Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 956: Soul Cave

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Everyone agreed with Ning Xiaochuan's proposal.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Since everyone agrees with my suggestion, let's find a secret place first and establish a base for us in the second world of sealed gods. Only in this way can we be the safest."

"Where is the safest place to establish a base?" Qingfeizi asked.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I used to hunt down the Supreme Soul Shaker, and I found a huge bottomless pit just eight thousand miles away. At that time, I was afraid of everyone's worry, so I I didn't ask to explore that sinkhole. But I think it should be a good hiding place. "

The Nine-Tailed Demon said, "Since this is the case, let's go over and look at it first."

Led by Ning Xiaochuan, the crowd immediately rushed towards that tiankeng.

It didn't take long for everyone to find that tiankeng and came to the periphery of the tiankeng.

The opening of this tiankeng has an irregular circular shape with a diameter of more than 300 meters. Standing on the edge of the big pit, looking down the big pit, you can only see the darkness, not the bottom.

It's almost like the mouth of a giant beast. It's like being able to swallow a mountain.

Yue Mingsong frowned slightly, grabbed a handful of dirt from the edge of the big pit, and narrowed his nose slightly, his eyes became more dignified, saying: "This tiankeng is probably not a good place, maybe It's still a huge soul cave. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "With this possibility, the Supreme Soul previously wanted to escape into the tiankeng, but unfortunately I first reached the top of the tiankeng and blocked its way, forcing it to flee elsewhere. go with."

"Hunsha Cave? That's great! The old lady just wanted to find a few Supreme Soulshas, ​​overtaking them, and letting them go into labor earlier." The monk Tangan rolled up the two big sleeves, one to do one The field looks like.

Xiao Hong gave him a glance, and said: "Master Monk, I think you want to take those treasures of the Supreme Soul?"

"Amitabha! Poor monks really just want to overdo them and give them a chance to be reborn and become humans. As for their treasures, from the point of view of the poor monks, they have all been infected with evil spirits, and they should be brought back to Buddhism. Let the poor monk use Supreme Dharma to slowly purify the evil spirit from those treasures. "

The monk Tangan stared at Ning Xiaochuan and said with a smile: "Ning Shi, the poor monk just wanted to remind you that all the treasures you found from that Supreme Soul Sha are all contaminated with shame, but it is ominous. You should give those treasures to the poor monk, and only the poor monk can control those evil spirits. "

Ning Xiaochuan didn't believe the words of the monk Tangan, saying: "Master, if you don't take another shot, then I will step into the heavenly pit first. By then, all the treasures in the heavenly pit will be mine."

After hearing this, the monk Tangan's face changed, and he said, "Ning Shi, your cultivation is too low and you are too young. In such a dangerous place, you still do n’t have to venture, or you will die. .The poor monk went exploring first, and you waited for the good news from the poor monk. "

After saying this, the monk Tangan jumped into the sky pit happily, for fear that others would rob him.

After a while, the monk Tangan disappeared into the darkness and was completely devoured by the tiankeng.

Xiao Linger stared at the bottom of the tiankeng, and said with some worry: "Goddaddy, I feel this tiankeng is really weird, and there seems to be a lot of insidious voices below. Master Tangan, such a rush Is it too dangerous to go in? "

Xiao Linger's consciousness is so powerful that ordinary people cannot compare with her at all.

Since she said that the tiankeng is weird, it must be quite dangerous.

Ning Xiaochuan pondered for a moment and said, "Relax! Now is the second time to seal the world of God. With the ninth emphasis of Tangan monk Wangujing, even if it really breaks into the soul cave, it will not Life-threatening. "

The ninth important restoration of Wangujing is that in the former Tianxu continent, it was definitely standing at the top level. If there was a ranking of the top continents at that time, the monk of Tangan would definitely be in the top ten.

Besides, Buddhist monks could have restrained soul evil.

Therefore, even if there is a soul cave below, the chances of a monk in Tangan is very small.

Time passed by one minute and one second, but still did not see the monk Tangan came out from the soul evil cave, everyone can not help but worry.

As Ning Xiaochuan hesitated to investigate, a harsh howling sounded, and a golden light rushed out from the bottom of the tiankeng.

It's the monk Dangan!

Tangan's monk had a bowl-sized blood hole in his chest. A drop of golden blood flowed out of his body and yelled while escaping, saying "Everyone be careful, those guys rushed out of the ground!"

Having said this, the monk Tangan disappeared into the sky and escaped without a shadow.

Just when everyone was in doubt, the thirteen supreme souls led a dense crowd of real ghosts, almost like thousands of black spots, rushed out from the ground and surrounded the crowd.

A humanoid supreme soul evil, wearing a supreme king-level armor, carrying a three-meter-long black war sword, said in a cold voice: "Hateful humans, immediately surrender the" Soul Emperor Pearl ", Or kill you all. "

Ning Xiaochuan can clearly feel that the supreme soul shaman with the black armor is very strong, and his breath is a little stronger than that of the Tangan monk who was restored as the ninth rebuild of Wangujing.

Secondly, the world of God is so powerful that there is such a powerful Soul Soul King.

Completely exceeded Ning Xiaochuan's expectations.

The combat power of the Ning Xiaochuan's previously refined Supreme Soul Sha is equivalent to the second most important monk in Wangu Realm, which cannot be compared with this Supreme Soul Sha.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor, etc., put on God's Supreme Armor for the first time.

"What the **** happened?" Xiao Linger also put on the shrine supreme armor.

Xiao Hongdao: "This is still a question? It must be that the monk stole someone else's treasure. Otherwise, someone else would come out and hunt him?"

Xiao Linger nodded suddenly and realized that the monk Tangan escaped. Where can he see the shadow of the monk Tangan?

"Ready to fight." Ning Xiaochuan immediately wore the blood of the second **** on his body, holding Yang Xinding in one hand, and holding the Emperor's Blade in one hand to mobilize the true elements of the whole body.

The mark of his heavenly respect emerged from his eyebrows, releasing a large white brilliance, enveloping everyone in the white brilliance, forming a defense layer of light and fog.

The Heavenly Emperor Blade refined a large number of fragments of the Supreme King's artifact and the Supreme King's artifact, and the blood of the blade became more dazzling, releasing a powerful evil spirit.

"Hey! Ning Xiaochuan, kill the Supreme Soul Sha, all the fragments of the Supreme King's artifacts on them, all belong to me." Heavenly Emperor's Qi Ling Road.

"No problem! But, you have to cooperate with me this time!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"That's nature." Heavenly Emperor's Chi Lingdao.

The instrumental spirit of a supreme imperial weapon was originally comparable to the repair power of an eternal realm.

If the instrumental spirit of Tiandi Blade fully cooperates with Ning Xiaochuan, he can let Tiandi Blade exert more powerful power.

"So many soul evils, how are we going to fight?" Princess Xi Xi stared at Yue Mingsong, and said, "Elder Yue, why don't you use the soul refining vase and put all the soul evils into the bottle?"

Yue Mingsong faced bitterly, and said, "Do you think that the soul refining aura is really invincible? That's thirteen supreme soul evil spirits, and there are tens of thousands of true ghost evil spirits. Unless they are secondary artifacts, they can be all at once Refining. Besides, there is also a Supreme Soul King who is comparable to the ninth heavy monk in Wangu Realm. Even if it is a soul refining jar, it is difficult to pack it. "

Ning Xiaochuan said, "The thirteen supreme soul evils are entrusted to me, Yue Mingsong, the Nine-Tailed Demon Queen, and Xiao Linger to deal with them. Other real ghost evils can only be handled by you. Recently, you Swallowed a lot of soul spirits, and Xiu has greatly improved a lot. Now is the time to test your actual combat ability. "

Ning Xiaochuan broke through to the eighth weight of real life, wearing the blood suit of the last god, and the combat power was comparable to the fourth monk of Wangu realm. With the power of the Heavenly Emperor Blade, even the fifth-largest monk in Wangu Realm can fight.

Although the power of the Supreme Emperor is very powerful, Ning Xiaochuan's true cultivation is only the power of the eighth in the real world, and the power of the fifth monk in the Wangu realm is already the ultimate power he can reach now.

If he did not wear the blood suit of the Ninth God, even if Ning Xiaochuan used the Heavenly Emperor Blade, he would only be able to compete with the second most important monk in Wangu Realm.

Ning Xiaochuan locked the three Supreme Souls that were below the fifth weight in Wangu Realm, and simultaneously punched out the Heavenly Emperor Blade, Zhou Tian Mopan, and the Underworld Seal, and rolled the three Supreme Souls into the battle circle.

Yinxuan Yin is the only complete Supreme King Ning Xiaochuan retrieved from that Supreme Soul.

The Nine-Tailed Demon also attacked the four Supreme Souls at the same time. Under her deliberate guidance, she led all four Supreme Souls to a distance, forming a second battle circle.

After wearing Lingering Supreme Armor, Xiao Linger was comparable to the ninth-ranked monk in Wangu Realm, and fought with five Supreme Souls at the same time, without falling into the wind.

In the end, only Yue Mingsong and the most powerful Supreme Soul Sha left.

The supreme soul was so angry that he opened a huge mouth and screamed, "Human, are you going to fight me?"

Yue Mingsong was blown up by the air spitting out by the Supreme Soul, and finally fell to the ground, before he could let him speak. The Supreme Soul attacked, and punched to the top of his head.

Before that huge fist hit Yue Mingsong, Yue Mingsong flew out like a leaf again, and then, lifting two shoes, he flew to the sky with his legs stretched out, "Fuck, you are too cruel Why do you leave me the most powerful Supreme Soul King? "

Yue Mingsong used the Soul Refining Aquarium to collect more than 3,000 true ghosts at once, directly emptied a large area of ​​spirits, opened a gap, and then broke through.

The Supreme Soul King saw Yue Mingsong even use a treasure jar and took away more than 3,000 true ghosts at once, and was shocked.

It felt that Yue Mingsong would be a huge threat, and he had to be removed, so he chased after Yue Mingsong.

After the Supreme Soul King chased Yue Mingsong and left, there were only tens of thousands of true ghosts left.

Princess Xi Xi, Little Red, Golden Horned Demon Emperor, Silver Horned Demon Emperor, and Qing Fei Zi, wearing the supreme armor of the gods, are all the most powerful fighting forces in the ancient world, but they dare not deal with so many real ghosts. fighting.

If they are gathered together and besieged by tens of thousands of real ghosts, it is absolutely certain to die.

So, they also broke out from the gap opened by Yue Mingsong, and then fled in five directions.

Fight while fleeing.

Only by walking and fighting will there be a chance to survive.

Even the Supreme, when encountering a group of real people, can only escape.


To explain here, someone asks what is the realm of "Eternal Life"? What is the state of "Extreme"?

In fact, as written by Lao Jiu, "Eternal Realm" is a realm, and "Extreme" is a title. The monks in eternal realm are called supreme.

For example, Ximen's realm of blowing snow is "there is no sword in his hand and he has a sword in his heart", and his title is "Sword". In other words, swordsmen who have reached "no sword in their hands and sword in their hearts" may actually be called "sword gods", such as Dugu seeking defeat, such as Xie Xiaofeng, such as Wuming, they can all be called "sword gods".

Like the sword god, Supreme is a title that reaches a certain level.

In addition, at the beginning of the month, Lao Jiu asked for a monthly ticket.

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