Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1032 Encountering a Tide of Beasts (First Update)

Outskirts of the forest!

Fifteen students said with pale faces and trembling hands and feet. Opposite them were a group of wild wolves, a group of monster beasts that kill without blinking an eye.

They were chased all the way, and their strength was exhausted, so they had no choice but to ask for help.


With a hiss, the wild wolf's eyes looked very frightened, and then he ran away without leaving a trace.

Just when they thought they were saved, another roar came.

What appeared in front of them was a five-meter-tall chimpanzee. He was so powerful that he could almost blow them away with one breath.

The two teaching assistants shook their heads when they arrived. The chimpanzees were not enough to see. As intern teaching assistants, their sisters were at the peak of the Immortal Lord's strength.

Empress Linglong also came with their two little guys!

Sister, what is it? Is it a monster? The little guy hid behind Beibei and stuck out his head again.

Anthracene... let me think about it! Beibei muttered, pressing her temples with her fingers, and after thinking hard for a while: It's King Kong!!

The little guy blinked and curled his lips and said: It's so ugly, it's not even the Gourd King Kong.

Beibei: “…………”

No one said yes, Beibei's head was covered with black lines.

A certain assistant teacher slapped the chimpanzee away, and the chimpanzee flew into the sky like a shooting star.

The little guy laughed!

Sister, there is a shooting star. It flashed for a while. Did you see it?

It's a gorilla.

Yeah, it's a star.

Empress Linglong told the students that this place is very dangerous and they should rest where they are. It was very unusual that a chimpanzee with the power of a true immortal appeared outside.


tread! tread!

There were many voices, and Empress Linglong frowned, her consciousness swept over, and she panicked for a second.

Everyone pay attention. It's a tide of beasts. There are many monsters rushing over.

Yes! The two assistant teachers looked at each other and nodded in unison.

After the fifteen students took a breath of relief, they paid careful attention to their surroundings.

Come here quickly and hide behind. Empress Linglong touched the heads of the two little guys and protected them behind her.

The two of them like to watch the excitement, and they are just curious about the billowing dust in the distance.

First batch!

It was the wild wolves just now. They rushed over with all their might, and Empress Linglong snorted coldly, cursed them for being stupid, and struck them to death with one palm.

After the wild wolf dies, the skin left behind is also valuable. At this time, everyone can only hope and dare not leave easily.

There was a fishy smell in the air. The little guy pinched his nose and his ears moved.

Beibei took out her sword and came out, using it as a support rod without using any force, it was as stable as an old clock.

Tsk tsk...who are you, that sword? Incredible, a divine weapon.

A certain voice sounded from mid-air, followed by a large phantom hand reaching over.

Such a treasure is not something you can possess, be wise.

Empress Linglong frowned and struck a palm!


Oh? Are you from the God Realm? It's interesting, but you think you can keep it!

Her voice sounds like that of an old woman!

Her voice could be heard in the air but her person could not be seen. Empress Linglong had to hold the old woman back to prevent the aftermath of the fight from harming the little ones.

When she jumped into the air, she gave the little guy and Beibei a shield to protect them both. The light blue halo was really beautiful.

You all don't leave, I'm going to kill the greedy old woman. Empress Linglong said a lot, but she didn't know what the outcome of the battle between the two would be.

The little guy raised his beautiful eyes and looked at the colorful sky, which was the brilliance of the collision of martial arts.


tread! tread!

The second wave of wild wolves came again, and Empress Linglong still had her hands free. She killed many wild wolves with one palm, but there were too many of them.

Are you still distracted? Haha, the warm-up is almost over.

The old woman's figure was so fast that Empress Linglong could hardly catch her.

The assistant coach said: The strength of the wild wolves is relatively low. Let's kill a wave of them. Be careful not to be devoured. Watch out for the princesses.

The little assistant teacher looked at the dense crowd of wild wolves, his eyes almost closed.

With this amount of attack and HP, I'm afraid she can't even take a slap from herself. It's just that there are so many of them, it's difficult to deal with them.


The wolf king roared, and the pack of wolves surrounded and attacked, grinning and roaring again and again.

Just in time.

The assistant coach didn't dodge, he kicked off his right leg and, like a cannonball, he ran straight into the pack of wolves.


A wild wolf pounced directly on the little guys' shield and opened its mouth to bite them.


The little guy laughed so hard that he covered his stomach and kept laughing at the wolf for being so stupid.

The wild wolf was so sad that his teeth fell out. It was really funny.

Almost everyone punched one, and all the wild wolves fell into a pool of blood. The ground was littered with corpses of monsters.


The roar of the beast soaring into the sky, like a volcano erupting, shook the earth and the earth, pressing from all directions. It was so majestic that the whole forest was filled with the roar of the beast like thunder.

Empress Linglong looked horrified and said angrily: Old woman, are you serious? Even if you take the eldest princess's artifact, the God Realm will not let you go, and the Supreme God will not let you go either.

This is beyond your control, haha. It's enough to hold you back, they? They will die under the tide of beasts, tsk tsk.

The old woman still didn't show her true face. Her figure was erratic, flickering here and there.

The Linglong Empress was so angry that she vomited blood. She was entangled and was unable to do anything. She couldn't defeat the weird old woman.

Oops, it looks like there was a fight just now. There was too much blood, which attracted more beasts. It seems we need to escape quickly! the assistant coach exclaimed.

The little assistant teacher has already judged such a terrifying beast roar.

Definitely not an ordinary beast tide, but an intermediate beast fire bear! The strength of the Fire Bear is almost equivalent to that of a true immortal.

Looking at the size of this beast tide, there are almost more than three hundred fire bears. If these three hundred fire bears rush in together, the scene must be very spectacular. Do they still have a foothold?

The collective roar of more than three hundred monster beasts with true immortal strength can crush a huge mountain in an instant.

Therefore, when they saw such a scene, everyone was suddenly shocked.

Sister...we can't escape, the assistant coach said.

If they escape and disperse, the casualties will be even more severe. When they came to practice, An Qing repeatedly promised to ensure the safety of everyone.

As many people as you bring out, you must bring back as many as you bring back. In short, no one can be missing.

Then you stay here and I charge forward to kill you. I can still fight, no problem.

As the assistant coach spoke, he rushed forward and slapped him one after another.

There were so many fire bears that they surrounded the big assistant and even came to the little assistant.

Watch the princess.

The little assistant coach had to fight.

The fire bears with true immortal strength must be a bit sensitive and dare not attack the little guys, so the fifteen students hiding behind them were fine, but all of them looked pale.

There are so many.

The little guy frowned slightly and said, the scene was better than the animation, so she took a video and prepared to return to Blue Star to show off to Lin Qiuyan.

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