Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 946: Reality seventh

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Ning Xiaochuan grabbed his arm, grabbed a soul ghost refined by a real ghost, put it into his hand, and swallowed it directly into his mouth.

The remaining two soul spirits refined by the real ghost were captured by Xiao Hong and Princess Xi Xi respectively and swallowed directly into their mouths.

The other thousands of soul spirits refined by the ghosts of heaven were divided up by the dumplings, the Golden Horn Demon King and the Silver Horn Demon King.

In just six breaths, Ning Xiaochuan completely absorbed that soul spirit, and it really increased a lot.

However, his physique is too strong, far surpassing other monks in the same realm. The sixth most important cultivation in real life is comparable to the ninth strongest in real life.

The higher the realm, the superiority of the Demon Supreme Body gradually emerged.

A real ghost Lingdan is not enough to let him break through to the seventh level of real life.

"With the power of the real ghost Lingdan, if it can refining 50 more, it is estimated that it can break through the seventh place of real life." Ning Xiaochuan inferred so.

Xiaohong spent twenty breaths, refining that real ghost Lingdan, and she also significantly improved it, but she did not break through to the sixth level of real life.

She is a puppet of Shenlong, and she is as strong as Ning Xiaochuan. Although it is only the fifth-highest practice in the real life, if she bursts out her strength, she will be able to beat the seventh-largest real life in the real world, or even The eighth most important creature in real life couldn't help her.

It is not an easy task for her to break through to the sixth level of real life. At least she needs to refine ten real ghosts to break through the realm.

Princess Xi Xi spent a quarter of an hour refining that real ghost Lingdan. After gaining this strength, she completely consolidated the realm of the sixth stage of real life, and her strength was greatly improved.

Yue Mingsong held the soul refining aquarium, and he could easily make thousands of soul spirits. He felt like he was pulling the wind. Looking at the distance, he said, "I know that there is a funeral in the world of the first sealed god. There are wrecks of various Supreme artifacts there. If you are lucky, you may find one or two fragments of Supreme Lord artifacts. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "How do you know everything?"

"It's all read in books. Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, you can't overpower yourself."

Yue Mingsong smiled and said: "It is said that the feudal relics are the last battlefield of one of the feudal feuds. All continents, races, and creatures from the Nine Heavens World in Dayan World are all decisive here. . That decisive battle lasted for hundreds of years, leaving countless remnants. "

"Although there are not as many remnants of the remnants as there are on the mainland and the funeral continent, the ranks of the remnants of the remnants are quite high. After all, this is the battlefield of the strong."

"Furthermore, the remnants of the remnants of the Guixu and the funeral continent have been rummaged by people of all ethnic groups for millions of years, leaving little good things behind. But few people can come to Fengshen Cave, where The good stuff must not have been scraped. "

The Golden Horned Demon King was excited and said, "Is it really possible to find the fragments of the Supreme King?"

The fragments of the Supreme King's Tool are also quite powerful, and are a rare treasure for real people.

In the heavenly continent, there is also only one sacred warrior in a sacred soil.

The fragments of the supreme king class are only a few at most in a sacred earth, and the power is stronger than that of the top class supreme device.

Yue Mingsong grinned and said, "Don't say it is the fragments of the Supreme King's Tool. Even the fragments of the Supreme King's Tool may be found."

"Fragments of the Supreme Royal Tool ..."

Hearing this, it wasn't just the Golden Horned Demon King, Silver Horned Demon King, and Qingfeizi showing a cheerful look, but even the Nine-Tailed Demon was a little emotional.

How precious is the Supreme Emperor?

Even the existence of such a level as the Nine-Tailed Queen, Tangan Monk, it is difficult to obtain a complete Supreme Emperor.

In the hands of the Nine-Tailed Demon, it is only just holding a broken Supreme Emperor's weapon, which can only play 30% of the power of a complete Supreme Emperor's weapon.

Most of the fragments of a supreme imperial weapon can exert the power of half of it. Some slightly complete fragments can even exert the power of the Supreme Emperor.

Ning Xiaochuan saw that everyone was a little emotional, and said, "Since this is the case, let's go to that funeral place and try our luck."

As a result, Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong led the way. The nine-tailed demon Queen and Xiao Linger walked to the rear. The group rushed to the place where Yue Mingsong said.

On their way to the burial ground, they encountered more than a dozen attacks of true ghosts, all of which were collected by Yue Mingsong into the soul-finishing aura and refined into soul spirit.

Among them, seventy-eight real ghost spirits were refined and more than 49 thousand heavenly spirit spirits were refined.

Ning Xiaochuan took 50 of them, the real ghost Lingtan. After refining, he was repaired to reach the sixth peak of real life, only one line away from the seventh reality.

"The power in the body has reached the sixth limit of real life, and it can begin to impact the seventh weight of real life."

Ning Xiaochuan decided to send the crowd to the funeral site, and immediately began to impact the seventh place of real life.

One day later, the crowd finally came to the periphery of the burial ground, and looked around, and saw that there were countless weapons wrecks on the empty swamp, with broken warhammers, fragments of bronze mirrors, and broken swords ... The remains were piled up into mountains, and many of them were even buried in the soil.

Because time has passed too long, many low-grade weapon fragments have become rusty, the fine air has run out, and it has decayed like dirt, and when you take it lightly, it turns into powder.

Looking around, it looks like a sea of ​​metal.

Ning Xiaochuan went to Guihui Market and was not surprised to see the scene where weapons were piled into mountains. However, it was the first time that Qingfeizi, Princess Xi Xi, the Golden Horned Demon King, and the Silver Horned Demon King had seen such a spectacular sight, and were stunned with astonishment.

But in this metal ocean, there are many soul evils floating, making the air as dark as ink. Among them, there are even a lot of powerful ghosts who seem to be looking for soldiers.

"Soul evil can also use the Supreme Device?" Qing Feizi asked curiously.

Along the way, everyone also saw a lot of soul evils, but never saw any one of them able to cast a weapon. Even the powerful real ghosts did not sacrifice the Supreme Device to attack them.

Nine-tailed demon said: "The general soul evil can't cast a weapon, but the legendary supreme soul evil can condense the" soul king body ". The wisdom is not lower than that of human beings, and it can play the supreme king weapon and even the supreme king Power of the device. "

The Silver Horn Demon King was startled, and said, "Is there a supreme soul here?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Here is the relic of God. Even if you encounter the Supreme Soul, it is not impossible. Everyone should be careful, it is best to follow the Nine-Tailed Demon or Elder Yue, there are two of them Shelter, even in the face of the Supreme Spirit, should be able to cope. "

The probability of encountering the Supreme Soul in the world of the First Sealed God is not high, so Ning Xiaochuan is not too worried about their safety.

"Haha! Let everyone follow the elder! The elder has a soul-refining aquarium in his hand. Any soul can be collected, and the soul spirit that can be refined can be taken by you." Yue Mingsong squinted his eyes and held his chest up. The deputy waited for everyone to worship him.

Unfortunately, when he opened his eyes, he found that Qingfeizi, Xiaohong and Princess Xi Xi all followed the nine-tailed demon and flew into the burial ground. They have begun to hunt for treasures.

Only the Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King were still standing in front of him, staring at him eagerly.

Yue Mingsong sighed and said, "Your choice is wise. The elder assures you that your cultivation will surpass that little fox and that little dragon girl in the feudal legacy. Let's go! Elder Ben takes you to pretend and fly together. "

Everyone went to find the treasures in the burial ground, and soon disappeared. Only Ning Xiaochuan stayed and sat on the ground, starting to hit the seventh place of real life.

Xiao Linger originally wanted to find the battle treasure, but when she saw Ning Xiaochuan began to hit the realm, she immediately retreated and stood behind Ning Xiaochuan.

The first re-sealing of the **** world is not safe, and there are many powerful real ghosts. Some of these real ghosts have the same powers as the ninth most important creature in real life. Fearing that a real ghost would disturb Ning Xiaochuan's impact, she stayed to protect Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan has recovered the three minds cultivated in the purple stars. After this period of cultivation in the purple stars, Ning Xiaochuan's understanding of martial arts has further improved.

"Once it breaks through the seventh level of the real world, it will definitely lead to thunderstorms again. This time thunderstorms, it is necessary to raise the magic sword to the highest level of supreme equipment."

The heavens, earths, and annihilation worlds began to operate at a rapid speed, just like two huge vortexes, sending out a devouring power, absorbing the mysterious and divine spirit in the first re-sealed **** world.


One and a half million pieces of top-quality black stones flew out of the Qiankun bracelet, like a bright star, suspended above Ning Xiaochuan's head.

The mysterious air in those ground-quality black stones was also quickly absorbed by Ning Xiaochuan and transformed into real elements.

Although Ning Xiaochuan only hit the seventh place in the real world, he needed more energy than other monks.

The 1.5 million pieces of ground stones contained in the mystery were not enough for him to absorb, and he had to take out the 5,000 heavenly ghost Lingdan left in the Qiankun bracelet and absorb them into the body together.

These days, the ghost Lingtan is temporarily used to break through the realm. After the realm breaks through, collect other soul Lingdan to Ning Xin'er.

The heavens, earths, and annihilation worlds swelled rapidly, and finally seemed to break a certain limit.


There was a roar in Ning Xiaochuan's body, and he finally broke through the realm and reached the seventh level of real life in one fell swoop.

At the moment of breaking through the seventh point of the real world, Ning Xiaochuan was exhausted by Ning Xiaochuan's spirit and mystery.

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