Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 976: Shen Yun met his deceased by the pool

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Feeling a bit of a dangerous breath, the evil young boy even took out a sacred war talisman, quickly inspiring the power of Fu Run, and threw it into the sky.

An emerald-like green screen with a height of one hundred feet condensed in the void, and even blocked all the attacks of Ning Xiaochuan!

Ning Xiaochuan poured all his supreme qi into the Heavenly Emperor Blade and issued the strongest blow, but there was still no way to break the light screen.

The two horrible energies confronted each other in the air, and the power emitted by them made the golden horns, silver horns, and oblique sons feel extremely depressed, as if something was pressing on their chests.

In the place where Ning Xiaochuan confronted the Xieyi Juvenile, a series of ground fissures appeared, which continued to spread far away. The earth was trembling constantly, and the emptiness and dragon spirit shuttled.

It's hard to imagine that this is just a battle between two young people!

After a quarter of an hour, Ning Xiaochuan's supreme Qi had been exhausted. There was no way to use the Celestial Seal, Dragon Magic Power, the Supernatural Demon Body, and white bone beads, which was a crazy consumption of Supreme Qi.

Ning Xiaochuan's supreme qi is not inexhaustible.

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan's supreme weapon was about to be exhausted, the evil young boy took back that sacred monarch amulet.

His eyes were so cold that he did not expect Ning Xiaochuan to force him to use the sacred amulet, even if it was repaired by a poisonous dragon arm, it would be difficult to gather one.

"Come here today! There is no need to continue fighting!" At this time, the drug dragon's face was a little embarrassed and he had to come out.

Regarding the defeat of the evil boy, the poisonous dragon did not say much. He knows that there are still a lot of evil cards for young boys, but it is not convenient to show them. If those cards are used, Ning Xiaochuan will definitely lose.

On the bright side, the evil young boys dominated.

However, the evil young boy also used the power of the sacred monk Fuyu, which actually fell into the superior.

Even if he continues to fight and wins Ning Xiaochuan, he will only be mocked by the uncle.

"A poisonous dragon, you have received a good disciple, and the potential is not small." He laughed.

The whole Dayan world knows that Ning Xiaochuan cultivates a few people who are annihilating the world, and He is one of them.

He knew that Ning Xiaochuan also had his strongest hole card unused. The power of annihilation.

獠 Of course, I know the power of the destruction of the world. If Ning Xiaochuan really played out with the evil boy, it is hard to say who wins.

However, Ning Xiaochuan's current state of affairs does have a gap with the other party, and if he continues to fight, he will definitely lose.

"Let's go." A poisonous dragon glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, without any expression fluctuations on his face. He just scratched a space crack, and then went in.

"Is Brother just letting them go like this?" Jiu Zi Ziyu was unwilling, but it was impossible to answer him with a poisonous dragon in the space. In desperation, he could only follow.

"Human, remember! My name is Commander, Liangzi." The evil boy said to Ning Xiaochuan with a sneer.

That look is extremely proud!

"Ning Xiaochuan!" Ning Xiaochuan stared at the evil boy slightly.

Ning Xiaochuan also has his own pride. You look down on me, and I look down on you. No one is afraid to fight.

Tooth for tooth, eye for eye.

The evil boy smiled coldly, stepped into the space crack, and disappeared into this space.

The next moment, the space crack also disappeared immediately.

"The fighting power of this fighting **** dragon is far more powerful than we have seen. I believe he has no hole cards, just like the sacred monk Rune he used just now. Ning Xiaochuan, you must be careful next time you meet him . "I said aside.

"I can see it! Anyway, thank you, Grandpa Senior." Ning Xiaochuan hugged his fist in front of Grandpa, and then immediately lifted the union with Xiaohong.

Little Red condenses into an adult form. Turned into a beautiful girl in red, her face pale, as if she had lost too much blood.

She had been seriously injured just after fighting with Liang Gongzi and must be treated immediately.

Seeing this, the king of the Qing Dynasty immediately walked over, took out a healing medicine and handed it to Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "This is a 8000-year-old healing medicine that Uncle and I went to the fourth layer of Fengshen World. Let her go! "

"Thank you."

Ning Xiaochuan took the healing medicine, summoned Yang Xinding, put the medicine into it, and refined it into seven healing medicines with the fire of extinction.

I gave Xiao Hong a suit, and I also took one, and then began to refine the elixir to repair the injury.

An hour later, Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes and saw that Xiao Hong's injury had healed, and she quickly stood up.

"Predecessor Wu, what are your plans for the next?" Ning Xiaochuan knew that this time he must come to them not only because of a poisonous dragon, but also for other reasons.

"We found a pool of Yunshen in the third-level Fengshen World. The energy in it is very special. When you train the body in it, the physique will also change. The longer you train, the better the effect and the stronger your constitution." 獠Road.

"There must be many people who know such a magical place, right?" Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly, and if that was the case, it would be difficult for him to fight again.

Yue Mingsong once mentioned that place, but when Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine-Tailed Demon went to the Third Sealing World, they couldn't find it.

"That place is very hidden, and Uncle Hidden that place with great magical power, others can't feel it, but it's impossible to hide it for a long time. We must rush to Yunshenchi as soon as possible. And ..." Qing King Wang paused, with a smile on his face, and said, "Also, there is an old friend of yours there!"

"Good old friends? Who is it?"

Ning Xiaochuan thought of the moon god, but immediately shook his head. Now the creatures of the Shenhe civilization wantonly enter the feudal god's relic. As the creatures of the Dayan world come in, they will surely become the target of public criticism. The moon **** is very intelligent, and certainly not this Inadvertent.

Except for Luna, Yu Qianqian and Tang Shuyao did not have this ability. Others, only those who are capable, can only enter here.

Don't know who it will be?

"Let's go, you'll know when you go!" Qing Qing Wang sold a pass and didn't say it. Then, he took Ning Xiaochuan and others into the crack in the space opened by Xu and headed for the entrance to the third floor.

Qingfeizi, Princess Xi Xi, Golden Horned Demon Emperor, Silver Horned Demon Emperor, and others all asked Shen Ding to get Xuanhuangqi and successfully entered the third floor.

On the third floor, after two hours of flight, King Qingyu took everyone to an open space.

Fangyuanqianli is a barren landscape. It seems that like the King of Qing Dynasty, Yunshen Lake was hidden by magical powers, and Ning Xiaochuan's Xiuwei didn't see any port.


With his hand pointing at the void in front of him, a ripple spread, and a lake with purple ripples appeared in front of him.

An innocent breath drifted from the lake. Ning Xiaochuan and others just sniffed slightly, and felt that the speed of the supreme Qi in the body turned out to be much faster than before.

"It's so magical! Just smelling it, the speed of the Supreme Qi will become faster!" Qingfeizi felt such a magical effect and couldn't help exclaiming. The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horn Demon Emperor have been screaming!

Ning Xiaochuan and Princess Xi Xi's fixation was not bad. Although they were also very surprised, they didn't yell like the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn.

However, it is strange that a cloud of purple smoke surrounds Yunshen Lake. Ning Xiaochuan and others can only see a distance of more than ten meters. There is no way to see the true picture of Yunshen Lake, which gives people a mysterious feeling. .

"I can't wait, I'm going to temper the body. As long as the body is tempered in Yunshen Pond, my physique can become as strong as the souls of the gods. In the same realm, I can also fight against them in the court." Golden Horned Demon The emperor and Yinjiao Demon Emperor shouted that they would rush in no matter what they were, but they were stopped by Ning Xiaochuan.

King Qingyu said that it was his old friend, and it must be a woman. In case the Golden Horned Emperor and the Silver Horned Emperor rushed in, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't guarantee that he could control himself and not kill.

"Wait a minute! She's almost out!" Whispered softly.

An hour later, the purple scent around Yunshen Lake began to diminish, and disappeared in less than a quarter of an hour. Then, on the surface of the purple pool water, a beautiful woman in a purple shirt emerged. Her temperament was elegant and noble, and every inch of her body's skin was shining.

"Cold smoke!" Ning Xiaochuan looked at the purple cold smoke emerging from the water, her heart fluttered, she was almost like a fairy in the water, touching.

long time no see!

Zi Hanyan stood on the surface of Yunshen Pond, and slowly walked towards Ning Xiaochuan, his eyes were a little crystal clear, and tears flickered.

"Ogawa!" Zi Hanyan's voice shouted almost trembling.

When she reached ten meters away from Ning Xiaochuan, she accelerated her pace and ran towards Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment, she was desperate.

At this moment, she began to cry.

This is a love affair!

Zi Hanyan quickly rushed into Ning Xiaochuan's arms, hugging him tightly, as if he would never let go.

Seeing this scene as if Xi Xi had lost something, her heart was faint in pain, but it was not clear what she had lost.

The golden horned demon emperor and the silver horned demon emperor saw this scene, and immediately became angry. "I wipe, I said, I won't let the two of us in. It turned out to be Shenchi Cangjiao!"

The two of them walked to Princess Xi Xi, whispered to Princess Xi Xi, "Would you like me to help you clean up Ning Xiaochuan?"

"What is the relationship between picking up Ning Xiaochuan and helping me?" Princess Xi Xi was very puzzled why the Golden Horned Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor looked for themselves. They did not have hatred with Ning Xiaochuan. Why should they pack him? Princess Xi Xi felt a little inexplicable.

"Look, that kid is raising a woman here, aren't you angry?" Said the Golden Horned Emperor.

Princess Xi Xi's cheeks were slightly red, and she ignored them.

The Golden Horned Emperor and the Silver Horned Emperor felt boring, and they walked away. "I was jealous, but I pretended not to know, I really don't know if this fox spirit was conceived? Or our two brothers are upright, and their appearance is the same! Yue Elder, do you mean? "

"Hey, aren't you two trying to clean him up? Come here and tell you what to do!" Yue Mingsong smiled wryly and told his idea to them.

Then the three of them became quiet together, with big eyes and small eyes, showing a tacit smile!

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