Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1021 Suicide (Second update)

Yang Erhuang tried his strength!


With a palm strike, the roaring thunder force instantly spread to a radius of ten feet, forming a huge thunder shield. Under it, the huge power almost annihilated the Nine Heavens.

Such power was so overbearing that all the mountain peaks were destroyed.

The Nine Heavens is broken...

The rest is still falling apart!

Tai Shenjun, are you sure? The Martial Ancestor God Emperor asked in shock.

Ling Yun smiled and said: Old man, sit down and have a rest. There is a show to watch.

The corner of the Martial Ancestor Divine Emperor's mouth twitched. Only the Supreme Emperor could smile at this moment.

Smile, laugh, that's right, you won't be able to laugh anymore. Yang Erhuang stared at Ling Yun and said through gritted teeth.

Ling Yun simply seemed to have given up resistance and sat quietly. The Emperor Wuzu was extremely worried for him.

Go to hell!

Yang Erhuang couldn't help but burst out his power.


Wave after wave of extremely powerful true thunder energy was continuously discharged from his body, like a roaring river.

A thunder ball with a diameter of half a foot condensed in front of him. The terrifying thunder ball split suddenly and turned into terrifying thunder knives, surging all over the sky, sinking and floating, and surrounded his body.

As Yang Erhuang roared loudly, he blasted out.

boom! !

Thousands of thunder knives fell from the void and struck the earth. In an instant, the earth seemed to be devastated, rioting and boiling. Under the impact of the thunder knives, huge clouds were broken piece by piece.


Seeing that some of these thunder knives penetrated his back instead of rushing toward Ling Yun, Yang Erhuang's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

Thunder and lightning struck down in the sky, chasing Yang Erhuang.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor wiped his eyes, what's going on, self-abuse?

Aren't those thunders summoned by Yang Erhuang?

Ling Yun is the only one who keeps smiling and uses thunder to deal with him? It's just pure suicide.

who is he?

Those thunder dare to strike? In the end, there was no need for Ling Yun to explain whoever struck Yang Erhuang. Those thunders were very good at it.

Yang Erhuang was frightened as he ran. He wondered why the thunder in his body began not to listen to him.

I don't believe in evil. Let's go to death together and destroy everything.

Yang Erhuang was hit by dozens of thunder knives, but the thunder still refused to let him go. He almost couldn't resist it, and planned to die together.


He rushed towards Ling Yun, vowing to take away Ling Yun and the Martial Ancestor God Emperor. This terrifying thunder and lightning would definitely ravage the Nine Heavens.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor was startled and planned to start the strongest defense. There were too many people and he could only protect like this.


The closer Yang Erhuang gets to Ling Yun, the more thunder will appear in the sky. His own thunder and lightning is also destroying Yang Erhuang's body. At the same time, the sky and the earth become a sea of ​​thunder.


Yang Erhuang looked up, his face was ashen, thousands of thunders were falling, and there was a thunder mark on the sky above his head.

The huge thunder seal condensed in the void of the thunder sea, rumbling and vibrating. The extremely powerful thunder power exploded thousands of space vortices, brewing invincible power.


Everyone watched with fear, as if their hearts did not belong to them.

Yang Erhuang's energy and blood surged, and he felt that his own energy had increased several times.

Every time he moves around, the powerful thunder energy is like a thunderbolt, falling in the body, brewing a terrifying power that shakes the earth.

It's a mess...

It’s a mess…

He finally realized that he was wrong. The thunder and lightning in his body wanted him to die, so he committed suicide this time.

Boom boom boom!

There was a huge explosion, and the energy surged up. Before Yang Erhuang could wait for the thunder seal to kill him, he was exploded by the power in his body.

The Martial Ancestor God Emperor couldn't bear to see it and sighed.

Jiuchongtian was completely destroyed this time, and those who survived were shocked.

Why is this happening? The Martial Ancestor God Emperor was full of questions, those thunders were weird.

Ling Yun said: You will not be able to live if you do your own evil. God can't stand it.

Emperor Martial Ancestor: ...

Ling Yun snapped his fingers, and the land around him began to condense, and the wood was still reorganized.

a moment later

A medium-sized palace has been restored, and its momentum is no worse than the previous main hall. I plan to have a place to settle down when Su Min arrives. After all, she is the bride.

Ling Yun nodded with satisfaction and calculated the time. Zhao Xin and the others should be coming soon. He already knew that Tianmen stopped them.

Beibei, this child, secretly played Elder Xiang to death during the battle between the two sides, and he did it without anyone noticing.

Anyway, Elder Xiang was angry and unwilling to die, so he went to get the lunch in a daze.


She was the first to know that Ling Yun was in Jiuchongtian, so she came over first.

What are you doing, Beibei?

I'm looking for treasures. Beibei's voice was in the ruins behind Ling Yun.


The corner of the Martial Ancestor God Emperor's mouth twitched, as if he heard other voices.

Not only him, but also Yang Dong and others heard it. They didn't doubt that they heard it wrong. They all looked around.


A stone was thrown away, and Beibei stuck out his head. It was so cute that everyone could see it clearly.

Oh my God!

Has this kid always been there?

They didn't know when Beibei came, and there was no one around her except Ling Yun. Who wouldn't be surprised if she could survive this big explosion.

What did you find? Ling Yun asked.

Beibei smiled and narrowed her eyes, shaking a bunch of storage rings in her hand, which contained some spiritual stones.

There is still one.

She pointed to the sword at her feet. This sword was a bit strange. She couldn't see through it. It was taken from Elder Xiang's storage ring.

Ling Yun looked back and said with a smile: Beibei found a treasure.

Huh, what treasure? Beibei immediately cheered up.

Ling Yun stopped talking and asked Beibei to put it away.

Emperor Wuzu saw it, and he was shocked: Isn't this a cursed sword?

No, take it out quickly, you can't have it.


He had always heard that there was a sword in the Twelve Realms. This sword was ordinary, but every owner of it met a bad end.

Beibei was a little frightened by the expression of Emperor Wu Zu, and she ran to Ling Yun's feet.


Don't be afraid, Beibei is so timid.

Beibei blinked, said nothing, curled his lips.

Emperor Wu Zu said again: Emperor, have you listened to me?

Father, why are you so loud? You scared little Beibei.

The fifth sister slowly walked towards Beibei, and then started to tease her, and the latter also played with her. The fifth sister said she would take her to find the treasure, and she was very happy.

The Emperor Wuzu turned to the second prince and said, Go and count, how many of our people have died, and how many of the Nine Heavens people are left?

Yes, Father.

The second prince responded that he didn't want to leave and wanted to know the origin of the cursed sword his father mentioned.

Mrs. Yang Dong came over, smiled, and then said: I am so happy that An Qing can marry you. I am also happy. Thank you, God.

You're welcome. They are ready to come back. You can wait over there. Ling Yun pointed to the west with a smile on his face. He had a good image of Yang Dongshi.

Okay, you guys chat.

With the support of Sixth Sister, the group of them walked towards the west. Only the Emperor Wuzu and Ling Yun were left in this area.

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