Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 851: conflict

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"It seems that the real people of Taihua do not agree with me and Baozhu Jizo as acquaintances!" Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

Now that a decision has been made, if you want to become a lover with Baozhudi Zang, you must work hard to show your strength, prove yourself, and let Taihua real people change their minds.

After a long while, Baozhu hid a slender figure and walked out from the direction of Lingchi.

Although she was still very calm and did not express her emotions on her face, Ning Xiaochuan still saw a gloom in her eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan laughed and said, "Taihua real people don't agree with you and me?"

"Ogawa, don't think about it. Come and see Master with me!"

By the side of the Lingchi, Ning Xiaochuan finally saw the true face of Taihua.

In the Jiutian Pavilion, where beautiful women are like clouds, Taihua real people are considered to be a kind of aliens. They look completely untouched by the beautiful women, have high cheekbones, thick eyebrows, and fair skin, giving them a very fierce feeling.

Ning Xiaochuan knew that the real person of Taihua was also a Buddhist monk, so he folded his hands and worshiped her deeply. He said, "Younger, Ning Xiaochuan, meet senior Taihua."

The real person of Taihua stared at Ning Xiaochuan coldly, without any good expression, and said, "You are Ning Xiaochuan? The real person does not circle with you, and tells you the truth, from now on, please do not disturb Orb's practice. You I will never agree on the two. "

Baozhu Jizo was in a hurry and said quickly: "Master ..."


Taihua shook him in the palm of his hand, hit him in the face of Baozhu Jizo from the air, and said in a deep voice: "Don't think that your current practice has become stronger, and your wings have grown hard, so you dare to disobey the will of your teacher. You have already chosen for you as a teacher, and you ca n’t make it up to you. ”

Ning Xiaochuan originally planned to talk to the real person of Taihua, respecting her as an elder, and even if she paid some price, she still had to get her approval, so that she could rest assured that she had put the orb in her hands.

However, the real person of Taihua is too unreasonable, he is just a bad woman.

Looking at the blood-red handprints on Baozhu Jizo's face, Ning Xiaochuan's heart was also surging. This old woman was so overbearing that she dared to attack Baozhu Jizo!

It is conceivable that when she was worshiping under her door to practice, she had not suffered much.

"Taihua real person, Baozhu Jizo is now the maiden of Jiutian Pavilion and the top of Jiutian Pavilion. Why did you hit her?" Ning Xiaochuan said coldly.

"This real person taught his disciples, what are you doing with an outsider?" The real person of Taihua stared at Ning Xiaochuan with contempt.

"She is my prince, so it doesn't matter to me? If anyone dares to hit her, that person is my enemy."

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Taihua's real person coldly, calling out the magic sword, and a chill burst out from his body.

"How? You dare to do something with this real person?" The real person of Taihua smiled coldly, and did not look at Ning Xiaochuan at all.

Even if his cultivation reaches the ninth realm of heaven and man, in the eyes of a real person, he is no different from an ant.

What's more, this is still the head office of Jiutian Pavilion. Dare to get hands-on with Jiutian Pavilion here, it's just looking for death.

The Orbizaki stopped Ning Xiaochuan, shook his head, and said, "I would have died if Master had saved me that year! Ogawa, Master has the life-saving and teaching grace for me. You ca n’t share it with her. Do it. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Taihua's real person coldly, and finally closed his magic sword under the begging of the treasure of the pearl.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the injury on Baozhu Jizang's face, forcibly suppressed the anger, and said, "Taihua is a real person. Although Baozhu is your disciple, the younger one thinks that choosing such a major event should be her own decision. . "

Taihua's real person said: "I don't need a junior to teach me to do real things. Look at the face of Tiandishan who teaches real people and don't care about your offense against the real person just now. If you change to someone else, Dare to show the sword in front of the real person, has long become a dead person. Now immediately get out of the holy city of Jiutian, Jiutian Pavilion does not welcome you. Chu Jing, drop off for the division! "

"Yes, Master."

A woman standing behind Taihua Zhenren with a gloating smile on her face walked towards Ning Xiaochuan, "Ninggongzi, please!"

"Ogawa, you leave the main cabinet first, and I will find a way to make Master return to my heart."

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath, and gently touched the swollen cheeks of the treasure beads, and said, "I'll wait for your news in the holy city of Jiutian. If it doesn't work, I will come to the main cabinet again to your teacher. Ask for advice. "

Having said this, Ning Xiaochuan left the place with a core disciple named Chu Jing.

After Ning Xiaochuan left, Baozhu Jizo knelt on the ground, with a firm eye in his eyes, saying, "Master, the disciple has decided to choose Ning Xiaochuan as a gangster, and it is impossible to choose others. In the eyes of the disciple, no one Better than him. "

Taihua gave a scornful smile, saying: "Ning Xiaochuan's own cultivation is really good, in the north. Xinjiang is also regarded as a top genius. However, after all, he is only the spiritual son of Tiandi Mountain. Above him, there is an expensive For the Goddess of the Emperor God, why could n’t it be his turn to teach in the future of Tiandi Mountain. Besides, he was just born rashly, and in the future will at most become an elder of Tiandi Mountain, the energy that can be mobilized is too small . "

"I heard that a phoenix gave him a backing, but after the battle with the Heavenly Demon Emperor, the Phoenix disappeared, and it is estimated that it has fallen. Like him, he has no background, no small role, and it is not worthy of you. "

Baozhu Jizo stubbornly said, "Master, the disciples don't care if Ning Xiaochuan has a background or backing. The disciple is fancy about Ning Xiaochuan's potential, and Ning Xiaochuan is a man."

Taihua is humane: "In this big era, there are too many geniuses with potential, just North. All the Seven Stars of Xinjiang's Beidou are all arrogances that are extremely difficult for thousands of years, the ultimate talents of human beings. Which of the three annihilates, the four sons of the holy earth, is not better than Ning Xiaochuan? And, in the future, they can inherit their holy earth and become the master of the holy earth. Can Ning Xiaochuan compare with them? "

"Baozhu, know why Master wants to call you back?"

"Before you return, the **** son of the Jiuxu sacred earth and the **** of the Aoki sacred earth in the Middle-earth world have both visited as teachers. They have all seen your portraits and would like to be friends with you."

"You must know that the Holy Land of Jiuxu and the Holy Earth of Qingmu are both overlords in Middle-earth. The gods of Jiuxu and God of Aoki are the top figures of the young generation in Middle-earth. Greenwood palm teaching is better than the north that has fallen. I do n’t know how many times the sacred soil of Xinjiang is stronger. Even if it is Yan Ming, the family of ghosts, the Xuantianji of the four elephant sacred soil cannot compare with them, let alone a Ning Xiaochuan? "

"A small emperor and a spirit emperor, in front of Jiuxu God and Aoki God, are insignificant little people. Baozhu, do you now know the good intentions of the teacher?"

Baozhu Dizang said: "The disciples can't understand Master's intentions."

Taihua's real man was a little angry, saying: "Don't you understand that the women of our Jiutian Pavilion can only maintain their detached status if they are attached to powerful men?"

"The other holy earth was founded by the sub-god. There are formations, martial arts, and supernatural powers left by the sub-god. However, our Jiutian Pavilion was not founded by the sub-god."

"The reason why Jiutian Pavilion can become the North. One of the seven sacred soils in Xinjiang is because more than one of our disciples in Jiutian Pavilion has been married to a sub-god who has been a juvenile and teaches the holy earth in his youth."

"God of Jiuxu and God of Aoki will be the holy earth in the youth. If you can become a mate with one of them, Jiuxu's holy earth will be supported by a holy earth in the future. You can get them among them With the support of one person, your chance of becoming the owner of the Jiutian Pavilion will be greatly increased. "

Baozhu Jizo laughed and said, "The Goddess of Nine Ruins? God of Aoki? The maiden of Jiutian Pavilion is probably just a high-level prostitute in their eyes. The lady, spending time with them *, has become the capital that they brag with other geniuses .Do they really treat me as a gangster? "

Taihua Humanity said: "So what? You just use the forces behind them to seize the position of the young master. When you become the master of Jiutiange in the future, they will naturally treat you as a fellow of equal status."

Baozhu Dizang said: "What if I do n’t become the owner of the Jiutian Pavilion in the future? In their eyes, what is it? Hey! Master, if you are fighting for the position of the Young Lord, you must give yourself as a gift I'd rather go out and give it to others for fun. I would rather not be the young master. "


The real person of Taihua slaps a slap in the air again, fanning the other half of the face of the treasure bead, exclaiming, "What do you think of you? How important do you think you are in Ning Xiaochuan's eyes? As the teacher thought , After you practice killing Zen, you will no longer be bound by feelings. I never thought you were still so naive, I was so disappointed. "

"I went to the wall of Xuanbingdong House and thought about it myself. Tomorrow, the Goddess of Jiuxu and God of Aoki will come to visit Xiandao. At that time, they will dress more beautifully, and they must be fascinated by them.

Baozhu hides and squeezes five fingers tightly, nails pierce directly into the flesh, slowly stands up, his eyes gradually become cold, flashing and killing, saying: "Master, after bearing your two slaps, you The grace of my life-saving and teaching is all returned to you. You are my teacher and I will not do anything with you. But if you have to force me to do something I do n’t like, just wait Collect the bodies of the gods of Jiuxu and God of Aoki! "

Taihua's real person's lips grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth, sneer: "Dare you? Really the wings have grown hard, do you really think you can control your destiny?"

Baozhu Jizo held his hand and turned away.

"The decision made by the real person, even if you do not compromise, there are hundreds of ways to compromise with you obediently. Now you will not understand, and in the future you will be grateful for everything the teacher has done for you." Talking to the background of the Orb Jizo, he said to himself.

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