Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1036 Qingyan (second update)

Ling Yun took a breath and walked in slowly because it was too dark.

He took out a lighting stone and suspended it in the air! !

Wow, that's a lot of roads.

This way.

The two little guys pointed to a strip in the middle, which had several words written on it. It was so old that Ling Yun didn't want to read it.

After turning five or six corners!

The vision gradually became clearer, and the cave gradually became wider.

Has anyone really come in here? ! !

Ling Yun thought about it and realized that this cave was in the deepest part of the forest, surrounded by monsters with the strength of the Immortal Emperor. Who dared to come?

Beibei was so happy that she came down to lead the way!


She hit a transparent glass wall and touched her forehead in pain.

Ling Yun pressed his big hand, and the strange glass wall disappeared. Beibei punched and kicked the original glass wall, which made people laugh.

This cave!

Like an ancient stone palace, the center is supported by hundreds of stone pillars, making it very empty.

Inside the cave, there is a gray stone throne, like an ancient throne, lying across the cave.

Empress Linglong was stunned!

There is a treasure box on the stone base, and I don’t know what it is!

The little guy suddenly laughed, pointed at the box and said, Daddy, we came to the cave where Grandpa Calabash was. Look, there is Calabash Boy inside!

Ling Yun: ...

Beibei, the kid, asked if it was true, but the little guy nodded seriously, as if it was the truth.

Isn't this a ruin? Empress Linglong asked.

Ling Yun shook his head, he still couldn't see through it!


He stepped forward, came to the box, and opened it gently!


As soon as she touched the box, there was a huge roar, and then nothing happened. Empress Linglong was startled, and Ling Yun shrugged!

When Ling Yun opened the box, a long sword broke out of the box!

It stabbed straight into Ling Yun's heart. The corner of the latter's mouth twitched. Is this a trap?


Daddy! The little guy looked nervous. If Empress Linglong hadn't hugged her while she was trembling, she would have run up to him.


Just one word for Beibei. Back then she couldn't kill Ling Yun even with a sword, but now this broken sword? hehe…

Your Majesty the Emperor?

Don't come over, I'm fine.

Ling Yun smiled indifferently, and the sword on his body was turned into dust by him.

Papa, are there gourds inside? I want to use green grass.

It's a treasure, six-legged fire green Ganoderma lucidum. Ling Yun gently took out the items on the box!

It was about the size of a fist, was blue-grey in color, and burst into flames. The blazing flames spurted out and burned the air.

A stream of hot air can be smelled into the stomach, and there is a terrible feeling of the body being torn apart.

After Ling Yun took out his hand, he glanced at them, then divided it into three portions, added some seasonings for them to eat!

at the beginning!

The little guy refused, and she said in a coquettish voice, This is Gourd Zai's cousin, Ganoderma lucidum Zai, and you can't eat it.

Beibei licked his mouth and ate happily, muttering: It's delicious, it's delicious, what are these, handsome squid, I want more.

No more. Ling Yun shrugged, there was only one branch in the box.

Beibei started looking at Sissi again!

No, no, mine, mine! The little guy quickly covered it up. He couldn't eat it, but he still insisted that it was Ganoderma lucidum!

It doesn't taste good, give it to me. Beibei said eagerly.

Empress Linglong hesitated for a long time before taking her mouth. Once she couldn't eat anymore, she felt like she was addicted. What is this? Delicious food on earth!

As she ate, she muttered: It's delicious!

The little guy blinked, it was so delicious. She looked at it, and then imitated Empress Linglong's way of eating, and immediately put it all in her mouth, covering it up, which felt like eating secretly.

Ling Yun smiled, why is this child so cute?

My belly feels warm. Beibei touched her red belly.

Ling Yun said: It's warm and considerate. power? And fire? Oh my god! Empress Linglong had an incredible look on her face.

Her strength reached the breaking point, and a ball of fire was born in her body!

Release the flames! Ling Yun reminded!

Empress Linglong did as she was told!

A ball of blue flame slowly emerged from the palm of her hand, shocking the little guy and Beibei!


The little guy quickly swallowed what was in his mouth. She was only small, but she understood.

Beibei touched her belly, and then imitated Empress Linglong!


A ball of blue flame emerged from her palm again.

Beibei laughed loudly, and the laughter echoed in the cave and lingered for a long time.

The little guy couldn't help it anymore, she wanted the strange fire too! Start pouting.

Not surprisingly, all three got cyan flames.

The little guy's mouth was dry from laughing. She remembered that eating Ganoderma lucidum would help her grow fire.

Handsome Shu, doesn't it have a name? Beibei played with the cyan flame in his palm, grabbing and releasing it, just like Ling Yun before.


Wow, what's it called?

Are you awesome or not?


Ah, it's called Niubi? It's such an unpleasant name. The little guy frowned slightly, with an expression of disgust on his face.

Ling Yun: ...

Beibei: “…………”

Empress Linglong was amused: Little princess, the emperor hasn't finished speaking yet.


The little guy scratched his head, his face was full of embarrassment, and he looked so cute that he would kill others.

Green is the symbol of weirdness. This kind of fire has been recorded before, and it is the evil blue soul flame!

Green Soul Evil Flame!

A kind of flame that is no less than white flame. Once it touches it, the soul will be damaged. The evil spirit it emits is also frightening. It is a powerful weapon for showing off.

Beibei said with a sweet voice: It doesn't sound good. From now on, you will be called Qingyan. You will be brothers with Baiyan and Hongyan.

The red flame was given to her by Ling Yun, and it was planted in the ball of her hand.

Ling Yun was speechless!

Ah ha, Qing Yan? Well, Xiao Qing, you and Xiao Hong will be buddies from now on. The little guy blew the green soul evil flame on his palm and said.

Xiaohong was the one given to her by Ling Yun, who tricked her into growing more vegetables if she ate more vegetables, so she changed her name.

Ling Yun really couldn't do anything to them.

Beibei curled her lips and said: Oh, little Irene is out of luck, let her not come and just play games!

Ah ha, it's delicious, daddy. Do you still have the Ganoderma lucidum?

Still want it?

Ling Yun is going to vomit blood. How many people can't even get one even if they dream of it? They are actually greedy.

I guess everyone in the past was plotted by this agency, and they committed evil!


Ling Yun put an end to this evil and ended this conspiracy.

There is a palace ahead. Let's go there and take a look. Maybe there are Ganoderma lucidum plants. Beibei started to lick her mouth again.

The little guy laughed and kept looking at the palace.

Ling Yun leads the way!

At the end of the cave.

A black ancient palace stands impressively. This ancient palace stands on a majestic peak thousands of feet high, reaching the sky. It is surrounded by endless evil aura.

High up in the palace, there are tens of millions of stone carvings of huge ferocious beasts flying across the sky.

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