Supreme Daddy

Chapter 1099: Will it deceive people (second update)

The prodigal son Jian Wuying smiled. Although he was in a confused and insane state before, he still had memories.

If it weren't for Tai Shengjun, he would have become a demon and be killed by Master Xuankong.


He knelt down half-kneeling and placed one hand on his heart. This was the most noble etiquette.

Thank you. I'm afraid I won't be able to repay you.

You really have nothing to repay, because no one can save you except this emperor.

What Ling Yun said was no joke. Apart from him, no one in the Twelve Realms could refine such a perfect soul-fixing pill.

Thank you very much. If there is any need for me, I will do my best to help you.

I don't need it. You can go. Pursue your justice. You don't need to care about what the world thinks.

Ling Yun waved his hand, the prodigal Jian Wuying is a talent, he also wants to conquer and use it for himself, and serve himself. Whether it is Shenfeng or Yuexia Cultivation Academy, such talents are in great need.


But he cannot restrain a genius. Today's prodigal Jian Wuying is already considered a strong man of the previous generation and has his own way to go.

I will repay you for your kindness. I owe you a favor.

what ever!

The prodigal son Jian Wuying paused, surprised that Ling Yun would be like this. He initially thought that Ling Yun would have some intentions, but it seemed that he was overthinking.

Goodbye! The prodigal son Jian Wuying turned around and walked into the door.

Ling Yun stopped talking, but the little guy was very polite: Black sorghum, goodbye.

The prodigal son Jian Wuying twitched the corner of his mouth, he is a pretty boy, very handsome, but it's dark there! It's dark there! !

Ling Yun is now testing them both!

Can Sissi know it? And little Irene, can you? It's mainly about the subsequent purification. If you don't like other people's impurity pills in the future, you can use them.

Yeah, yeah, I'm daddy's good baby.

Aha! Little Eileen shook her head. She looked confused. Who knows, at least teach her a few more times.

Oh? Ling Yun was surprised, rolled his eyes and continued: Try it, I don't believe it.

The little guy just messed around like this for a few times. Ling Yun was a little dumbfounded. She really knows how to do it. She was secretly happy in her heart and kept a calm face.

If King Dan hadn't been lost in thought at this moment, he would probably vomit blood after seeing the little guy's performance!

Not bad, not bad! Ling Yun praised.

Aha, daddy, Wangzai? The little guy immediately stretched out his little hand.

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to give her this reward. She and little Eileen each had a can. The latter smiled and narrowed his eyes and kept saying that Sister Beibei didn't have it.

Papa, take a sip too, No! the little guy said in a milky voice, and handed her own Wang Zi to Ling Yun.

You drink it.

No, no, just take a sip.

Unable to refuse the little guy's hospitality, Ling Yun took a small sip.

The little guy laughed, and then said: Papa, give me a can. You drank it all and you're dead.

Ling Yun: ...

This kid tricked him again!

Long Yanran shook her head and smiled bitterly. The only one who could trick Ling Yun willingly was Cixi.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and Ling Yun did not intend to stay in the God Realm and take them back to the God's Palace.

Beibei is still in Yuexia Xiuxian Academy, and the students in the academy are currently entering late studies.

Qin Xianglian dislikes the college system very much. The entire college is either rich or noble, and there is basically no student who is not influential.

And she actually saw many people who came to study at the door today, and they were all stopped one by one. The reason was that they could not afford the tuition. Who decided this? An Qing? Lingyun? She was so angry!

She has wronged An Qing and his wife. Only Guapi would do this if she insists on asking for money!

Besides, Emperor Guapi didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. The tuition fee was very low. If they wanted to enter the academy, they had to go through screening and assessment, not just because of the tuition fee.

Those with poor qualifications were sent back without even looking at them. This was what Qin Xianglian was most dissatisfied with.


She plans to accept six students today. Although her strength is very low, she is completely sure to teach them. Those six students are the ones she asked Empress Linglong to give her the right to prepare for special approval, that is, the kindergarten class!

She has watched the six primary school students, all of whom have poor qualifications. In other people's words, their entire life, that is, the period of distraction, cannot be any higher.

Seeing their eyes wanting to practice, Qin Xianglian was touched in her heart.

She took Beibei and the privilege token and rushed to the entrance of the college. There were still many people coming to sign up at the gate. The climax never stopped all day long, even though the night could not stop them from studying.

Let's go, you're a loser, don't waste your time. A senior tutor in the admissions office of the gate said coldly, and opposite him was a child, six or seven years old, with some scars on his body.

The child's eyes were very persistent, and he retorted aggrievedly: I'm not a waste.

Go away! Instructor Gao also became angry. How could he continue to recruit students like this when there were a bunch of people waiting.

Go away, you're such a waste, you don't have any strength in your heart? a certain noble young master said, spitting out a mouthful of saliva.

He has been here for many days, and I don't know whose poor child he is. Someone pointed, with a hint of contempt on his face.

It's so shameless. Your qualifications are so poor. Isn't it embarrassing? Is the instructor of the college dead? I didn't see it. This kind of person should be kicked out.

Another young and energetic young man said displeasedly, this is the Immortal Cultivation Academy established by the Divine Master, the Supreme Lord. How could such a noble person be tolerated to linger at the entrance of the academy?

That's right, this is not where rubbish like them should come. Go ahead and disturb me.

Everyone really didn't welcome him. The latter's eyes were red and he was holding back tears. A strong man bleeds without crying. He dug his fingers deeply into the flesh of his palms, always reminding him that tears are reserved for the weak.

Qin Xianglian ran over immediately, regardless of Beibei!

Shut up, you don't have any tutoring at all? Qin Xianglian was very angry. The education level here is really bad. People can't do well, so why should they practice!

After all, she has never seen the horrors of the Twelve Realms. The weak eat the strong, and only the strong can make laws. Fortunately, this is the God Realm. If it were other sects, those with poor qualifications would have been killed long ago.

Who are you? You look good, but your strength is so poor. Are you a senior? Or do you want to jump in the queue?

The aristocratic Mr. Zhang frowned, then licked his mouth, a little attracted to Qin Xianglian's temperament, his eyes revealed greed.

Don't meddle in other people's business. It's not you who has the final say here.

A woman on the side reminded her!

There is no need to treat him like this. I think he is much better than many of you, such as his character. Qin Xianglian said.

Everyone burst out laughing, laughing at Qin Xianglian's ignorance. Her qualifications were too poor and she was not in a low position at all. She was worse than a beggar. What she said was that she was ignorant!

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