three men join forces, it is not his Opponent. "Nikko has squinted his eyes, and touched the beard on his chin, still a little jealous of Ning Xiaochuan.

The body of Baoyin Jizo is like an iron tower, strong and burly, with a poisonous look in his eyes, and he snorted coldly: "Is the Emperor the Emperor weak? We all three Jizo shot at the same time, I am afraid that the emperor will slap him with a slap. Ning Ogawa and the Emperor's battle must have been seriously injured, and I don't believe he will be stronger than the Emperor! "

Nikko Jizo and Baoyin Jizo are hidden in the dark to observe the reality of Ning Xiaochuan.

Suddenly, two icy cold winds blew around and swirled around the two of them, condensing into two powerful hearts and figures, like two ghost shadows, ramming them towards them and directly drilling into their bodies. .

"Not good, Ning Xiaochuan launched a mind attack!"

Baoyin Jizo immediately sat down on the ground, fully converging his mind back to the martial arts heart, and blocking that person-shaped mind.

"Huh! It's too dare to let the mind enter our body to launch an attack. I'm too confident." Nikko Jizo didn't panic. He just closed his eyes, his hands kept making marks, and he struck the marks into his body.

He wanted to use the "mark of the Dharma" to dispel the shape of the person who had penetrated into him!

However, the man's heart-shaped spirit was beyond his imagination, and he was not dissipated, but instead ran down the bloodstream toward his heart.

"how is this possible?"

Nikko Jizo's face changed so much that he couldn't imagine that Ning Xiaochuan's mind was so powerful.

He immediately sat on the ground, mobilizing the concrete magical powers in his body, condensing into a Tao sword, and fully resisting Ning Xiaochuan's human heart.

Mind attacks are not common in the practice world.

Because the farther the mind is from the deity, the weaker it becomes.

Unless your mind is ten times more powerful than the mind of the other party, otherwise, you exert your strength into the other party's body to launch an attack, which is to die.

If your mind is already ten times stronger than the opponent, and your martial arts practice must be many times stronger than the other, you can kill the opponent with one punch, so why not risk your mind being defeated by the opponent to perform a mental attack? ?

If the mind is defeated by the concrete powers in the other person's body, not only will the mind be severely damaged, but the deity will also be greatly injured.

Therefore, if you can use your martial power to kill your opponent, few people will use your mental power to defeat your opponent's mental defense.

At this moment, Nikko Jizo and Baoyin Jizo are using the concrete supernatural powers in their bodies to attack the mental powers that invaded their bodies, and they want to crush that powerful human-shaped mind and spirit!

However, the power of that person's heart and soul was extremely arrogant, and they rammed into the bodies of the two of them. If they were in and out of no one, they could not resist it.

"Did Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation have reached the level of His Holiness Nine Heavens?" Nikko Jizo's forehead kept sweating, and every muscle was trembling!

Ning Xiaochuan's mental strength is too terrible, stronger than His Holiness.

If they are only the minds of the monks in the seventh realm of heaven and man, they still have the confidence to use the concrete powers in their bodies to defeat the mental power of the other.

However, the mind of Ning Xiaochuan is much more horrible than that of the monk in the seventh realm of heaven and human beings, and cannot be resisted by their strength at all.

After some battle, the minds of Nikko Jizo and Baoyin Jizo were finally broken by Ning Xiaochuan.

The two were conquered by the magical spirit of Qiqiao God. In a quiet voice, the two cultivated into a powerful Jizo, and they have become the soul slaves of Ning Xiaochuan!

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan didn't want to use Qiqiaoshenmuxin to conquer some useless people. The more soul slaves he conquers, the heavier the burden on his heart and the greater the drag on his cultivation.

Qiqiao Shenmoxin is like a carriage in a Mercedes-Benz. Everyone who is taken into the carriage must obey Ning Xiaochuan's order. However, the more people take the carriage, the heavier the burden and the slower the carriage runs!

Therefore, the purer the person in the heart, the more able to focus on the cultivation of the avenue.

People who pretend too much in their hearts will be more fettered, instead they practice faster than those with pure hearts.

Xueling Xu is pure in heart, focused and heavenly, so he can go a thousand miles a day, far beyond his contemporaries.

Although Ning Xiaochuan's heart is strong, but he pretends too much and drags himself down.

The soul slaves subdued by him are like impurities in his heart. Although they help him to a certain extent, they impede his cultivation invisibly.

Ning Xiaochuan subdued the Nikko Jizo and Baoyin Jizo, and just wanted to use their power to deal with the master who has been hiding in the dark!

The Jizo holding the six-armed Tyrannosaurus did not know that his two companions had become Ning Xiaochuan's servants. This is the power of Qiqiao Shenmoxin!


The claws of the six-armed tyrannosaurus slap on the chest of the holding ground, making the body of the holding ground hidden in the flesh and blood, just like a kite with a broken line, throwing it backwards.

Holding the Jizo to the ground, his mouth was constantly bleeding, his chest was covered, his back receded, and his face was bleak: "Nikko Jizo, Baoyin Jizo, haven't appeared yet?"

Nikko Jizo and Baoyin Jizo came out of the radon gas. Although they have become the spiritual slaves of Ning Xiaochuan, their bodies are still shrouded in evil spirit, deliberately pretending to look hostile to Ning Xiaochuan!

Nikko Jizo whispered coldly: "Friends hiding at the bottom of the river valley, now that you are here, why don't we take action against Ning Xiaochuan together?"

Holding Jizo's face changed slightly, looking at Nikko Jizo, saying: "Apart from us and Ning Xiaochuan, are there other strong people hiding nearby?"

Nikko Jizo smiled and smiled, nodded, and continued: "Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation is strong, and only if we have the strength of all of us, can he be taken down. Friends, we will join forces for a while and wait for Ning Xiaochuan After that, we took half of the treasures on him. What do you think? "


Tonight at twelve in the morning, burst a few more chapters, don't ask me why, wayward!

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