Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 942: Son of Heaven

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Without any delay, Ning Xiaochuan immediately returned to Wangdong Palace of Destruction, and brought Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, Ning Xiner, Qingfeizi, Princess Xi Xi, and Nine-Tailed Demon together, leaving the holy nation of the demons and entering the vast boundless Great waste.

Because the King of Qing and the King had extremely important things at hand, they only brought the octagonal demon emperor in the realm of eternal life, and the golden horned demon king and the silver horned demon king had to follow Ning Xiaochuan and others on the road.

"King of Destruction, you will be our boss in the future. If you have any orders, our brothers will definitely go to soup and fire." The Golden Horned Demon King Yizheng said.

The Silver Horn Demon King said: "Boss of the King of Destruction, where are we going now? Those souls in the realm of God have really landed on the heavenly continent? What if that nine-headed purple owl catches up again?"

Ning Xiaochuan regretted bringing the two demon kings, and chattered along the way. There were many problems. The words of slipping and beating the horse were very smooth.

Ning Xiaochuan and his team are not low in practice, all of them are above the real world. Among them, Xiao Linger, Ning Xiaochuan, and Nine-Tailed Demon are all supreme-level combat power.

With their strength, as long as they don't encounter creatures in the realm of creation, they have at least one battle.

Seven days later, their group finally entered the territory of the Yulan Empire and returned to this fifth-class human civilization. At present, the entire continent of heaven and earth is full of chaos, but the Yulan Empire is still thriving in Guotai and Min'an.

"Oh! Mom! North. Why is there a complete human civilization in Xinjiang?" Said the Golden Horned Demon King in shock.

The Silver Horn Demon King kept saying, "Unbelievable, incredible. Is it because this place is remote, so it hasn't been destroyed by our demon tribe?"

"Here is the Yulan Empire!" Princess Xi Xi stared at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Although the Yulan Empire is remote, if a character of the level of Jiuto Zijing wants to find us, he can still find here. Come."

She was puzzled. Why did Ning Xiaochuan take them to the Yulan Empire?

Is it possible to escape from the pursuit of the nine-headed purple owl in the Yulan Empire?

Ning Xiaochuan also thought that the Yulan Empire was just an ordinary human civilization, but after hearing the words of Qixuan Taoists in the demon prison, Ning Xiaochuan changed this concept again.

You must know that the Yulan Empire is the home of the Emperor, leaving countless powerful treasures, such as the “Emperor Bell” in the Imperial Emperor ’s Palace, the sacred object “Baiyun Cave Heaven”, and even the gods who used to be Mansion ... If the Yulan Empire was not guarded by the strong, it is estimated that those treasures would have been taken away.

If those who fought with the Emperor of Heaven at that time really lived in the Yulan Empire, then the Yulan Empire is definitely the safest place in the entire North / Xinjiang.

After coming to the Yulan Empire, Ning Xiaochuan immediately took everyone to Jiange Hou's house and set them in Hou's house.

Later, Ning Xiaochuan took Ning Xin'er to see Lao Houye, and after recounting the old with the old Houye, Ning Xiaochuan left Jiange Hou's house by himself and rushed to the Emperor's Palace.

"Strange! Why did I feel the breath of Heavenly Blade in the Heavenly Palace?"

After the Heaven Emperor Blade was taken away by the monk Tangan, there was no news.

Unexpectedly, this time back to the Yulan Empire, I actually felt the breath of the Heavenly Emperor Blade.

Ning Xiaochuan entered the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, and she really saw the monk Tangan.

At this moment, the monk of Tangan was wearing a big red coat, neatly dressed, with a round waist and belly, and a string of beads the size of a boxing glove hanging on his neck.

In addition, there are three other gray-haired old men and a middle-aged man in his forties in the palace.

Among the three gray-haired old men, one of them was the Qixuan Taoist who was rescued from the demon prison by Ning Xiaochuan not long ago.

The second old man, dressed in plain gray clothes, covered with a white jersey, wrinkled hands holding a dead wood stick, looks like an old dragon bell.

On his body, Ning Xiaochuan didn't feel any power fluctuations.

If he meets on the street, Ning Xiaochuan will certainly only treat him as an ordinary old man.

But how could it be just an ordinary person sitting with a monk of Tangan and a person of seven mysteries?

It can only be said that the opponent's cultivation is far better than Ning Xiaochuan, so Ning Xiaochuan did not feel his power fluctuation.

The third old man, wearing a golden Chinese suit, had a slight fortune, but looked like a rich man. Generally, the eyes of the old man are very cloudy, but the old man's eyes are brighter than the newborn baby.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan coming in from the outside, the Qixuandao immediately ordered a young student from the Heavenly Emperor Academy to bring a chair to Ning Xiaochuan and set it up on the monk of Tangan.

"Lao Tao introduced to everyone, this little brother is quite extraordinary, but he has the strength to fight against the Supreme at a young age. This time, with the help of him, Lao Tao can escape from the demon prison." Qi Xuandao's face With a faint smile, he stared softly at Ning Xiaochuan.

The people in the lobby all glanced at Ning Xiaochuan and nodded gently to him.

The monk Tangan smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, folded his hands together, and said a melodious Buddhist chant, "Amitabha! Ning Shi, we are really destined!"

Qixuandao Humane: "Brother Ning, poor Tao introduces the identities of these monks."

The Qixuan Taoist pointed to the slightly fat old man in a golden Chinese suit and said: "This is a poor second teacher and a disciple of the Emperor of Heaven, named 'Eight Calamity Taoist'. The teacher has been living in the Yulan Empire. His current status is the chairman of the Yuhara Empire Nishihara Chamber of Commerce. "

The Daodao Taoist narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly towards Ning Xiaochuan, saying, "Little Houye, the old way long admired your name. In the future, the Xiyuan Chamber of Commerce will rely on the help of Jiangehoufu."

Ning Xiaochuan slightly arched at the other side, nodding with a smile.

He knows that the other party is just a joke. Taking the other party's cultivation as an example, if he really wants to make money, he can set up a giant chamber of commerce covering the entire continent.

Later, the Qixuan Taoist pointed to the plain-dressed old man and said, "This is a friend who originally fought with Master, named 'Blood Shura'. Ten thousand years ago, the predecessor of 'Blood Shura' But shocking the entire world of Da Yan, many monster creatures will be frightened when they hear the words 'Blood Shura'. "

In the history books, there is indeed a record of "Blood Shura", which is the first general in the vicinity of Tiandi. The combat power is very horrible. He once slaughtered and killed the dragon master in the ocean.

Many years ago, Ning Xiaochuan saw a biography of "Blood Shura" in an ancient book in the library of Jiange Hou's Mansion. I did not expect to see the murderer in the history book with my own eyes today.

However, in the legend, the bloodthirsty "Blood Shura" does not seem to be fierce, but instead looks like an old man who is not ordinary anymore.

"What blood Shura? That was the previous title. The old man is just an old servant in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace. Please call my current name" Xue Xiu "in the future." Blood Shura said lightly.

No wonder Ning Xiaochuan feels a little familiar. It turns out that Blood Shura has been living in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace as a servant to sweep the floor.

Before, Ning Xiaochuan must have met him, but he never expected that he would be a murderer recorded in the history books.

I don't know how those students in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace will feel after knowing Xuesula's true identity?

Ning Xiaochuan paid a respectful worship to Xue Xiuluo. This figure, who became famous ten thousand years ago, has a loud reputation on the continent.

Then, the Seven Xuan Taoists pointed at the monk Tangan.

Before he spoke, the monk Tangan stepped up first and said with a smile: "The poor monk should introduce it by himself! In fact, when the poor monk was a good friend with the emperor when he was young, he traveled the world together. Poor, Emperor Tian has become a **** ten thousand years ago, but the poor monk is still ten thousand miles away from becoming a Buddha. "

"If you have six roots and quit greed, you may have become a buddha." Ning Xiaochuan stared at Tangan Monk with a poor look.

"Amitabha! Goodness, goodness!" The monk Tangan recited a Buddhist chant, closed his mouth and talked about the Emperor's Blade, and immediately sat back again.

Finally, Qixuan Taoist pointed to the middle-aged man in his forties, looked slightly, and said, "This is the Son of Heaven!"

Son of Heaven?

Ning Xiaochuan had long noticed the extraordinaryness of that middle-aged man, and did not expect that the origin of the other party was so unusual.

Is n’t the Son of Heaven the Son of God?

It is said that the sons of the gods have strong bloodlines and have their own divine power, and they can have the cultivation of eternity once they are born.

The emperor's son Xue Lin nodded to Ning Xiaochuan and said: "Ning Xiaochuan, I can feel that you and the emperor have a very similar origin, it seems to carry some luck on the emperor. Have you ever met the emperor? father?"

The emperor's son's cultivation is terrible. His eyes are sharp, as if he can see the mystery in the world, and at a glance, he can see that Ning Xiaochuan's body is enveloped in the emperor's luck.

Ning Xiaochuan said humblely: "The emperor went to the nine heaven **** world ten thousand years ago. How could the younger generation have seen him?"

The emperor's child's eyes were slightly condensed, and he carefully looked at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "This matter will be temporarily suspended. We will continue to discuss about this battle of the gods! Ning Xiaochuan, since you have practiced the" Tiandi Jing " , Which is equivalent to half of the descendants of the Emperor of Heaven, is considered eligible to participate in this discussion. "

The six people present immediately looked calm.

The son of the emperor said: "The empress is in the retreat to impact the sub-god realm, and this time the meeting will be hosted by me. The first gate of the **** of man has been opened, and the creatures from the divine realm will immediately come to the heavenly land. Although living in seclusion in the Yulan Empire, it is bound to clash with the front door of the souls of the divine realm. "

"Everyone thinks, are we proactively attacking the gate of the first human **** and preventing the creatures of the gods from coming to the heavenly continent? Or do we choose to protect ourselves and stay in the Yulan Empire?"


In fact, I can give you a little bit of spoilers. Tiandi and Ning Xiaochuan must have been in contact. Tiandi ’s identity is also very special ... Just reveal so much. I guess everyone can't guess. This is one of the main lines of this book!

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