Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 990: Out of luck

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He nodded and said, "If you can find the divine fluid, it can really help you quickly improve your cultivation. Once you leave the world of Fengshen, it will be difficult to find the divine fluid."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "That being the case, let's look for the Divine Liquid in the Fifth Sealed God World."

Afterwards, everyone began to look for divine fluid, and strived to promote Xiu as soon as possible.

"Hey, do you really have magic fluid? Can you give me a bit?" After the crowd started to act, the monk Tangan quietly came to Yue Mingsong and whispered to him.

"That is, don't look at who I am? But the only drop has been given to Ning Xiaochuan. The kid who killed Qiandao not only did not thank me, but also blame me. Alas, the world is so cold!" Yue Mingsong sighed.

"What? The only drop! How can you give it to him, you should give it to the poor monk!" Said the monk Tangan, with great hatred. It looked as if his wife had been snatched by someone else.

Everyone quickly moved through the fifth world of Fengshen, and every inch of land was not missed, and they were looking carefully.

Along the way, they saw many places with large and small pits, obviously traces of someone digging.

"It seems that someone has come here to find us before, let's change places." Ning Xiaochuan said.

After speaking, he cast Shenlong and flew in other directions, Xueling Xu and others followed closely behind.

After flying for more than three hours, Ning Xiaochuan and others finally came to an unexplored area.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately released his mind and plunged into the ground to look for it.

Divine fluid is the spirit of the divine spirit. After millions of condensates, a liquid is formed. There are two ways to give birth to the divine fluid:

The first is that the gods condense into the divine liquid with their own spirits.

The second is that in the place where the gods fall, a lot of spirits usually remain, and after a long period of incubation, they will turn into divine fluid.

This makes the divine fluid extremely precious. Unless it is the young genius of the Shenhe civilization, otherwise it is impossible for ordinary people to get the divine fluid to help them cultivate.

Ning Xiaochuan and others flew at a low altitude over the land of the Fifth Sealed God World, dozens of meters off the ground, and each of them used their own magical powers to detect the possible existence of divine fluid.

Fifth re-sealed **** world did have a **** fall, but it will not produce too much divine fluid.

It has been more than a month since entering the Fifth Sealed God World, and Ning Xiaochuan did not find a drop of divine fluid.

After ceaseless exploration, they came to a basin-like area.

The ground, hundreds of miles away, was sunken in, like a landform smashed by a huge meteorite.

Ning Xiaochuan and others entered the huge pit and found that there were rubbles everywhere, each of which was very large, more than ten meters high, and scattered all over the place.

Ning Xiaochuan came to a boulder and touched it gently with his hand. No energy residue was found.

"It seems to have formed naturally. I thought it was a meteorite. If it is a meteorite, there must be a sky meteorite around it!" Ning Xiaochuan shook his head slightly.

Celestial God Iron is a very hard material that was left after the destruction of huge stars. Its mass is very hard. A group of adult-head-sized Celestial Iron God has a terror weight of almost 100 million kilograms. Used to worship the Supreme King.

According to Ning Xiaochuan's knowledge, the melee warhammer he obtained was made from the heavenly meteoric iron.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, and then prepared to leave here and continue to look for the magic liquid, but at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly thought of something, and immediately wrapped the whole giant pit with his heart and then began to detect.

After the tea time passed, Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes, "Everyone come with me!"

After speaking, Ning Xiaochuan flew towards the northeast.

The crowd heard Ning Xiaochuan's voice, without any hesitation, they immediately followed up, including the same.

When he came here, he detected the situation here and found no divine fluid. Did Ning Xiaochuan find out?

The same is true of other people. When they came, they also used the mind to carefully probe, but did not find any clues.

Did Ning Xiaochuan find out?

About a quarter of an hour later, Ning Xiaochuan stopped and came to a huge stone. This boulder is twenty-three meters high and three meters wide.

"There should be magic liquid in it!"

Ning Xiaochuan's palm was gently stroked on top of the boulder. Then, he removed his hand and took out the Emperor Blade and chopped it down severely.

"Divine fluid ?!"

Hearing that everyone was a joy, without any hesitation, immediately took out their housekeeping skills and began a crazy attack on the boulder.

He frowned slightly. He couldn't detect whether there was divine fluid in the boulder. Ning Xiaochuan could detect it? Does he have a stronger mind than himself? Or is his heart more special?

The crowd's attacks fell fiercely on the boulder, and every time there was a spark.

Ning Xiaochuan knows why. In the world of Fengshen, all objects are a thousand times harder and ten thousand times harder than the outside. It is not easy to be broken. Now this boulder contains the divine fluid, let alone the hardness.

"Everyone let go!" Ning Xiaochuan saw the hardness of the boulder, immediately took out the giant warhammer, shouted at the crowd, and then flew up to a thousand meters high and held the warhammer vertically.

In addition to 獠, everyone heard Ning Xiaochuan's voice receding immediately, they knew the power of Ning Xiaochuan's move.

"Destroy the stars!"

Ning Xiaochuan smashed on the boulder with a hammer in his hand, a huge roar came out, a large number of stones flew out, and a lot of dust filled the surrounding area.

Xue Lingxu and others successively performed magical powers to bounce off the flying stones, staring closely at the blurry figure in the dust.

While everyone was waiting for Ning Xiaochuan to appear, Ning Xiaochuan once again flew up into the sky, and then slammed heavily.


The powerful wave of power scattered all the dust, and Xue Lingxu and others finally saw the picture that was just blocked by the dust.

I saw that huge stone had been broken and broken by Ning Xiaochuan, and there were cracks everywhere, but the stone was so hard that it was smashed twice by Ning Xiaochuan's giant war hammer and it was not completely smashed.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the giant warhammer in his hand, infused all his supreme energy, and exhausted all his strength.

This time he flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters, and then plummeted down!

The whole ground was shocked, and the boulder finally broke!

The boulder shattered, and a drop of colorful liquid suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This is the magic liquid!

Everyone felt tremendous energy from inside, ten times more powerful than that in Yunshen Pond!

Suppose, using Shenye to make a pool the same size as Yunshenchi, and then let Ning Xiaochuan and others to quench the body, even the eight people who lasted for ten days could not persist for a day!

"Since this drop of divine fluid was obtained by Ogawa, then the divine fluid belongs to him, everyone has no opinion, right?" Zi Hanyan said, not forgetting to look at Luna after he finished speaking, it seemed to be saying, " I'm thinking about him, what about you? "

Everyone agreed. It can be said that they did not give Ning Xiaochuan any help at all in obtaining this drop of divine fluid.

"Everyone don't need to be discouraged. Now that I have got the divine fluid, this is enough to prove that divine fluid really exists in the fifth layer of Fengshen World. As long as everyone continues to work hard, they will be able to find it." Ning Xiaochuan said to the crowd, and they all mentioned After the spirit, began to continue to search for divine fluid.

The monk Tangan looked at the divine fluid that was taken in by Ning Xiaochuan, and he was anxious to **** it up. However, as many people watched, he could not start, so he was very unwilling to say, "Amitabha! Find it next time! Divine fluid, must be given to the poor monk! "

No one paid any attention to the monk Tangan, and went on searching for divine fluid.

Looking for treasures, whoever finds them is always impossible, and it is impossible to teach Tangan monks what they get. Moreover, every time a treasure is encountered, a monk Tangan rushes to the front, and it is difficult to say if everyone can grab him.

The people went all the way to the northwest, and every time they met a place where the magic fluid might appear, they would explore it very carefully and didn't want to miss any chance.

After more than ten days of exploration, the monk of Tangan really found a drop of magic liquid!

This time, Ning Xiaochuan, they came to a very wide plain, the whole plain was very barren, there was no trace of life.

Ning Xiaochuan and others kept searching for the breath of Shen fluid, and at this moment, the monk Tangan was tripped over and suddenly fell on the ground.

"what happened?"

The monk Tangan stood up and patted the dust on his body. He looked strangely to the ground. It turned out to be a fist-sized stone, but how could he be tripped by a small stone because of his repair?

The monk Tangan felt very strange, and hit the stone violently!

The stone immediately shattered, and a drop of liquid, like the divine fluid obtained by Ning Xiaochuan before, exuded colorful light, suspended and appeared in front of the monk Tangan.

"I have found the magic liquid! Haha! Old man, finally found the magic liquid!" The monk Tangan immediately put the drop of magic liquid into his bowl with a thunderbolt, but he couldn't be robbed!

"Monk, you're lucky too!" Xiaohong said.

Unexpectedly, the monk Tangan got the divine fluid after being tripped on the walk. This luck is not something that ordinary people can have.

"Amitabha, thank you for your blessing," said the monk Tangan.

He looked very religious, like the most faithful believer to the Buddha.

If it wasn't for Ning Xiaochuan, they knew the monk Tangan, and I'm afraid he would be regarded as a qualified monk.

"I wipe, this monk can pretend more than I can! If we didn't know him, he would be fooled by him. I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to kick him!"

When Yue Mingsong saw the "religious" appearance of the monk Tangan, he could not help but pulled out a long whip from behind him.

The monk Tangan suddenly screamed like a pig: "I rub, what are you doing?"

The monk seemed to ignore the image and fled.

The crowd was speechless to them, and they continued to search for Divine Fluid.

Along the way, everyone hurried to detect the traces of the divine spirit with their divine power. Although only two drops were found so far, no one gave up.

While Ning Xiaochuan was still looking for Shenye, a large cloud suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ning Xiaochuan raised his head, his eyes narrowed, it was ... the power of the soul!

However, the soul evil they encountered this time is more difficult to deal with than all the soul evil they have encountered in the past.

Because in this soul evil, in addition to dozens of supreme soul evil kings, there are three soul evil kings!

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