Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 847: Yangjiao rudder

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Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "Few beautiful women I've met? Even North. Xinjiang's first beauty is just a title, and it doesn't have much appeal to me."

Baozhu Jizo laughed: "I hope you really see that North. After the first beauty of Xinjiang, you can still say this sentence."

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan's gaze looked far away, and saw two scarred men hurried past the laneway, and they also carried a sack on their shoulders, which seemed to hold a person inside, and kept squirming .

"The two ..."

After Ning Xiaochuan stared at the two scarred men, he slightly hesitated and said secretly, wouldn't it be so coincident!

The two scarred men, one tall and one short, although both changed their figure and appearance, but Ning Xiaochuan still felt two familiar breaths on them.

The goddess of Yangjiao, Qianbi Luo.

The elder son of Yangjiao, Gongsun Yibai.

How did the two Tianjiao, the youngest generation of Yangjiao, appear here?

Moreover, they actually carried a sack. Did they start committing crimes again? The last time they captured the Virgin Light, who was caught by them again this time?

Baozhu Jizo also saw the scene just now, but she didn't know that the two scar men were the two top geniuses of Yangjiao. "In the realm of Jiutian Pavilion, some people dare to do such ridiculous things. No , Those two have problems. "

Orb Jizo seemed to notice something and immediately caught up.

Ning Xiaochuan knew that Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai's cultivation were powerful and deceitful. Fearing that Orbuzakura was not their opponent, they immediately followed.

The two scar men, after crossing seven or eight lanes in the city, stopped at the back door of a very gorgeous mansion, looked around, and determined that no one had caught up, and walked towards the mansion.


They took three steps forward, more than ten meters away from the gate, and a light gate appeared automatically in the void.

Quickly crossing the light gate, they immediately entered the mansion.

"Welcome to the two His Highnesses. The two Highnesses seem to have gained something?"

The disciples in the mansion immediately greeted after seeing the two Scar Men.

All the other disciples gathered around, everyone was beaming with excitement, much like knowing which sacred earth the two Highnesses had captured?

"Haha! The last time I caught the maiden of light, but I was taught by another Tianjiao to take the first step, which is really a pain in the heart of the Son of God. This time it finally opened!" Qian Bilu was also quite excited. , Prey in hand, just think about it and feel excited.

Put that sack on the ground, and untwist the dragon's cord around the sack.


With a loud noise, the gate of the mansion made of three inches of bronze was broken by a golden bergamot.

Wearing a buddhist robe not stained with dust, Baozhu Jizo held a buddha and crossed the broken gate. It flew to the center of the courtyard like a light goose feather, staring at Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai: Who is it? Who is in the bag? Do n’t you know that Xuxucheng is the territory managed by Jiutiange? "

Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai glanced at each other without any panic. Instead, they were attracted by the rugged body and fairy-like face of Baozhu Jizo.

"Hey! I didn't expect it! I just caught a goddess and came back with a beautiful woman like a fairy. Today our brother is lucky?" Gongsun Yi said with a smile.

Those disciples of Yangjiao, who were originally close to the enemy, saw that the person was actually a beautiful woman, and all of them suddenly put away mysterious warriors and laughed with Gongsun Yibai.

"Good guy, it's really beautiful, Brother Liu, look at her beautiful pair. The legs are long and straight, so sexy!"

"It's too beautiful. Even the Empress of the Jile Grand Empire is not half as beautiful as her, wouldn't she be a fairy daughter of Jiutian Pavilion?"


I heard those prostitution of disciples in Yangjiao. The dirty words, the cold light of Baozhu's eyes, a translucent flying knife, flew from between two delicate fingers, turned into a lightning, and chopped the necks of two disciples of Yangjiao.



The two human heads fell to the ground like watermelons, leaving red blood on two beaches.

The entire Yangjiao split the rudder and immediately calmed down.

"I wipe, this little girl's cultivation is not low!" A foreign disciple whispered in a low voice, staring at Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai.

The more domineering a woman is, the more disciples of Yangjiao want to tame her.

Gongsun Yibai took a step forward, arched his hand slightly, and smiled, "In Xiayang, the Holy Son Gongsun Yibai was beaten out of the womb. It was the first time that a woman dared to kill at the helm of Yangjiao. Girl, you know you will What will it cost? "

"Yangjiao Rudder!" Baozhu Jizo did not expect that he would break into Yangjiao Rudder, and his heart was slightly surprised.

Baozhu Jizo has naturally heard many legends about the yin and yang holy religion, most of which are scandals of the major holy earth.

In recent thousands of years, the Holy Religion of Yin and Yang has been fighting internally, and she has never heard of the birth of an outstanding disciple. This is the first time she has seen a disciple of Yang Religion.

"The subordination of Yangjiao actually dared to build up to the territory of Jiutian Pavilion. It is really courageous." In order to reach the ninth realm of heaven and humanity, the cultivation of the treasure is not afraid of any sage of Yangjiao, so he decided to change this Yangjiao The sub-rudder was smashed to accumulate achievements for himself as the master of the cabinet.

Gongsun Yibai smiled: "The beauty of the territory of Jiutian Pavilion has been one of the most important sub-helms of our religion since ancient times. Didn't your elders of Jiutian Pavilion tell you that fire, anti-theft and anti-yang teaching?"

"Is that right? I'll take a look at how much patience your sages have?"

Baozhu Jizhang's arm shook, and the Yueyue Sword turned into a light shuttle, flying towards Gongsun Yibai.

Gongsun laughed strangely, and immediately hit a black ancient order, forming a black iron wall in front of him.

However, the cutting moon flying knife is not an entity, but a liquid. It actually passed through the black iron wall and turned into a bright half-moon.

"Good guy, the liquid flying knife is, at least, the supreme device of Zhongpin!"

Gongsun Yibai was also very good. He exhibited the "Following the Cloud Step" and turned it into nine ghost images. After avoiding the cutting knife of the moon, he immediately rose into the sky and slammed into the orb in the palm of his hand.

Baozhu Jizang folded his hands and said, "One thought kills one!"


Thousands of golden rays gathered on her head, gathered into a large golden handprint, hit Gongsun Yibai's head white, beat Gongsun Yibai out of the air, and fell to the ground.


Gongsun Yibai's legs fell to the ground with his knees, his arms were sore and cracked, as if broken.

"It's so strong! Wouldn't you be the goddess of Jiutian Pavilion?" Gongsun Yibai's eyes were brightened, without any frustration, but rather heart-warming.

Qian Bi glared at him and said, "Have you heard of the nine-day goddess practicing Buddha? I think she should be the mysterious nine-day goddess! Her Royal Highness, could you guess accurately?"


Baozhu hides his hands together and stares indifferently at the people of Yangjiao, just like watching a group of dead people.

"It really seems to be the nine-day maiden!" Gongsun Yibai was excited, and his blood was boiling. "I did not expect that the nine-day maiden was so beautiful, and it was a stunner in the world. . Xinjiang's first beauty is similar! "

"It's earned, it's made a lot, I just caught the goddess of Yaoshen Valley, and there is another nine-day maiden. It seems that my brothers really want to be famous." Qian Bilu also laughed.

Gongsun Yibai laughed and said, "Do n’t the demon girls of Jiutian Pavilion only seduce men? The 9-day virgin actually practiced Buddhism. There is such a fun thing in the world. I just like it!"

Baozhu Jizo frowned, and said, "Is the successor of Yangjiao so arrogant?"

Gongsun Yibai explained: "Her Highness, I admit that your cultivation is indeed very high, but what about it? As long as you have hit the top ten medicines of our Yang religion, even if your cultivation has reached the real world, it is not Be obedient? "

Baozhu Jizo's face changed slightly, and the vitality in his body was immediately activated, but he was horrified to find that the vitality in the martial arts heart could not condense.

"Her Majesty, don't panic, you are just the tenth mortal fan." Gongsun Yibai smiled.

"If you hit‘ Mortal Dispersion ’, even if you are a saint who is above nine days, you will be beaten back to mortal world.”

"How is it possible? When did you poison?" Baozhu Jizo knew that the poison of Yangjiao was very powerful, so after learning that it was the Yangjiao sub-rudder, he was very cautious.

It's still a hit!

Gongsun Yibai smiled: "The most powerful thing for mortals is that it is colorless and odorless, and can be stored in the air for a long time. Her Royal Highness, do you see the cyan four-leaf flowers planted in this mansion? In fact, the names of those flowers are 'mortal flowers'. So it's not to blame you for not being careful, in fact, the moment you walk into the Yangjiao sub-helm, you have already been recruited! "

"However, mortal fan is only effective for women and totally invalid for men."

Qian Biluo added: "Since ancient times, no woman was able to escape the Yangjiao Rudder because of this. Her Royal Highness, now that you have come to the Yangjiao Rudder, please be a Yangjiao. Be part of it! "

"You are dreaming!"

The last force of the Orb Jizo condensed in the body, turned around and rushed backwards, immediately escaping the Yangjiao rudder.


On the periphery of the Yangjiao sub-rudder, an invisible barrier appeared. The orb hid against the layer of invisible barrier. Immediately, a beam of electric light burst out of the barrier, and shocked her back.

"Her Highness, I told you long ago that there is no woman who can escape from the Yangjiao rudder. Why don't you believe it?" Gongsun Yibai laughed and flew over to the treasure place.


Ning Xiaochuan stepped out from behind Bezo's possession, punched out with a single palm, and flew Gongsun Yibai more than ten feet away.

"Who, who is ... uh ..." Gongsun Yibai was very angry. Seeing that he was about to hold the beauty in his arms, he was blown away with one palm.

When he saw the man who came out of the hiding place of Baozhudi, he immediately showed a look of surprise, secretly thinking, how did Elder Yue's heir come to Yangyang?

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