Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 763: Truth heaven

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"It's actually a phoenix. No wonder it's so powerful. The Lin and the ghost-raising family dare to offend her. It's really looking for death!" An old man of the Tang nationality was shocked and rejoiced, but fortunately, he hadn't shot Ning Xiaochuan. Otherwise, the Tang people will have a big deal.

The old men of Tang Shuyao and the Tang people were all stunned, their hearts were very complicated, and they could not be calm for a long time.

"If our Tang people can get the support of a phoenix, then the Tang people can restore their former glory at any time and become Bei. One of the top ancient families in Xinjiang." Another old man said with some emotion.

In fact, Tang Shuyao also regretted it at this moment. You must know that Ning Xiaochuan's background was so hard that he should not have joined hands with the emperor.

She and Ning Xiaochuan will not be as hostile as they are now, and may even have more relationships with Ning Xiaochuan.

Today, the Heavenly Demon Emperor is North. Jiang's demon clan is supremely invincible. It can destroy a holy land in just one night, showing powerful strength and fierce means.

The monks throughout the cultivation world were apprehensive, feeling that the end of humankind had come.

However, after this incident today, the strong of the demon tribe must not dare to deal with Ning Xiaochuan.

If anyone can win Ning Xiaochuan, it is equivalent to getting a death-free gold medal, which is enough for the major monsters to cast a jerk.

Even if it is the Heavenly Demon Emperor, it is estimated that it will give Phoenix some face.

The elders of the bright holy land were also shocked to add, and never thought that within the territory managed by the bright holy land, there was actually a phoenix, which continuously killed two real people without any effort.

The bright eyes of the bright maiden glowed with bright brilliance, slender figure, beautiful dust, and walked towards the direction of great blood desert.

The monks of the bright sacred earth also followed behind the bright sage.

In front of Fengyue Xi, Ning Xiaochuan, and Hua Qinglian, the bright lady bowed to Fengyue Xi and bowed down and said, "The Holy Land of Light, Our Lady of Concubine Yueji, meet the senior Phoenix!"

Feng Yuexi glanced at the many monks in the bright holy land and said, "What do you want to do in the bright holy land?"

"Seniors, don't get me wrong, younger people just want to invite you to visit the Holy Land of Light. In addition, Brother Ning and his juniors have the same old knowledge. Brother Ning, when you were in Baicaoyuan, you promised me to come to the Holy Land of Light. As a guest, we will discuss the medical classics together, but we must not say anything. "The bright lady's face was covered with white veil, covering the beautiful and dusty fairy face.

However, the elegant temperament emanating from her body was not covered by a white veil at all.

Any man, seeing such a flawless beauty, could not refuse her invitation.

Ning Xiaochuan declined: "Her Royal Highness, Senior Phoenix has a very important thing to do for the time being and cannot go to the Holy Land of Light. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will definitely visit."

How could Ning Xiaochuan not know the intentions of the bright lady, she wanted to use the identity of Feng Yuexi to deter the major demons.

Even if only Fengyue went to the bright sacred earth and walked to the outside world, it would cause a lot of shock to the major demons.

If the major demons want to take action on the bright sacred earth, they must consider whether they will offend a phoenix for this?

It is a pity that Fengyue Xi is about to retreat for the fifth retreat, and it is impossible to go to the Holy Land of Light.

The bright lady naturally heard what Ning Xiaochuan said was shirk, but her face still had a smile on her face, and her eyes were rippling, giving a soft feeling of spring breeze. She laughed: When going to the Holy Land of Light, Brother Ning can always visit the Holy Land of Light? In a few days, North. The descendants of the major Holy Lands in Xinjiang will gather in the Holy Land of Light, and even some young masters in the Western and Middle-earth land. Will also come, it is definitely an event for the younger generation. I think, with Ning Xiaochuan Zhuo Jue's practice, I definitely don't want to miss this party? "

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "If time is too late, I will definitely go to the Holy Land of Light."

After saying this, Ning Xiaochuan went into Da Xuemo with Feng Yuexi.

The Bright Lady frowned slightly, staring at the back of Ning Xiaochuan's departure, and said, "Why don't you persuade Ning Xiaochuan to follow us to the Holy Land of Light? With your relationship with him, he should not refuse you . "

Hua Qinglian said lightly: "You should have already said what you should say. Why should I waste my lips?"

After saying this, he circled, turned into a white streamer, and disappeared into the sky.

The Lady of Light shook her head reluctantly, and those monks who took the Light of Holy Land also followed the Great Blood Desert.

Feng Yuexi even beheaded two real people, and long ago scared the monks of all major forces. Who doesn't open their eyes and dare to provoke a phoenix?

The big blood desert restored peace, and few people dared to approach again, and it became a real forbidden area.


A bone bone altar stands in the void, how many meters high?

All of them are piled with human bones, and from a distance, it looks like a mountain piled with white bones. However, the bone bone altar is many times higher than a mountain!

Below the altar, there are densely packed human beings, old people with wind candlesticks, beautiful women, cute little boys, both powerful monks and ordinary people who cannot practice.

They are all "sacrifice" captured by the demons and beasts from the human civilization.


The whip kept beating on them, making their bodies blurry and urging them to climb to the top of the bone bone altar.

Anyone who dared to escape would be arrested and beaten to death.

The entire bone bone altar is almost like a purgatory on earth. Almost every day, a large number of humans are pushed into the altar, blood dries, and bones become part of the bone bone altar. It is like "bricks and stones" that pile up the altar. ".

Make the bone bone altar higher and more magnificent.

From the moment when the dream of the Heavenly Demon Emperor awakened, the whole North. The major demons in Xinjiang began to attack the major human kingdoms and sent a steady stream of humans to Damenze.

Not far from the White Bone Altar, there is a magnificent Jiuzhong palace suspended. All the monsters and mysterious beasts who came to the White Bone Altar will pay homage to that nine-bed palace, just like the demons living in that temple. Ordinary.

At this moment, the Heavenly Demon Emperor stood on the top of the nine-joyed palace, carrying his hands, standing proudly, and staring at the white-bone altar below, saying, "It's still a lot worse! You have to make the whole North. Xinjiang All human beings sacrifice and absorb the blood of hundreds of millions of humans in order to recast the body of the sub-god. If I can recast the body, it will be a second life! "

The Heavenly Demon Emperor ordered a war on the human race, not just hate the human race, but to use the blood of hundreds of millions of humans to forge the physical body of the gods and make them truly born again.

"King Ape, meet Lord Demon King!" King Ape kneeling outside the hall, saluting respectfully.

The long white hair on the head of Tianmeng Yaohuang swayed in the wind, her eyes were cold, and she said, "King Ape, this time when you go to the Great Empire of Huoyun, you seem to have met a certain monster person!"

Although the Heavenly Demon Emperor just stood there casually, but the breath that naturally emanated from his body was already powerful and boundless, making the black ape king feel very difficult to breathe!

Black bean king's forehead was full of sweaty beads, as if kneeling in front of a true god, a little trembling: "The master of the demon emperor's cultivation is so thorough that there is no demon emperor in the world. I don't know It ’s true that his subordinates have already seen a monster of the demon tribe, that is a phoenix, her cultivation is very powerful, and there is still a word for me to tell the demon emperor. "

There was a curious look in the eyes of Tianmeng Demon Emperor, and her rosy lips slightly tilted up, and said, "Oh! A phoenix, something is interesting. What did she say?"

So, the black ape king recounted what Feng Yuexi had said.

After hearing the words of the Black Ape King, the eyes of the Heavenly Demon Emperor rarely became dignified, and he said to himself: "Truth in Heaven, Feng Family!"

The Black Ape King asked carefully: "Master Demon King, where is the Kingdom of Truth? Why haven't your subordinates heard of it before?"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor stared at the Black Ape King and said, "If you know the Kingdom of Truth, that is a weird thing! The Kingdom of Truth is a very powerful high-level civilization between heaven and earth. It is said that it has developed into Jiupin civilization. Level, which manages more than one universe, and each universe has a group of gods who manage the universe ... Anyway, the power of the kingdom of truth is not as you can imagine. The emperor of the kingdom of truth is the name of the wind. "

"Nine ... Jiupin civilization!" The black ape king was so shocked that his jaw would fall to the ground.

Developed into the sixth-class civilization, it is already very powerful, and can even dominate a continent.

However, the Liupin civilization is in front of the Jipin civilization, just as they are watching the primitive people living in the tribe.

Based on their current cultivation, how powerful and brilliant is the Jiupin civilization?

That is the true advanced civilization!

"That phoenix actually came to the Kingdom of Truth, which is incredible."

Suddenly, Tianmeng Yaohuang remembered another name, "Ning Xiaochuan."

It is impossible for Phoenix to say that Ning Xiaochuan is a friend of the Feng family for no reason. What secret does this Ning Xiaochuan hide?

Of course, the Heavenly Demon Emperor just remembered the name in his heart, and did not really take Ning Xiaochuan seriously. After all, Ning Xiaochuan is now too weak. In her opinion, Ning Xiaochuan and the ground An ant makes no difference.

She just remembered the name of this ant first!


Half a month later, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong stepped out of the big blood desert and headed towards the bright sacred soil.

With the help of Fengyue Xi, Xiaohong has successfully condensed the "God of Fire Dragon Element", which has not only been repaired for great advancement, but has also grown a lot. It looks like a seven or eight year old girl Lips are red and white, eyes are bright, full of aura!

In this half month, Ning Xiaochuan has refined the fire of the Phoenix Nirvana into the fire of extinction, and has been directly upgraded to the seventh realm of Heaven and Man.

There are more than ten times more rules in the body than half a month ago.

However, his "World of Extinction" is not Mahayana and it takes some time to condense. This also shows that there is still room for improvement in the extinction fire path!

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