Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 862: True Evil

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"Abominable, even if it is killing people to pay for their lives, it should be our Jiutian Pavilion to punish our disciples by ourselves. When is the turn of the grave of the grave to teach me the sacred girl of the grave of the grave? The city is presumptuous. When the Jiutian Pavilion is full of women, is it bullying? "

The master of Jiutian Pavilion stood on the top of Xiandao, exasperated, and shot with one palm, crushing a white stone platform in front of him.

"Lin Le, go and bring the maiden back." The master of the Jiutian Pavilion took a deep breath and said with cold eyes.

"Haha! Why should the Lord be so angry? Our spiritual son of the graveyard of the graveyard was killed, but I just wanted a statement, but didn't mean to let the nine-day sage pay her life."

A middle-aged man with a tall and thin body was walking with big sleeves, and a somber laughter came from his mouth.

His arrival blocked Lin Le, who was about to rush to Zimuhe, and came back.

The eyes of the owner of Jiutian Pavilion were slightly fixed, staring at the middle-aged man who came to Xiandao, "Xiu Shi Luo, you came very fast, and the masters of the graveyard of the grave also came to Jiutian Holy City?"

The mind of the Lord of the Nine Heavens was released, and she really felt a lot of strong breath.

This tall and thin middle-aged man is the teacher of the holy earth of the graveyard, the master Luo.

Yinzhang Zhang taught with a smile: "I heard that the heavenly messenger came to the nine-day holy city, and Xiu immediately opened the holy earth to transmit the ancient array, just to be able to visit the heavenly messenger before others. But he did not expect to come to the nine-day holy After the city, such an unpleasant thing happened. "

The Lord of Jiutian Pavilion said coldly: "Ma Xiu is just an elder of the holy grave of the graveyard. I did not dare to deal with the goddess of Jiutian Pavilion in the Jiutian Holy City. The person who ordered the capture of the Jiutian Saint is You? "

The Yinzum Palm taught: "Lord, should our spiritual son of the Yinzum sacred earth die for nothing?"

"Do you have to let the nine-day maiden bury her for the grave of the grave?" Jiutiange said.

"If the Nine Heavenly Virgins do not die, where do we face the graveyard of Yinyuzuka? Is there any way to gain a foothold in the Middle-earth world? This matter is your Nine Heaven Pavilion's loss, even if we go to the Lord of the world, it is our Yin The grave sacred soil is the reason. "The Yinzhang palm teacher smiled gloomily.

Jiutiange said: "Even if we want to punish the nine-day maiden, we should deal with it."

"The Lord, why be angry. There may not be a two-pronged solution to this matter. As long as the nine-day maiden can marry the **** son of the graveyard, it is naturally regarded as the person of the graveyard. In this way, the nine-day maiden does not need to be Execution, Jiutiange preserved his face. And it is natural that our graveyard of the graveyard can marry the goddess of the ninth heaven. It is also a happy event and preserved our face. In this way, isn't everyone happy? "

After hearing this, the master of Jiutian Pavilion also showed a thoughtful look, and hummed coldly: "A mere yinzu spirit son is like a nine-day maiden who is not a genius who belongs to yuzuka. Xiu Luo, you can count it really Deep enough! "

The Yinzhang Zhangjiao smiled and said, "The teachings of the major holy soils in Middle-earth will surely soon come to the Holy City of Nine Heavens and visit the heavenly messengers. It is better to be peaceful, if it is because This little thing is going to get hot, and in case it annoys the angels in heaven, it's not good for both of us! "

The teaching of Yinzuka is putting pressure on the owner of Jiutiange, telling her that the masters of all the sacred earths in Middle-earth will all come to the holy city of Jiutian. How can you, a Jiutiange, stop the majors in Middle-earth? Holy earth?

Jiutiange's face was very cold and angry, but he had to think it over for the whole Jiutiange.


Ning Xiaochuan stared at the monks in Middle-earth and said, "I will say it again, let it go immediately!"

"Junior, you are useless even if fierce, in the face of absolute power, you have no right to speak at all." The one in the Holy Land of Jiuxu is too elder.

The elder Elder of the Aoki Sacred Ground said, "Junior, immediately hand over Aoki and the Emerald Jade Bottle, kneel on the ground, and apologize to the God of Aoki. If he forgive you, we can no longer investigate this matter."

The elder elder of the graveyard sneered sneerly: "Ning Xiaochuan, you can rest assured that our holy grave of the graveyard will not kill the nine-day maiden, but will marry her to the graveyard of the graveyard and become us. Woman in the graveyard of the grave. "



Ning Xiaochuan's ears are all the voices of the monks in the sacred earth. In the blood of the heart, a magic evil gradually condenses and forms, merges into the blood, and circulates throughout the body.

There was a voice in his body telling him, "All souls in the world are hypocritical, mean, greedy, indifferent, and selfish. Everything should be destroyed. The world must be destroyed. Only after it is destroyed can it be reborn and establish a new order, new Civilization. "

These sounds are integrated with the magic evil, converge into an idea, and integrate into Ning Xiaochuan's body.


Ning Xiaochuan suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes became different from before, with a sense of indifference, a disappointment to sentient beings, a disappointment to the world!

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's eyes, all the monks in the Middle-earth world froze slightly.

"What are you staring at? In the presence of Elder Tai Shang, I dare to be so rude and kneel down to me." The god's body Yamizuka moved out and kicked Ning Xiaochuan's legs, trying to force Ning Xiaochuan to kneel .


Ning Xiaochuan's eyes blinked without blinking, the five fingers turned into sharp claws, stretched into the body of the **** of the grave, and pulled a **** heart directly.

God in the grave looks at the heart in Ning Xiaochuan's hands, and the blood skull in his chest. Despair and fear develop in his eyes, and a ghostly cry comes out of his mouth, "My ... heart ..."

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the too elder of the grave of the grave, and patted the face of the grave of the grave of the grave of the grave. The grave of the grave of the grave of the grave of the grave of the grave fell straight to the ground, his eyes staring straight at the sky.

All the monks in Middle-earth were stunned.

"Oh my god! Ning Xiaochuan dared to kill the **** of the grave, is he crazy? Otherwise, how dare he do such a bad thing?"

"Into the demon, he must be in the demon. He has become a bloodthirsty demon, and the old man will teach him to remove him for Tiandi Shanzhang, lest he be a curse."

The elder elder of Aoki Sacred Earth exudes the power of a real person, and spit out a real yuan in his mouth.

Zhenyuan condensed into a flying sword, murderous, and beheaded towards Ning Xiaochuan.


Suddenly, a blood-red light filled with evil spirits came from the direction of Ning Xiaochuan.

That piece of blood shattered Feijian into a ray of blood mist.

"Ning Xiaochuan's body is so strong!"

"The dirt on the ground turned blood red. What happened?"

Everyone backed away, distantly retreating, afraid to get wicked.

Only the elders of the sacred earth did not retreat, because they are all real people, and even thunder and thunder have passed, what is terrible?

After a while, they felt a power that made real people tremble, from the blood-red light.

"Da da!"

Ning Xiaochuan walked out of the blood, wearing a **** battle suit and holding a crimson magic sword, just like Shura coming out of hell.

Every step, the ground shakes.

Although it is just a blood coat, it weighs tens of millions of pounds and has been contaminated with the blood of countless times.

"The blood suit on him ... is very problematic. How can there be a power of sub-god?"

The elder elder of the Aoki Sacred Land stared at Ning Xiaochuan, who was walking step by step.

Naturally, his face would not show up, and he said coldly, "Ning Xiaochuan, where are you from?

"Dead man, has no right to ask questions."

Ning Xiaochuan's body was full of blood, and he slashed with a sword.

The elder Taishang of the Aoki Sacred Earth felt a huge force. He pressed down from the top of his head and made a crackling sound inside his body. A silver ancient tree grew from the backbone and turned into a towering tree, wrapping him in the center .


The silver ancient wood was instantly split by the magic sword.

The magic sword cut off the elder's eyebrows from the Aoki holy earth, and shattered his real body into two halves.

The two **** bodies flew towards the left and right sides.

Ning Xiaochuan was still standing there steadily, and the blood on his body became even more red!

"The elder Elder of the Aoki Sacred Land was actually slashed by him ... he ... how could he suddenly become so powerful?"

The monks in Middle-earth felt chills and cold hands and feet, as if falling into an ice cave.

Not to mention those young people of the Holy Land, even the real people of the older generation felt the vest was cold, and wanted to immediately turn around and run away.


Ning Xiaochuan's magic sword was cut out again, and another elder of the holy earth died under the sword, and his heart was pierced by the magic sword.

Ning Xiaochuan stepped on his corpse, directly smashing his body into pieces.

"Ning ... Ning Xiaochuan, you have been wicked into the body and turned into an evil man!" The elder elder of the grave of the grave stood in front of Ning Xiaochuan, holding a pearl-like supreme device .

Seeing the killing in Ning Xiaochuan's eyes, his wrist was shaking violently.

The eyes of the elder elder on the grave in Yinzhuang glanced slightly at the direction behind Ning Xiaochuan, and he saw the elder elder from the ninth sacred soil walked out from the void and approached slowly from the direction behind Ning Xiaochuan. Ning Xiaochuan.

that is really good!

He should try to hold Ning Xiaochuan's attention as far as possible, as long as the elder elder of Jiuxu Sacred Land successfully attacked, he no longer needs to be afraid of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Ning Xiaochuan, the battle suit on your body is stained with the blood of the sub-god, it is not something you can bear, and you will not take it off immediately." The elder of the graveyard in Yinzhang said sharply.

Without saying a word, Ning Xiaochuan took a step forward, raised his arm, and slashed his sword at the elder elder of the grave in the grave.

The moment he raised his sword, the elder elder of Jiuxu sacred soil gave a burst of drink, and slammed into Ning Xiaochuan's vest.

The elder elder's face on the grave of the grave of the grave is a proud smile: "junior, you are too tender ..."

Before the words of the elder elder in the holy grave of Yin Tzu, he heard the scream of the elder elder in the holy earth of Jiuxu.


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