Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1001 Experiment (Third update)

Little Huzi took back the pot of wine, and when Ling Yun made the wine master's hand unable to move, he patted it a few times. This pet was so cute.

The old Jiuxian blushed, and was slightly surprised at first, and then broke Ling Yun's spell.

Get used to it, get used to it!

He chuckled, slapped the other hand with his other hand, and muttered: To make you disobedient.

Everyone was stunned...

Ling Yun said: You are too rubbish, you don't deserve the title of Jiuxian.

I want you to take care of it, the wine master said, shaking his head.

At this time, a sharp shout sounded, and a tall, dark-faced young man wearing a black outfit appeared here, looking at the wine master with a look of disdain.

Smelly old man, drunkard? You're a drunkard, you're stupid.

The young man pointed at the wine master and cursed.

As for Ling Yun, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth as he looked at the two people, and a look of disdain flashed deep in the corner of his eyes.

The wine fairy's eyes flashed with murderous intent, his brows furrowed, and he casually let go of his momentum and beat the young man to death with a single palm, leaving the latter with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

He was only in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor. He usually relied on his family's reputation to bully the good and fear the evil. This time, he was kicked against the iron plate, and his death was too painful.

Huh, I hate it the most in my life when people point at me and scold me. Jiuxian said angrily, the murderous aura emanating from his body not weakening.

Everyone was shocked. That young man was the young master of the first family of Death Island. They secretly thought that he was a drunkard and even the first family did not look down upon him.

Ling Yun began to appreciate Jiu Xian, and his personality was the same as his.

The Jiu Xian immediately turned to Ling Yun with a smile and said, It's funny, it's funny.

Ling Yun shook his head and said he didn't care. It wasn't him who was causing trouble.

I don't have much time. It's time to go back. I want to ask you something. Does the Living Grass know about it?

One cup!

Drink you to death! Ling Yun rolled his eyes at him and gave him a drink.

Hehe... The wine master took a sip happily. This time he was smarter and tasted it slowly.

The person next to me immediately said: I know, I said, give me a drink too...

Before he finished speaking, the wine master flicked his sleeves and the person who spoke flew out the door. It seemed that he was slightly injured and was fine.

Ling Yun didn't care either, as long as the Jiuxian knew about it!

Hey, it's funny. I have a living grass in my hand. I can exchange one for a pot of wine. How about it?


Ling Yun nodded happily.


After the Jiuxian took out the Life Spirit Grass, Ling Yun took one look at it and sprayed the wine all over the floor.



I lost my temper, I'm sorry! This is... the living grass?

I promise, and those present can also prove it. The Jiu Xiang's face was filled with a smile, and he was probably trying not to laugh.

Everyone was speechless for a while. Is this grass worth a pot of wine? They all wanted to replace the Brewmaster.

The waiter came over, smiled and pointed at the living grass in the Jiuxian's hand and said: Your Majesty, this is the living grass!

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, it was different from the living grass in his mind, but after Ling Yun checked it carefully, he found that the effect was really the same as the living grass.


Awkward! !

In the woods just now, he saw this pile of grass and kicked it twice.

Boy, don't you regret it? The wine master held a pot of wine and drank happily.

It's a joke, am I like that? Ling Yun smiled silently, then he put away the living grass and the transaction was completed.

The Jiuxian said: If you want it in the future, you can ask me. This grass is very rare.

Ling Yun: ...

I believe you, this drunken old man, is very bad.

Ling Yun still felt that it was worth losing a pot of Immortal Brewing Wine for this Living Grass. This wine was considered ordinary in his dimension, so he should treat it to the Immortal Brewing Master.


Ling Yun was beaten hard!

She... why is she here? Damn, yo yo...

After Ling Yun said this, he immediately flashed into the Thunder Gate. After several twists and turns, he returned to the palace through the black hole.

Jiuxian and others were confused...

Ling Yun returned to the shrine and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was speechless for a while. The goddess of life was actually on the Island of Death and he almost ran into her.

Thinking of the first time they met, he was wearing a mask, but he was still pestered. This woman seemed to be the fate of his life. He should hide if he could.

My spiritual sense sensed that the little guy and Beibei were still sleeping. They were sleeping in pretty good positions and were covered with quilts.

The little one has a habit of kicking the quilt, so Beibei should have woken up and covered her up again.

Lingyun Void refined the Myogenic Pill and immediately called Rex over.

My lord, do you have any instructions for your subordinates?

Rex dropped to his knees and came quickly as always.

Take it.

Ling Yun said calmly, and with a wave of his hand, a muscle-stimulating pill exuding a strong fragrance of pill appeared in the void.

This is the elixir that can help people die and be reborn. Ling Yun refined a total of ten pills in one furnace. If the elixir king knew about it, he would vomit blood again.


Rex stared at the Myogenic Pill in the void. Although he didn't know what it was, he grabbed it.

This is a myogenic pill. As long as you take it, your arms will grow back.

Myogenic Pill? Isn't it lost? Rex was surprised and felt excited.

There is no elixir that I cannot refine.

Ling Yun pretended to be a pussy!


After Rex thanked Ling Yun, he swallowed it in one bite and sat cross-legged on the ground.

boom! ! !

As the Myogenic Pill entered the body, a terrifying energy erupted from Rex's body, and a green energy was released directly from the pill, wrapping his body in it.

All the energy in the Myogenic Pill surged toward Rex's broken arm.

Soon, the muscle cells in Rex's broken arm began to change. New muscles and cells began to grow in the broken arm, and they were expanding rapidly. Obviously, this myogenic fruit really made people feel good. The effect of rebirth after a broken arm.


Rex let out a growl, a look of pain on his face, and his gums clenched.

And a new arm has begun to grow where his broken arm was, and green light lingers all over his body.

A full minute passed before Rex's broken arm actually grew a new arm.

It was exactly the same as the previous arm, except that it was whiter and thicker than before, and it exuded a special aura.

boom! ! !

With the rebirth of his broken arm, Rex's strength also broke through at this moment, directly reaching the level of the Sixteenth Immortal Emperor, and he has not stopped yet, continuing to impact the Seventeenth Immortal Emperor.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, there were roaring sounds in Rex's body. His blood suddenly boiled, and his blood vessels swelled as if they were about to explode. Rex's face became extremely red and ferocious, which was very scary to see.

As the blood in Rex's body boiled violently like boiling water, a terrifying force burst out from the blood.

Ling Yun could see that he was in pain, but he had no intention of taking action.

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