Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 793: Demon Army Pro Holy Land

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The news of "The Bright Lady and Ding Chunqiu privately set a lifetime" spread immediately, and all monks in the Bright Holy Land were shocked!

Everyone finally understood why Ding Chunqiu rejected the Nine Heavenly Spirit Girl first, and then rejected the Goddess of Yaoshen Valley.

It turns out he already has a heart!

The elder of the bright sacred earth touched his beard gently, immediately retreated, and flew to a cliff hanging in the air.

There is a stone gate on the cliff. Inside the gate, a magnificent middle-aged man and a beautiful woman in a palace dress are retreating.

This couple is the father and mother of the Virgin of Light.

After hearing the elder's words, the bright lady's father opened her eyes, her eyes glowed, her pupils seemed to be seated with two shadows.

He said to himself, "What happened?"

"Master, this matter is true and true, Her Royal Highness and the man named Ding Chunqiu have set a lifetime for themselves!" The elder in white robe said respectfully to the middle-aged man.

The woman in the palace dress also opened her eyes, a white halo entangled in her body, and a red cinnabar on her brows, saying: "After all, we have only a child like Yue Er. This matter is of great importance and we cannot let her People took the idea. I wanted to go and see, what kind of skill the boy had, that could capture Yueer's heart! "

The old man in white robe was startled: "Master, mother-in-law are going to go out early?"

The woman in the palace dress said: "The calamity of the bright sacred soil is coming, and it is not necessary to leave the customs early! If we can solve the life-long event of Yue Er before the calamity comes, even if our couple died in battle There will be no concerns in the calamity. "


Ning Xiaochuan and Saint Guangming didn't know that Ji Qiankun had shaken out the matter of "committing oneself by one's body", and now the monks who have made the whole of the Holy Holy Land know.

Many disciples of the bright sacred earth were distraught. Some even wiped their necks with swords, but were stopped by their fellow teachers and brothers.

After Ning Xiaochuan and Saint Guangming left Mingchi Xianchi, they immediately rushed to the depths of the Holy Land and soon came to the outside of the Holy Pagoda.

Longyuan and Tianpin Xuanshi, treasures of this level, are stored in the pagoda, and are guarded by the top masters of the bright sacred earth.

In addition, the ancient pagoda is also arranged outside the pagoda. The ground is as hard as iron, and there are lightning flashes in the air. Even if a real person comes and wants to break into the formation, it is impossible. !!

The holy pagoda is one of the most important places of the bright holy earth, storing billions of treasures. After hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years, the amount of treasures collected by a holy earth is definitely not ordinary people can imagine.

Ning Xiaochuan was once shocked by the treasures of the Jizo King, lamenting the huge amount of real wealth.

However, compared with the wealth of a sacred earth, the wealth of a real person like the King of the Tibetan Plateau is almost like a cow!

The holy pagoda, towering and magnificent, stands on the top of the cliffs, glazed gold tiles, red bronze jade pillars, and one crane crane soars around the ancient tower. The white dragons are hovering between the cliffs, and the surrounding cliffs grow Countless herbs, and even some psychic medicines!

"The person who guards the pagoda is the three disciples who teach real people. They are sealed by the elder Taishang and live more than 1,800 years old. In normal times, he is just a drunk old alcoholic. Few people know him. How high is your spiritual practice? "

"Living more than 1,800 years old ... That is really an old antique!" Ning Xiaochuan sighed.

The life of the nine-day lord is not more than one thousand years.

How terrible was the elder elder who guarded the pagoda? Definitely far more than the Supreme Master of the Nine Heavens.

The connotation of a holy earth is unimaginable!

No one knows how deep the water of a holy earth is?

Even if it is the core disciple of the holy earth, it is estimated that you will never see the shadow of a real person in a lifetime. However, as the granddaughter who teaches real people, the Sage of Light must know more than others.

The Virgin of Light said: "You'll wait for me outside. I'll go in and steal Long Yuan and Tianpin Xuanshi."

Ning Xiaochuan originally thought that he would also have the opportunity to enter the holy pagoda and see the treasures collected by the bright holy earth for millions of years. Apparently, he thought too much!

For a place as heavy as a pagoda, it is not easy for a bright lady to go in, let alone an outsider?

Ning Xiaochuan stayed in the middle of the mountain, found a place to hide, set up a hidden array, sat on the ground, and waited for the bright maiden to return while practicing.



At the same time, a terrible change took place outside the Holy Land of Light.

"The demon army surrounded the entire sacred land of light, all directions are mysterious beasts, demon beasts ... all demon beasts ..." The disciples who guarded the gate, panic, spread the news inexplicably to the sacred land of light.

Hearing the news, all the monks gathered in Mingchi Xianchi were panic-stricken, and some of them were disciples who were slightly lower. They were even scared and almost fainted.

How did the monster army suddenly attack the Holy Land of Light?

Under the leadership of the older monks, many monks rushed towards the gate.

It was too sudden, beyond all expectations.

After seeing the vast scene outside the holy gate, a **** hurricane rushed over, and some young monks who had not gone out to experience training were directly frightened and fell to the ground.

The ground was filled with **** battle flags made from human skin sacrifices. In the army of monsters, a giant drum with a diameter of 80 meters stands, and the drum skin is made of dragon skin. An 18-meter-tall demon, with a human body, a lion and a tiger's head, holding two real human spines, constantly beats the war drum.

It was a drumstick made from a real human spine!

"Uh! Uh! Uh ..."

The sound of the drums of war spread eight thousand miles.

In all directions are the shadows of beasts, ferocious beasts, mysterious beasts, and monsters. When you look at them, they look like a sea of ​​beasts, without seeing the end.


The two thunderbirds were as big as hills, their bodies covered with hard shells, and seven clusters of brilliance flashed on their backs, walking slowly towards the gate. There was a loud roar in their mouths at the same time, it was like a thunder blast, and it hurt the eardrum.

At those two thunders, they pulled a chariot and ran across the ground, flattening a hill directly.

A crumpled human skin was hung on the chariot. The human skin was printed with the word "Emperor". At the bottom left of the word "Emperor", there was a mark similar to a cricket. Eight pairs of meat wings!

In the holy gate, an elderly temple owner of the bright holy earth saw the human skin battle flag, and his heart was overwhelmed. "One of the nine demon emperors, the land demon emperor."

It was a demon emperor, the master of the great wilderness, who led countless tribes and governed hundreds of millions of beasts. An order from the demon emperor can shake the whole North. Xinjiang, all living beings go to worship.


Above the void, a huge white figure condensed. That figure stood dozens of feet tall, standing tall, majestic and sacred.

The projection projection of the teaching of the bright sacred earth!

That huge figure, with a loud voice, exuded a mighty momentum, and said, "Are you a demon emperor, are you going to attack the Holy Land of Light?"

"The Heavenly Demon Emperor has a life, within three days, break the bright sacred earth, break the dragon veins, destroy the foundation, and cut off all human monks!" In that chariot, the demon billowed, the poisonous mist became clouds, in the demon Qi There was a cold loud voice in the mist.

"I am afraid you have come to the Holy Land of Light, but you cannot go back!" Said a huge figure.

"Junior, you are not qualified to speak with the Emperor, and ask your Master to come out and fight with the Emperor." Said the Emperor Di Shen in a deep voice.

The shadow of Guangming's teaching, said: "Master respected his old man before he died 800 years ago. If the demon emperor really wants a battle, this seat is willing to accompany him."

"Tianshidu, that old guy has actually died for 800 years! Haha, the life span of human beings is really short, and low-level creatures like you should not survive in the world." The Empress Demon laughed loudly.

"It's too arrogant! This is the sacred land of light, the sacred territory opened by the **** of light, and you can't allow you to come here!" A big man, eight feet tall, with bronze muscles, sang loudly at the demon emperor.

He is the head of the nine halls of the Holy Land of Light, the master of warfare halls, and Gu Lifan!

"Alas, the bright **** has died in ancient times, the bright sacred earth will also perish. The human race will be destroyed, and the demon tribe will be respected; the north. The Lord of Xinjiang, the Emperor of Heavenly Dream."

"The human race will perish, and the demon **** will be honored; North. Lord of Xinjiang, Emperor of Dreams."

"The human race will perish, and the demon **** will be honored; North. Lord of Xinjiang, Emperor of Dreams."


The beasts roared in unison, the whole world was boiling!


Gulifan was hot-tempered, holding a Fangtian Huaji flashing with black light, pierced into the void, and a beam of light flew out from above Fangtian Huaji, separating the one who was throbbing the war drum across a void. The demon's head was shattered, all the blood of the demon spilled on the war drum, and the eyes were crimson.

A young man with black wings flew out of the chariot of the Emperor Demon Emperor, staring at Gu Lifan, and said coldly: "There are still some strong men among human beings. How dare you fight me with the power of spirit beasts? "

"Don't you dare?" Gu Lifan is the head of the nine halls. He fought more than a thousand times and never refused to fight.

The demon man with black wings said, "That's great. Just before the war, first cut off a strong human race and strengthen the power of my demon army."

"Then who cuts who?"

Gu Lifan's body was like an iron tower, rising from the ground, just like a cannonball, rushing hundreds of meters high, and then fell quickly. The Fangtian painting halberd in his hand suddenly stabbed at the black one. Two-winged monster man!

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