Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 978: Genius fight

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"You all come to me!" Ning Xiaochuan said to Xue Lingxu and others.

After half an hour, the crowd had all moved closer, looking at Ning Xiaochuan strangely, wondering what he was going to do?

"You will fully excite the Supreme King in your hand to absorb and absorb the energy in Yunshen Pond. Don't be afraid to consume. The Supreme Qi is exhausted, and immediately take the real ghost Shadan." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The crowd did not understand why Ning Xiaochuan wanted them to do so, but they didn't ask much, and immediately acted as Ning Xiaochuan ordered.

Although Xue Lingxu and Qingying Wang had doubts in their hearts, they also cooperated with Ning Xiaochuan and each took out one of the supreme emperor's tools, one of the emperor's bell and one of the phoenix heart feathers. Inspired by their deep cultivation, the two Supreme Emperors absorbed the power of the gods in the pool very quickly.

Seeing this, Ning Xiaochuan quietly started the Xuanshoujian. On the surface of the Xuanshoujian, a light door appeared, and the water in the pond of Yunshen was filled with an endless stream.

Ning Xiaochuan started the Xuanshoujian to start to absorb Yunshen Pool Liquid, but in order to avoid being discovered, he suppressed the speed very slowly, only taking a drop for a few seconds. This is also a way of doing things and cannot be discovered!

The souls of the Shenhe civilization beside Yunshen Pool stared at Ning Xiaochuan and his party so arrogantly. It is very strange to use the Supreme Device to absorb the Shenshen Pool ’s God's power. It ’s very strange.

Even if the quality of the Supreme Device has been improved a little?

Your own strength is the key!

I do n’t know what they think about this kind of troublesome thing?

"Huh! I guess it is the genius who knows that he can't surpass the Shenhe civilization, so he retreated to train the soldiers next!" A **** warrior sneered.

"Brother Huang is right, this must be the case!" Echoed another soul.

The "brother Huang" in his mouth was only one of the few people who could not hold on until he had been tempered in Yunshen Pond for more than a day.

Because of his loss of face, of course he must ridicule the geniuses in Yunshen Pond. In his opinion, he just couldn't hold it because he had not prepared before.

"Brother, what is that kid doing? It's weird!" Jiu Zizi also saw the actions of Ning Xiaochuan and his party, and didn't understand what they were doing?

"I don't know, let Xiaoliang test it out!" Said Dulong.

Liang Gongzi, who was training his body in Yunshenchi, received a voice from Jiuto Ziyan, opened his eyes, looked in the direction of Ning Xiaochuan, and frowned slightly. Then he froze his lips coldly and slowly approached Ning Xiaochuan and others.

As soon as Liang Liangzi moved, Ning Xiaochuan felt it.

He has a strong mind, and he can keep abreast of any wind and grass.

Ning Xiaochuan did not stop, but still controlled Xuanshou Jian not listening to the pool of Yunshen Pool.

Ning Xiaochuan did not release the Xuanshoujian outside, hidden in the heaven and earth Tao Yuanzun, only wrapped the water with the Supreme Qi, and carried it into the Xuanshoujian through the pores.

Even if Liang Liang came here, nothing would be found.

When Liang Gongzi was tens of meters away from Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xiaochuan stopped absorbing.

At the same time, the Qing King and others also stopped running the Supreme Device, and immediately swallowed ten real ghosts. After a moment, the Supreme Qi became full.

Liang Gong stopped and did not approach them again. His eyes were still staring at Ning Xiaochuan tightly, and a coldness came from his eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan smiled a little, seemed unusually calm, looked away from Liang Gongzi, without the slightest timid look.

Now is not the time to fight. Both Liang Liang and Ning Xiaochuan understand this.

Ning Xiaochuan closed his eyes again and continued to train his body.


With a cold hum, Liang Gongzi also began to temper his body, thinking that he must devour Ning Xiaochuan and his Shenlong cub!

One day later, some people were forced to leave Yunshen Pond and could no longer temper their bodies. If it is forcibly tempered, the body may melt.

Ning Xiaochuan and his party, so far, except for the Golden Horned Demon King, Silver Horned Demon King, and Qingfeizi, others have remained in Yunshen Pond.

Ning Xiaochuan, Xue Lingxu, King of Green, Xiao Linger, Xiao Hong, and Princess Xi Xi are all ahead of the crowd, leaving some of the gods' genius behind them.

After seeing Princess Liang, she was unwilling to fall behind and began to step forward.

The same is true of other **** geniuses.

With a sneer, Liang Gongzi greatly increased the speed, and soon surpassed Xue Lingxu and Qingying Wang, getting closer to the center of Yunshen Lake.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Liang Liangzi, and there was no fluctuation in his heart. He knew that Yun Shen Chi's body was hardly fast, and the key was to see who persisted for a long time.

After Ning Xiaochuan walked a distance forward, he began to close his eyes to absorb the power of the gods. After two days of body quenching in Yunshen Pond, Ning Xiaochuan's physique has undergone tremendous changes, physical strength has become stronger, and even the power of the mind has begun to increase.

Ning Xiaochuan felt full of strength, and even without using any increase in the uniform and armor, he could punch a heavenly pride of the Shenhe civilization with a quadruple eternity in one punch.

Xiao Hong and Xiao Linger also felt the same.

Xiaohong is a Shenlong cub. She is much stronger than many human warriors. After this tempering, she becomes even stronger!

Even the Golden Horned Silver Emperor and the Silver Horned Silver Emperor who persisted for only one day in Yunshen Pond, they also received huge benefits. With their current strength, if they meet Lingetuomu again, they will definitely be able to kill him.

Another time later, Ning Xiaochuan has fully adapted to the strength of the location of Yunshen Lake where he is. He started the Xuanshoujian again and began to slowly absorb Yunshen Pool Liquid.

After three days of absorbing one drop at a time, more than 50,000 drops of Yunshen Pool Liquid have been accumulated.

With so many Yunshen Pool Liquids, it is possible to develop an elixir that changes the physique, and then give it to Ning Xin'er and Laohouye to take to improve their physique.

Otherwise, based on the practice of the old prince, if you go directly to Yunshenchi for tempering, I am afraid that if the purpose of tempering is not achieved, you will think that you can't bear the powerful power of Yunshenchi and die.

On the fourth day, some people could not help but were forced to leave Yunshenchi to stop the quenching.

The entire Yunshen Pool has become much more empty. From the original tens of thousands of souls, only a few hundred people remain.

Most of them are elites in the genius of the **** world, except for Ning Xiaochuan and others.

Liang Gongzi opened his eyes and saw that Ning Xiaochuan was still being quenched in Yunshen Pond. His brows were slightly wrinkled, but then he sneered and started to absorb the energy to temper the body again.

On the fifth day, there were fewer people still insisting. The original lively scene in Yunshenchi became sparse, and now only dozens of people are insisting. Each of these people is a famous genius on their planet, and they must continue.

The Yunshen Pond in the Xuanshoujian increased again, reaching 60,000 drops.

On the sixth day, Princess Xi Xi had been unable to persist in leaving Yunshenchi, returned to the side of the nine-tailed demon, and immediately began to sit and practice.

At this time Ning Xiaochuan also felt a little effort, he quietly operated the supreme qi, began to resist the hot power from Yunshen Lake, and slowed down the speed of absorbing energy slightly.

"This feud of gods is really a genius, and it is now the sixth day. There are dozens of people still practicing in Yunshen Pond. We said before that Liang Liangzi must persist for more than five days. It's done. "Those older generations of warriors at Yunshen's pool started talking again.

"Isn't it? That white demon daughter Baiyueer is also insisting, and there doesn't seem to be any pressure to look at her. The constitution of the goddess's girl is so terrible that ordinary creatures are difficult to compare." Another old one Said Wu Shi.

This battle of the gods will surely be fierce!

On the seventh day, Liang Gongzi finally couldn't hold on, and was very unwilling, but had to leave Yunshen Lake.

On the eighth day, King Qingyu and Xiaohong successively withdrew from Yunshen Pond.

King Qingyu looked very relaxed, and did not immediately start practicing like other warriors who came out. He touched his chin with one hand and stared at Yunshenchi. He finally got Ning Xiaochuan: "I never thought Ning Xiaochuan was so strong, uncle, otherwise We will take him back after the Battle of Fengshen, maybe he can help us with that. "

He glanced at Ning Xiaochuan lightly, and said to Qing Qing Wang: "If he can defeat his old enemy, I can think about it!"

Qingying Wang Yingying smiled, "I believe he will be able to do it, pass on the world! Hehe!"

By the ninth day, there were fewer people still insisting.

Ning Xiaochuan and his party left him, Xue Lingxu, and Xiao Linger.

There are only a dozen people in Yunshen Lake who are still insisting. If nothing else, these people must be sub-gods in the future, and even condense the gods and become true gods.

While the crowd was still struggling, a woman walked a distance forward again, and was closer to the center of the pool.

She is the goddess of the white python, the white demon.

Bai Yaoer's talent is really terrible, in this case, she can still move forward. To know. Many people can barely absorb energy in place, and it is extremely difficult to take a step.

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