Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 781: Live strike

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Standing in the center of the Xingluo Shenhai array, Ning Xiaochuan also felt a terrifying breath.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced into the distance, just opposite Mo Xie's eyes.

Mo Xie's pupils, like two black holes, exude a strange and cold atmosphere, with a slight evil smile on the corners of his mouth.

He just stood on the periphery of the formation method, and has already caused the Xingluo Shenhai array to oscillate, as if broken at any time.

"What a terrible strong man, is it a real person?"

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the Emperor Prince not far away, and was very reconciled.

The emperor's prince has already been badly hit, as long as he gives him another blow, he can take his life.

However, if Ning Xiaochuan insisted on killing the emperor, he would definitely be attacked by the gods of the previous generation of the Holy Land. With the powerful cultivation of the gods of the previous generation of the Holy Land of Light, even if they just hit a hand, they may cause destructive power.

do not care!

Today, the crown prince will die!

Ning Xiaochuan gritted his teeth and waved the Emperor's blade like a round of **** moon, chopping down the crown of the Emperor, "It's over!"

"Dare to shoot! Hey!"

Just as Ning Xiaochuan waved his sword, Mo Xie, who was standing outside the Xingluo Shenhai array, followed suit, making a handprint, and smashing the Xingluo Shenhai array.

The handprints slaped over Ning Xiaochuan's head.

The handprint had not yet fallen, and the blood on Ning Xiaochuan's whole body was frozen and could not flow.

Moreover, his body was fixed in the void, unable to move at all.

The emperor was wearing a tattered dragon battle armor, blood stained, long hair messing around his shoulders, watching Ning Xiaochuan set in the void, laughing wildly: "Ning Xiaochuan, you can't kill me, you can't kill me Today, you can't kill me, and I will be cruelly retaliated in the future. The first thing to die is your sister ... and your family in the Yulan Empire, all of them must die! "

The emperor's prince laughed wildly, and he knew that Ning Xiaochuan could never kill him with the presence of a real person in the bright sacred earth.

He has investigated the origins of Ning Xiaochuan and knows that Ning Xiaochuan came to a junior Wupin civilization, the Yulan Empire.

He couldn't help Ning Xiaochuan, but he was able to kill Ning Xiaochuan's friends and relatives. All those related to Ning Xiaochuan would die. Even if you don't kill those people, you can use them to threaten Ning Xiaochuan.

"court death……"

Ning Xiaochuan squeezed out two words from the gap between his teeth. The "Shen Yu Yang Qi" originally suppressed by him in the bloodstream immediately burst out, filled his whole body, and made a loud voice in his body!

In his body, the yang gas boiled and his body burned, breaking through the power of Moxie's palm print.


The emperor's blade was cut from between the emperor's neck, and a human head immediately flew up, and a three-foot-high blood column was washed out of the neck.

The emperor's head flew in the air, and his eyes still looked terrified.

He did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan even broke through the suppression of a real person's power, and was very unwilling to die until the moment he died.

"Prince ..." Outside the Xingluo Shenhai array, the silver armored woman shouted a heartbreaking cry.

Seeing the emperor's death in front of her eyes, the expectations in her heart were shattered relentlessly, and then she fell into endless despair.

The most outstanding successor of the Tianshu Great Empire, the emperor crown prince who was called the juvenile deity, was strangled in the cradle.

Before he grows up, he is dead.

If the emperor does not die, it is very likely that he will become a sub-god in the future. However, when his head was cut off, it meant that one Tianjiao fell and the whole North. Jiangdu will certainly shake it.

"Prince Emperor ... is dead!"

"He is one of the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper, representing North. The top combat power of the young generation of Xinjiang. Is North in the future. Xinjiang has only six Stars of the Big Dipper? Maybe ... there will be other days to fill his vacancy, after all The most important thing in this great world is genius. "

"Who is the one who killed the emperor? Is it the killer of the gods? The old demon of the magic gate?"


All the monks in the holy earth were shaken and terrified.

You know, this is the Holy Land of Light.

Can a saint be killed in a holy earth? Except that the killers on the God of Killing list have done such great feats, other monks have never had such ability and courage.

It can be said that the face of the bright sacred earth was lost.

The faces of the three main halls were gloomy, gritting their teeth, and wished that the man with the golden ghost mask was broken and dead.


The evil spirit in Mo Xie's body was heavier, his eyes narrowed into a slit, and the body exuded a cold chill, and slowly put out a finger, pointing at Ning Xiaochuan's head.

After Ning Xiaochuan killed the emperor, he took away the half of the bronze ancient halberd, and immediately plunged into the ground to escape.

However, Ning Xiaochuan had just plunged into the ground, and felt a death breath from above his head, leaving him whole body cold, as if he would be killed immediately.

If you continue to dive into the ground, even if you dive deeper, you will undoubtedly die.


Ning Xiaochuan stopped immediately, condensing the power of Xingluo Shenhai Array, all converged into the Heavenly Emperor Blade, and slashed away overhead.


The entire Yunxiao Mountain burst open.

A dazzling white light burst out of Yunxiao Mountain's belly and spread out in all directions.

The 36,000 ground-level basalt stones that make up the Xingluo Shenhai Array have all burst and turned into light spots.

When the light disappeared, all the people saw that the entire Yunxiao Mountain was razed to the ground, fragmented, and a number of kilometers of ground fissures were torn on the ground, and numerous light spots flickered between heaven and earth. The scene was so spectacular, it was like a battle of the gods!

"That man is dead?" The Lord of Law Enforcement asked.

Mo Xie frowned slightly, and said, "No, I fled into a vein of the earth underneath! Although I was not dead, I was also seriously injured and was not far from death. The next thing is to be handed over You guys, I'm going to teach the real life to the palm. "

Having said this, Mo Xie went away.

The law enforcement hall master, the ritual education hall master, the power transfer hall master, and the three hall masters are helpless and can only watch Mo Xie leave.

Although Mo Xie is their junior, Mo Xie's cultivation has entered the real world. Those of them who are elders are not qualified to let him continue to shoot and hunt down the masters who have escaped into the context of the earth.

"The monks of the Law Enforcement Hall followed the order and entered the context of the earth with me, hunting down the master of the magic gate."

The master of the Law Enforcement Hall rushed to the ground from all sides.

The remaining two temple masters, one with a large group of inner gate disciples, searched throughout the bright sacred earth to find out the identity of the master of the magic gate.

The other temple lord stayed behind.

After all, the turbulence caused tonight is too great, and many of the formations in the Holy Earth have been destroyed and must be repaired immediately.

"What? That person is Ning Xiaochuan?"

The Zhuan Gongdian stared at the Yinjia woman in shock, then shook his head and said, "Impossible, Ning Xiaochuan is just a spiritual child in your Tiandi Mountain. How could it be so powerful? How can I catch a real person without dying? Even the old man may not have that kind of ability. What's more, he's just a little kid? "

The silver armored woman cut gold and said, "He is definitely Ning Xiaochuan, not a master of the magic gate. If you do not believe, you can check the list of monks who have entered the Holy Land of Light in the past two days. Ning Xiaochuan must have come to Guangming Holy land. "

Although the Zhuan Gongdian Lord was a little unbelievable, he still ordered someone to investigate.

Soon afterwards, an insider disciple bowed and said, "The false accusation of the temple master, in the past two days, there has been no record of Ning Xiaochuan entering the Holy Land of Light."

"Impossible!" The woman said again. "What about earlier?"

That inner disciple knew that the Yinjia woman was a nine-day lord, and she respected her very much. "Back to seniors, all monks who came to the Holy Land of Light have records. Ning Xiaochuan did not come to the Holy Land of Light. Earlier, there was no record! "

The master of the Chuan Gong Temple was slightly relieved, and said, "The man must not be Ning Xiaochuan. How can the younger generation have such a perverted character? Prince Emperor is already the youngest person in the younger generation, who can kill him absolutely. It's the old-generation Demon's big devil. This kind of big devil is very cruel and very dangerous. He must be found out as soon as possible. "

"The master of the temple rest assured that the Holy Door has been closed, and that great devil must not escape the Holy Land of Light." Said the inner disciple.

The silver armored woman is definitely certain that the person wearing the golden ghost mask is Ning Xiaochuan. However, the elder Chuan Gong did not believe that she had no way at all.

She can only take her own shots, to seize Ning Xiaochuan herself, to avenge the emperor.


With the help of Xingluo Shenhai Formation and the power of the Heavenly Emperor Blade, Ning Xiaochuan hit Mo Xie hard.

Although it was just a blow from a real person, Ning Xiaochuan was seriously injured, and he almost died!

Ning Xiaochuan swallowed a "three turns to Yangdan" into his mouth.

Returning Yang Dan with three turns is indeed a human-level Dan-level healing elixir. In an instant, Ning Xiaochuan's trauma was completely cured, and even internal injuries were better by two or three layers.

"This life-saving elixir will be more refined in the future." Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

The earth's veins under the bright holy land are very thick and turbulent, just like a spiritual river underneath!

One main earth vein can multiply countless branches. What's more, the ground of the bright sacred earth has more than one earth vein, it is like a maze of the ground, which makes Ning Xiaochuan quickly lose his way.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you can't escape!"

Behind, came the chilling voice of Yinjia woman.

not good!

Catch up!

Ning Xiaochuan couldn't control that much, and rushed towards the ground immediately, and soon broke out of the ground, appearing in a cold room, extremely cold, like an ice cave!

Ning Xiaochuan was relieved just now, fortunately the Yinjia woman didn't catch up.

Suddenly, his body was tight, and there was someone in the ice cave!

Someone actually?

It must be a monk in the Holy Land of Light.

Ning Xiaochuan looked back with a sorrowful mood, and saw a beautiful woman sitting beside the colorful ice-bed not far away. She was practicing.

No, it's not a woman, it's a man.

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