Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 944: Soul spirit

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Ning Xiaochuan was worried that Yue Mingsong would continue to say that he would anger the Nine-Tailed Demon, so he coughed twice and reminded him: "No more talking is allowed, or you will be **** and put a cloth in your mouth."

Yue Mingsong glanced at the Tangan monk who was carried on his shoulders by the Golden Horned Demon King and Silver Horned Demon King, took a cool breath, and closed his mouth immediately.

The Nine-Tailed Demon walked in the forefront. The body was plump, with long hair like a waterfall, and the uneven jade body was exposed from the thin shirts, exuding a faint body fragrance.

A flame hovered in the palm of her palm, lighting up the dark Fengshen Cave.

The stone walls of the cave house are engraved with ancient frescoes.

Some murals are a phoenix with flames all over it, spreading huge wings, flying above the clouds and soaring into the sky.

Some murals are a tall giant with a huge axe and a battle with the wild beasts. At the foot of the mountains, at his feet, they are like little bales.


Each mural is full of divinity, as if describing a world, but also as explaining a martial art, attracting everyone's attention.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Each painting on the stone wall represents a powerful spirit of martial arts. It is definitely a legacy left by those masters who entered Fengshen Cave Mansion. They can learn the profound martial arts and powerful magical power. "

Qingfeizi, Princess Xi Xi, Golden Horned Demon King, and Silver Horned Demon King were all very happy, and each chose a mural, sitting under the mural, and began to enlighten.

Qingfeizi stared at the phoenix picture, and soon entered a wonderful world.

She felt like she had entered the body of a phoenix, her wings spread high, and she was soaring between heaven and earth. When other creatures saw her, they immediately knelt down and worshiped, treating her as the phoenix king of all birds.

Princess Xi Xi chose a foxwoman stone carving.

On the top of that stone inscription, there was a gorgeous and gorgeous woman with a cinnabar eyebrow, and nine fox tails were exposed under the skirt. Although it is just a pair of stone carvings, it still gives people a charming charm.

The Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King sat side by side with the giant holding the tomahawk and learned the magical powers and martial arts in the picture.

With Ning Xiaochuan's current practice, it can already be seen that although the pictures on the stone walls are all marks of martial arts left by top figures. However, those martial arts are too basic, not the essence of martial arts of the top big men.

Based on his current practice, it is not of much value to go to the carvings on the stone wall.

Nine-tailed demon queen and Xiao Ling'er's cultivation have reached the eternal realm. Naturally, they can see through the essence of stone inscriptions, so they did not go to enlightenment.

"Let them practice here! For them, it is a good opportunity." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Nine-tailed demon nodded gently, and said, "Let's go look elsewhere!"

Having said this, the Nine-Tailed Demon went one step further toward Fengshen Cave House.

Yue Mingsong stared at the raised hips and delicate waists after the nine-tailed demon, and couldn't move his eyes at all, rubbing his palms. But the elders are coming back. "

"Well! You're not going to be a gentleman?"

After Ning Xiaochuan said this, he smiled slightly, and followed the direction of the nine-tailed demon.

"Yeah! I'm a man who is a gentleman! Calm, calm!" Yue Mingsong patted his forehead, and then he followed.

Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong stayed behind, guarding Qingfei Zi and Princess Xi Xi and others.


In the darkness, a group of fierce ghosts flew.

Their bodies are translucent, some have fangs with fangs, some wear armor, and look like skulls. There was a sharp howling in their mouths, which stung the eardrum and affected the soul.

"Heavenly ghosts!" Ning Xiaochuan released the true elements in his body to form a ten-meter-diameter realm of fire, blocking those heavenly spirits out of the realm.

A heavenly ghost is as powerful as a heavenly man.

With Ning Xiaochuan's current practice as the realm, even if there are more sky ghosts, it is impossible to hurt him.

"Zhu Zun's spirit is nothing but dare to be mad in front of me, and all of them will be destroyed." Nine-tailed demon queen exudes a strong demon. The beautiful eyes seem to be able to shoot lightning, the momentum is very amazing.

"Queen, slow."

Yue Mingsong took out a black bottle, held it in his palm, and read a strange language in his mouth.

On the surface of the black bottle, a black brilliance erupted immediately, and all the thousands of heavenly ghosts in Fengshendong Mansion were put into the bottle.

Suddenly, none of the Heavenly Ghosts in Fengshendongfu remained.

The eyes of Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon stared at Yue Mingsong at the same time.

Yue Mingsong smiled, poured out a pigeon-sized elixir from the black bottle, and said with a smile: "For others, those souls are evil spirits, but if they have mastered the soul refining treasure bottles, those spirits For us, it is more valuable than psychic medicine. "

Ning Xiaochuan took the soul pill in Yue Mingsong's hands and observed it carefully.

This soul pill is condensed with a heavenly ghost, and the evil spirit in it is removed, and only the powerful soul power is retained.

If the monk in the divine realm is subdued by this soul, it can quickly impact the heaven and earth.

Even if the monk in the real world takes soul spirit, there are huge benefits. Every time you take a soul pill, the repair can obviously improve.

It's just that Ning Xiaochuan's physique is strong, and it is not comparable to ordinary real monks. Taking this level of soul spirit has no effect on him.

"and also!"

Yue Mingsong pours out a large number of soul spirits from the black bottle, each of which is condensed from a ghost of heaven, with more than 13,000.

The Nine-Tailed Demon was a little surprised, staring at the black bottle in Yue Mingsong's hand and saying, "Who the **** are you? What treasure is the black bottle in your hand?"

Yue Mingsong laughed and said nothing.

Ning Xiaochuan ’s astonishing move towards Yue Mingsong has long been surprised, and said lightly: "These soul spirits are indeed treasures. Take them back to Qingfeizi and Princess Xi. the benefits of."

Ning Xiaochuan's sleeves were rolled, and the 13 thousand soul spirits went to him to be put into the Qiankun bracelet.

For Yue Mingsong's things, Ning Xiaochuan was never polite. His family is too deep. No one knows how many treasures he has hidden in his body?

Yue Mingsong saw Ning Xiaochuan take away the soul spirit, and he did not mind, saying: "Fengshendongfu definitely has more than sky ghosts, maybe there are true ghosts, even supreme souls. The soul spirit made by ghosts has great benefits even under the service of monks in eternal realm. "

"Have you been to Fengshen Cave House before?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"No, how could I have been here? I just saw it in some ancient books, about the record of Fengshen Cave House." Yue Mingsong said in a proper way.

Nine-tailed queen and Ning Xiaochuan did not believe him very much. They had some doubts in their eyes but did not continue to question.

As long as he doesn't say anything, no one can take him.

After Yue Mingsong, Ning Xiaochuan, and Jiuwei Yao searched in Fengshen Cave, they returned to the place where they started.

Princess Xi Xi has the highest talent, and first learned the essence of martial arts on the "Fox Girl Picture Carving".

Her skin exudes a crystalline sheen, white as jade, and a light rain of light. A ray of light passed from Princess Xi Xi's brows to the seven white velvet foxtails that flowed from her neck, along her arms and waist to her hips.

Ning Xiaochuan can clearly feel that Princess Xi Xi's practice has been improved, and martial arts practice has taken a big step forward.

"Princess Xi Xi, if you take these two thousand soul spirits, you should be able to shock the sixth place in the real world." Ning Xiaochuan's arm shook, and a large piece of elixir flew out of the Qiankun bracelet to form an elixir. River.

Princess Xi Xi is now the fourth most important practice in real life. Seeing the carvings on the stone wall, together with two thousand soul spirits, you can definitely cultivate to the sixth most important reality in a short time.

Princess Xi Xi took a breath and the river formed by the two thousand soul spirits immediately poured into her body.

Consuming two thousand soul spirits at the same time, she immediately sat on the ground and continued to cultivate.

After Princess Xi Xi, Qingfeizi also learned through the "phoenix picture carving".

She has a pair of crimson flame wings on her back, and her whole body is wrapped in flames, just like a phoenix heavenly girl born again.

"I learned a volume of the ancient nerve" The Ancient Phoenix Book of the Phoenix "on the engraved picture of the Phoenix, but the above picture is only the first priority of the" The Ancient God Phoenix Book ". Enter the depths of Fengshen Cave House. "Qingfeizi said.

Ning Xiaochuan's arm shook, and two thousand soul spirits also flew out of the Qiankun bracelet, turning it into a sea of ​​elixir and wrapping the puppet.

"Refining these two thousand soul spirits, your cultivation should be able to be raised to the fifth level of real life." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Qingfeizi's cultivation of the realm is the second priority of real life. Now that she has realized the first priority of the Taigu Shenfengjing, it is also a great opportunity for her.

For Qingfeizi, if she continues to leave Lingxiao Sacred Earth, or God's Chu Palace. The achievement of this life is estimated to be the peak of Wangujing, or the peak of Wangujing.

From the moment she followed Ning Xiaochuan's departure from the Holy Land of Lingxiao, her fortune has changed, and her future achievements are definitely more than simple.

The cultivation of Qingfeizi is not as high as that of Princess Xi Xi, so for the first time, it only served two hundred soul spirits.

Subsequently, the Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King also awakened from their enlightenment, each with their own gains.

Ning Xiaochuan also gave them two thousand soul spirits.

Ning Xiaochuan's Qiankun bracelet only had more than five thousand soul spirits. Even if these soul spirits were refined, the effect would not be great.

Ning Xiaochuan intends to leave the remaining soul spirit to Ning Xin'er and monks in Jiangehou House.

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