Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 910: Scarlet Begonia

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"come back!"

A pair of white jade hands of the Heavenly Demon Emperor closed his chest, and a thick sound wave spit out from the red lips and spread to all directions.

Affected by the divine power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, those scattered broken bones flew back to the bone bone altar.

"It's getting more and more interesting. Why did the sword qi you exhibited give me a sense of acquaintance?" The Heavenly Demon Emperor once again appeared in doubt.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Really? Then you can continue to guess!"

Tianmeng Demon Emperor snorted, "My Emperor will take you down to see if you can be as arrogant as now."

"Awakening with one mind, Begonia in the world!"

The heavenly demon emperor's posture is extremely powerful, and the skin on his body blooms with a ray of divine light, like a crystal carving **** jade. Pieces of blood-red begonia petals flew out of her body, condensing into a huge blood-colored begonia.

The blood-colored begonia is rooted in the void, reaching up to ten thousand feet, absorbing the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, absorbing the glory of the stars outside the domain, and countless dragon-shaped and phoenix-shaped air flows around the flower stem.

A slice of crystal petals fell from the sky, and a blood flower rain began.

The blood-stained petals floated far away, and even fell to the ancient city of the human race tens of thousands of miles away, giving the ancient monks in those ancient cities a feeling of the end of the world.

She supported one half of the broken town tower with one hand, and saw that a thick strand of blood flew out of the tower, and the **** begonia that poured into the void.

The sea of ​​blood in the center of the Bone Altar was also rolled violently, and a large river of blood red gushed out, flying towards that tall begonia.

Originally a blood-red begonia, it became even more crimson, exuding a strange and sacred breath.

"The Heavenly Demon Emperor is absorbing the supreme blood of the human race that was previously beheaded. Does she want to condense the second deities?" Ning Xiaochuan stared at the strange scene above the void, and gave birth to a strong sense of crisis.

If you let the Heavenly Demon Emperor condense into a second sub-god, then the trouble will be great.

"Quickly stop her, her strength is getting stronger and stronger," said the ugly mother-in-law.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately pressed the index finger of both hands to the position of the temple, inspiring the "Tianzun mark" on the eyebrow.

It was just that he was wearing the blood armor of God, covering his brows, and others could not see the "Mark of Heaven Respect."

The white bone beads spun quickly in the heavens and earth, and suddenly flew from the eyebrows, turning into a dazzling light spot, striking at the Emperor of Heaven and Dream.

Ancient words appeared on the surface of the bone beads, exuding a force of terror, and the whole void was oscillating slightly.

Feeling the powerful power of the white bone beads, the Emperor of Heavenly Dreams did not fix it, but mobilized the white bone altar and hit the bone beads.


The bone beads violently hit the bone bone altar, smashing the bone bone altar down, exposing a pit of several hundred meters in size.

The bones of countless human monks exploded and turned into bones falling from the sky.

Those people are extremely shocked. In their hearts, they admire the powerful power of the old stars of Xingsu, and they can even damage the bone bone altar.

If you continue to fight, maybe you can completely break the bone bone altar.

For the monks, the most hated is the "white bone altar" and "town man tower" of the demon tribe.

It is a shame for countless generations of human race monks to accumulate the bones of the human tribe on the white bone altar. Many strong people have made great aspirations to destroy the white bone altar at the cost of life.

Countless years have passed, one after another, the strong men have fallen on the bone bone altar, but the bone bone altar still stands there, writing a tragedy of human race.

It can be said that if someone can destroy the bone bone altar, it will immediately become a human hero, and it will be chanted by human monks forever, and countless people will be crazy for him.


Under the control of Ning Xiaochuan, the bone beads slammed into the past again, shattering a large piece of bone bone altar. The bones of tens of millions of human monks shattered from the altar and turned into powder.

The supremacy of these human races is exhilarating, and it is difficult to calm down. If the old stars of Xingsu can really destroy the bone bone altar, not only will the old stars of Xingsu be remembered, but even their names will be recorded in the annals of history.

The Lord of the First World and the four-winged black fish and bird sacrificed the setting ruler, turned it into a magnificent ruler, and chopped it towards the **** begonia above the void.

That **** Begonia is the soul of the demon element of the Heavenly Dream Emperor.

As long as the Scarlet Begonia is cut off, the Heavenly Dream Emperor can be severely damaged.

The Lord of the First World knows that with his own power, it is impossible to seriously damage the Emperor Demon Emperor, but he can restrain the Emperor Demon Emperor to a certain extent and fight for the time for the Xingsu Lao Xian to break the bone bone altar.


The ugly mother-in-law took down a holy character, and the wound was healed immediately. He retrieved the Wanlong Dan Shending, mobilized the strength of the whole body, and awakened the power of the Wanlong Dan Shending, directly toward the Tianmeng Monster. The emperor shook the past hard.

Human Supremes all around also shot, some hit the Supreme Emperor's weapon, some hit the strongest divine magic, and attacked the Heavenly Demon Emperor at the same time.

"Shake the big tree, and the ants dare to fight with the gods? You are too powerless!"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor flew to the center of the Scarlet Begonia Flower, and the power of the sub-god in the body broke out completely, hitting the bone bone altar suddenly.

In the sea of ​​blood in the center of the Bone Altar, there was a vortex of wind.

The most terrifying discoveries of those races found that thousands of magic sounds sounded in their heads, and the body flew towards the bone bone altar without control.

"How could this be?"

"What the **** is going on ... the body ... the body is completely out of control ..."

"Is this the legendary soul attack ..."

Anyone who can cultivate to the extreme, is so determined, and is not affected by the outside world at all.

However, at this moment, the supreme people of the human race cannot resist the magic sounds from the bone bone altar. They cannot control their bodies and can only watch themselves walking up to the bone bone altar.

The first person to rush to the bone bone altar was the heavenly messenger "Menger Supreme". His face was a little crazy, his eyes flushed, and he stared at the sea of ​​blood in the middle of the altar, as if being pulled by some force .

With a bang, he jumped straight into the sea of ​​blood.

The whole sea of ​​blood boiled, and huge bubbles came out.

It didn't take long for Monger's supreme body to melt completely, leaving only a bone to float from the river of blood.

Subsequently, the Lord of the Fourth World, the Red Sun Sage, Master Shaw, and Jenny Lanxi Supreme also went to the Bone Bone Altar.

They were trembling all over, as if in extreme pain, fighting against an unknown force.

But their bodies were not under their control, and they stepped on the bone-bone altar step by step towards the sea of ​​blood.

The masters of the First World and the ugly mother-in-law are stronger and more determined. They have sacrificed all the sub-gods, and they can only barely resist the horrible magic sound.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor stood in the middle of the Scarlet Begonia and said coldly: "I don't know how many humans have been buried in the Altar of Bone. Absolutely cannot withstand the ill will of billions of human beings. "

"Except for the second god, no human can resist the soul attack of the bone bone altar. You all think that the town tower is the nemesis of the human race, but I do not know that the town people tower is just an imperial soldier forged from the white bone altar. Human race The real nemesis is the bone bone altar! Once the altar comes out, it sacrifices the human race. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared in the direction of the White Bone Altar, roaring in a deep voice, carrying the power of the sub-god level in his voice, saying: "Heavenly Demon Emperor, I'm afraid you can't do that."

After saying this, Ning Xiaochuan took the initiative to fly towards the bone bone altar, hit it with one palm, and threw the human races such as the red sun monk, Xiao Fuzi who wanted to jump into the blood sea to the extreme, and flew to the altar. Fall to the ground dozens of miles away.

Tianmeng Yaohuang's face sank slightly. I did not expect Ning Xiaochuan to remain sober, and said, "How can you alone resist the spiritual will of millions of humans?"

"Man's will naturally cannot withstand the spiritual will of hundreds of millions of human beings. However, the will of God can do it." Ning Xiaochuan stood on the top of the white bone altar and stood on the seashore of blood, standing upright and erect.

"But you are definitely not a god!" Tianmeng Demon Emperor said.

Ning Xiaochuan is naturally not a god. With his will, he can absolutely not block the spiritual will of hundreds of millions of human beings, but there is a spirit of cold and rain in his body.

The spiritual will emanating from the bone bone altar was all blocked by the spirit of the cold winter rain.

"How do you know that I must not be a god?" Ning Xiaochuan uttered a word to confuse the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and then a hoarse laughter sounded in his throat, as if to ridicule the Heavenly Demon Emperor's ignorance.

The dream of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor became even colder, and I really wanted to shatter the human body in front of him.

"Receive the sea of ​​blood first!"

The magic sword flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's body and was suspended dozens of meters above the sea of ​​blood.


A huge portal opens from the center of the sword's body.

That portal was connected to the market inside the magic sword, and a powerful suction was generated in the market, starting to absorb the blood in the blood river frantically.

If you let the magic sword directly absorb the blood in the sea of ​​blood, with the current grade of the magic sword, even if you absorb it for a hundred years, you can't absorb the blood in the sea of ​​blood.

But there is a vast world in the magic sword, and the whole sea of ​​blood can be installed.

As long as the sea of ​​blood is taken away, the Heavenly Demon Emperor can no longer condense the second sub-god. In addition, the soul attack from the bone bone altar will be greatly weakened, and the Supreme Will can no longer be shaken.

Ning Xiaochuan took out the mysterious animal book again, opened the space portal inside the mysterious animal book, and began to absorb the blood in the blood river.

These flesh is a great supplement to the monsters in the Xuanshoujian, which can quickly improve their cultivation.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's sacrifice of magic swords and mysterious beasts, the Heavenly Demon Emperor finally realized some clues, and was very angry: "My emperor knows your identity. Damn it, today will be your death."

The anger in the heart of the Heavenly Demon Emperor was burning, and he was extremely angry. Ning Xiaochuan was never allowed to take away the blood in the sea of ​​blood. She steered the **** begonia and flew over the bone-bone altar.

Ning Xiaochuan, sitting on the bank of the sea of ​​blood on the top of the bone bone altar, mobilized the white bone beads, his eyes looked unusually firm, and said lightly: "The person who is going to die here today is not me, but you!"


In the past two days, someone has always added me to qq, asking me "Lao Jiu, are you male or female?", Asking me, "Lao Jiu, are you a high school senior?" Asking me, "Lao Jiu, is Yue Mingsong me?" A portrayal of his own original form? "

Keke! Ok! I must tell you the fact that I am really a girl, and Yue Mingsong is definitely not a portrait of myself. My portrayal of my original form is Xiao Linger, yes, it is Xiao Linger, very cute, in fact, I have just completed the first small promotion, and it will take six years to get the college entrance examination.

The truth of the facts is always so unacceptable. There is no way. I am such a real person, so I stood up and clarified everything.

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