Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 795: Yaojia Tianjiao

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Each of the landlord demon queen, the stone queen queen, and the fan dynasty demon lord, are all masters of the demon world. Even if only one appears, it will cause a great shock, let alone three masters come at the same time!

Above the sky, there are two white-bone altars suspended over the bones of humans of all races, with ancient monsters carved on the bones. The altar, as high as ten thousand feet, exudes thorny blood waves.

The king of the demon tribe, with the power of the altar, opened the door of the void and teleported a mysterious beast and monster to the territory of the bright holy land.

All the major demons are participating in the war. Some monsters have python bodies, a pair of cricket flesh wings on their backs, and the mouth sprays poisonous mist, which erodes the earth into black soil.

Some monsters are covered with palm-sized scales, driving chariots, and the unicorns on their heads are more than ten meters long. The demon radiates from the body and forms a dark cloud.

There are also some monsters flying in the void. Their bodies are dozens of meters long, and they are covered with flames, just like the legendary unicorn.

Each big demon leads hundreds of monsters; each demon almost leads tens of thousands of mysterious beasts; each mystery leads countless fierce beasts and beasts!

Each big demon seems to lead a huge orc army, forming a sea of ​​beasts!

On top of the demon, there are the Beastmaster and the Demon King.

Beastmaster, Demon King, and Demon King.

Both the Beastmaster and the Demon King are under the management of the Demon King, but the demon king's cultivation is more powerful than the Beast King.

Only a demon who has reached the level of a real person can be named "the demon king".

The Beastmaster's cultivation may not reach the level of a real person, but the Beastmaster is in charge of a monster race, with numerous monsters and mysterious army in his hands.

For example, the King of the King of Qing Dynasty leads the entire mysterious beast and monster that cuts hundreds of thousands of miles across the desolate mountain. Therefore, she is the "Beast King" under the Fan Xi's demon throne.

Alas, although there is no command and management of monsters and mysterious beasts, its cultivation has reached the level of real people. Therefore, it is the demon king.

This is the difference between Beastmaster and Demon King!

If the Beastmaster ’s cultivation is to reach the real world, he will also support another new Beastmaster, and then remove the power from his hands and concentrate on cultivation.

At this time, the beast king of the older generation also became the "monster king".

Therefore, in the wild, there will be almost no beastmaster in real life.

Just like the Lord of the Nine Palaces of the Holy Land of Light, all of them are monks in the ninth realm of heaven and man. It is not that the Holy Land of Light has no real person, but that after the Lord of the Land reaches the real world, he will take away his right and retreat behind the scenes. And concentrate on cultivation.

The beast king and the beast king and the demon king under the Vatican demon throne came one after another, gathered together in the bright sacred earth, and the demon danced like a million demon party.

However, I don't know what the reason is. The army of the monster clan did not immediately start attacking the Holy Land of Light. What seemed to be waiting for it?

The locust Chengzi stood on the top of one of the bone bone altars and did not kill Gu Lifan. He still wanted to challenge the young masters of humanity, saying: "I heard that the arrogance of all the holy soils of mankind is all gathered in the holy land of light. No one dares to fight me? Even if it only catches me, I can let the humans under my feet. "

"I'll fight you."

Hua Qinglian stood in the crowd, tied her long hair with a blue hair band, and her eyes were bright and dazzling, like two orbs inlaid in her eyes.

Guangming Lingzi advised: "Brother, the locust Chengzi is a pure blood of the beast, which can mobilize the power of the beast. Moreover, the demon must have condensed to reach the eighth realm of heaven and man. In order to reach the eighth realm of heaven and man, you may still be able to compete with it. Brother, you are still one step behind the eighth realm of heaven and man! "

If the blood of the reincarnation **** and the pure blood of the beast are in the same realm, they are indeed rivals.

However, the locust Chengzi has condensed a demon fetus, entered the eighth realm of Heaven and Earth, and can easily kill the strong human race in the ninth realm of Heaven and Earth.

Although Hua Qinglian was extremely talented, after all, she did not have a cohesive debut, and it was almost impossible to fight against it.

An elder of the bright holy earth said: "God son, you are the body of all gold, don't take risks. Now, the sub-gods of the holy earth have been opened, and even if the demon army is strong, it may not be able to break through. Come in. But, once there is a big battle ... "

"You don't have to say much!" Hua Qinglian waved her hand gently, turned into a white light, and flew over the bone bone altar.


Hua Qinglian fell on the bone-bone altar, and she looked calm, her body was blooming with multicolored brilliance, and her skin was like colorful glass, facing the locust city child standing above.

The locust Chengzi is the top Tianjiao of the demon tribe, and the consciousness is more acute than other demon beasts. Naturally, she feels the powerful power emanating from Hua Qinglian. She said, "You have a kind! If you can really pick me up, I He released this human. "

The wings on the back of the locust chengzi spread out like two black clouds, and the black flames escaped from the feathers, turning into a sea of ​​flames, completely covering Hua Qinglian.

Hua Qinglian's feet condensed a green fairy lotus, walked slowly on the black sea of ​​fire, walked towards the locust city, calmly said: "Your magical power, why can't you let me, let it go!"

"Haha! Interesting, interesting! The younger generation of Terran is so strong!"

The locust Chengzi lifted up Gu Lifan and threw it at Hua Qinglian, and laughed: "Anyway, all the monks in the bright sacred earth will have to die anyway. What should I give you?"

Hua Qinglian caught Gu Lifan and immediately flew towards the Holy Gate.

"Who allowed you to go? How could you meet a decent young master of human race? How can I let you go?"

Locust Chengzi laughed wildly, unfolded a pair of black wings, soared into the sky, and soon caught up with Hua Qinglian. It holds countless lightnings in its hands and hits Hua Qinglian's vest with one palm!

Hua Qinglian glanced back slightly, pushed Gu Lifan out, and entered the sub-god.

The human monks in the Second God's Array immediately caught Gu Lifan, returned to the holy earth, and gave full treatment.

However, Hua Qinglian was intercepted by the locust city. One person and one demon are the youngest generation's strongest, and they are fighting each other.

"The human genius is not as weak as the legend! Is there any human genius to come and fight with me?" King Jin Mao flew from the army of the monsters, condensing the human body, very handsome, Wearing dazzling gold armor, his eyes glanced at those human monks standing in the sub-god array.

King Jin Yao is the most eminent son-in-law of the Vatican demon emperor, and the top arrogant of the young generation of demon tribe.

King Jin Mao laughed: "No one dares to fight. Are all the so-called human geniuses all shrinking tortoises? If you don't take any action, then the king will join forces with the locust chengzi to cut off the godhead who is bright and holy. "

"Who said no one dared to shoot, I'll fight you." Jiuxu Shengzi killed a large group of gods and attacked the king of the king.

However, Jin Xiu's cultivation is so powerful that everyone has imagined that he has reached the ninth realm of heaven and man!

Although it is not pure blood, the blood of the beast, but it is truly terrifying. Just showing five magical tricks, the Jiuxu Shengzi was seriously wounded and almost died.

Jiuxu Shengzi's combat power is at the top level in Middle-earth, and he rarely meets his opponents, but he can't walk ten strokes in the hands of King Jin.

Fortunately, the Jiuxu Shengzi has supernatural powers that can span the space to escape from King Jin Mao.

"King of King Jin is so powerful, its combat power is probably no less than that of Locust City."

"The young generation of the demon tribe actually exists in the ninth realm of heaven and human! In the young Tianjiao of human beings, the characters who reach the seventh realm of heaven and human already belong to the rare horns. Already a human warrior, he is invincible among his contemporaries. As for the human being Tianjiao in the ninth realm of Heaven and Earth, no such person has been heard even in Middle-earth. "

"Is the gap between Terrans and Demons really so big?"

The crowd was inexplicable. The young monks of the Yao tribe were so powerful. One was scarier than the other. Who could fight against them?


Because of the arrival of the demon army, all the monks of the bright sacred soil went out of the customs, even those "living fossil" -level old guys who buried themselves in the mud and fell asleep.

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the cliff of Shengbao and had long stopped practicing.

"The two demon emperors and a demon queen are coming at the same time, and I don't know if the bright holy land can be blocked?" Worry.

"Why hasn't Yue Yueji come out of the pagoda?"

Ning Xiaochuan stood under the tree and looked towards the towering glazed pagoda above, frowning into the word "chuan".

Just to get Long Yuan and Tian Pin Xuan Shi, it shouldn't be a difficult task as Yue Yue Ji's identity in the Holy Land of Light.

However, after an hour passed, she did not come out of the tower, which made Ning Xiaochuan a little worried.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan felt that something on his body was shaking.

What is moving?

Ning Xiaochuan took the town demon tower out, and saw that the town demon tower even emitted a faint red light, and it kept shaking in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan. What did it feel like?

"The town demon tower will emit red light only when a strong demon clan appears. How can this happen? Is there a demon monk sneaking into the bright holy land? The direction of the town demon tower is ... the direction of the holy pagoda!"

Ning Xiaochuan raised his head and looked towards the pagoda, his heart sank suddenly.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the guidance of the town demon tower.

In the end, what kind of demons can sneak into the most important treasure land of the Holy Land of Light without knowing it?

Ning Xiaochuan followed the guidance of the town demon tower, and it turned out that in a secret place, he found a gap in the array, like what was eaten by some creature!

The array method arranged outside the pagoda is a matrix method arranged by a human being. If you do not know the direction of the array method, even a real person cannot break in!

What monster can actually swallow the formation?

"Sure enough, there is a strong demon, sneaking into the sacred land of light."

Ning Xiaochuan immediately entered the gap in the formation, and carefully moved forward, intending to find out!

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