Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 948: Harvest

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Xiao Linger was stunned, staring at the flaming iron nugget in Ning Xiaochuan's hand, and said, "Remnant of the Supreme King?"


Ning Xiaochuan tossed that piece of red iron block and laughed, "Give it to you!"

"Thank Godfather!"

Xiao Linger took the crimson iron block and immediately refined it.

Although it is only a fragment of the Supreme King, it can exert half of the power of the Supreme King. It is much more powerful than many top-grade Supremes. It is placed in a holy earth and is also a top treasure.

Ning Xiaochuan continued the search using the method just described.

I don't know how long it took to find out, probably all the tens of miles around, and the piece of iron left to Xiaolinger, Ning Xiaochuan found a total of eight pieces of the Supreme King's.

Five of them can only play half the power of the Supreme King, and the other two can play the power of the Supreme King. The last one is the most powerful one, which is a fairly complete Supreme King. Missing a corner, it can probably exert the power of 50% of the Supreme King.

If this piece of broken supreme prince is handed over to the master of the forge and sacrifice it, there is even a chance to repair it successfully and become a complete supreme prince.

Ning Xiaochuan handed over all the fragments of the eight Supreme Kings to Xiaolinger.

Anyway, he has the second artifact level "white bone beads" and the supreme imperial class level "Emperor Blade". There is also a complete supreme king implement "Zhoutian Mopan" in the heaven and earth element, which is enough for combat use. The pieces of the Supreme King's artifact were of no value to him except for being sold as black stones.

There are nights and days in the First World of Gods, but nights and days are very long.

Day time is equivalent to seven times the outside world.

Night time is also equivalent to seven times the outside world.

The night finally passed, and the day came. The temperature in the first re-enclosed **** world immediately rose, and a scorching sun appeared in the sky, baking the earth, and the whole world seemed to become a furnace.

While Ning Xiaochuan was preparing to take a break and continued to search, suddenly, a very bright cyan light spot appeared in his mind.

You know, when Ning Xiaochuan was exploring, all the white light spots appeared in his mind.

It's really weird that cyan dots appear this time.

Looking along the direction of the cyan light spot, Ning Xiaochuan dug out a piece of palm-sized cyan iron sheet hundreds of meters below the ground.

It is only the size of a palm, half a centimeter thick, but weighs more than 10,000 kilograms.

"In the iron skin, there is actually a spirit of God. And, every inch of the iron skin is engraved with complex formations, isn't it ... this is a weapon made by the gods?" Ning Xiaochuan was very surprised.

Even if it is a weapon refined by the sub-God, it is impossible to possess the spirit of God.

Only the real God-made weapons can have the spirit of God.

The engravings carved on this piece of cyan iron sheet are very deep and complicated, and they really seem to come from the hands of gods.

"It's great! The warcraft made by the gods themselves is definitely not a mortal thing. If you can find more fragments, you might be able to form a complete warcraft."

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was so excited, he immediately wrote down the breath on the cyan iron sheet, and then he looked for this breath specifically.

With the keen insight of the Seven Magic Gods' heart, it only took an hour for Ning Xiaochuan to find another piece of blue iron skin at a distance of three kilometers from here.

This piece of cyan tin is twice as small as the previous piece and weighs only six thousand pounds.

Ning Xiaochuan continued to search for time and lost time. He searched for eight days and eight nights in the burial ground.

He searched almost the entire burial ground and found a total of 473 pieces of blue iron skin. The largest cyan iron sheet is one meter long and weighs more than 100,000 kilograms; the smallest cyan iron sheet is only the size of a button and weighs more than two hundred kilograms.

"What the **** is this?"

The more they found, the more confused Ning Xiaochuan was.

These iron sheets are weird and we don't see what kind of weapon?

Ning Xiaochuan put all these iron sheets together and planned to find Yue Mingsong. After all, Yue Mingsong is a master of the forge, maybe he can see the clue.

The Nine-Tailed Queen, Princess Xi Xi, Xiao Hong, Qingfeizi, Yue Mingsong, and the Golden Horned Demon King and Silver Horned Demon King who carried the monk Tangan also walked out of the burial ground.

Everyone had a smile on their faces, and obviously everyone had found a lot of treasures.

The Silver Horn Demon King couldn't hide his joy, and laughed: "I have found four pieces of the Supreme King's artifact, one of which is larger, and can play 10% of the power of the Supreme King."

In such a short time, four pieces of the Supreme King's Tool can be found, which is already a good harvest. No wonder he smiles so happily.

"Just take your time and see how many treasures I find."

The Golden Horned Demon King found out six pieces of the Supreme King's artifact from the Qiankun ring, two of which were relatively large, and could play 10% of the power of the Supreme King's artifact.

"Oh my god, you have found more than me, just share one!"

The Silver Horned Demon King was going to grab one of the pieces of the Supreme King's Tool, but was kicked out by the Golden Horn Demon King.

The Golden Horned Demon King bounced the clothing corner, and Deser smiled, "If you want a baby, you have to see your luck. Your luck is not as good as mine, of course, I don't find much."

"Cut, I also found six pieces of Supreme King's artifact. What is worth showing off?" With a wave of Xiao Hong's sleeve, twenty-three pieces of Supreme King's artifact flew out and hovered in front of her.

Each piece of the Supreme King ’s Piece exudes dazzling brilliance, some of which are reddish, some are bluish, some are purple-gold ... and there is even a very bright bead, which exudes a breath. Fragments of other Supreme Kings are many times more powerful.

"That's ... that's a supreme royal weapon?"

The Silver Horned Demon King and the Golden Horned Demon King were stunned when they saw Xiao Hong take out more than twenty pieces of the Supreme King's artifact. When they found that bead, they lay on the ground with envy and drooled.

Yue Mingsong collected the bead and identified it, saying: "This bead is called 'Wind Thunder Bead'. It is not a supreme imperial weapon. It should be a treasure once inlaid on a supreme imperial weapon. Although It is not a supreme royal weapon, but it can explode 10% of the power of the supreme royal weapon, which is more powerful than many supreme royal weapons. "

"It is also very good to be able to exert 10% of the power of the Supreme King." Xiaohong was like a little wealth fan, and immediately took back the thunder bead from Yue Mingsong, and then took the 22 pieces of Supreme King. The fragments are put away.

Qingfeizi also had good luck. He found sixteen pieces of Supreme King's artifacts, two of which were very complete, but they were only missing a little, and they could exert 50% of the power of Supreme King's artifacts.

Princess Xi Xi found a total of twenty-one pieces of the Supreme King's Artifact. In addition, a piece of the Supreme King's Artifact was also found. Although the fragments are small, they are still able to exert half the power of the Supreme Emperor.

Nine-tailed demon Xiuwei is the most powerful, and the harvest is naturally the biggest. She found a total of forty-seven fragments of the Supreme King's Artifact, and three fragments of the Supreme King's Artifact.

In addition, she also found a quite complete Supreme Emperor's weapon, which can exert 50% of the power of the Supreme Emperor's weapon, which is more powerful than that of the Fox family. However, she did not take out that piece of Supreme Emperor.

After all, the treasures of the Supreme Royal Class cannot be shown casually.

"Oh my god, our brothers had the worst luck, so they found such fragments of the Supreme King."

The Silver Horned Demon King and the Golden Horned Demon King hugged together and wept bitterly.

The most painful people at this moment are not the Silver Horn Demon King and the Golden Horn Demon King, but the sandalwood monk tied to the side.

Obviously, a Baoshan was placed in front of him, but he could only watch it openly, unable to find the treasure. The monk Tangan was bleeding, and was crying anxiously.

He swears that as long as he is given a chance, he will definitely find more than the nine-tailed demon.

Sure enough, it is a wealthy insurance. How can I find so many fragments of the Supreme King's Artifact and the fragments of the Supreme King's Artifact except in the area of ​​Fengshen Relic?

The Silver Horned Demon King hugged Yue Mingsong's thigh, a tear, and a saliva said: "Elder Yue, you are not saying to follow you, they must be faster than their cultivation. Why do we find the treasures, but they are faster less?"

"Calm down! Calm down! Elder Ben must speak well, how could he deceive you?"

Yue Mingsong took out the soul refining treasure bottle, held it in his palm, and the light of the treasure bottle flashed. Immediately, hundreds of thousands of soul spirits flew out of the treasure bottle, all suspended in the sky ten feet above the ground, forming a piece. The sea of ​​elixir.

Yue Mingsong put his hands on his waist and laughed aloud, saying, "When you look for treasures, I will kill all the spirits in the burial ground, put them into the soul refining jar, and condense them into soul spirit. With these souls Dan, are you afraid Xiuwei can't improve? "

Hundreds of thousands of soul elixir, most of them are heavenly ghost elixir, there are about three thousand real ghost elixir.

Seeing the soul spirit suspended above his head, the Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King immediately became excited.

"It's all ours, it's all ours, it's so cool! Elder Yue, you are so handsome!" Said the Golden Horned Demon King excitedly.

Yue Mingsong laughed: "Low-key! Low-key!"

The Silver Horn Demon King was also moving with excitement, some words were incoherent, "Yue ... Elder Yue, you are really too strong, please accept me as a son!"

"Er ... I have no intention of being a dad for the time being. Unlike some people, this elder wants to be a dad all day long." Yue Mingsong glanced at Ning Xiaochuan slightly.

Ning Xiaochuan smiled and didn't care about Yue Mingsong's words, turned his head slightly, and winked at Xiao Hong.

After seeing Ning Xiaochuan's wink, Xiao Hong immediately understood it, a pair of dragon wings grew on her back, and flew directly into that piece of Danhai, and immediately began to collect the real ghost Lingdan.

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