Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1017 Interstellar Pirates (First Update)

Everyone stood up and applauded, and the female monks loved them even more. Butterflies flew all over the sky and lingered for a long time.

Lord Taishang's piano skills were superb, and they thought about it and hoped that he could play the same song as Queen Yaoyue.

Can we do it again?

A certain monk shouted.

Yes, on such a beautiful day, I should play more music and dance more.

Many people started to boo!

Ji Wushuang was angry. These people were so heartless that they behaved even though they got an advantage.

Beibei looked at Ling Yun, but couldn't see Ling Yun. The little guy was just in a daze, at a loss.

Ling Yun suddenly appeared and took them away, saying, Just once, there is still a chance.

Everyone was disappointed, but no one dared to speak out again.

Su Min's red outfit was designed by An Qing. The moment she appeared on the stage, she stunned the eyes of the monks from the twelve realms. Beautiful! !

Walking on a thousand-meter red carpet, walking on flower petals, the air around me is fragrant.

Xin Zhao blushed and was stunned!

Xiao Xinzi, you have to treat her well in the future. An Qing said.


Xin Zhao nodded stupidly, with a silly smile on his face.

Su Min's two sisters and the bridesmaids personally handed Su Min's hand to Zhao Xin and said in unison: If Seventh Sister cries in the future, we sisters will let you know what sisterly love is.

Xin Zhao smiled affectionately, shook his head and said, No.


Oh, it's beautiful.

It's beautiful.

The three little guys said in unison.

Everyone cheered, and the petals from the sky were scattered again. There was no need for fireworks during the day, so Ling Yun did not ask the Sixth Guardian to prepare.


The butterflies from the Nine Heavens were once again summoned by Lingyun to send blessings for a magnificent wedding banquet.

After Zhao Xin and Su Min paid homage to heaven and earth, they knelt down in front of Emperor Wuzu and Yang Dongshi to serve tea. The two elders were happy and reminded Zhao Xin to be a human being and remember to treat his precious daughter well in the future.

Xin Zhao patted his chest and assured that Su Min, whom he knew well, was the most beloved daughter of Emperor Wuzu.

Emperor Wuzu's eyes were red, and his tone was a little choked as he followed Su Min and said a lot of words, looking very reluctant to give up.

The time has come!

Everyone welcomed them out, and the Zhao family's family protection team came to escort them.

have they gone?

so fast?

The little guy mumbled, wondering if she was eating too slowly and didn't even wait for her.

Not too slow?

After taking a bite, I looked at So Min for a few minutes, laughing from time to time.

Ling Yun was not in a hurry. He followed at the end and waited for the three young ancestors.

Daddy, hurry up...

Ling Yun: ...

Arriving at the entrance and exit of Jiuchongtian, there was a sea of ​​people here. There was only one path in the middle, and both sides were blocked by guards.

Ling Yun estimated that most of the people from Jiuchongtian came out to see him off.

People from Tianmen?

The leading Taoist Qingshan was not there, only Elder Xiang and Elder Wang were followed by a hundred disciples of their Tianmen.

Ling Yun was a little surprised that they didn't leave. He didn't know what he was thinking. He guessed that Tianmen was also sold by Yang Erhuang without knowing it at all.

Ji Wushuang shouted: Emperor, I'm waiting for you.

Ling Yun nodded, he could set foot on the Ark at any time, there was no rush.

Congratulations to Miss Seven.

People in Jiuchongtian were waving their hands.

Seeing Su Min boarding the largest ark with his own eyes, Yang Dongshi burst into tears at this moment.

Emperor Wu Zu said: It's a good day, why are you crying?

You heartless person, your daughter is already married far away, and you still won't let me cry for a while. Yang Dongshi wiped her tears and said.

Ling Yun led the three little guys to the Martial Ancestor God Emperor and said with a smile: Be careful.

With an inexplicable sentence, the Emperor Wuzu didn't know what to make of it.


When he thought of Tianmen, he said, You should be careful.

He was also worried about what would happen if Ling Yun went to Ark and the people from Tianmen appeared on the way, so he immediately arranged an Ark to personally escort them for a part of the journey.

The Nine Heavens was completely closed after their ark left not far away.

The people from Tianmen went to chase Ling Yun, but Guiying and others blocked their way. The old man in black robe who took the lead wanted an explanation at this moment.

Ling Yun stood on the bow of the ark, staring into the distance, while three little guys were playing nearby.

There was a mighty line of six arks, and one of them was a bodyguard arranged by Emperor Wuzu. He would only come back after being sent to Bishui Planet.

Zhao Xin and the others were all inside, please be happy, chatting and laughing all the time, while An Qing and Qianye were with Su Min in the cabin.

It's still a long way from Jiuzhongtian to the Twin Stars. It will take at least ten hours and two hours of driving.

Ling Yun said: Stop!

Almost at the same time, the Ark stopped, and everyone almost fell down.

When Zhao Xin and Ji Wushuang learned about the situation outside, they immediately ran out and stood behind Ling Yun.

The little one was sleeping in the cabin of the boat, and little Erin was playing mobile games next to her.

Only Beibei, a little child, crept out to see what was going on.

You group of interstellar pirates are lawless, aren't you? Ji Wushuang said angrily. These dogs are hard to catch and clinging to people.

Don't you know this is the Ark of the Nine Heavens? A subordinate of the Emperor Wuzu said coldly.

Beibei was lying on the bow of the boat, and what he saw was a dense crowd of people, and there were more than a dozen arks of various sizes parked not far away.

The interstellar pirate leader laughed loudly: So what if you know, so what if you don't know.

Brother, don't talk nonsense to them, just rob them. A certain pirate said arrogantly.

Ling Yun said calmly: Are you looking for death?

The interstellar pirate looked disdainfully and said with a smile: Yes, I really want to die.

A certain pirate trembled and said: Brother, the information is wrong, he is too great a king.

What? Did you see clearly? Look carefully. The pirate leader was stunned for a moment.

You can't go wrong.

But we have no choice. The pirate leader was flustered and his hands and feet were sweating.

Brother, what should we do?

Let's go, God will not let us go. Your lives should not end like this.

No, no matter what, we will all die, so what about the Supreme Lord? We believe in Pluto, so just kill them. A certain pirate's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Good brother, what I'm saying is that no matter what, it's a dead end, let's kill him. The pirate leader shook his body and was full of confidence.

Xin Zhao frowned, not knowing what they were muttering just now, and shouted: What kind of interstellar pirates are you?

There are many pirate organizations, ranging from first-rate to third-rate pirates.

The pirate leader stepped forward and said in a deep voice: I just want to be smart, Zhang Tianbao.


Many people laughed out loud.


Ling Yun's mouth twitched when he heard this, another group of pathetic people, and they are so witty!

Come on! Brothers, don't be timid, just do it. Kill one of them, and you will make money if you kill a pair.

Zhang Tianbao gave the order directly. They relied on the strength of their numbers, and their shouts resounded throughout the stars.

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