When the emperor of heaven and the emperor of spirit kill, the situation suddenly changes. Even if the emperor of cloud falls holds the supreme weapon, he is not the real supreme after all. If he is one against four, he has no chance of winning. What's more, Qingtian emperor must have the supreme secret treasure from chaos supreme. His strength is almost the same as that of Yunluo emperor. One person can resist Yunluo emperor, and the three people beside him can be regarded as helpers.

"Brother Qingtian, that Li Shaoyu has been switched by the emperor Yunluo. I don't know where he's hiding. Maybe he's already in the gale area now." The demon emperor said to the Qingtian God Emperor, and the stabbing weather was once again hidden in the void and disappeared without a trace, hiding in the dark waiting for an opportunity to move.

Qingtian emperor said with a smile: "with my understanding of Yunluo, he will never let such an important person leave him, so I conclude that Li Shaoyu is still here. Isn't that right, cloud falling

The cloud falls the holy emperor to look at the Qing God Emperor one eye to say: "this time you can guess wrong, do you think why I wait for you all to come here?"? If I really want to go, I can't stay with the demon emperor and the thorn. "


At this time, the void behind Qing Tian Shen Huang suddenly split, and a light and shadow flashed by, falling like a meteor to the gale field!

"The plan to divert the tiger from the mountain!" The emperor of heaven found out who was wrapped in the light and shadow for the first time. It was Li Shaoyu who disappeared. It turned out that he had been hiding in the void and did not appear. Now the four people are on the side of Yunluo emperor. No one can stop Li Shaoyu from entering the gale.

Although it was a step late, the emperor of Optimus still made a move. He raised his hand and slapped it down. The vast starry sky broke in an instant. But in the end, he just met Li Shaoyu's tail and failed to keep him.

"I'll kill him!" There was a cold voice in the dark. He sneaked into the gale like a ghost. The defense array of gale didn't stop him. He entered the gale easily.

"How can it be?" said the emperor? The defense array in gale field should be able to repel alien groups. How can it enter gale field easily? " Originally, the biggest reliance on which he made this plan was that the demon emperor and the spirit emperor, as alien race, could not easily pursue to the gale region. That's why he dared to let Li Shaoyu act alone. But now he has even chased into the gale region and killed a great power in the realm of the Immortal Emperor. There is no suspense at all.

"This organization has always been a Terran organization. Although we have trained them for a long time, we have never affected them. Therefore, they are still pure blood Terrans. Naturally, the array of gale field can't prevent them from entering." The emperor sneered, "do you think we haven't come up with a way to deal with the big formation left by the five elements over the years?"

"But I remember that the first race was not a pure human race at all, but a madman with your Protoss blood." Cloud falls, the emperor sinks a voice way.

"The real thorn weather has long been dead. Now thorn weather is a code name. Every leader of the thorn sky organization is called thorn weather, which is just a continuation of inheritance. But you don't know that it's normal. After all, when the sky piercing was destroyed, you cloud people were the main force. Naturally, you don't want to hear about them any more. It's your psychology that made a wrong judgment today and killed Li Shaoyu. " The emperor said in a deep voice.

"I did make a mistake today, but it's hard to say whether Li Shaoyu will die or not." Cloud falls, the emperor laughs.

The emperor sneered and said, "I don't think there will be any accident when an Immortal Emperor goes to kill a great power. Although I know that Li Shaoyu can control the Xinghai array, his head will fall to the ground before he can find an opponent. "

"Nothing is absolute, we can wait and see!" There are two terrible beams flying out of the eyes of the emperor Yunluo, aiming at the direction of the demon emperor. The void is pierced, and the demon emperor is scared to dodge. The figure of the emperor Yunluo appears in the spot where the beam falls, and directly passes the crowd.

"You don't want to help him. Since you think there is a ray of life in everything, why are you so anxious to leave?" With a sneer, the emperor suddenly turned into smoke. At the next moment, he appeared in front of the emperor, blocking the way of the emperor. The bloody halberd in his hand suddenly chopped to the emperor.

"Get out of here!" The cloud falls the holy emperor to burst to drink, wave the sky way book to release a golden light to sweep to the sky, but the sky has no fear at all, using the blood halberd hard fierce golden light in his hand, the two collide in the void, the golden light all around, the void collapses, directly turning the surrounding star sea into a terrible black hole!

Even those who are as powerful as Yunluo emperor will be shaken by the power of tiandaoce. However, the emperor of heaven can resist the power of tiandaoce positively, and he must have the blessing of the supreme utensil.

"I have the supreme boxing ring given by the Lord of God. It's specially for your book of heaven. Today you are destined to die here!" At the same time, the demon emperor and the spirit emperor also killed each other and surrounded the cloud falling emperor in the center with three enemies. In a short time, the cloud falling emperor had no chance to break through.

"Even if I don't help him, Shao Yu will never let me down. Now he is not the weak man before!" Seeing that he could not break through the encirclement, the emperor of cloud fell down to fight, otherwise he might have to put himself in before he could be saved.At this time, Li Shaoyu was surrounded by a group of light and was advancing rapidly. Behind him, a dark shadow was catching up with him at a more terrifying speed. In the process of his journey, the stars were constantly exploding, which made it difficult to bear the pressure from him. Dazhen could defend the whole periphery of the gale, but it could only guard some special weapons inside Stars, not all stars are engraved with Dharma array.

"It's a celebrity who's killing your own people Li Shaoyu said to the shadow who kept chasing after him.

"Compatriots? Go to the compatriots of TM. When we were hunted down, who regarded us as compatriots He said in a cold voice that the distance between Li Shaoyu and Li Shaoyu was getting closer and closer, and he was about to catch up.

"In this case, I don't have any psychological burden to kill you. Although you are wearing the skin of the human race, your heart is already the same as that of the alien race. If you don't have to, I really don't want to kill a strong man of the Xiandi class!" Li Shaoyu sighed and said.

"Kill me? Just you? What a fool's dream Stab the weather fury, and then a sword cut out, sharp sword gas directly tore the universe star sea, along the way countless stars burst, there are also many stars on the guard array, in the stab weather attack arrived, began to move their position in the star sea along a specific orbit.


The light curtain that enveloped Li Shaoyu exploded directly under the attack of the sword Qi of the stab weather, forming a light curtain that blocked Li Shaoyu. However, the attack of the stab weather was too strong, and the guard light curtain was soon full of cracks, and it was almost impossible to hold.

"Since you have chosen to enter the gale area, try the Tongtian array left by the emperor of the five elements!" Li Shaoyu hid behind the light curtain and began to urge the FA formation. Many stars in the gale region began to rotate along a special track, gradually forming a large formation across the star region!

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