Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 915: Endless runaway

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The moon **** shook his head gently, a pair of clear apricot eyes seemed a bit hollow at the moment, it is difficult to accept the fact: "Do you think that the old star of the stars is Ning Xiaochuan? No ... impossible ... Ning Xiaochuan's repair is impossible The stars are so powerful ... "

The Bright Lady can understand the feeling of the moon god, saying, "In fact, if we hadn't known that the so-called star host was Ning Xiaochuan, we would not accept this fact at all."

"Xingsu Lao Xian may not be Ning Xiaochuan, but it is definitely related to Ning Xiaochuan. Moreover, I have full confidence to believe that the person who passed the news of the Heavenly Demon Emperor to the heavenly messenger must be Ning Xiaochuan. Only he can advance Knowing that the Heavenly Demon Emperor is going to the God's Palace. "

Hua Qinglian nodded and said: "It was Ning Gongzi who passed the news back in advance, and the Supreme Masters of the human race had enough time to make arrangements to set traps for the Heavenly Demon Emperor. In fact, the people behind the layout have always been It's Ning Gongzi. "

Tang Shuyao said: "In fact, this matter can be verified with the angel of heaven. I believe her elderly must know more than us."

Luna's mind is still very strong, and gradually controlled his emotions, walking towards the other house where the ugly mother-in-law lived.

The younger generation of monks are carnival, but the highest-level characters of the human race have not appeared, all of them are in retreat.

Luna came to the place where the ugly mother-in-law retreated and stood at the foot of a steep mountain peak, respectfully worshipped in the direction of the cliff.

"Mother-in-law, I have something to ask you," she said.


Strands of mystery came together, condensing into the ugly mother-in-law's avatar, standing in the midst of the cliff, staring at the moon **** below, saying: "You finally came to ask me!"

Luna widened her eyes, and said, "Mother-in-law already knows this? The person who transmitted the news to the God's Palace, really ... he?"

The ugly mother-in-law nodded and said, "Yes. The method he used was so vague that even the Heavenly Demon Emperor had been tricked by him."

"I see!" Luna nodded gently, and then said, "Who is the old star?"

On this issue, the ugly mother-in-law also showed a bit of doubt, saying: "It should be him too! But his state is very strange, it seems that he has borrowed external forces."

Luna: "Even if you borrow external forces, at least you have the power to fight the Heavenly Demon Emperor. Why does he continue to conceal his identity?"

The ugly mother-in-law sighed: "I don't know why he kept hiding his identity, but I believe he must have his troubles. We will try to help him keep it secret until he appears again. If there is a need in the future, I The first one will stand up and clarify everything for him and tell the world what he has done for the human race. "

Luna pursed her lips and said, "But I misunderstood him ..."

The ugly mother-in-law said: "This is not to blame you. If he can't even hide it from you, how can he hide it from the Heavenly Demon Emperor? Mother-in-law knows that you have affection for him. If you want to remedy, you have a chance now. Ogawa was seriously injured when he confronted the Tianmeng Demon Emperor. Now he is being chased by two demon servants of the demon clan. Please help him quickly! "

Luna's heart panicked and quickly said: "Mother-in-law, you know that he has been seriously injured and chased after by a powerful enemy, why not save him by himself?"

The ugly mother-in-law shook her head and said, "Ning Xiaochuan's mind is very firm. Even those elderly people who have lived for thousands of years can hardly have that calmness and wisdom. Although the two demon servants' repairs are strong, But trying to kill him is definitely not an easy task. For him, it will be a greater grind. "

"Forcing people to life and death is the only way to unlock greater potential."

Luna was very worried and said, "Aren't my mother-in-law afraid of something happening?"

"So, you have to rush to help him immediately, maybe it will be a sharpening for you! Go ahead! Bring this rune!" The ugly mother-in-law flew a blue brilliance in the hands of Luna's Hands.

The blue brilliance was wrapped in a small jade charm.

This is not as simple as the Supreme Jade Rune, but it is a powerful war amulet that the ugly mother-in-law cultivated through her own creation.

Luna squeezed the amulet tightly, and immediately started the fastest speed, flying out of Longyi City.


Ning Xiaochuan and Ning Yaoshi followed closely behind and did not give Ning Xiaochuan any chance to heal.

After two days of chasing and killing, one person and two monsters did not know how many miles they chased? On the way, they also caught up with Ning Xiaochuan twice, almost beheading Ning Xiaochuan.

In these two battles, Ning Xiaochuan wore the blood of the last god, fought with them in the blood, and finally managed to escape.

This is a never-ending hunt. The kiss kiss demon servant records the martial arts mark of Ning Xiaochuan. Even if Ning Xiaochuan throws them away, they can catch up again.

"There is no time to heal, and I have to catch up, it seems I can only risk it once!"

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the deserted mountain in front of him, and felt a huge danger coming out of the mountain. It was definitely not a good place.

The outer periphery of the ancient forest is covered with dense white fog, like a naturally formed magic array. The monks below the heavens and humans who break into the ancient forest will be lost in the forest forever and cannot go out.

Because of this, Ning Xiaochuan deliberately escaped into this weird ancient forest.

The more weird the place, the more chance there is to escape birth.

After two days and two nights of escape, Ning Xiaochuan was exhausted. Not only did his injury not recover, but his condition became more serious, and the whole person was extremely weak.

In addition, in order to escape from the hands of the kiss demon waiter and the demon waiter, Ning Xiaochuan also ventured to put on the blood coat of the second god. He felt that the evil power in the blood coat of the second **** invaded the body again, and he might devour his mind at any time.

"No ... I have to hold on ... can't fall! Once it falls, not only that evil force will devour my mind, even the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor may escape."

Ning Xiaochuan bit the tip of his tongue and wanted to refresh himself with pain, but he didn't even feel the pain when he bit his tongue.

There were too many wounds on his body and he was already numb.

He walked fast in the forest and encountered several powerful monsters on the road. All of them were killed by Ning Xiaochuan's boxing. He couldn't stop his pace at all.

Walk through the jungle and enter ahead into a huge golden lake.

Beside the lake is a ring-shaped beach more than ten meters wide, completely covered by golden sand. On the shore, there are golden stones standing tall, showing a very regular arrangement, like a formation.

These stones were never formed naturally, but were intentionally arranged here.

Ning Xiaochuan walked to the edge of the golden sandy beach and pressed his palm against a huge golden stone, and found that it was not a stone at all, but thousands of pounds of gold.

Each gold boulder is carved with fine lines, it seems that there really is an array of arrangements arranged by experts here.

"Well, someone!"

"An array of gold stones cannot appear here out of thin air. It must be a retreat for a certain human race. My current identity is a human traitor. Anyone who sees me will kill me. "

"You must leave here immediately!"

Ning Xiaochuan's biggest enemy now is not the two demon servants, but the entire human race.

Ning Xiaochuan just wanted to withdraw from this ancient forest, and suddenly felt that a slender figure appeared behind him.

"call out!"

That figure came out quickly, and the sharp point of the sword pointed at Ning Xiaochuan's back and neck.

So fast!

Ning Xiaochuan didn't have time to dodge at all. Of course, it wasn't that the opponent was really that fast, but because Ning Xiaochuan was hurt too much now, he couldn't avoid the opponent's sword.

That figure slammed the sword in the back of Ning Xiaochuan's head. As long as Ning Xiaochuan moved a little, she could cut Ning Xiaochuan's head off.

She said: "You have such a strong evil spirit, must be a bad person?"

Ning Xiaochuan heard the other party's voice and felt very familiar, so he slowly turned around and stared at the woman holding the armor.

His face was covered with blood, showing a bitter smile: "Langzhi, you also want to kill me, right? Yes, anyway, I am a scum of the human race, already a renegade, notorious, if you want to kill me, I do not blame you . "

When Ning Xiaochuan decided to turn to the Heavenly Demon Emperor, he had already made a plan that he might die in the hands of his friends or relatives in the future.

Situ Jing cut off his robes, Jinling took the initiative to remarry, and the human genius' abuse was abusing ... Ning Xiaochuan's heart was very uncomfortable, but he didn't show it in the slightest.

Now that you have chosen it, you have to face it calmly.

At this moment, Nie Lanzhi wanted to kill him, and he was not angry at all. After all, in the face of racial justice, his personal affairs seemed too worthy of mention.

"Little ... Little Houye ..."

Nie Lanzhi saw the blood-stained face under Ning Xiaochuan's disheveled long hair, suddenly staggered, stunned, and when the sword in his hand fell to the ground.

Nie Lanzhi immediately walked in front of Ning Xiaochuan, touching Ning Xiaochuan's almost broken body, tears flowing, and said, "Little Houye, why did you come to Jinling Yanling Lake? Why are you so hurt?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "You ... aren't you trying to kill me?"

"I didn't! Why did I kill you? I thought a bad guy had broken in here, so I pointed at you with a sword, Xiaohouye, aren't you a bad guy?" Nie Lanzhi stood weakly in Ning Xiaochuan's In front of me, I blame myself very much. If I was careful just now, I would definitely not recognize Xiaohouye.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Don't you know that I am a traitor to the human race? You don't want to kill me?"

Nie Lanzhi stared at Ning Xiaochuan's eyes tightly, with a little doubt, and quietly asked: "Little Houye, do you really rely on the Heavenly Demon Emperor?"

Ning Xiaochuan looked at her weird look, frowned slightly, and said, "Yes! Do you want to kill me now?"

Nie Lanzhi shook his head vigorously, and then pursed his lips again. He touched the wound on Ning Xiaochuan with his fingers. His eyes were red and some were sobbing. "Is the Heavenly Demon Emperor very bad to you? Is it hurt? Are you often crowded out by those monsters in the demon clan? Xiaohou, my cultivation is low and I can't help you, but I can ask my sister, and my sister can definitely help you. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared deeply into Nie Lanzhi's eyes. In her eyes, she could only see a sincerity. It didn't seem to be a pretense of hypocrisy, and she couldn't help but develop an indescribable emotion.

It seems she doesn't know yet that the Heavenly Demon Emperor has been suppressed.

Ning Xiaochuan exhaled a long breath and looked around, saying, "Langzhi, why are you in this ancient forest? Where is your sister?"

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