Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 974: Xueling Deficiency

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He smiled and said, "Even if this matter, the Heavenly Demon Emperor will let me off? The demon **** will let me off?"

The two-headed ghost leopard whispered coldly: "Sheng Wang, king, you have been hiding in the World of Dayan for so many years, why do you need to come out and die?"

"Life is fickle, but don't talk too much. Who lives or dies, how can you say it accurately?" Shouted.

Just then, the variables appeared again.

The space in front of Ning Xiaochuan was distorted, and a gap more than ten meters long was cracked. An unusually beautiful woman emerged from the crack in the space. It's just not like a woman in the world, there is no ordinary atmosphere on her body.

Her body was very misty and dreamy, and she was standing right in front of Ning Xiaochuan, but Ning Xiaochuan felt that she was standing in another space and time thousands of miles away.

It was Xue Ling, who had not been seen for a long time.

She came from the shattered void, and even the space barrier of the sealed land of God could not stop her.

"The Heavenly Demon Emperor can't come to Fengshen's relic, she was invited by her old friend to retell the old one." Xue Lingxu's voice was loud, containing no trace of impurities, staring fearlessly at the two standing in the void. Demon Saint.

Seeing Xue Lingxue, Ning Xiaochuan's heart was happy, and said, "Senior King Zijin is resurrected?"

Xue Ling nodded slightly.

that is really good!

Originally Ning Xiaochuan was ready to fight to the death, but did not expect that at the moment of life and death, Qing Qing Wang and Xue Lingxu would come to help, it was just too righteous.

He smiled and said, "The two-headed ghost leopard demon saint, it seems that the Heavenly Demon Emperor cannot come to seal the god's relic! I said, life is fickle, don't say too much, you just don't Believe!"

"Huh! I don't believe you are really that strong!" Jiu Zi Zi Yao Sheng Sheng raised a spear and said, "Second brother, let's join hands to discuss the tactics of King Sheng Jun."

The two-headed ghost leopard demon nodded, "Fight!"


Nine-headed purple crickets have grown out of dragon scales, and the body makes a "squeak" sound, and eight purple hoees grow again on the neck.

The human body, nine hoees, and the whole body is wrapped in purple gas, giving a wild and demon-like feeling.

This is the strongest form of Nine-headed Aster!

The double-headed ghost leopard also turned into a body immediately, with two huge leopard heads, eight leopard feet, and a huge thunder ball under its feet.

The two demon saints shot at the same time, turning into two demon clouds, impacting at a lightning speed.

He stepped out, stood in the void immediately, raised his arm, and waved toward the sky.


The two demon saints come quickly and retreat fast.

There are only one skull on the neck of the nine-headed purple lotus root. The other eight hoees were all severed and fell from the sky.

The double-headed ghost leopard left a huge **** wound on his chest, almost cutting his body into two pieces. Because the strength of the puppet remained in the wound, his wound could not heal for a long time.

He just wreaked two demons at the same time with just one trick.

"Pick a hoe!"

The golden horned demon emperor and the silver horned demon emperor saw the eight hoees falling to the ground, and rushed up immediately, picking up the eight hoees with a thunderbolt.

This is the skull of the Aster in nature. Every drop of blood is very precious, and every flesh can be used for refining medicine.

Seeing this scene, the nine-headed purple magpie demon vomited blood and shouted, "You two are looking for death!"


Jiuto Ziyan exhaled a sigh of sorrow, and the sorrow was wrapped with countless wind blades, chopped towards the Golden Horn Demon Emperor and the Silver Horn Demon Emperor.

Ning Xiaochuan passed a look to Ning Tianmeng.

Ning Tianmeng turned into an afterimage, flew to the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor, and smashed out with a single palm, breaking all the radon exhaled by the nine-headed purple magpie into a purple smoke.

His gaze glanced in one direction and said, "If you don't show up again, Ben Shengjun will have beheaded your two brothers."


A dragon yin came from the direction of the end of the sky, resounding through the entire second world of sealed gods.

Dragon spirits shuttled between heaven and earth, converging into a huge Wanlong nest. In the middle of Wanlong's nest, a skinny old man stood, with a pair of dragon horns growing on his head, exuding a mighty spirit.

He is the head of the top ten demon saints of Ming Gexing-a poisonous dragon demon saint!

"He has such a strong dragon power, and he is definitely a super strong of the dragon clan. I didn't expect that all creatures of this level actually appeared." Nine-tailed demon followed.

Xiaohong stared at a teenager standing next to the poisonous dragon demon saint, and said to Ning Xiaochuan in a low voice: "Ning Xiaochuan, he is a fighting **** dragon! I felt another in his body. The breath of the dragon cubs. "

"Huh? Another fighting dragon dragon envoy appeared?" Ning Xiaochuan's eyes fixed, looking at the boy.

The teenager looked only thirteen or four years old, with a thin face and five black sharp claws on the end of his palm.

When Ning Xiaochuan stared at him, the young man's eyes also stared at Ning Xiaochuan.

There was a sneer in his eyes, his eyes sharp, almost like the eyes of a snake.

One arm of the dragon stood in the center of Wanlong's nest, with his arms behind his back, staring at the uncle, saying, "King of the uncle, I did not expect that you and Your Royal Highness fled to the world of Da Yan. The Lord Demon God has explained it. , Be sure to invite you back. "

He especially accentuated the word "please".

Saying: "Do you think you can move me with your current practice? I heard that your practice has improved a lot, or should we fight again in the world of feudal gods?"

One arm poison dragon smiled and said: "There must be a war between us, but not today. Ben Shengjun has a better proposal!"

"Speak to hear," shouted.

A poisonous dragon stared at Xiao Hong and Ning Xiaochuan and said, "My new disciple is a fighting **** dragon warrior. He wants to compete with the fighting dragon dragon next to you. Do n’t know if King Shengjun disagrees? ”

He looked at the young man next to a poisonous dragon arm, and at a glance, he saw that the young man was extraordinary and physically strong like a **** beast. Moreover, his cultivation has reached the fifth level of Wangu Realm.

In contrast, Ning Xiaochuan is now the second most important place in Wangu Realm, which is a total of three realms.

Ning Xiaochuan took a step forward and said, "I am willing to accept his challenge!"

Hearing that, a smile of satisfaction appeared on the teenager's face.

"Ning Xiaochuan, don't be impulsive! With your physique, you can indeed defeat the other monks across three realms. However, that young man is a dragon warrior, and definitely not an ordinary monk in monk . Even in the same realm, he is a great enemy. "King Qingyou advised.

Xue Lingxu's eyes exuded a gleam of aura, glanced at the young man, and said, "His constitution is very special, and he will not be much weaker than the Supreme! He seems to be ... it seems to be devouring the pups of the dragon. It's up! "

"What? As a fighting war god, but devoured the dragon cub? Why is he so cruel?" Xiao Hongdao.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "There should be more than one dragon dragon cub he devoured! There must be other fighting dragons that killed him in his hands. It is really a strong enemy, not to be underestimated!"


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