Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 842: Two demon emperors

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"Good boy, in the presence of your cow grandfather, you dare to be so mad, to see that I won't punch you into a meat pie with one punch."

Shi Ji demon later said: "Prince Qiniu, stand back!"

Prince Qi Niu ’s arms were all raised, and when he heard the words of Shi Ji the queen, his face was embarrassed, and said, “After the demon, this human kid is too **** ...”

"I told you to retreat!" Shi Ji's eyes became extremely cold.

The prince Qi Niu shuddered, and immediately raised his fist, knelt on the ground and worshiped Shi Ji demon three times, and then crawled back from Ning Xiaochuan's side.

After seeing Shi Ji's attitude, the old monsters of the demon clan seem to have noticed something. It seems that the human kid is not of little value in the heart of the demon! Don't offend him now!

"Let's go!" Demon Shi Ji looked back at Ning Xiaochuan and lifted the slender jade. With your legs, take a step, board the Jiulong Feiyu, prepare to leave Guihui immediately, and look for Fengshendong House.

Suddenly, above the dome, a cloud of demon clouds was flying.

A deafening thunder came from the clouds, causing the mystery between heaven and earth to oscillate.

"Shi Ji, where are you going?"

A giant black cricket with a length of more than one thousand meters flew in the demon cloud, with dense dense feet, exuding a breathtaking royal breath.

The black puppet, condensed into a black figure, hangs in the void.

After seeing the black figure in the sky, Queen Shi Ji had a cold look and said, "It turned out to be the Emperor of Demons! Where are you going in the future? I'm afraid you can't control it?"

The landlord demon Emperor smiled hoarsely and said, "My Emperor can't control it naturally, but if you want to leave Guihui, you must first leave the thing that you took from the Emperor."

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the demon emperor standing in the sky, and said secretly, it seemed that Tianyisheng had been taken back by the stone monster.

However, the Emperor Demon King is obviously not the opponent of Shi Ji Demon. Why did he dare to seize Tianyi's holy water?

Does he know that Shi Ji Yao was wounded by the evil power of Blood Robe? Or does he have other means?

Anyway, this is what happened after the demon Shi Ji. Ning Xiaochuan was like a person who was all right, watching it quietly. At the same time, his heart also began to be alert, observing the wind and grass moving around, and the appearance of the landlord demon emperor was definitely not a simple matter.

"Xiao Hong, if there is a change in the situation later, immediately fit with me." Ning Xiaochuan sent a voice to Xiaohong with a heart.

Regarding the appearance of the Emperor Demon King, the Queen of Ji Ji still turned her face and sneered: "Dear Emperor, you'd better leave immediately. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so kind to you."

"Yeah!" The Emperor Didi smiled coldly, "The emperor admits that Xiu is a poor man, but someone can always suppress you."


With a loud thunder, countless thunder and lightning converged into a huge humanoid movie, like a glittering giant, holding a thunder hammer and an electric cone, and said, "Shi Ji, since you have got the" Divine Fluid ", you must dedicate it to heaven "Dream Emperor, do you want to swallow it yourself?"

The thunderbolt giant exuded a force of ferocity.

After he appeared, the entire space was wrapped in demon qi, and numerous electric lights shuttled in it.

Thor Thunder King!

Ning Xiaochuan took a cold breath, but the murderer came! Guangming Zhangjiao was killed by him, which is definitely a more terrible and ruthless role than the Emperor Demon Emperor.

The eyes of the demon Shi Ji have changed a little, but they are still strong, and said coldly: "Thunder god, do you have to get involved in this matter? What benefits does the landlord give you?"

The Thunder God Demon Emperor said: "As long as you teach‘ Shen Ye ’, the emperor will leave immediately, and will not interfere with your grievances with the Emperor Demon Emperor.”

Shi Ji demon said: "From this point on, you want to swallow the‘ sacred fluid ’by yourself, not to dedicate it to the Emperor of Heaven ’s Dream.”

The Emperor Demon sneered: "Shi Ji, if you do not surrender the Divine Liquid, it means that you have betrayed the Divine Demon Emperor. We can only take your life on behalf of the Demon Emperor and forcibly seize the 'Shen Liquid'. , Don't force us! "

The queen Shi Ji stood on the flying owl in Jiulong, her robe fluttered constantly, her long white hair was blown up by the cold wind, and her eyes fixed with a firm, cold voice: "I want to seize the magic liquid. I'm afraid I have to come up with some real skills. "

"Well, the Queen of Stone Ji was wounded by evil spirits. It is definitely not the opponent of the Queen of the Earth, not to mention the addition of a thunder god. If the Queen of the Stone Ji does not compromise, I am afraid that all humans and demons here , All are dead. "Ning Xiaochuan's gaze looked behind the stone monster. At this time, it was almost impossible for her to surrender Tianyi holy water!

How to do? How to do?

Two powerful killing gases erupted from the bodies of the Emperor of the Earth God and the Lord of the Thunder God, forming two huge swirls in the sky.

The two demon emperors simultaneously pressed the Queen of Shi Ji.

"That being the case, then we are welcome." The Emperor of the Divinity held a black barb stab in his hand. As soon as he moved, he rushed to the top of the Jiulong Feiyu.


The entire Jiulong Feiyu immediately split, and the Queen of Ji Ji and the Emperor of the Emperor Ji took off at the same time, rushed to the sky, and continued to fight.


At the same time, in the jungle, on the sky, and under the ground, countless monster race creatures rushed out and launched attacks on the subordinates of the stone monster.

An old man with four pairs of black wings, standing in the void, holding a scepter, said: "Behind the stone monster demon betrayed the heavenly demon emperor, and his crime was guilty. When he saw the subordinates of the stone monster demon, all of them Beheaded. "

Having said this, the old monster tribe pointed his scepter towards the ground, and a beam of light fell and hit the body of the disciple Lingyun, who was behind the stone monster.

Lingyun screamed, and Jiao's body was penetrated by the beam of light, split into pieces, and turned into a mist.

However, her body is a cloud of spirits, belonging to the innate demon spirit, and did not die under the pillar of light. She quickly re-condensed the demon body, but she was obviously badly wounded and very depressed.


Above the sky, a strange bird flew and turned into a man with a bird's head. He stared at Lingyun and gave a strange laugh. "The disciples after the Stone Ji just happened to be the king. Xiaoyan. "

"Lingling King, if you dare to shoot at me, the demon Queen will take your life." Lingyun said as he fled.

"The Queen of Stone Ji can't protect herself, I'm afraid she can't live today." Ling Ling's back stretched out her wings, carrying thousands of Ling Ling monster birds, like a black cloud, chasing and killing Ling Yun.

Obviously, in order to seize the magic liquid, the Emperor of the Earth God and the Thunder God have made a comprehensive plan, they also want to swallow the "Magic Liquid" alone, so to cut the grass and roots, will not let any of the subordinates of the stone Ji monster escape .

Numerous monster creatures rushed out in all directions, and the subordinates of the monster Shi Ji were besieged by the enemy ten times and hundred times, and all were killed. It was only a matter of time.

"Let's run away!"

In the first time, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong were united, unfolding a pair of dragon wings full of flames, and they would immediately pull away from the place by pulling the treasure bead.

However, when Ning Xiaochuan saw five human monks imprisoned by an iron chain, he stopped.

Because the iron chain was engraved with a demon pattern imprisoned by humans, they could not escape at all, but stood there waiting to die. The desperate look of each of them was almost on their faces. If the Emperor of the Gods of the Earth and the Emperor of the Thunder God really wanted to swallow the "Divine Liquid", they would surely be executed.


Ning Xiaochuan called out the magic sword, slashed it, and cut the iron lock on the five men.

After the drop of the iron lock, the five of them recovered immediately, and a glow of light burst from each person's body, and a stream of vitality emerged from the body and flowed around the body.

Ning Xiaochuan threw back five of them with three turns to Yang Dan.

All five of them suffered severe injuries, but after taking three turns to return to Yang Dan, the injuries were almost half better.

Aoki's beautiful eyes blinked, and her voice was soft and beautiful. "Thanks to Ning Xiaozi for his life-saving grace. If Ning Xiaochuan comes to Middle-earth, the little girl will greet her personally."

The other two old men were very ashamed and said, "Ning Gongzi is righteous, and the old two apologize for the previous insult to Ning Gongzi."

Yan Mi also stared deeply at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, you killed my brother. I have no vengeance against you, but since you saved my life, then our The grievances between the two are cleared up. You and my enmity, I will not count with you again. I owe your gratitude, I will not return. "

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the five of them and said, "If you were kneeling on the ground and begging for help from the demons and willing to be slaves of the demons, I wouldn't be too lazy to save you. Now your injuries are almost recovered, and you break out!"

Having said this, Ning Xiaochuan stopped paying attention to them, and immediately took the Orb Jizo into the demon group. He had to rush out of the place before the defeat of Shi Ji the demon.

Although Ning Xiaochuan was hostile to the ghost-giving family, Yan Ming was indeed a good human being. He dared to fight against the nine-headed lion for the human race in the bright sacred land, although he lost to the nine-headed emperor. In the hands of a lion. At least he dared to go to the monster race, not a person who would compromise with the monster race, and had his own persistence.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan will rescue him.

Ning Xiaochuan launched his magical powers, summoning nineteen swords at the same time, and killing the Quartet.




Wherever Ning Xiaochuan passed, monsters of life and death died at his feet, and no one could stop his footsteps.

A monster beast king in the ninth realm of heaven and man, turned into a body, hit a tiger claw as large as a house, and wanted to shoot Ning Xiaochuan to death.

With the kick of Ning Xiaochuan's feet, he leapt to the top of Halberd Tiger's head, slashed down with a sword, and split the Halberd's monster's body in half. A demon with the size of a human head flew from the body of King Halberd and was taken away by Ning Xiaochuan.

Now that Ning Xiaochuan has entered the ninth realm of Heaven and Man, no one is his opponent under the real person. Even the creature who is also the ninth realm of heaven and man is not his enemy.

Baozhu Jizang followed behind Ning Xiaochuan and stepped on the six reincarnations. Six world spaces were suspended around the body. Each world space contained a supreme device. All the monsters living near her were crushed by blood.

After absorbing the power of the gods in the stone temple, her cultivation also broke through to the ninth realm of heaven and man!


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