Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1083 Speech (first update)

That force kept chasing Zhen Wudao, who ran with all his strength and ran regardless of his own safety!

Wherever he passed, the starry sky was shattered...

Four words, so terrifying!

He is really ignorant and smart. He uses clones to escape in different directions, so that Xingyun cannot chase him. This trick is very effective!

Beibei and the little guy were stunned. They didn't know which one to pursue?

I can only explode in anger, stop chasing, curl my lips in anger, what a shame, what a good luck, I saved a life!

Beibei was a little unwilling to give up and still frowned with the little guy. Ling Yun shook his head, took out Wangzi and shook it: No, here it is for you!


Ha ha.

The two little guys immediately forgot what they were going to do and started drinking happily.

When Long Yanran returned to the boat, she saw the two of them pouting because they remembered it again after drinking.

What's wrong?

See it!

Long Yanran rubbed the little guy's head, and Beibei slapped his forehead, and the latter rolled his eyes.

The bad guy got away!

Who are you, do you think that Territory Lord is really unprincipled? Long Yanran asked curiously, not realizing that what happened in the Star Territory just now was their fault!


The little guy frowned slightly and replied, then ran to Ling Yun and shouted that he was tired and wanted a hug!

After using such a powerful force, both of them began to adapt. Ling Yun was still happy, and she wouldn't collapse like before when she used a big move.

A domain lord war ended like this, and the result was staggering!

Everyone in Suzaku City was talking about it, and at the same time, the sanctions against Ling Yun from the Holy Land were also heard.

Nan Shen Zun was furious at that time. He kept saying that the Holy Land was going to rebel and asked Ling Yun to send out the heavenly soldiers to kill him!

The corner of Beishen Zun's mouth twitched, he must be too grumpy!

The situation is urgent, and the three deities must return to the peak. It will probably be a sleepless night at the peak tonight!

After Ling Yun found out, there was no fluctuation in his heart, as if it was expected, and it didn't matter whether he became the Lord of God or not.

Anyway, even if Pluto's identity is exposed, he can't do anything. He has paved the way back.

Return to the shrine!

Beibei and the little guy said they wanted to see Xiaoxue. Ling Yun said that their brother and sister were fine and would go find her after a while. Although the little guy was not happy, she nodded.

After Ling Yun put the little guy to sleep, he went to the Divine Peak.


There was a fierce exchange of words on the sacred peak, and the insults continued. The representatives of the gods and the representatives of the holy land were shouting at each other!

As soon as Ling Yun arrived, he heard Nan Shen Zun's very angry voice cursing.

You old dog! Nan Shen Zun has a bad temper!

Bah, you are scolding your ancestor! Shangguan Ancestor also has a sharp mouth.

The corner of Dong Shen Zun's mouth twitched, and the two of them had been scolding each other for about half an hour. It was really speechless.


Ling Yun spoke loudly!

Only then did everyone realize that Ling Yun had arrived, and they were immediately embarrassed. The representatives of the Holy Land looked at each other, shocked that the Lord was so powerful and so unnoticed.

What do you want? Murong Taishan asked, feeling a little scared. It seemed that the sword in the Holy Land gave him a lot of fear.

Haha! It's funny. What do I want to ask you? Do you think the God Realm is not chaotic enough? Ling Yun frowned. These four old guys really disgusted him.

The ancestor of the Gongsun clan said to the Shangguan ancestors: Calm down, brothers, why are we afraid of him? It's not unreasonable. The chaos in the God Realm is due to his incompetent management.

What you say makes sense, what you say makes sense! Mo You Ai, the ancestor of the Mo family.

Are you going to depose this emperor? Huh? What's the result! Ling Yun pretended to be angry and stamped his foot on the ground, which made the Shangguan ancestor turn pale in fright.

Murong Taishan swallowed his anger and replied: Don't be proud, the results will be out tomorrow!

Dong Shen Zun said: You are capable of such a thing. Is it the fault of the Supreme God to cause chaos in the divine world? No, no, no, I am getting old. If you want to remove me, then remove me.

Nan Shen Zun also said: I am also old and no longer useful. You can do whatever you want.

The corner of Beishenzun's mouth twitched and he said quickly: Don't be like this, can you speak properly!

Ling Yun half-squinted his eyes and said: You want to help Na Wutian win the title of God Realm again, which is correct, but can you allow me some time? How about I take the initiative to resign after the imperial power competition?

Everyone was shocked!

The gods could hardly believe that these words came from Ling Yun!

The four ancestors representing the Holy Land were also dumbfounded, and began to doubt the authenticity of Ling Yun's words, and whether they were delaying time and disrupting their plans.

The Emperor is joking! Zhong Shen Zun reacted and smiled!

No! I am telling the truth! Ling Yun said solemnly, his tone becoming more firm!

The God Realm cannot live without an emperor. Nan Shenzun became anxious, sweating, and didn't know how to persuade Ling Yun. He could tell that Ling Yun was not joking.

Really? Shangguan Patriarch asked with a frown.

Okay, then let's wait a little longer. I hope that the Supreme Lord will be as trustworthy as ever! Murong Taishan waved his sleeves and got mad, rolling up thousands of piles of leaves.


Nan Shen Zun despises him fiercely!

Suddenly, Ling Yun's eyes narrowed and he said: But!! If you continue to cause trouble in the God Realm during this period, don't blame me for being rude.


Ancestor Shangguan and Mo Youai snorted coldly and said nothing further.

The ancestor of the Gongsun clan said: Since the Supreme Lord is self-aware, we will not point it out. After the imperial power competition, I hope you can be more calm.

Dongshenzun looked ugly and cursed in anger: You know what you are doing, go to hell!

This is probably the first time Ling Yun has heard Dong Shen Zun speak dirty words. If Qian Qian was here, he would definitely have a disgusted expression. Every time Ling Yun thinks of the little guy's smiling face, the corners of his mouth will raise!

Why are you laughing! The ancestor of the Gongsun clan thought that Ling Yun was laughing at him, and immediately turned into a black face. He thought that the compromise was because he was afraid of them!


Ling Yun's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and with a flash of figure, he scratched the right side of the face of the ancestor of the Gongsun clan!

The latter was furious and said angrily: Your Majesty! Your Majesty!!

Ling Yun raised his fist. As expected, the ancestor of the Gongsun clan was either dead or injured with this punch!

Don't do it! Murong Taishan was startled and immediately pinned the ancestor of the Gongsun clan to the ground!

Ancestor Shangguan also rushed forward, punched him twice, and rubbed the ancestor of the Gongsun clan hard on the ground, but Mo Youai was stunned!

Dong Shenzun and several others stopped Ling Yun and said: Emperor, forget it, don't make trouble at this moment, otherwise it will be known to everyone in the God Realm and it will be bad for your reputation.

What rubbish are you? Don't you know? Come and mess with me!

Ling Yun was still very angry, and he never took back the power of his fist!

Murong Taishan's face was slightly solemn and he said: Brother Gongsun, apologize!

That's right, apologize! Shangguan Ancestor's back began to get wet. The furious state of Ling Yun in front of him reminded him of the sword in the Holy Land.

The two of them are holding down the ancestor of the Gongsun clan at this moment. If the latter doesn't understand the intention at this moment, he will be a fool.

I'm sorry, I just spoke so carelessly and made a mistake. I hope the Lord will forgive me!

Faced with Ling Yun being so powerful, the ancestor of the Gongsun clan could only compromise. No one was on his side, and he would only seek death if he persisted in not being convinced.

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