Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1026 Return to God Realm (First update)

Ling Yun shook his head!

at the same time!

He was very sure that Qianye must have encountered something in the Monster Clan.

After Ziran regained his memory, he gave Qianye a set of god-level training techniques of the ancient colorful divine phoenix. Now Qianye is different from what he used to be. He is the emperor of the fire phoenix and a growing BOSS!

What makes her Phoenix Yuan more powerful than the Blood Dragon Yuan is that it can affect the chaos of monsters in the two star regions no matter where it is.

Ling Yun had no time to care about the monsters in the Tianyang Mountains. He stood up and looked at the little guy, then fell asleep again.

Most of the Templars in the Gods and Demons Continent went to suppress the monsters. For them, it was both a blessing and a curse.

The church had a tacit understanding and did not notify Xin Zhao. After all, it was the wedding night.

A speechless night!

Early the next morning, the little guy woke up unhappy and muttered.

The reason is that Ling Yun cheated last night and didn't tell a story, and the child still couldn't forget it.

The little guy is also easy to fool. Ling Yun gave her a can of Wangzi, and she immediately forgot about what happened last night, laughed loudly, and even rubbed it on Ling Yun's face.

Bishui Star has nothing to do without them. Ling Yun is about to return to the God Realm. An Qing reminds him to go to the Monster Clan to avoid Ling Yun regretting it in the future.

Ling Yun still shook his head!

The little guy was reluctant to leave Mother Zhao and Long Jiani, and didn't want to leave yet. Ling Yun could only let her play until noon, while the little guy muttered.

Long Jiani was shocked when she woke up in the morning. Her strength was the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor!

Oh my God!

Cultivation is too simple, just experiencing pain.

She admired Ling Yun so much that she had the highest level of cultivation in the entire Bishui Star. After all, Zhao Xin was the Seventeenth Immortal Emperor.


She can't beat Xin Zhao.

Outsiders couldn't see her cultivation at all, and the skills Ling Yun gave her were very well concealed.

Her apprentice Duan Tianya said outside the courtyard: Master, something happened in the Tianyang Mountains.

What's going on? Long Jiani frowned. She hadn't heard about the situation in the Tianyang Mountains for a long time.

Duan Wuxue on the side said: Back to master, I heard that it is a large-scale beast tide.

The two brothers and sisters became disciples of Long Jiani, and their strength has improved by leaps and bounds. For more than ten years, the man is handsome and the woman is beautiful.

Long Jiani was very satisfied with their brothers and sisters. Their cultivation had reached the level of distraction, and they could be regarded as true disciples of some major sects.

I know, you go and exercise, safety first. Long Jiani waved her hand, she wanted to thank Ling Yun.

The little guy came here right now, holding Mother Zhao's hand with a smile on his face.

Auntie, auntie!

The milky and milky voice almost melted Long Jiani's heart.

Mother Zhao said: Jani, you are not young anymore. Sissi is so cute. Don't you want to have one?

Long Jiani shook her head and smiled, and said, What are you talking about? The little princess is cute, but I don't want to find my partner so quickly.

Mother Zhao was displeased: Look at your brother, he has already done everything, why are you still procrastinating like this?

Don't worry about it. Long Jiani shook her head, her face turned red.

Auntie, auntie!

The little guy can be annoying.

What's wrong, hee hee.

Let's play hide and seek.

The little guy spent his time playing with them, during which time Beibei and little Irene also joined.

Noon time.

Ling Yun took them back to the God Realm. They had had enough fun and had nothing to miss. For them, they could come whenever they wanted.

After An Qing came back, she was called by Empress Hanyue in a mysterious manner.

The three little guys followed Ling Yun to the Divine Peak, where several gods were there and they were very busy.

Dong Shen Zun is practicing in seclusion and was attacked by Rex. There are also Bei Shen Zun and Bai Shen Zun who went to practice on the star sea and are not here either.

There was only one God of Wealth left in the entire mountain, and he was anxiously discussing trivial matters with other generals.


Ling Yun suddenly spoke up.

Greetings to the Emperor. Everyone saluted in unison.

Why are you the only ones here? What are you busy with? Ling Yun asked.

The scene suddenly became awkward!

After hearing the explanation from the God of Fortune, Ling Yun frowned. What if the enemy attacks at this time?


Handsome man.

Yanran is in the back garden, you go find her. Ling Yun said.

The little guy turned his eyes gloomily and followed Beibei and the others.

Ling Yun exhaled and scolded everyone present for not having any sense of safety.

Everyone lowered their heads and listened carefully to Ling Yun's teachings. They did not dare to refute, it was all true.

Thank you, Lord Emperor, for your warning.

You guys get busy.

Ling Yun was too lazy to talk, wasting his words, doing things more and more unmeasured, and feeling tired.

Getting rich and managing affairs, do you think the emperor is angry? Immeasurable Heavenly Lord said.

Isn't this nonsense?

Now that the emperor is the strongest, we are arrogant. After he came out of the fatal hole, we relaxed our minds. The God of Fortune sighed, with a look of regret in his eyes.

Ling Yun went directly to the cave where Nan Shen Zun practiced. The latter still had not reshaped his body and had been practicing hard.


Nan Shen Zun screamed in horror, his tone a little panicked. He had entrusted the boss to seal off the cave and practice in peace. At this moment, there was something strange at the entrance of the cave.

Young man, you know how to live a good life. Ling Yun smiled bitterly and walked straight in.


Nan Shen Zun, who was in the Nascent Soul state, had a look of surprise on his face.

Yes, I also know how to be cautious when practicing, not much. Ling Yun praised.

That is necessary. Nan Shen Zun replied arrogantly.

Ling Yun smiled mysteriously and said, Relax, don't resist.

Before Nan Shen Zun understood what it meant, his movements were restricted by a force.

After a burst of golden light disappeared!

Nan Shen Zun was shocked, his physical body? came back!

Oh my God!

He had known the Supreme Lord for eight thousand years before he knew that he had this ability. So when he reshaped his body, his face turned dark when he thought about it.

This... this... this is not a demon, it's real! Nan Shenzun patted his chest, with a look of shock on his face.

Are you getting used to it?

Ling Yun asked, he was quite satisfied with this physical body. Even the body of the Immortal Emperor, Nan Shen Zun did not need to practice anymore.

You can defeat many early-stage Immortal Emperors just by relying on your physical strength.

Satisfied, satisfied, Emperor, you are so awesome, thank you.

Nan Shen Zun was so moved that his cultivation level actually recovered. Immortal Emperor Sixteen, it would take at least hundreds of thousands of years to rebuild to reach the previous cultivation level, and it would also require a lot of resources.

Now that Ling Yun helped him finish the job in one go, how could he not be shocked? How not to be moved?

Ahem...the materials are not cheap.

Ling Yun's words are true. He didn't even use that much to help Ji Wushuang reshape his body. He only used some ancient materials from his weak points.


Nan Shen Zun was moved again, with tears in his eyes.

I don't want to do anything else. I just want to do good things for the God Realm. Go out. Don't say that I helped you. Do you understand?

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he disappeared. He still needed to help Zhong Shen Zun, who was also trying to prevent Pisces Continent from fighting with the Ghost King and was blasted into Nascent Soul.

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