Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 930: Extreme daughter

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After the demon creatures die, they generally become the body, and it is impossible to maintain the human form.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately thought of the woman sitting in the town's tower, which should be just the "human figure" separated by the Heavenly Demon Emperor, not her body.

As the Queen Shi Ji said, the Emperor of Heavenly Dream may have separated the human body in the body, and planted her body "Seven-colored Begonia" in the Guixu market, growing for hundreds of thousands of years without dying.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What if the Heavenly Demon Emperor retrieved the body?"

After the stone demon Queen had red lips, her eyes were bright, and her eyes were bright, she said, "Even if she recovered her body, she would not be able to immediately become a sub-god, unless she can find the legendary potion in Fengshen Cave."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "This is why her second thought of going to Fengshen Cave Mansion?"

Stone Ji Yao said: "Fengshendongfu is extremely mysterious, there are many treasures left from the Fengshen era. If the Heavenly Demon Emperor wants to restore his own body, he will definitely go to Fengshendongfu to look for opportunities. If so She found a potion or a sufficient amount of divine fluid. Maybe her body can restore the divinity, even to the sub-god realm. "

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was shaken. If the Emperor Tianmeng was able to retrieve his body and restore his divinity, what would it be?

The first person to be unlucky must be him.

It is strange that the Heavenly Demon Emperor did not break him into pieces.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "So why did the third dream of the Heavenly Demon Emperor go to Mangguyuan?"

"This ... I can't say for now! However, I have a hunch later. Her third thought must have gone to Mangguyuan." Shi Ji Yaohuang raised her sharp jaw and said, "You You should know that Mangguyuan and Guixu are equally famous. They are both North / Xinjiang death forbidden areas, right? "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "It is said that the origin of life in the Tianxu continent is greatly related to the original of Manggu."

"These are just legends! The truth of the matter is that there is an ancient passage in the Mangguyuan that connects the Shenhe civilization. I guess that the third-generation sub-mind of the Heavenly Demon Emperor should go to Mangguyuan and go Leading souls from the Shenhe civilization. "Shi Ji demon later.

"Demon God?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Shi Ji Yao shook her head and said: "The power of God is too strong to come to the world of Da Yan ..." Suddenly, she paused and said: "Actually, your cultivation is too weak, not at all You need to know these things. Even if the sky falls, there will be tall men who can't let you worry about it. "

Immediately after saying this, the demon Shi Ji frowned slightly again, feeling that she was too underestimated by Ning Xiaochuan.

After all, Ning Xiaochuan just blocked her blow just now. The strength he just showed is not weaker than the seventh monk in real life. If he wore the last blood coat of God again, under the Supreme, it is estimated that few people are his opponents.

Unconsciously, this human kid has grown to such an extent. What height will it reach in the future?

After Ning Xiaochuan looked at the Shi Ji demon, after seeing the high-end Leng Yan demon, her eyes even showed a soft color, with a bit of femininity that should not appear on her.

Ning Xiaochuan was slightly surprised, and then suddenly remembered that she had a very close contact with the queen queen. She was a woman, but also a very beautiful woman.

"After the demon Shi Ji stopped me, she didn't kill me, and she was able to talk to me calmly, it was a miracle!" Ning Xiaochuan's heart comforted herself: "I guess she has forgotten that ... uh ... ... It's better to have forgotten ... "

A human actually had a relationship with a demon Queen. In the history of the entire continent, there should not be many such cattle!

"Since the demon, since there is nothing else, I want to go back to the King of the Caves first!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Come on!" Shi Ji demons later.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately headed towards the holy kingdom of the demon tribe. In his mind, there was still a gaze that Shi Jiyue had just said, and he always felt that Shi Jiyue seemed to have something to say to him.

"No matter, go back to see Xiao Hong and Xiao Linger first, and then find a way to rescue the Qing dynasty king, 獠, Qixuan Taoist." Ning Xiaochuan secretly said.

Qingfeizi followed Ning Xiaochuan closely, staying in step with Ning Xiaochuan, for fear that the monster Shi Ji would kill her again.

Shi Ji Yao looked at the direction in which Qing Feizi and Ning Xiaochuan were leaving, and her eyes were a little struggling. In the end, she did not shoot.


Her wonderful demon body immediately split into a plume of smoke and dissipated in the air.

The holy nation of the demon race, in a magnificent and magnificent demon temple.

At the top of the demon palace, Shi Ji demon lies on a golden chair, and wears crimson silk, revealing a pair of white jade / legs, very slender and sexy.

The crunchy peaks on her chest are very full and round, supporting the crimson silk high, exposing a deep gully, under the neck is the prominent clavicle, the crystal clear skin, the uneven curve.

Holding a bronze ancient mirror in her hand, she was so cold and frosty that she combed her long hair with a jade comb.

Lingyun and chasing the moon, the two self-disciplined disciples behind the Shi Ji demon stood on both sides of the chair collapse. Their faces were covered in veils, and the golden silk was wrapped in crisps / chests, exposing a flat belly, and a rounded waist.

They have followed Shi Ji Yao for many years, and they also know very well about Shi Ji Yao. At this moment, they can clearly feel that the state of the queen of the stone demon is very wrong, and an invisible cold emanates from the body of the queen of the stone demon.

"After the demon, the Ling Ling Dan you want has been refined, a total of eight!"

A dry and thin old man only half a meter tall, holding a golden tray, and respectfully handed it to the back of Shi Ji Yao.

"It's been refined!" Shi Jiyue lowered the comb in her hand, pinched the orchid and said, "Put down the elixir, you can retreat."

The little old man half a meter tall said with some worries: "The demon Queen! This maggot is a highly toxic substance. Even under the supreme service, there are also worries about life! You must use it with caution.

"Later than you know the toxicity of Ling Ling Dan!"

After the stone monster Yao sat down from the soft chair, she felt a little chill.

The little old man was startled, and immediately knelt down on the ground, and trembled, "My subordinates talk loudly, please forgive the demon."

"Retreat!" Shi Ji waved her hand, and said impatiently.

The little old man immediately stood up and stared at Shi Jiyue again, always feeling that Shi Jiyue was a bit abnormal, but he did not dare to ask more, and immediately retreated.

After the Ji Ji Yao stretched out two jade fingers, twisted a Ling Ling Dan, and thought carefully, exuding a cold light in her eyes, swallowing Ling Ling Dan into her mouth.

After Ling Lingdan entered her body, a horrific poison erupted immediately, and swept towards her somewhere.


Shi Ji's face became extremely pale, immediately sitting on the chair collapsed, fully mobilizing the demon element in the body, fully resisting the poisonous corrosion of her demon body.

The unusual behavior of the Queen of the Stone Demon made Lingyun and Chasing the Moon feel very puzzled.

"Ling Ling Dan" has great damage to the demon body, even if the existence of the demon level level to serve Ling Ling Dan, it will have great vitality. Why would a queen take such a terrible drug poison?

After all, Shi Ji Yao wanted to take Ling Ling Dan, but recently, she always felt a throbbing life in her lower abdomen, using various methods, she could not refine that life.

This reminded her of an unacceptable fact, so she planned to take Ling Ling Dan and wipe out that life that had not yet grown up.

Ning Xiaochuan saw Xiaohong, Xiaolinger, and Xiner in the Wangdong Palace.

During this time, Xiao Hong and Xin'er's Yuan Shen also practiced in the purple stars of Xiao Ling's brows.

Among them, Xiao Hong has reached the fourth level of real life. You should know that it is a baby dragon, once it is cultivated seriously, the speed of cultivation will be quite scary.

Ning Xin'er's cultivation also reached the ninth level of heaven and human realm, with considerable progress.

Of course, what really surprised Ning Xiaochuan was Xiao Linger, who practiced faster than sitting on a rocket. Ning Xiaochuan couldn't see her practice at all!

Although surprised, it was also expected by Ning Xiaochuan.

You need to know that Xiao Linger is not only the Yuan Shen practicing in the purple stars, but also her physical body can be connected to the purple stars.

In reality, just a few months have passed. However, Xiao Linger has practiced in the purple stars for hundreds of years, and her progress is naturally beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Xiao Linger, what state have you reached now?"

"Godfather! I don't know too well, it should have reached the eternal realm!" Xiao Linger gently pursed her lips and said softly.

With the improvement of Xiu Wei, Xiao Linger has grown a lot longer and looks more mature. She no longer looks like a 14- or 5-year-old girl before, as if she is already 17 or 8. , The body is also more perfect, it is definitely a big beauty who sinks fish and geese.

"It's so easy to cultivate to the supreme state?" Ning Xiaochuan felt that he couldn't accept it, and looked at Xiao Linger carefully again.

Ning Xiaochuan thinks that his cultivation speed is already very fast. In the younger generation, few people can compare with him. However, there was a more wicked presence around him, and the speed of cultivation left him far behind.

This is too hard!

Both Xiaohong and Ning Xin'er stared at Xiao Ling'er with envious and admiring eyes.

The world knows that many genius Junjie want to cultivate to the Supreme, but there are very few people who can reach that level. It can be said that each Supreme has experienced countless sufferings, flowing countless sweats and blood, and stepping on thousands of bones under his feet.

The road to supremacy is an extremely difficult road.

How could she be so successful in her cultivation?

Standing behind Ning Xiaochuan, Qingfeizi was also curiously staring at the beautiful woman named God of Desolation, and secretly said: "I really don't understand. How can a big devil like King of Devil follow this? How many beautiful women? "

She finally understood why the Destroyer King didn't even look at her. Although she is the second beauty in Middle-earth, she has the beauty that thousands of women can't, but the beauty of the two women standing beside the King of Destruction at the moment is the beauty of the one who stands high above the stone monster. Not under her.

Moreover, the beautiful woman named King God of Destruction is still a Supreme! A female supreme is just the daughter of the King of Destruction?

If it is transmitted back to Middle-earth, it is estimated that many people who insulted the Destroyer King will be stunned.

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