Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 963: Ask God

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Ning Xiaochuan had anticipated this situation and stared at the nine-tailed demon.

After the nine-tailed demon nodded her head slightly, her eyes were cold and she snapped, "What kind of thing can you challenge us?"

Immediately afterwards, she struck out with lightning speed.

You should know that the Nine-tailed Demon Queen is the eighth-highest peak of Wangu Realm. The strength of one hand is like a landslide, which gives people a tendency to destroy.

In the face of this palm, the face of the four-eyed man changed slightly. In his opinion, it was like an overwhelming cloud. So he immediately punched him, his five fingers were like the Vajra iron, and his whole body was all struck out in an instant.


One palm and one punch collided.

The big-eyed man with four eyes immediately flew out and fell out of the house more than ten feet before he could barely stand still.

The heart of the Nine-Tailed Demon was shocked. With this palm, she used 30% of her power. Even the seventh-ranked monk in Wangu Realm would be seriously injured by this palm. The four-eyed man with the fifth-largest talent in Wangu Realm caught her palm without any damage.

"The genius of the **** world is really not simple. It can fight across two realms." Ning Xiaochuan secretly said.

You know, without the blessing of the power of the sub-God's blood, Ning Xiaochuan can only fight across three realms.

However, the genius of the Divine Realm, who just emerged one, was able to fight across two realms, which really made Ning Xiaochuan feel a lot of pressure. I wonder what level those top geniuses have reached?

When the Nine-Tailed Demon and Ning Xiaochuan were shocked, the heart of the four-eyed man was even more shocked.

So strong!

The four-eyed big man can perceive that the Nine-Tailed Demon Queen did not use the power of the Goddess Supreme Armor just now, just relying on her own cultivation to send him out.

"Her cultivation is absolutely above me. Isn't she a **** warrior, but a descendant of a certain deity?" The heart of the four-eyed man was horrified. If the other two were also descendants of the deities, he could not just offend. Already.

In the distance, a heroic man with long gold-colored hair glanced at Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon, a radian appeared on the corner of his mouth, and laughed: "The King of the Condor King was defeated by a woman with one palm "This woman is a bit interesting, she has a beautiful appearance and she is very strong."

"The King of the Carving King" is the title of the four-eyed man.

"If Brother Jin takes the shot, it is not difficult to defeat her with your strength." Another man with a single horn on his head, named "Tianxi Supreme", clenched his fists in both hands, with a touch of light on his face. Smile.

The man with long gold hair, walked towards Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon, clenched his fists in both hands, and laughed, "Below, the hundred stars, the second generation of the gods of the Jinshu family, Jin Shufeng. I don't know which planet the two came to the demon sphere, and who is the heir to the deities? "

Seeing Jin Shufeng, the King of the Eagle King immediately dissipated his strength, a look of taboo appeared in his eyes, and he stepped back slightly.

The Jinshu family also belongs to the famous clan in the divine realm, and most people dare not provoke them.

Jin Shufeng is a grandson of a deity of the Jinshu family. His status is much higher than that of the King of the Condor King. His cultivation is also far better than that of the King of the King.

The Nine-Tailed Demon said, "Sorry, this is our secret and I can't tell you."

Having said this, the Nine-Tailed Demon and Ning Xiaochuan stopped paying attention to Jin Shufeng and walked towards the altar.

Jin Shufeng thought that after the Nine-Tailed Demon heard that he was the second-generation deity of the Jinshu family, he would definitely stare at him with admiration and even take the initiative to embark.

Unfortunately, the Nine-Tailed Demon has never heard of the Jinshu family afterwards, and naturally has no feeling.

"How dare to speak to such a grandson of the Jinshu family with such an attitude, it seems that they have to teach them lessons." Tianxi Supreme said coldly.

Jin Shufeng shook his hand gently and smiled: "No, they have more value to use, wait and see!"

Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-tailed Demon walked under the altar and looked upwards. I only saw the genius who was constantly in the divine realm and boarded that towering altar.

Each of these godly geniuses is powerful.

Any young generation who can sweep the sky continent, no one is their opponent at all.

At this moment, a beautiful demon girl with long sapphire blue hair was on the altar. Her pointed snow-white ears were exposed in her hair. She was tall and tall, and her thin skirt fluttered in the wind. Draw a fascinating and charming body.

She stepped onto the altar step by step, walked to the giant tripod, and made a blood stain on her fingertips, dripping a drop of blood into the tripod.


Juding immediately absorbed her blood.

Afterwards, a dazzling yellow mysterious gas flew out of Ding Zhong, and rushed into the body of that stunning demon girl.

After refining the yellow gas, the demon girl immediately flew into the passage leading to the third world of sealed gods.

Immediately afterwards, the next genius from the **** world stepped on the altar and dripped blood into Juding.

Unfortunately, there is no yellow airflow in Juding.

The divine genius sighed and retreated from the top of the altar.

Ning Xiaochuan observed for a moment, and saw seven **** geniuses ascended to the altar, five of them got Xuanhuangqi and entered the third world of sealed gods. The other two geniuses of the **** world did not get the mysterious yellow energy, so they walked down the altar unwillingly and continued to stay in the second world of God.

"I see! In order to enter the world of the third re-sealed god, you must get the approval of that giant tripod. Dropping blood into the giant tripod, as long as a yellow air flow from the giant tripod, even if you agree to enter the first Triple Sealed God World. Without a yellow air stream from the giant tripod, you would not be able to enter the Third Sealed God World. "

"That's right! But there is one more thing, I'm afraid you don't necessarily know." Jin Shufeng walked over from a distance with his hands on his backs.

He walked to the back of Nine-Tailed Demon and stopped, with a smile on his face that seemed to be heroic, staring at the enchanting face after Nine-Tailed Demon, and said with a smile: "It is said that this God tripod is left by a very powerful person. If your constitution is strong enough, after dripping blood into the tripod, you can see the position of the legendary supreme artifact 'Fengshenbang' in the tripod. "

Ning Xiaochuan and Nine-Tailed Demon were a little surprised.

They finally understood the purpose of those gods and gods to enter the gods world. They not only went to the gods world to practice, but also wanted to capture the 'killers list'.

Legend has it that only those who leave their names on the Fengshen list will be eligible to become gods.

Who can control the Fengshenbang can control the fate of all people.

Jin Shufeng said: "Before that, there were already four invincible powerhouses who saw the position of Fengshenbang in the questioning **** tripod, and they have already rushed to the third to seal the world. It may even have gone to the fourth to seal the **** The world. You know, they are all sons of gods or daughters of gods. They are very physically strong, and they are not what ordinary descendants of gods can imagine. Would you like to try them? "

Ning Xiaochuan was definitely going to the third re-sealed **** world, so he nodded toward the Nine-Tailed Demon, and both walked towards the top of the altar at the same time.

Tianxi Supreme said: "Brother Jin, can you say that these two people are qualified to enter the third world of sealed gods?"

Jin Shufeng stared at the back of Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon, his eyes were getting colder and colder, and said, "Whatever they do, they just make us a wedding dress! Once Xuanhuangqi flew out of the Shending Ding, we We immediately shot and snatched Xuanhuang Qi. Only in this way can we enter the third world of sealed gods. "

Both Jin Shufeng and Tianxi Supreme had gone to the top of the altar to drip blood into the tripod, but they didn't fly out of the mysterious yellow gas when asked about the tripod.

Therefore, if they want to enter the world of the third re-sealed god, they must **** others' mysterious energy.

When Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon stepped on the altar, not only Jin Shufeng and Celestial Supreme, but also other **** geniuses who could not enter the Third Seal God began to move.

Ning Xiaochuan noticed that the atmosphere was very wrong, and sent a voice to the Nine-Tailed Demon, saying: "Let's drip the blood together to ask God Ding, and once we get the Xuanhuang Qi, we will immediately enter the third world of sealed God. If so, only one of us With mysterious energy, then neither of us should enter the third world of God of Sealing and leave here immediately. "

The Nine-Tailed Demon also glanced down at the altar, seeing that many people showed bad eyes, so nodded at Ning Xiaochuan.

If only one person gets mysterious yellow gas, the other one will certainly not be able to enter the third world of sealed gods. Those who remain are likely to be besieged by those **** geniuses.

Therefore, either enter the third re-sealed world of God together, or don't enter.

Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon stood on one side of the altar, and at the same time they made a blood mark on their fingers, dripping a drop of blood into the Shending Ding.


Two drops of blood were absorbed by the Shending Ding at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, two Xuanhuangqis flew out from the tripod and flew towards Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-tailed Demon Queen.

Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon had a heart-warming joy. It was so good that both of them were qualified to enter the third world of God of Sealing.

"Haha! Beauty, leave mysterious yellow air, this seat can spare you not to die."

Jin Shufeng turned into a golden streamer, and in a flash, he rushed to the top of the altar and stretched out a golden claw. He was going to **** the yellowish air that flew to the nine-tailed demon.

Jin Shufeng's cultivation has reached the seventh place in Wangu Realm.

What's more, he is also the grandson of the gods. He has very strong blood of the gods. The ninth-best creature in the world of Wan Gu in the Dayan World, in front of him, has no power to fight back, and cannot survive three moves.

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