Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1073 Night Tour (Third Update)

How ridiculous!

Still want to trap the Supreme Lord?

Under heavy protection, they were all collectively injured and unconscious, and Supreme Jade died tragically. I really don’t know what they were thinking.

The injured people in the Holy Land all recovered after temporary training.

Murong Taishan beat his chest angrily because he was told that the two old guys Mo Youai and Shangguan Laozu underestimated Tai Shengjun and did not contribute anything. They were just patrolling the show and they were so angry!

The sacred object was missing, and Dong Shenzun and the others had no choice but to investigate secretly. The families in the Holy Land would not stay in the Holy Land, so they moved out.

Ling Yun acted as usual in the shrine, as if nothing had happened. His task today was to accompany the little ones to draw in the morning and let them make elixirs in the afternoon.

Papa, where did Mommy go? The little guy couldn't help but ask after not seeing An Qing for a day.

Touching the little guy's head, Beibei said in a sweet voice, Sister, don't cry. Aunt An doesn't want you anymore, my mother does.

Wow, wow, you lied to me! The little guy cried immediately and rubbed his eyes hard.

She tilted her mouth, blinked her eyes, looked at Ling Yun and said: I won't let you go, daddy...

You despise her when she's here, and you look for her when she's not! Ling Yun touched his nose and looked a little helpless.

Long Yanran smiled and said: She lied to you. Why is this child crying? He is sweating again!

Say it!

She had to take out her handkerchief to wipe her sweat again. The little guy curled his lips, wrinkled his straight jade nose, rolled his eyes at Beibei, and said with some resentment: Bad sister!

Ha ha!

Hearing this, Beibei smiled coquettishly and said quickly: Aunt An is not here!

The little guy shouted eagerly: Daddy, I'm mommy.

She wants to make money to support her family. She can't be like you and just play all day long. Squatting down, Ling Yun flicked the little guy's forehead. The latter pouted, covered it with his little hands, and then rubbed it again!

I have money.

I have it too!

Hearing this, the little guy and Beibei immediately started digging into their pockets.

Looking at the scattered spiritual stones on the ground, Long Yanran was amused. She didn't understand that Sissi and Beibei shouldn't be rich!

The little guy scratched his head with a cute expression and muttered: No more, no more!

She remembered that the spiritual stones she obtained in Jiuchongtian were all given to An Qing for safekeeping. Why her mother still needed them? Her little brain was not full and she couldn't figure it out.

His face turned dark, and Beibei asked, Where is our money?

The little guy shook his head, and little Irene also shook her head. Her eyes were round and she said to Ling Yun: Handsome Shu, we haven't seen Uncle Jinya for a long time.

The big golden tooth belongs to Blue Star. This is the God Realm. Ling Yun said, Are you going to sell the garbage in your pockets?

Yeah, yeah!

You won't get much money if you sell it, but it seems like an eyesore if you don't sell it.

Yeah, yeah!

When you three little guys get money, please deposit it with me and use it to buy materials and medicinal materials. It will cost a lot of spiritual stones to train you.

Ling Yun taught them how to make alchemy, which requires repeated practice. Practice makes perfect. Some medicinal materials are very expensive. It is estimated that all the money earned from the auction next month will be used to cultivate them.

Okay, okay, if you save one dollar, you'll get two dollars! Beibei clapped her hands in a sweet voice, happily, her little lips smiling from ear to ear.

So good? Dad, I'll give it all to you, promise... After hearing this, the little guy immediately handed the broken spiritual stones on the ground to Ling Yun. How could she let go of such a good thing.

Ling Yun was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face, and he replied in a daze: If you save one, you get one, you think I am a cornucopia, how can there be such a good thing in the world.


Hear this! The little guy slumped his shoulders in frustration.

No? Beibei scratched his head, and then asked: How much do you need to save to get two?

Long Yanran couldn't help laughing. She touched Beibei's little head, and then said childishly: You can get two by depositing three!

Ling Yun: ...

Beibei thought for a while, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with her. She nodded her head gently and said in a sweet voice, Then don't lie to the children. It's not easy for us either.

Long Yanran covered her face, this child is so easy to fool, Ling Yun smiled and said nothing, their spiritual stones were all held by Long Yanran, which was used to spend materials, medicinal materials and other purposes.

at dusk!

The Lord of the North invited Ling Yun to visit Suzaku City, just in time to take a look at the rare night view. Ling Yun was helpless, and the little guys seemed particularly excited.

As night falls, Suzaku City in the lower realm is brightly lit, like a blue star. This Suzaku City is extremely lively at night, with a lot of people playing.

In the city, there is a huge river. At night, with the lights of various colors, the entire river shines with light, giving it a magnificent feeling.

There are many boats of various colors in the river, and the boats are filled with rich people from Zhuque City. They like to come to this place at night to drink and write poems.

At this time, in the river, a medium-sized boat was floating gently here.

On this boat, Ling Yun and his party, Bei Shen Zun, Bei Ying Yi Jue, and Nan Shen Zun were sitting here, drinking tea, looking at the moon, and admiring the beautiful night scenery around them. It had a unique flavor!


Ling Yun would never dare to touch it, but the little guy would glance over at it from time to time. They were playing on the bow of the boat, looking around, curious about the surroundings.

Come on, Emperor, regarding the Holy Land, we old men have apologized to you on our behalf. I hope you don't take it personally. North God Lord raised his glass and looked at Ling Yun and said, South God Lord and Zhong Shen Lord also said Start pouring wine.

Ling Yun smiled slightly, and then they touched each other, replacing wine with tea, and drank it all in one gulp. He didn't even care about the Holy Land.

Listening to the voices around him, Zhongshenzun suddenly felt sad, but he was an old man with a story.

Lao Zhong, I see that Xiaoliu from Shenfeng has been in love with you for a long time and loves you deeply. Don't let her down!

Beishenzun looked at Zhongshenzun like this, smiled and said.

The Xiaoliu they talked about was a deacon on the divine peak, and his beauty could be rated as high as 8 in the divine world.

Hey, I know how she feels about me, but I only have Tan Li in my heart, and I really can't tolerate other women.

Hearing this, Zhongshenzun sighed, his eyes showing sadness.

People should look forward. The lover is gone, so why live in the past. I believe that the woman in your heart doesn't like you to die alone. It's not easy to meet a good woman, so you should cherish it.

Ling Yun said seductively, he had also heard from the gods that they were childhood sweethearts, and Tan Li died tragically at the hands of the demons when they made a private decision.

to this end!

Zhongshen Zun still can't get out of that hurdle. Of the seven deities, only he and Xishenzun are alone.

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