Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 771: Shenyu Yangqi

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Ning Xiaochuan was curious and asked, "What kind of legend does the elder Yue of Yangjiao have?"

Qianbi down the road: "It is said that Elder Yue is the first master of the calciner in the heavenly continent. Although he is not a sub-god, he can forge the supreme royal weapon. One of the gods of Yangjiao, Tianlongtai, is From the hands of Elder Yue. Elder Yue is also the only one who is not a sub-god, but who can forge the Supreme Royal Master.

Gongsun Yibai said: "There are legends that Elder Yue was the illegitimate son of the previous generation of the founder, and there are also legends. He is the illegitimate son of the previous generation of the founder. Which generation is the illegitimate child of the leader? How many years have he lived? It is no longer possible to calculate that his old man is a real stranger who walks among the red dust, just like the mortal fairy. "


From the beginning to the end Ning Xiaochuan was observing the eyes of Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai, and used the magical spirit of Qiqiao God to investigate their hearts. The two did not seem to be lying.

The elder Yue they described is definitely an extravagant person, who is almost as old as the sky, immortal, and has great magical powers, or a great master of the calciner, just like a mythical legend!

However, although Yue Mingsong, who Ning Xiaochuan knows, is also proficient in calcining, he is far from the image of a worldly superior, insignificant, greedy, cheap, and cynical. It is impossible to be the same person.

In the ancient cave, there are 137 stone carved portraits on the stone walls in all directions.

In the eyes of the portrait, a ray of light was released, all rushing towards the body of Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai.

Each stone statue has extraordinary strength in it, with a fiery, masculine, and overbearing atmosphere.

Ning Xiaochuan asked, "What power are you absorbing?"

Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yiba stared at each other with a hesitant look. Although they regarded Ning Xiaochuan as their own, after all, it was only the first time they met, and Ning Xiaochuan couldn't be completely guarded.

"Since you think of me as someone who teaches, I'm welcome!"

Ning Xiaochuan's body flew upright, hanging in the void, almost like standing in the center of the universe.

Qian Biluo hurriedly said: "Only by practicing the supreme Wujing" Shenyu Scripture "of the Yang religion can we absorb the" shenyu yang "left by the patriarchs in the stone wall. Exploded ... and ... perished ... "

Suddenly, Qian Biluo's voice came to a halt, because he saw that white-faced scholar actually absorbed the god-yang of the stone-carved portrait into his body.

Moreover, the speed of absorption is faster than that of him and Gongsun.

"It turns out ... he also practiced the" Shen Yu Jing "!"

Qian Biluo was only slightly surprised, and then immediately relieved.

If he is really a descendant of Elder Yue, even if he has practiced the "Shen Yu Jing", it is not surprising.

Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai immediately closed their eyes and urged the "Shen Yu Jing" in their bodies, absorbing the Shen Yu Yang Qi in the stone carved portrait frantically.

The reason why Ning Xiaochuan was able to absorb the god-yang yang in the 137 stone carved portraits was naturally the power of the magic sword.

The magic sword, suspended in blood tricks, spins fast, producing a powerful suction, constantly absorbing the Shenyu Yangqi in the stone carved portraits into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

The magic sword's absorption speed is ten times faster than Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai combined.

The leaders of the Yang religion have come to the north before they foresee the arrival of their own limit. Jiang releases all the remaining Shenyu Yangqi in the body into the * hole and preserves it in the stone carved portrait.

Every generation of Yangjiao passed down the north. Jiang came to * dong to get the god-yang yang that was preserved in the stone carved portraits of ancient sages, tempered his body, and promoted the practice of "Shen Yu-jing".

Shenyu Yangqi is the most vigorous energy in the world.

Ning Xiaochuan absorbed Shenyu Yangqi into the body, it was like sucking a bunch of flames into the body, the blood in the body was completely boiled, bones, muscles, internal organs, and lumps, and every part of the whole body seemed to burn.

Had it not been for the Supreme Body of Gods and Demons, I am afraid it would have been burned to ashes by Shen Yuyang.

Although the spirits of Yang Yu are fierce, domineering, and fiery, they have a huge benefit to the monk's body. After integrating into the flesh, Ning Xiaochuan can clearly feel that the body's strength is constantly increasing.

After half an hour, Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai stopped absorbing "Shen Yu Yang Qi" almost at the same time, and both of their bodies became reddish throughout the body, as if they were surrounded by a scorching sun.

They immediately sat down on the ground, running the "Shen Yu Jing", refining the Shen Yu Yang Qi in their bodies.

Shenyu Yangqi is very violent. Even Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai need to absorb it once every three months. Each time, they can only absorb a small amount of Shenyu Yangqi. Otherwise, if the Yangqi is too strong, they will let themselves Burning.

However, to their horror, Ning Xiaochuan even absorbed ten times the amount of Shenyu Yang Qi as the two of them at one time, and it has not stopped and is still absorbing it.

"Oh my God! Absorb such a huge amount of Shenyu Yang Qi at once, isn't he afraid that his body will ignite spontaneously?" Gongsun opened his eyes wide and felt quite incredible.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't know that Shenyu Yangqi could not be absorbed in large quantities, but only felt that Shenyu Yangqi had great help in practicing the physical body, and it was a rare opportunity!

Now that the opportunity appears, it is natural to seize it and absorb as much Shenyu Yang Qi as possible to strengthen the body.

After an hour, Ning Xiaochuan finally felt that the yang in his body was almost completely saturated, controlled the magic sword, and stopped operating.

Going to start digesting Shenyu Yangqi in your body!

However, when he stopped absorbing Shenyu's yang energy, he discovered that the yang energy in his body was already exuberant and even out of his control.


Ning Xiaochuan's body burned, it was like turning into a fireman.

The amount of Shenyu Yang Qi he absorbed was comparable to the amount absorbed by Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai twenty times.

"Well! Shen Yu Yang Qi is so overbearing!"

Ning Xiaochuan forcibly suppressed the flame back into the body. Then, there was the power of the supreme body of the demon, and while suppressing the god-yang yang in the body, he refined the god-yang yang into the body.

His body, like a red iron block, stood on the ground and burned the stones to a bang.

"He ... he actually controlled the pressure of Shen Yuyang, and it was too perverted!" Gongsun Yibai admired Ning Xiaochuan so much.

If he had absorbed so much Shenyu Yangqi, it is estimated that he had already died.

Shenyu Yangqi was continuously refined by Ning Xiaochuan and transformed into physical strength.

"Finally suppressed!"

Ning Xiaochuan's body temperature returned to normal, but the Shenyu Yangqi in his body was not fully refined, probably only one-tenth of it, and the other nine-tenths were forcibly suppressed by the power of the Supreme Body in the blood.

With such a huge amount of Shenyu Yangqi, even if Ning Xiaochuan's constitution, it would take at least three months to fully refine.

Although he has only refined one-tenth of Shenyu Yangqi, his physical strength has been increased by at least four times. Even if he does not use any magical power and punches at will, he is comparable to the monk in the eighth realm of heaven and earth. Full blow.

If the Shenyu Yangqi in the body is completely refined, Ning Xiaochuan can even fight with the monks in the ninth realm of heaven and man with only one pair of fists.

Ning Xiaochuan felt full of his vital energy. The vest, heart and lower abdomen seemed to have a flame burning, and his body was full of strength. He felt very uncomfortable. He wanted to fight a battle and let out all the energy and energy in his body. .

"Two, I have to leave first! As for the Elder Yue you mentioned, I have to confirm it to him." Ning Xiaochuan finished this, and turned into a streamer, flying out of the * hole.

"Oh! Brother! You ..."

Gongsun Yibai watched Ning Xiaochuan's figure disappear into the hole, and shook his head softly and sighed, "Have a name!"

"This man is definitely a peerless genius cultivated by Elder Yue. If he is willing to join forces with our brothers, we will certainly be able to make the North. The sacred soils of Xinjiang have turned upside down and opened up a more brilliant era." .

Ning Xiaochuan did not have deep hatred with Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai, so he did not continue to fight with them.

He did his best to save the maiden of light, but he just did it. At that time, he actually wanted to know the identity of Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai, and wanted to know Bei. Why did Jiang suddenly come up with two top young masters?

"The Bright Lady really left, and it seems that she also thinks I am a member of Yangjiao." Ning Xiaochuan shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Out of the * hole, I didn't see the figure of the bright maiden at all, apparently I have left.

"Go and meet Xiaohong first!"

Ning Xiaochuan soared from the bottom of the valley, fell to the ground, and once again came to the barren mountain, flickered, flew towards the forest, and soon saw Xiao Hong's figure.

Xiaohong sat on the branch of a large tree, holding a red fruit in his hands, and kept snoring, glanced at Ning Xiaochuan standing below, and smiled: "Ning Xiaochuan, you are not going to the hero to save Beauty? How come you come back alone, beauty? "

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "The beauty originally wanted to make a promise to herself, but after she really got out of trouble, she ran away first, which is really sad. Otherwise, maybe we can go after it. Overtake. "

"Chasing! Why not chase? Now that she has promised herself, it's your woman. If your woman didn't marry you, but married someone else, wouldn't you be very shameless. Your shame is not Then, I will feel no light on my face. "Xiao Hong jumped down from the tree, her eyes widened, and she said eloquently.

Ning Xiaochuan was slightly surprised, and said, "How old are you and how do you understand so much?"

"Don't think of me as a little girl. I don't know less than you. Will you chase after me? The beauty I saw before flew away in that direction. If we chase now, we will definitely catch up "Xiao Hong pointed in a certain direction in the forest.

Ning Xiaochuan gently touched his chin. If he was going to kill the Emperor Crown Prince in the Holy Land of Light, naturally he could not use Ning Xiaochuan's identity, he had to use a new identity.

However, a new identity is not easy to enter the Holy Land of Light!

Unless, this new identity is the salvation of the sage of light.

Wouldn't it be the safest way for the Lady of Light to take him into the Holy Land of Light?

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