Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 758: Battle of the Phoenix

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Ji Luo's clone also gave birth to the "Golden Fire of Hell", which was of great help to the practice of the Extermination Demon Fire Path.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan began to refine Ji Luo's avatar by taking advantage of the unique natural advantages of Fireland and using the fire of extinction.

It took two days for Ning Xiaochuan to refine Ji Luo's avatar into a fist-sized **** golden fire.

It took another full day for Ning Xiaochuan to completely absorb that hell's golden fire, and to fuse it with the fire of extinction.

After absorbing the golden fire of hell, Ning Xiaochuan's annihilation rules in the annihilation rule have increased by two million.

The total number of annihilation rules reached more than 4 million.

Among the extinct Taoist elements, they are all densely packed rules, like bright, thin lines, sometimes gathering into rivers, sometimes turning into huge whirlpools, and sometimes into regular oceans.

Although Ning Xiaochuan now has as many rules in his body as possible, to practice to the seventh realm of heaven and man, 18 million rules are required.

Ning Xiaochuan is still quite far away from the seventh realm of heaven and man.

"Jiluo's golden fire in his avatar is not even one tenth of his real body. If he can get Jilu's golden fire of hell, breaking through the seventh realm of heaven and man is just around the corner."

Ning Xiaochuan and Ji Luo have no hatred. If they want to break through their realm, they will do everything possible to take her life. That is totally contrary to the principle Ning Xiaochuan has always adhered to.

At the Jiutian Pavilion, the reason why Ning Xiaochuan suppressed Ji Luo's avatar was, of course, that she wanted to use her avatar to absorb the golden fire of **** and help her cultivate.

However, it was also because Ji Luo regarded him as an intruder and wanted to take his life, so he shot to suppress Ji Luo's avatar.

"Since I've refined part of the golden fire of **** into the fire of extinction, it can be regarded as meeting the conditions for practicing the" fire extinction ". As for the seventh realm of heaven and man, there are always other ways, and it is not necessary to refine Only by translating more hell's golden fire can we break through the realm. "

Ning Xiaochuan suppressed the greed in his heart and kept his peace of mind.

The heavier the greed in my heart, the longer it will become a demon.

After absorbing the golden fire of hell, the temperature of the "World Extinction Demon Fire" rose a great deal, and it was as hot as a little sun.

Ning Xiaochuan took out a sixth-grade Xuanqi-level war sword. The war sword had just touched the fire of extinction, and the tip of the sword had melted into molten iron, dripped on the ground, and sizzled red sand. .

"I don't know how strong it will be to practice Mahayana Fire Road to Mahayana?" Ning Xiaochuan looked forward to it.

He retracted the extinct fire into his body, condensed into a purple-gold flame, and merged with Yang Xinding.

The purple golden flame tripod and yangxin tripod rotate at the same time, forming a whirlwind.

The purple-colored flame Xiaoding is the center of the whirlwind. It continuously absorbs the flames in the fire area into Ning Xiaochuan's body and merges with the fire of extinction. This is a cultivation approach that is close to plundering, which has caused Ning Xiaochuan's extinction rules to grow wildly.

On the seventh day, Ning Xiaochuan heard a cry of a phoenix in his ears, coming from deeper in the fire domain.

At first, Ning Xiaochuan thought he heard it wrong.

However, it didn't take long for another phoenix to sound, and it was clearer than the previous one!

Ning Xiaochuan stopped practicing, stood up, and looked deep into the fire.

"What the **** is going on?" Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly.

He glanced at Xiaohong in the distance, and saw that she was still practicing, but did not disturb her.

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the six-armed tyrannosaurus and the two-headed stone beast and let them stay to protect Xiaohong. Then he cautiously walked deeper into the area of ​​fire, trying to find out.

"Is this area of ​​fire a phoenix's lair?" Ning Xiaochuan's heart was both agitated and a little excited.

In the Tianxu continent, the trace of the phoenix is ​​very rare and is called the legendary **** bird.

However, if Ning Xiaochuan wanted to practice the "Destruction of the Fire of the World" to Mahayana, he had to refine the fire of the Phoenix Nirvana.

If you cannot find the fire of the Phoenix Nirvana, you will never be able to cultivate the Extinction Demon Road successfully.

Although the depths of the fire are dangerous, it is also an opportunity for Ning Xiaochuan!

When Ning Xiaochuan walked more than a thousand miles into the depths of the fire, the temperature of the fire was already terrifying, almost burning his body.

He will use the power of the extinct fire and the supernatural body of the demon, and at the same time, he can only barely resist the flame.

"Can't go any further. I'm afraid I'll be burnt to ashes by the flames."

Ning Xiaochuan held the jade seal above his head, and white jade rays emanated from the jade seal, wrapping him in the white jade light.

Even so, he still felt scalding, and his flesh seemed to burn.

Even if the Supreme Master Nine Heavens came here, I am afraid that my body will spontaneously ignite.

As Ning Xiaochuan was preparing to walk back, the ground suddenly shook violently.


A red mountain, hundreds of meters long, flew from a distance. No, it was not a red mountain, but a huge reddish owl with a huge body.

Jin Zhuan also belongs to the Qiang tribe, but compared to this big cricket, I don't know how many times it is worse.

This big salamander is definitely a king of salamanders. Each scale is as large as a dustpan. With a breath, it can be turned into two stout fire pillars. Its body rolls, the whole space is trembling, and it has magical powers that destroy the world.


The King of King did not know how many years he lived, his breath was astounding, a roar in his mouth, and a horrible flame hurricane immediately formed.

The hurricane of flames, just like the huge waves in the sea of ​​fire, blew out Ning Xiaochuan, a hundred miles away, and kept blowing for dozens of miles before falling to the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan's internal organs are painful, and every pore in his body is bleeding blood. Fortunately, he has a strong constitution, or he will be killed by the flame hurricane just now!

"It's terrible! There is such a powerful Fire Lord in the Fire Realm, and just exhaling, he almost killed me."

If Ning Xiaochuan was a little closer to that fire king just now, the breath that the fire king spit out would definitely burn Ning Xiaochuan to death.

However, such a powerful fire king is at large at the moment.


A deafening phoenix screamed, waving red-red wings, exuding magnificent rays of light, flying down from the sky.

A pair of golden-colored phoenix claws grabbed that fire lord, and raised the fire lord directly above the sky.

The fierce roar of the king of the fire shouts, trying to break free from the claws of the Phoenix.

However, Phoenix's claw directly tore its hoe, and dug out a red bone the size of a water tank from the hoe!

The red bones are like a scorching sun, burning light, emitting an extremely dazzling light, making the temperature in the fire area become hotter.

The sky looks like a red round.

So thrilling!

Ning Xiaochuan was so shocked by this "Fengfeng Battle" that he couldn't even breathe. It was like two wild gods and beasts fighting in the battle.


The corpse of hundreds of meters long fell from the sky and shook the earth violently.

That phoenix hovered above the sky, swallowed the crimson red king Yuan Zhu into his mouth, hovered downward, and flew towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Fenghuang, turned into a beautiful woman with a beautiful appearance. She was sturdy and fell to the ground. A pair of bright eyes looked at Ning Xiaochuan, slightly surprised, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, how did you come here?"

When he saw the Phoenix dive down, Ning Xiaochuan thought he was dead! After all, it was a divine bird that could shatter the Fire Lord.

However, after seeing the phoenix into a human form, Ning Xiaochuan's face immediately showed a surprised and happy look, "How could it be you ..."

The woman in front of her was slender, with white skin, plumped peaks, a slender jade waist, a layer of cloud yarn on her body, a crimson cloud under her feet, and a long black hair, every hair in A trace of flame flowing!

It was the mysterious woman Ning Xiaochuan met at the Heavenly Emperor's Palace!

It's almost ten years since Ning Xiaochuan saw her for the first time, but her face has not changed at all, she has become beautiful, giving an ethereal and ethereal feeling.

This mysterious woman, who once taught Ning Xiaochuan to practice for a year, can be said to be half a master of Ning Xiaochuan.

That year's cultivation had greatly helped Ning Xiaochuan's subsequent cultivation. It can be said that she really brought Ning Xiaochuan into the door of cultivation, and she was more responsible than the cold-handed Master Suihan Yu.

However, after teaching Ning Xiaochuan for one year, she left the Yulan Empire and left only Ning Xiaochuan with a phoenix feather!

At that time, Ning Xiaochuan speculated that she was probably a phoenix, but she had never seen her real body, so she was afraid to conclude.

"Moreover, which phoenix will go to the elementary and fifth-grade civilization of the Yulan Empire?"

This question has always surfaced in Ning Xiaochuan's mind.

Ning Xiaochuan worked hard to adjust his excited mood and worshiped the Phoenix girl gently, saying, "In the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, the seniors suddenly left, so that the younger people had not had time to ask the seniors' taboos?"

The Phoenix Girl stared at Ning Xiaochuan deeply and thought for a moment, and said, "My last life is called Fengyue Xi. This life ... is also called Fengyue Xi!"

Lived two lives?

When Ning Xiaochuan's heart moved, he suddenly thought of something, saying, "Senior Feng, have you heard of Fengshendong Mansion?"

There was a wave of waves in Feng Yuexi's eyes, saying: "You actually know Fengshendongfu. It seems that you should have been to Fengshendongfu. Your cultivation is still too low. In that place, you better not go. Good! "

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