Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 833: Cardinals behind

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You have to know that great magical people like the Queen of Stone Ji have thousands of years of experience and are far more intelligent than ordinary people. Through the slightest flaws, they can detect whether the other party is telling the truth or the truth.

With her practice, she can even see through each other's heart.

Yue Mingsong was too blind-spoken, and even he was tricked by the Shi Ji demon. This ability is not something ordinary people can do.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan's mind flashed hundreds and thousands of thoughts. Couldn't he really use Tianyi's holy water to deal with the monster Shi Ji?

Tianyi holy water is not a divine fluid, but the yin and yang holy religion is used for yin and yang. cross. Holy relic.

No one knows what will happen if Tianyi holy water is used on the body of Shi Ji monster.

However, if Ning Xiaochuan now tells Shi Ji Yao that there is no divine fluid on her body, she will definitely anger the Shi Ji Yao. Yue Mingsong and all of them must have died in the hands of Shi Jiyin.

So how do you choose?

Yue Mingsong sneered again and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, what are you still hesitating? Do you think you can become a **** yourself? You are too naive! Treasures like Shenye can only be dedicated to the demon master In order to make the most of it. "

Ning Xiaochuan's mind was like a flash of lightning, saying: "Yue Mingsong, you little man, dare to betray me. From now on, we will be gracious and no longer friends."

"Who is a friend with you?" Yue Mingsong chin sneered and sneered: "I only have the great queen queen in my heart, all other human monks are lowly creatures, all **** it."

At this moment, even the purple smoke and the treasure **** were unknown, thinking that Ning Xiaochuan really had a drop of divine fluid, but was betrayed by Yue Mingsong.

"Yue Mingsong, you dare to betray Xiaochuan. You will die today."

A pair of beautiful eyes of Zi Hanyan exudes the brilliance of Senhan. The forefinger and **** are turned into a sword tactic. The middle-class supreme-class star sword on the back immediately flew away from the hang and burst into a bright Starlight, beheaded towards Yue Mingsong.

"Queen, save me!"

Yue Mingsong immediately hid behind the Shi Ji demon.

Behind Shi Ji Yao's hands, his skin was as clear as jade, but he glanced at Zi Hanyan.

The middle-class supreme star ancient sword cut out by Zi Hanyan immediately stopped in the void and remained motionless, and could not approach the stone Queen within ten meters.


An invisible demon exploded out of the void, hitting the ancient star sword back and flying back, stabbing at Zi Hanyan's heart.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately flew over and sacrificed the twelve Buddhist lotuses, blocking the ancient star sword.


An overwhelming force hit Ning Xiaochuan's chest, and Ning Xiaochuan and Zi Hanyan flew out at the same time.

Fortunately, the power of the battle sword was blocked by the twelve frets. Otherwise, it would not be as simple as Zhenfei.

"After the stone monster, if you really want the magic liquid, I will give it to you, but you must let them all leave. Otherwise, I can assure you that you will never get the magic liquid." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Shi Ji Yao smiled coldly, "Are you qualified to discuss the conditions with Ben?"

Her beautiful eyes opened, staring at Ning Xiaochuan, a huge mental power emanated from her eyes, condensing a white spirit river, impacting Ning Xiaochuan.

The soul of the soul was originally invisible, but the Queen of the Ji Ji was able to condense the power of the mind into a river. From this, it can be seen that her mind was so powerful.

Ning Xiaochuan was shaken backwards by dozens of meters with the mental power behind the monster Shi Ji, and his heartbeat speed continued to increase, and his heart seemed to crack.


Seven auras burst out of Ning Xiaochuan's heart, condensing into seven human-shaped hearts and minds, sitting in the seven directions of the heart, blocking the mind behind the stone monster.

Shi Jiyue's mouth uttered a frivolity, "Seven wise gods and demon heart palace, good boy, even has the same heart palace as the emperor, no wonder luck is so strong."

After the stone monster demon took back her heart, her red lips slightly tilted up and smiled sweetly, saying, "Human boy, I can promise you later, let others leave. But you must not only give the divine liquid to Ben, but you must also personally Take this book to Fengshen Cave House. "

"Did he even tell you the secret of Fengdong Cave?" Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Yue Mingsong, and his heart was slightly surprised.

You know, only the Ning Xiaochuan, Yu Ningsheng, the King of Qing, and Nie Lanxin knew about Fengshen Cave. How did Yue Mingsong know?

Is he talking nonsense, used to lie to Shi Ji Yao?

Yue Mingsong smiled coldly, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, your secret, the queen of the queen already knows all about it, you better tell it all honestly!"

Ning Xiaochuan's face did not change, and he glanced at Zi Hanyan, and said, "Han Yan, you take Xiaohong out of Guihui first. Her Royal Highness, you should leave now!"

Zi Hanyan, Orb Jizo, and Xiaohong naturally know that they are not likely to be the opponents of the Stone Queen after their stay. Instead of staying at Guixu, they might as well go out to rescue soldiers, maybe they could save Ning Xiaochuan's life.

"Then you are careful." Baozhu Dizhang stared at Ning Xiaochuan deeply, and then left Guihui together with Zi Hanyan and Xiao Hong.

Seeing that Zi Hanyan and Baozhu Jizo had left, Yue Mingsong also wanted to open his eyes, and his eyes suddenly slipped, and he suddenly thought about it, and said, "Master, Queen, otherwise, I'll catch up and kill them?" "

Shi Ji demon later said: "No. Now that I have promised him, how can there be contradiction?"

"The sage of the queen queen, the realm of the queen queen, is not that I and other mortals can compare with one hundred thousandth." Yue Mingsong was a series of flattery to the queen of Shi Ji, but was very disappointed. The escape plan failed. Here comes another opportunity.

Ning Xiaochuan took out the jade bottle containing Tianyi's holy water, and handed it to the queen of Shi Ji.

After the beautiful eyes of Shi Ji's demon Lian Lian, she saw that Shenye, a treasure that only exists in legends, was difficult to be calm even in her state of mind.

She opened the jade bottle, and the bottle immediately gave off a strong medicinal scent. A colorful cloud of God even condensed above the jade bottle. Numerous winds and thunders blew in the cloud, and the heavens and the earth changed color, as if a **** had been born.

Only when the real world is born, will such a powerful vision appear.

Ning Xiaochuan also moved slightly, staring at Yue Mingsong, and secretly said, could he be fooled by Yue Mingsong. Is this really a drop of magic?

However, Yue Mingsong seemed calm and relaxed, and was not surprised by the vision above the sky.

After seeing the vision of the colorful cloud of the goddess after the stone monster, the mind is settled. This must be the magic liquid.

If you can take the divine fluid, you must cultivate for the great advance. If you can find the true truth of becoming a **** in Fengshen Cave, then the absolute road is expected.

Just when she was about to put away the divine fluid, suddenly, a dark shadow rushed out of the ground.

Without any sign, the dark shadow rushed towards Shi Ji Yao back lightningly, taking away the jade bottle in Shi Ji Yao back, and then rushing towards the sky.

The Queen Shi Ji was furious. Someone dared to rob her of her treasure, she was just trying to die.


The Queen Shi Ji was originally beautiful and dignified, but once the anger in her heart was stimulated, it immediately became cold and frosty, and the white hair on her head became very long. Each hair was like a magic sword toward the sky. The dark shadow stabbed above.

That dark shadow was also good, and made a handprint, turned into a mighty cloud of demon, blocking the white hair behind the stone demon monster.

"Haha! Shi Ji, you found the treasure of the level of Shenye, why didn't you tell the emperor in advance?" The dark shadow hangs in the void, and the body is covered by the demon cloud.

The stone monster demon stood on the ground, a blood-red moon-shaped mark condensed on her eyebrows, and a pair of beautiful eyes were full of murderous destiny, "Earth, you dare to take what is behind you?"

As long as the blood moon mark on the back of Shi Ji's eyebrows is revealed, it means that she is really angry.

The Emperor Demon stood in the void and laughed aloud, "Shi Ji, even if you are angry, it is useless. With this drop of divine liquid in hand, who else is the opponent of the emperor today? If you surrender to the emperor now, wait until On the day of the Emperor's refining of the divine fluid, you will definitely be accepted as a demon concubine. Haha! "

The stone demon queen took a deep breath, calmed down and said, "Earth, how do you know that the true body has entered Guihui?"

"Good question! King Baizu, you haven't come out yet," said the Emperor Di Yao, very pleased.

An old man with twelve arms emerged from the soil and worshiped the demon emperor deeply: "Old slave, meet the demon emperor, congratulations to the demon emperor for the divine fluid."

Shi Ji Yao stared deeply at the old man, a beautiful smile appeared on her face: "Baizu King, after you dare to betray Ben, do you know what happened?"

The old man with twelve arms said, "The queen's words are bad. The old slave is a hundred-footed demon, and the landlord demon emperor is a thousand-footed demon. Our hundred-footed demon, originally a thousand-footed demon. The branch belongs to the leader of the landlord. Since the old slave has always been a subordinate of the landlord, how can you talk about betraying the demon? "

"Okay! Good! Let's see if the maggot can save your life!"

Demon King Ji Ji stretched out a jade hand and popped a finger in the void.

The Baizu King was originally the top ten old demon king under the throne of Shi Ji demon, with powerful fighting power and unpredictable repair.

However, in the presence of Shi Ji Yaohou, there was no resistance.


The hundred-foot king's chest exploded, his body was torn, and only one head remained. He flew towards the demon emperor above the sky and screamed: "The demon emperor save me!"

"God can't save you!"

The arm of Shi Ji's demon shook, and a big handprint hit it, smashing the head of the Baizu King into blood.

The Emperor Demon King wanted to save the Baizu King, but he was still one step behind, and he saw that the Baizu King was killed by the Shi Ji Yaohuang.

"Shi Ji, you dare to oppose the emperor, wait until the emperor refines the divine fluid, and see how the emperor packs you up!" Said the distressed emperor chillyly.

"Earth, you think you still have the opportunity to refine the divine fluid. After the death of the hundred foot king, the next one is you!"

The queen of Shi Ji turned into a white light beam and flew to the sky, just like the goddess soaring, full of demon beauty.

She summoned a vein of the earth that was more than 100,000 miles long and held it in her hand, like holding a turbulent Tianhe, and she was chopped off to the ground to demolish the imperial emperor, and she wanted to recapture the magic liquid.


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