Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 807: Fighting God Mice

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Ning Xiaochuan, holding a real bone whip, handed it to Tang Shuyao, staring at her pair of dan and phoenix, saying, "This is the bone of your grandfather, now it belongs to the original owner!"

Tang Shuyao's expression was a little dazed. He pursed his lips, took the real bone whip, held it in his hand, and took a deep look at Ning Xiaochuan, "Thank you!"

For the first time, Ning Xiaochuan saw Tang Shuyao so pitiful and pitiful, not like a demon girl, but more like a Jiajiadijia. He patted Tang Shuyao's soft shoulders, and smiled, "You still say thank you to me?"

Tang Shuyao's red lips slightly tilted up and smiled sweetly. Mei Qiao glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, and her heart gave birth to an indescribable touch. If it weren't for the monks and human monks watching, she really wanted to snuggle into Ning Xiaochuan's arms.

It's really a wonderful thing to have a man who cares for himself!

Many people look at this scene, and everyone's mood is different.

Yang Bai, the grandson of Yangjiao, gave a long sigh, "The Nine Heavenly Goddess is completely occupied! Ding Chunqiu's ability to play with women is so powerful that people can worship the wind."

"It is indeed the heir of Elder Yue, not only to get the body of the woman, but also the heart of the woman. I seem to be able to see that another legendary figure of Yangjiao is about to be born, and it will surely sweep the world, and all the daughters will fall into law." Yang Teach the godson Qianbi to fall.

Many people's gazes turned towards the maiden of light, and they wanted to see if Her Royal Highness was jealous.

However, the sage of bright light was very calm, her eyes were clear, like an empty valley Youlan, no one knew her thoughts at the moment.

The Bright Lady already knew the relationship between Ning Xiaochuan and Tang Shuyao, so she didn't feel a little strange.

Qin Luoshi shook his head gently. His daughter was still too reserved, and did not understand the cruelty of the competition. The spirit girl of Jiutiange had begun to **** her lover. She was so calm, and sooner or later, she would suffer a big loss!

The women of Jiutiange are all experts in grabbing men.

Of course, some people have doubts about Ding Chunqiu's identity.

After all, just now Ding Chunqiu not only exhibited the "Tianzun Seal", but also used the "Jade Seal", the treasure of the kingdom of the Tianshu Empire.

The identity of this person is too questionable.

"Ding Chunqiu" is probably just a pseudonym, not his true identity.

Some people have guessed that he is probably the spirit son of Tiandi Mountain, Ning Xiaochuan.

However, after all, he defeated two top-level figures of the young demons in a row to save the face of the human race, which is very encouraging. Who dares to speak at this time, doubting Ding Chunqiu, must be attacked by everyone.

At this moment, everyone was immersed in the joy of victory, and even some older monks in the bright holy land heard the news and immediately rushed out to witness the birth of a young man Yingjie.

Such a young Junjie, the future achievements are absolutely scary and have the opportunity to cultivate into a sub-god.

Those young monks, the glorious daughters of heaven, have even regarded Ning Xiaochuan as a young hero, and their eyes are full of reverence.

"I also have to work hard and strive to become a young master like Ding Chunqiu one day, sweeping the young talents of the demons to win glory for the human race. Today, who else can fight Ding Chunqiu?" Guangming Sacred Land A young man in the middle of his hands clenched his fists and was extremely excited. From this moment, he regarded Ning Xiaochuan as his idol.

"The young generation of the demon clan is afraid that no one will dare to fight Ding Chunqiu again!" Said a human Tianjiao.

At this moment, the god-eating mouse flew out of the army of the demon tribe, wearing armor and looking coldly, "Humans, this one is fighting you?"

Ning Xiaochuan glanced slightly at the god-phasing mouse and said, "It's you, the god-phasing mouse."

The bitter mouse smirked: "Last time, the reason why this seat will be defeated in your hands is because this seat has no intention of fighting, if you really want to fight, you may not be the opponent of this seat."

"Shameless, you demons are so shameless! The young generation of demons, no one can compete with Ding Chunqiu, wants to use wheel battles to consume Ding Chunqiu's vitality." Yue Mingsong said angrily in the gate.

"God-eating mice are the first masters of the younger generation in the back seat of Shi Ji Demon. They also have a lot of fame in the human cultivation industry. . "

"Spring and Autumn Prince, you have just fought with the three emperors and locusts. You must have consumed a lot of energy. Don't fight with the god-eaters again!" The six elders of Yaoshen Valley were all killed by the rat-eater, so she knew the arrogance of the god-eater.

If it is about fighting power, the god-eating mouse may not be stronger than Ning Xiaochuan.

However, on the means of killing, the god-eating mice far surpassed Ning Xiaochuan. When it was in the sixth realm of heaven and man, it killed the elders of the people who had passed the ninth realm of heaven and earth, and it was abnormal.

The biting mouse secretly transmitted a voice to Ning Xiaochuan, "If you do not fight with this seat, this seat will immediately tell you that you have the town demon tower, and tell all the people present."

Ning Xiaochuan heard the voice of the god-sucking mouse, his eyes were slightly fixed, and said: "Since you want to find death, then I will complete you!"

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan's heart was also a little curious. Why didn't the god-eating mouse directly spread the news that he had a town demon tower?

If it was preached, wouldn't that be why monks of the tribe would attack Ning Xiaochuan?

"I see! In fact, the major demons are also in a competitive relationship. An imperial weapon like the town demonic tower will not let other demons know."

"The reason why the Devouring Mouse has to fight with me, I am afraid that I want to kill me and seize the town demon tower in my hand. As long as it controls the town demon tower, among the demon people, who can fight with it? contend?"

Ning Xiaochuan actually overestimated the god-eating mice. Even if the god-eating mice really won the town demon tower, they did not dare to take it as their own.

In the monster beast group, it is more rigorous than humans. Unless the god-eating mouse is more than the stone monster, otherwise, it will not dare to rebel against the stone monster.

Although Ning Xiaochuan is very strong, the god-eating mouse is also a pure blood offspring of the **** beast. It is powerful and possesses its own hole cards. Once it is displayed, even if it is a half-step human-level existence, I am afraid it will die.


Before the fight began, the bite-draining mouse got into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately left the ground, and flew into the air with a bang.

He held the jade seal in his hands, mobilized the rules of the earth, released his mind completely, and looked for the trace of the god-eater.

Suddenly, a void gate appeared above Ning Xiaochuan's head.

A sharp animal claw stretched out from the void and grabbed Ning Xiaochuan's neck at lightning speed.


Ning Xiaochuan felt the danger, and his legs glowed with colorful brilliance, moving side by side to avoid the beak's claws.

However, there were still three blood marks on his neck, and he almost died under the paw of the god-depleting mouse.

"Fast!" Ning Xiaochuan's heart was slightly startled. If he had not possessed the magical spirit of Qiqiao Shen and predicted danger in advance, wouldn't he be killed by the god-eating mouse with just one hit?

Sure enough, the pure blood offspring of each beast should not be underestimated!

"Don't eat the mouse into the ground, why suddenly appeared in the void above Ding Chunqiu's head?" An inner disciple of Guangming Sacred Earth asked curiously.

"God-eaters are not only as simple as being able to sting, they are extremely talented, they can not only penetrate powerful formations, but they can also quickly travel through large spaces. They have great control over space. This is their talent! "The bright maiden's eyes looked like water, worried for Ning Xiaochuan.

"No wonder the god-eater can kill the monk in the ninth realm of Heaven and Human. With his talent, it can be called a ghost. Once the shot is attacked, the Nine Heavenly Master can hardly escape. "

"I'm afraid that even Ding Chunqiu, in the sixth realm of Heaven and Man, it is impossible to kill the Supreme Master of Nine Heavens. The killing method of the god-eating mice is indeed against the sky."

Another sacred earth preached: "The reason why rat-eating rats are called god-eating rats is said to be because they eat even the body of God. There are almost no living teeth or claws, which is better than eating gods. Rats. So, bite-rats never use aggressive warriors, because their teeth and claws are the best blades. "

"They are also descendants of pure blood **** beasts. God-eating mice are more terrible than locusts."


When the Ning Xiaochuan was wounded by the biting mouse, the monks of the Yao clan were also excited.

The bite-going mice are indeed the first strong of the younger generation under the back seat of Shi Ji demon, and finally suppressed that mankind's limelight.

"Ning Xiaochuan!"

King Jin Yu sat on a huge bronze chair, staring coldly at the man who was fighting the god-eating mice.

King Jin Mao and Ning Xiaochuan have met more than once, and are very familiar with the breath of Ning Xiaochuan. When Ning Xiaochuan displayed the Celestial Seal, he recognized Ning Xiaochuan's identity.

Even if the Devouring Mouse doesn't do it, it will definitely do it.

However, at this moment, the voice of the Vatican Demon Emperor passed into his ears, "Don't be evil with Ning Xiaochuan, even if the Devouring Mouse is defeated, you are not allowed to shoot."

Hearing the words of the demon emperor, King Jin Mao was a little curious and asked, "Father emperor, why can't my child be allowed to fight Ning Xiaochuan? If I defeat Ning Xiaochuan, I will be famous for the entire demon.

The Vatican demon emperor said: "Ning Xiaochuan has a phoenix behind his back, and offending him is offending the phoenix."

"Phoenix ..." King Jin Mao's heart was frightened, "How is this possible?"

Vatican demon emperor said: "This matter has not yet spread to the demons, and few people know it, but it is true that Ning Xiaochuan has a phoenix behind it. Neither the emperor demon emperor nor Shi Ji demon knew this. Thing, if they knew that a phoenix was sheltering Ning Xiaochuan, I'm afraid they would not send the young masters to kill Ning Xiaochuan. "

"Baby ... I see!" Wang Jinxi exhaled deeply, and said with a lingering fear.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan was not offended. If a phoenix is ​​provoked, I am afraid that even the Vatican demon may not be able to keep it.

In the final analysis, Ning Xiaochuan, the God Eater, and the King of Kings are just the pride of the younger generation. It is impossible to contend with the real people of the older generation, not to mention the characters of the demon emperor and the demon.

Before they grow up, they must be sheltered, or they will be killed in the cradle.

Although Phoenix can't help Ning Xiaochuan practice, but it can deter those older people who want to be bad for Ning Xiaochuan. If the younger generation meets Ning Xiaochuan, she will naturally not question.

However, if the demon emperor and queen-level characters dare to shoot against Ning Xiaochuan, she must find a door to compete with those demon queens and queens.

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