Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1089: The sequelae of committing a crime (first update)

You! Stop talking nonsense. Putuo Temple is upright and aboveboard. What you said is purely nonsense. If you want to accuse me, there is no excuse!

Hear this! Master Xuankong's nose was almost crooked in anger. He did not give the prodigal Jian Wuying a chance to speak and continued to speak angrily.

Besides, after the wine and meat pass through the intestines, the Buddha stays in his heart! Some monks can't help it, but it is definitely not as cruel and inhumane as you said, and it devours humanity!

Also, if you~~~~~~~ show off your words, raise evil views, and cut off your good roots, the Buddha will not save you, let alone become a Buddha. Demons are demons after all, and it is difficult to get rid of the demonic mind.

The prodigal son Jian Wuying sneered: Haha, telling the truth is just showing off and breaking the roots of good deeds. Master Xuankong taught me another lesson.


Hearing this, Master Xuankong snorted coldly and frowned.

But! Master Xuankong, when you talked to the Supreme Lord about what is right and what is evil, you made it very clear that murderers are evil and those who are kind and righteous are righteous, right?

Although it's a bit general, yes, I did say it! Master Xuankong nodded, there was nothing wrong with what he said.

What a Buddhist master. I kill the people who deserve to be killed, but they are labeled as demons. You Buddha in wolf skin kills the people who deserve to be killed, but you talk about Buddha's meaning, benevolence, righteousness and morality. Is justice the law you prescribed! The prodigal sword's shadowless demonic energy impacted Master Xuankong's golden body, leaving the latter speechless!

Master Xuankong is an expert in Buddhism and a senior monk in Putuo Temple. How can the Buddhist principles he talks about be Buddhist principles that you can understand? It's ridiculous. The king of bronze commentaries? Are you worthy?

Murong Taishan said angrily that he and Ancestor Shangguan were of the same spirit and hoped that Master Xuankong would destroy the majesty of Tai Shengjun, and that no one else would cause trouble!

He must be hostile towards the prodigal Jian Wuying.

You are a bad old man, you are very bad. I have been looking at you for a long time before I go down. I already dislike you. Why? Stare at me? Why don't you hit me now?

The prodigal son Jian Wuying laughed at the two of them coldly, knowing how to break up the differences. He really didn't like them. The latter would only stare at him and really didn't dare to take action.

Amitabha, you are sharp-tongued. I will not argue with you. Buddha is a Buddha, and demons are demons. Since ancient times, evil has never prevailed over good!

I have learned from you, Master Xuankong is really profound in Buddhism, hahaha!

You... are so angry that I, the demon world and the demon clan, have completely separated the demon realm left over from ancient times and formed a world of its own. This is the representative of demons. Pluto is just a pronoun. We kill demons and defend the way. What's wrong with us? People in the world, You have never said anything about justice, so you are talking nonsense.

Pluto? I've heard of him. I won't comment too much on his deeds. No one has experienced anything like him, so don't blame others. If you haven't experienced it, you won't understand him. He is both good and evil. But you beat up a boatload of people with one stick. Not all monsters harm people. From the beginning, your so-called justice is collusion, and I don’t accept it!

The prodigal son Jian Wuying was very angry as he spoke. Veins popped up on his forehead. Demonic aura surged into the sky. Murderous intent rushed out, covering the entire divine peak. Master Xuankong frowned. His golden light could not be refracted. There really was a demon in front of him. , such a murderous aura.

Interesting, there is a story. Ling Yun said with a smile, and the little guy on his legs looked at it without blinking.

Holy shit, is he crazy? Nan Shenzun twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely!

It's out of control. You must have recalled something. Beishenzun said.

Why, why, God is so unfair to me? You are all dead. I will go there to avenge you. I hate it!

Donor, calm down. Follow me in chanting sutras. He can calm you down. Don't commit murder again. Master Xuankong persuaded and started to mutter.

Why do I think Monk Shura is more reliable than Master Xuankong? Is it an illusion? Dong Shenzun murmured to himself.

Fuck you, if you don't kill all your so-called gods, how will the world have a way out? How can monsters exist? How can demons stand? There is no need for oppression in this world!

The so-called gods in ancient times, in order to monopolize the power of the universe and maintain the secret of the power of cultivation in the world, resorted to cruel methods and slaughtered human beings, using all possible means.

Scenes from the ancient past came to Jian Wuying's mind one after another. The latter actually knelt down and cried bitterly for a short time, his eyes full of unwillingness.

The Prodigal Son Jian Wuying couldn't control it. He demonized his whole body and gathered a large amount of demonic energy. With a burst of energy, the demonic energy turned into a fist and punched Master Xuankong, whose whole body was shining with golden light. The latter was absolutely defensive!

Dang Dang Dang...

The fist wind formed steel, and it surrounded Master Xuankong like wind. The sound was like the collision of steel, and the nearby wind and clouds stirred, like the end of the world!

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched. Beibei actually used her power to consolidate the divine peak. She turned back and smiled at Ling Yun and the others. That smile was saying, don't be afraid, she is here! !

In Ling Yun's view, the prodigal son Jian Wuying's soul has problems again. This must be a sequelae. At this moment, he must regard Master Xuankong as the enemy who killed him.

Listening to his intermittent words, Ling Yun also guessed that Jian Wuying was an ancient figure. With such a big hatred, he almost became a demon.

wrong! !

The Prodigal Son Jian Wuying was really invaded by inner demons.

Emperor, stop them. If we continue to fight, the divine peak will be over. Dong Shenzun shouted urgently, with both demonic and Buddhist auras on his side, he could not get closer.

Ling Yun shook his head!

Everyone started to get anxious, looking like they wanted to stop but didn't dare.

You evil beast, stop being so arrogant! Master Xuankong gritted his teeth and relied on his physical strength to resist head-on. Verses of scripture came out of his mouth and he began to attack the prodigal Jian Wuying!


There was a wave and a loud noise. The little guy covered his ears, but his eyes could not see the battle in the dust and smoke of the night!

There was a figure in front of Beibei. When everyone took a look, they found that it was the prodigal son Jian Wuying. His strength was no match for Master Xuankong, let alone his confusion of mind.

Hmph, I don't need to transform you. If you are a demon, you should be killed! Master Xuankong arrived in an instant, carrying such terrifying power that the void he passed was shattered into pieces!

The sword moves the universe!

After the prodigal son Jian Wuying spurted out a mouthful of blood, he immediately started to fight. With a terrifying sword technique, he knocked back Master Xuankong, causing the void to tremble.

Beibei's eyes widened and he muttered: It's so awesome. Uncle Hei is so awesome. Even the bald donkeys can be beaten back.

Are you going to laugh me to death? Long Yanran covered her mouth and smiled, a look of helplessness appeared on her face. Where there is Beibei, there is always no shortage of laughter.

Well, the swordsmanship is good. Ling Yun rarely comments on other people's swordsmanship. In his eyes, almost all of them are unscrupulous.

Everyone’s lips twitched!

How long has it been, and you are still standing still and not taking action, being a judge?

Hahaha, I don't accept it. I don't accept it. They are sanctimonious and a bunch of hypocrites. God is unfair. I will break through this day.! The prodigal Jian Wuying was in a crazy state and his strength was greatly reduced.

Tiandao was scolded, but because Ling Yun was here, he just swallowed his anger.


Master Xuankong said solemnly that he had figured out the routine of the Prodigal Son Sword Wuying. He had practiced this Vajra Fist to the point of becoming a god, and the other party was in this state. He would not feel pity. It was time to end it.

That's enough, little monk, your performance is over.

Ling Yun spoke at this moment to prevent Master Xuankong from swinging this punch. The latter was stunned, and his eyes squinted, but he still focused on the Vajra Fist!

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