Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 875: King of Destruction

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"What about the town demon tower?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The monsters in Damenze were shocked, and the town demon tower was on him?

"Town demon tower!" Tianmeng demon emperor's eyes slightly fixed.

Ning Xiaochuan took the town demon tower and held it in his hands.


The sleeves of Tianmeng Yaohuang rolled up, and the town demon tower immediately flew to her hands.

In order to gain the trust of the Emperor Demon Emperor, you must dedicate the town demon tower. This decision was made before Ning Xiaochuan came to Damenze.

On the way to Damengze, Ning Xiaochuan had already practiced the "Hunyuan Yiqi Sword" with the Emperor Zijin left on the town demon tower with the help of the hole in Xiaoling's body.

To Ning Xiaochuan, the town demon tower has no effect.

For the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, even if the town demon tower can be obtained, it has no effect.

Because there is an ancient big demon "困" trapped in the town demon tower, even if the Tianmeng Demon Emperor's current practice is not necessarily an opponent of "鲲".

It is absolutely impossible for her to release "鲲" from the town demon tower.

If she wants to use the town demon tower, she can only smelt the "鲲" in the tower first.

A big demon such as 鲲 has been imprisoned in the town demon tower for tens of thousands of years without death. It is definitely not an easy task for the Heavenly Demon Emperor to try to slay it.

Therefore, even if Ning Xiaochuan dedicated the town demon tower to the Emperor Demon Emperor, it would not have any substantial use for the Emperor Demon Emperor.

Instead, he did so, but in exchange for the trust of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

In the Tianxu continent, the only warrior taboo taboo is the town demon tower.

Today, the town demon tower falls into her hands, and she has no fear at all.

"Ning Xiaochuan, since you presented the town demon tower to the emperor, it is also a great achievement. From today, you will take over the former territory of King Yu Yu, and the emperor will seal you as the King of Destruction. All human monks are managed by you. Would you be willing? "Heavenly Demon Emperor Road.

The title given by Emperor Tianmeng Ning Xiaochuan to the "King of Destroyer" is actually to hold on to his heart, to make Ning Xiaochuan completely separate from the human race and become the public enemy of the human race.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Subordinates are willing."

Immortal Demon King immediately knelt on the ground and shouted in his mouth: "Congratulations to the demon Emperor for the joy of the town's demon tower, to eradicate the human race, and to dominate the virtual continent is just around the corner."

All the creatures in Damenze shouted: "Eradicate the human race and dominate the sky."

Ning Xiaochuan looked at all this quietly, looking very calm.

"King of Destruction, from now on, you will be a subordinate of the emperor. If the emperor finds that you have a dislike for the demon tribe, the emperor will not hesitate to kill you." Giving Ning Xiaochuan a glance, his mouth showed two sharp fangs.

"Iron Demon King, take him to the King's Cave!"

A seven-foot-tall demon king with iron plates all over his body walked out from behind the Emperor Demon Emperor, and led Ning Xiaochuan toward the depths of Damenze.

Later, the Heavenly Demon Emperor summoned the King of Qing and He Yan separately.

Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong followed Ning Xiaochuan and went to Ning Xiaochuan's Dongfu.

The Iron Conch King looked at Xiao Hong and Xiao Linger, his eyes showed a coveted look, squinting his eyes, and said coldly, "King of Destruction, do you know that you have offended the Lord Demon King? "

"Oh! Really?" Ning Xiaochuan said lightly.

The Iron Spiral Demon King said, "Today, you have lost the face of the Emperor Demon Emperor in front of many creatures. The Emperor Demon Emperor must have revenge, and then you will be dead! But you do n’t have to worry, King He has followed the Emperor Demon King for many years. As long as the King pleases you for mercy, the Emperor Demon King will definitely open you up. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Thank you for the demon king!"

The Iron Conch King glanced at Xiao Hong and Xiao Linger who were behind Ning Xiaochuan, with two bright eyes in his eyes, and laughed: "Does the King of Destruction want the King to go to the ground with both hands empty? Demon Emperor pleads? "

During the talk, the Iron Snail Demon King took Ning Xiaochuan and had already come to the extermination king's cave.

Ning Xiaochuan stopped, and said, "What does the Iron Snail Demon King think you have to offer to calm down the anger of the demon emperor?"

The iron snail demon king laughed secretly, counting the boy to be interesting, saying: "Your two servants are very good. If you can dedicate to the Emperor Demon Emperor, if the Emperor Demon Emperor is happy, maybe you will not be held today That's it! "

Xiaohong had long noticed that the Iron Snail King was not pleasing to her eyes. When she heard this, she suddenly became furious. "Old monster, who are you servants?"

"Aren't you?" The iron snail demon king smiled.

After Xiaohong became a true dragon, she learned to condense her dragon spirit, let alone the iron snail demon king. Even a demon-level character may not be able to see through her true body.

Xiao Linger is a heaven and earth spirit species, with a human-level cultivation practice. However, her cultivation is not revealed at all, and it is no different from an ordinary human race girl.

It is for this reason that the Iron Snail King will regard them as servants of Ning Xiaochuan.

In its opinion, he was a noble demon king.

Ning Xiaochuan is just a human being. Even if he was named the "Destroyer King" by the Heavenly Demon Emperor, he would not be able to attain a high status in a demon tribe, and would certainly take the initiative to please himself.

It soon found itself wrong, and it was ridiculous.

"Ah! God extinguishes the dragon fire ... you ... your dragon dragon cub ... Master Demon King, save your life ..." The Iron Conch King turned into a ball of fire, issued a miserable cry, and flew towards the hall of demon.

Xiaohong showed a silver bell-like laughter, and wanted to catch up to continue to deal with the Iron Screw Demon King, but was called by Ning Xiaochuan.

Xiao Hong still listened to Ning Xiaochuan very much. Ning Xiaochuan told her to close it, and she immediately closed it and followed Ning Xiaochuan into the cave.

From now on, this cave house is the cultivation site of Ning Xiaochuan.

The Dongfu is very spacious and it is extremely gorgeous. Only the existence of the demon king level is eligible for such a Dongfu.

"Meet the Lord King of Destroyer." A pale-haired old man bowed down and bowed to Ning Xiaochuan immediately.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the old man, his eyes fixed slightly, and said, "Are you from Tiandi Mountain?"

The old man nodded with a smile, and said, "Old decay was once the core disciple of Tiandi Mountain. Ji Yue, the first lord of the Burning Sect, had a relationship with Lord Destroyer."

You know, the burning sword sect is the top ten outsiders of Tiandi Mountain. For Ning Xiaochuan at the time, the first lord of the burning sword sect was simply a big man who could not be seen.

Unexpectedly, only a few years later, the former Lord of the Sword Sect became his servant.

"Do you trust in the demon clan too?"

Ning Xiaochuan can see that Ji Yue's Xiuwei has reached the ninth level of heaven and man, and indeed he is a top powerhouse, and his position in Tiandi Mountain is certainly not low.

Ji Yuezhang laughed: "The old slave moved with the disciples of Tiandishan to Middle-earth. Together, he was attacked by the army of monsters and monsters. In the situation of the enemy and the widowed, he was demonized by a monster of the monster tribe. Wang captures it. If you do n’t choose to take refuge in the demon tribe, it will be a dead end. I believe Master Devil can understand that feeling very well, right? ”

Ji Yue thought that Ning Xiaochuan, like him, was also captured by the demons and was forced to turn to the demons.

Ning Xiaochuan does not have a half opinion of a human monk like Ji Yue who is not strong enough.

Today, in order to survive, he can rely on the demon tribe.

Tomorrow, if a demon king puts a knife holder around his neck, he will definitely betray Ning Xiaochuan.

Although Ning Xiaochuan also relied on the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, but he had his own plan in mind, and Ji Yue was not a person at all.

"So strong blood." Ning Xiaochuan smelled a **** smell and immediately walked in the direction of the **** smell.


In the depths of Dongfu, the sound of water flowing.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan stopped and looked forward, only to see a river of blood pooling down from above, passing through the cave, and pouring deep into the ground.

It was real blood, a river of hot blood.

On the river, there was a mist of blood.

Ji Yue's old face showed a sloppy smile, saying: "This blood river is pouring from the bone bone altar, and the blood is blended with the ancient demon god's power. If the blood in the blood river is swallowed daily, it can allow the king to cultivate Ten times faster. King, you have to know that only the existence of the demon king level can enjoy such treatment. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The blood in that blood river is all human blood?"

Ji Yue nodded, Tim added his lips, and said, "As long as you can improve your cultivation, whether it is human blood or demon blood."


Ning Xiaochuan immediately sat next to the blood river, summoned the magic sword, and struck the magic sword into the blood river, absorbing the blood in the blood river frantically.


In the demon temple, the Tianmeng Demon Emperor was sitting on a golden Kowloon King chair, and a mirror with a diameter of more than ten meters was suspended in front of him.

The picture on the mirror is exactly the picture of Ning Xiaochuan sitting by the blood river.

The Bone Demon wore a dazzling black robe, exposed a thin face, and smiled coldly, "He actually used human blood to improve his cultivation without any hesitation. So it seems that he is true Hate the human race, they are sincerely committed to the demon race. Lord demon emperor, you can rest assured! "

Tianmeng Yaohuang squinted a pair of beautiful eyes, stared at the man sitting beside the blood river, and said coldly, "Do you really think he really trusted in the demon tribe?"

"Isn't it?" The Bone Demon wondered slightly.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor shook his head and said, "He can resist even the power of the Emperor. How firm is his will, how can he betray the human race and rely on the demon race?"

"He just wants to use the resources of the demons to improve his cultivation, and even to watch the emperor's every move. If he is allowed to grow up, as long as he is given a chance, he will be overwhelmed by lightning. A fatal blow to the emperor. "

The Bone Demon stood up and said coldly, "I remove him!"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor raised a slender jade arm and shook his finger gently, and said, "No! It ’s so easy to kill a real person. How easy is it to kill him? Good people, if used by the emperor, would be an extremely sharp knife! "

"But ..." said the Bone Demon Emperor.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor said: "My emperor wants to obliterate his will little by little, so that he can truly become his servant."

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