Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1097 She is here to make fun (third update)

End of story!

It's really like Ling Yun thought he got nothing!

Your Excellency, do you have any clues? Aunt Mei asked with strong hope.

Ling Yun didn't intend to betray him, so he just said: He is in the Sea of ​​Demon Gods!

Xi Shenzun's eyes widened: Is he really not dead? What's going on? Don't hide it, Emperor.

Other emperors don't know either, this is the only one I know.

Demon Sea, I'll go right away!

The words have fallen!

Aunt Mei ran out of the palace excitedly.

Shangguan Xiujun stopped and said, Sister Mei, let's go together!

The Demon God Sea is not as simple as you think. Whether you go or not, come back to me!

Ling Yun frowned, and a strong suction force sucked them back into the palace.

The two sisters Murong Xinhuang helped them up and kept caring about them.

I don't care. It took a lot of effort to find out that he is not dead. Lord Emperor, please let me go. Aunt Mei knelt down and begged, with tears on her face. Ling Yun immediately turned his head and turned his back to everyone!

Are you going? Have you ever thought that you would die before you found him!

Demon Sea!

Even though Ling Yun had only been there once, and the only time he was forced to come out as soon as he entered, he knew very well how dangerous it was for them inside.

We can do it, my husband might be here too. Shangguan Xiujun insisted.

Ling Yun shook his head: You should go back to the Immortal Palace first. I have arrangements for this matter. The Mortal Emperor will come out. Leave this matter to Shenfeng.

Hearing this, Aunt Mei knelt down and thanked Ling Yun: Thank you very much, Your Majesty, please.

Your Majesty, please help me. Shangguan Xiujun immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

Lord Xishen: ...

Ling Yun said: Okay, everyone go back, I will make arrangements.

Thank you very much. If you need us in Liuxian Palace in the future, we will be obliged to do so.

The group of people left in a hurry, and then Lord Xi Shen said: The emperor will not lie to them, right? How can the mortal emperor be alive?

This Emperor doesn't have that much time to play tricks. You go and arrange a few capable Immortal Emperors and ask them to go to the Demon God Sea. They need to find the Mortal Emperor and crush this jade slip after they find it!

An exquisite jade slip appeared in front of Ling Yun's eyes, which contained a powerful Shattering Void Formation, a one-time use.

Only Ling Yun has such high-end goods, after all, he has searched for the sealing formation core of Cang Hai Hua Yu.

Do you really want to go? Xi Shenzun asked uncertainly. He heard that basically anyone who enters the Demon Sea can't get out.

The only ones who can't come out are those with low strength, and their bodies have not been marked by the way of heaven. They must have been killed inside, otherwise they don't have the strength to come out.

Do you want this emperor to arrange it personally? Ling Yun was displeased and frowned!

Arrange it immediately. Do you need to ask for information about Xueying? Xi Shenzun responded immediately!


That's it!

After Xi Shenzun withdrew, he and Long Yanran were the only ones left in the palace.

At this moment!

The little guy ran in clumsily and said in a sweet voice: Daddy, there is a bad old man looking for you.

Bad old man?

Long Yanran: Who is it? Why don't you hit him!

He's looking for daddy, but not me. The little guy shook his head and pouted back, with an adorable expression.

Come in!

Ling Yun's voice spread out!

After a while, King Dan and Little Irene came in. The bad old man that Qingqing Qianqian mentioned was King Dan, which really made Ling Yun and Long Yanran dumbfounded.

See you, Your Majesty the Emperor, I have something to ask for. King Dan respected Ling Yun very much and performed the teacher's ceremony. It can be seen that he regarded Ling Yun as his teacher.

Get up and speak!

The man you asked Mr. Cai to bring here has something wrong with his soul and needs a soul-fixing pill.

Has the prodigal son Jian Wuying woke up?

Ling Yun nodded. The soul was not completely integrated, leaving sequelae. Only the Soul Fixing Pill could solve it. The Pill King still had some abilities.

Woke up and kept talking to myself, like a madman.

As long as you can wake up!

I think if he doesn't get treatment, he will probably become an idiot! King Dan said truthfully.

The little guy murmured to himself, blinking: Eat for free? What does he want to eat? If you don't give are wrong.

Long Yanran didn't know whether to laugh or cry: ...

Ling Yun picked up the little guy and Irene, strolled out, and said, Let's go take a look.

Arriving at the alchemy room, the prodigal Jian Wuying covered his head: Why, why.

The alchemy boy next to him tried his best to hold him down, but he couldn't suppress the terrifying prodigal son Jian Wuying.

Ling Yun's force knocked him away, and the latter vomited blood repeatedly, which hurt him to death.

It's quite serious. You must be thinking too much. Ling Yun's mouth twitched.

The little guy asked curiously: Is the black man sick?

Little Eileen said: Yes.

Aha, then I know.

The little guy immediately got down from Ling Yun's arms, ran to the prodigal son Jian Wuying with his short legs, and held down the latter's head.


The prodigal son Jian Wuying screamed again and again, but the little guy continued!

Alchemy King, Long Yanran and the alchemy boy were shocked. What was she going to do? If you want to kill the prodigal son, Jian Wuying can't do it.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, and he immediately turned black: Qian Qian, are you going to kill him?

The little guy shook his head: No, I'm just treating a disease!

Depend on!

Everyone was stunned...


Is this sound so miserable? Who would believe it? How old are you?

Ling Yun walked over and stopped her absurdity, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Who told you? Ling Yun asked. He realized that the little guy had just compressed his strength. If he hadn't stopped him, the prodigal son Jian Wuying's whole head would have been shattered.

Mom! It's Mom.

The little guy scratched his head and thought to himself: Isn't it right?

Immediately, she said a lot!

Last time, she remembered that Ling Yun was holding Long Jiani's head, and An Qing was telling her to treat her illness. At the moment, her little mind couldn't think clearly.

The corners of Ling Yun's mouth twitched fiercely. Last time, he helped Long Jiani get rid of the sequelae. Those pains must be experienced. This woman who cheated children must make her unable to get out of bed for two days... no... three days!

Can this be fooled casually?

Really, I can’t do it without fucking, this bitch!

No, something almost happened!

An Qing didn't know that she was being taken care of by Ling Yun again, and the reason was so weird that even begging for mercy would be useless. Look at Ling Yun's anger.

Alas, it's serious again. After King Dan stepped forward to check, he sighed repeatedly.

Ling Yun said: You should refine the soul-fixing pill immediately!

Your Majesty, I am not good at it. The soul-fixing pill requires an imperial grade. I am not qualified. Have you forgotten? I am an imperial alchemist.

Still the primary level of Royal Grade?


Listen, is this human talk? The alchemy boy didn't know how to describe Ling Yun's arrogance.

Ling Yun answered the question, and King Dan expressed that he was very hurt. He also wanted to be high-profile, but his strength did not allow it.

What can he do if he can't break through and has been stuck at the lower level of the Imperial Grade? Although he can rely on the knowledge that Ling Yun taught him before, he can refine some of the elixirs above the lower level of the Imperial Grade, but not all.

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